Louth Town Council

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Louth Town Council

11-19-13 TC MINS


Chairman: The Mayor, Councillor D.E. Wing (in the chair)

Councillors Present: Mrs. E. Ballard JP, B. Burnett, F.G. Coonghe, R. Featherstone, C. Green, D.J.E. Hall, G.E. Horton JP, A. Leonard JP, Mrs. S.E. Locking, Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders, T.F. Marris, Mrs. M. Ottaway MBE, F. Robertson, L.M. Stephenson, F.W.P. Treanor, N. Ward, Mrs. P.F. Watson and J.F. Wood. Councillors not present: A.D.C. Austin and J.O. Pocklington

The Town Clerk, Mrs Linda Blankley, four members of the public and one member of the press were also present.

Speakers in the public forum were as follows:  A lady who appealed to Councillors to assist with ensuring that Louth Schools entered ‘Poetry by Heart’, a National Poetry Competition. The Lincolnshire event would be held in Louth Town Hall on 7th February 2014.  A Councillor queried why LCC had been allowed to erect bollards Cannon Street and Butcher Lane without consulting the Town Council and local businesses. She also presented the Town Clerk with a book of knitting patterns for flowers to be used on In Bloom projects which had been donated by a member of the public. She also provided some coloured bags to be used as bunting.  A Councillor informed those present of rumours that had been put to him that an ELDC Portfolio holder had confirmed that they were in negotiations with Morrisons supermarkets regarding the Cattle Market site. It was confirmed that a new petition was being circulated objecting to a supermarket at the cattle market site. It was confirmed that the scrutiny panel at ELDC was holding its first meeting this week.  A Councillor informed the Council that she had been offered new lights for the trees at the Church.

The meeting started at 19.40hrs.

442. Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from Councillors A.D.C. Austin and J.O. Pocklington.

443. Chairman’s Remarks The Chairman reminded Councillors that the grant process closes on Friday 22nd November 2013. The Chairman informed Councillors that information had just been received regarding the recommendations from the Electoral Commissions which confirmed that they had reversed their proposals to make St Mary’s and St Michaels into a 2 member ward, which would now remain as single members with adjusted boundaries. The Town Clerk also confirmed that St James’ and Priory would become a two member ward names Priory and St James, all with effect from 2015. It was then proposed by Councillor Leonard, seconded by Councillor Featherstone and RESOLVED by vote of the Council that Standing Orders be suspended in order to resolve upon an item not on the agenda. Councillor Leonard proposed that Louth Town Council write to ELDC and ask that they comment on unsettling rumours that conversations / negotiations are or have taken place between Councillor Upsall and Morrisons Supermarket representatives, this was seconded by Councillor Mrs Ottaway and RESOLVED by vote of the Council. Councillors Mrs Makinson-Sanders, Mrs Watson and Horton requested that it be recorded that they did not vote on this item. It was then proposed by Councillor Mrs Ottaway, seconded by Councillor Featherstone and RESOLVED by vote of the Council that Standing Orders be resumed.

444. Declarations of Interest. Declarations of interest were received from Councillors: a. Mrs Makinson-Sanders – Personal Interest – Agenda Items 10 and 11 as a member of ELDC 1 of 3 b. Mrs Watson – Personal Interest – any items affecting ELDC as a member of ELDC c. Stephenson – Personal Interest – Agenda item 10 as a member of Louth Area Committee d. Horton – Personal Interest – any items affecting ELDC as a member of ELDC e. Burnett – Personal Interest – Agenda Item 11 as a member of ELDC

445. Dispensations The Council considered a request for dispensation by Councillor Austin under section 22 of the Localism Act to enable him to take part in discussions and voting on matters relating to the precept. Following a proposal by Councillor Wing, seconded by Councillor Featherstone it was RESOLVED by vote of the Council to grant the dispensation.

446. Presentation The Town Clerk informed the Council that the ELDC Portfolio, Councillor Newton was unable to attend the meeting and had been offered alternative dates to attend in the future.

447. Council Minutes Following a proposal by Councillor Leonard, seconded by Councillor Mrs Ottaway, it was RESOLVED by vote of the Council that the notes of the a. Town Council Meeting – 5th November 2013 were approved as the minutes

448. Committee Minutes The following minutes were received and approved as a correct record: a. Planning and Environment Committee – 15th October 2013 proposed by Councillor Featherstone, seconded by Councillor Mrs Ottaway. b. Community Resources – 15th October 2013 proposed by Councillor Mrs Makinson-Sanders, seconded by Councillor Green.

449. Town Clerks Report on Matters Outstanding The Town Clerk had no matters outstanding.

450. Feedback: a. Towns Alive – Congleton 6,7th November 2013 Councillors Mrs Makinson-Sanders and Wing. Councillor Mrs Makinson-Sanders confirmed that she would provide a report for future circulation. Councillor Wing stated that the workshops had reinforced his views on a future in antiquity rather than technology (on line shopping etc) and would like to see a Wolds towns partnership. b. Remembrance / Armistice Day Commemoration – Councillor Robertson as President of the British Legion Louth Branch thanked all who attended and helped on Remembrance and Armistice Day. c. Children in Need – Coppers on the Wall – raised £190.90

451. Civil Parking Enforcement. Following a request for an appropriate officer to attend a future meeting of Louth Town Council, an offer has been extended for LTC representatives to attend an existing meeting organised by LCC Cllr Dodds, to also include members from LCC Highways and Public Transport, to be held on Thursday 28th November 2013 at 1pm in Lincoln. Councillors discussed the proposal and raised issues such as the appropriateness of the meeting, transparency, location and costs of the meeting. The Town Clerk informed the Council that the request from Louth Town Council had been received by the officer at Lincoln after the meeting had been arranged.

452. Economic Viability Survey Deferred from 05/11/2013. Members to considered options put forward from ELDC to review Town Centre Areas included in the survey and following a proposal by Councillor Leonard, seconded by Councillor Marris it was RESOLVED by vote of the Council that Option 1, no change, should be put forward as the response.

453. AMT Workshop Council noted that Councillor Pocklington is unable to attend the meeting at Stamford Tuesday 3rd December 2013. Following a proposal by Councillor Mrs Ottaway, seconded by Councillor Marris it was RESOLVED by vote of the Council that Councillors Mrs Makinson-Sanders and Mrs Ballard should 2 of 3 attend with Councillor Wing as a substitute if required, with travel expenses also approved.

454. Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan Councillors noted that LCC is currently preparing the above to replace the Minerals Local Plan and Waste Local Plan. A Draft Core Strategy and Development Management Policies consultation has commenced 1st November 2013 finishing Friday 13th December 2013. The consultation document is available at ELDC Tedder Hall and at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/mineralsandwaste with comments being reported online. Following a proposal by Councillor Green, seconded by Councillor Treanor it was RESOLVED by vote of the Council that the matter should be brought back to the next meeting.

455. Next Meeting The date of the next scheduled meeting 3rd December 2013

The meeting closed at 20.28hrs.

Signed______(Chairman) Dated______

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