2011-2012 Language Arts Reading Standards

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2011-2012 Language Arts Reading Standards

May 2, 2011

2011-2012 Reading Standards t p e c n o 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade 9th/10th Grades 11th/12th Grades

C KCK11R09/100112 KCK11R11/120112 KCK11R060112 Determine KCK11R080112 Determine Determine the denotative Determine the denotative the denotative and/or KCK11R070112 Determine the denotative and or and or connotative and or connotative connotative meaning of the denotative and/or connotative meaning of meaning of words or meaning of words or words or phrases in a connotative meaning of words or phrases in a phrases in a passage, phrases in a passage, passage, using context words and phrases in a passage, using definitions, using definitions, using definitions,

s clues, such as definitions, passage, using definitions, synonyms, antonyms, restatements, examples, restatements, examples, e u

l restatements, examples, restatements, examples, restatements, examples, descriptions, comparison- descriptions, comparison- C

descriptions, comparison- descriptions, comparison- descriptions, comparison- contrast, clue words, or contrast, clue words, or t

x contrast, or clue words. contrast, or clue words. contrast, or clue words. cause and effect. cause and effect. e t

n (▲R6.1.3.1, R6.1.3.6, (▲R7.1.3.1, R7.1.3.5 (▲R8.1.3.1, R8.1.3.5, (▲RHS.1.3.1, RHS1.3.5, (▲RHS.1.3.1, RHS1.3.1, 112 o CC.RL.4, CC.RI.4, ACT) CC.RL.4, CC.RI.4, ACT) CC.RL.4, CC.RI.4, ACT) CC.RL.4, CC.RI.4, ACT) CC.RL.4, CC.RI.4, ACT) C s i s

y KCK11R060114 Determine KCK11R070114 Determine KCK11R080114 Determine KCK11R11/120114

l KCK11R09/100114 a the meanings of words in a the meaning of words in a the meaning of words in a Determine the meaning of Determine the meaning of n A

passage using knowledge passage through structural passage through structural words in a passage words in a passage through l a

r of structural analysis (root analysis (root words, analysis (root words, through structural analysis structural analysis (root u

t words, prefixes, suffixes). prefixes and suffixes). prefixes and suffixes). (root words, prefixes, words, prefixes, suffixes, c

u (▲R6.1.3.2, R6.1.3.4, (▲R7.1.3.3, CC.RL.4, (▲R8.1.3.3, CC.RL.4, suffixes). (▲RHS.1.3.3, root words). (▲RHS.1.3.3, r 114 t ACT) CC.RI.4, ACT) CC.RI.4) CC.RL.4, CC.RI.4) CC.RL.4, CC.RI.4) S s n o i s u

l KCK11R060116 Make KCK11R070116 Make KCK11R080116 Make KCK11R09/100116 Make KCK11R11/120116 Make c

n inferences and draw inferences and draw inferences and draw inferences and draw inferences and draw o

C conclusions about conclusions about conclusions about conclusions about conclusions about

/ characters, people, ideas, characters, people, ideas, characters, people, ideas, characters, people, ideas, characters, people, ideas, s e

c details, or other elements, details, or other elements, details, or other elements, details, or other elements, details, or other elements,

n citing contextual evidence. citing contextual evidence. citing contextual evidence. citing contextual evidence. citing contextual evidence. e r

e (▲R6.1.4.5, CC.RL.1, (▲R7.1.4.5, CC.RL.1, (▲R8.1.4.5, CC.RL.1, (▲RHS.1.4.5, CC.RL.1, (▲RHS.1.4.5, CC.RL,1, f

116 n CC.RI.1, ACT) CC.RI.1, ACT) CC.RI.1, ACT) CC.RL.3, CC.RI.1, ACT) CC.RI.1, ACT) I

1 May 2, 2011 / e s a r h

p KCK11R060117 KCK11R070117 KCK11R080117 KCK11R09/100117 KCK11R011/120117 a r

a Summarize and Summarize and Summarize and Summarize and Summarize and paraphrase P

e paraphrase information paraphrase information paraphrase information paraphrase information information clearly z i

r clearly preserving the clearly preserving the clearly preserving the clearly preserving the preserving the author’s a author’s intent. author’s intent. author’s intent. author’s intent. intent. m

m (▲R6.1.4.9, CC.RI.1, (▲R7.1.4.9, CC.RL.2, (▲R8.1.4.9, CC.RI.1, (▲RHS.1.4.9, CC.RI.2, (▲RHS.1.4.9, CC.RL.2, 117 u CC.RI.2, ACT) CC.RI.1, CC.RI.2, ACT) CC.RI.2, ACT) ACT) CC.RI.2, ACT) S

KCK11R09/100118 KCK11R011/120118 KCK11R060118 Compare KCK11R070118 Compare KCK11R080118 Compare Compare and contrast the Compare and contrast the and contrast the author’s and contrast the author’s and contrast the author’s author’s position in author’s position in position in persuasive and position in persuasive and position in persuasive and persuasive and persuasive and informational passages, informational passages, informational passages, informational passages, informational passages, evaluating the evaluating the evaluating the evaluating the evaluating the effectiveness and effectiveness and effectiveness and effectiveness and effectiveness and credibility of propaganda credibility of propaganda credibility of propaganda credibility of propaganda credibility of propaganda

n techniques, fact/opinion techniques, fact/opinion techniques, fact/opinion techniques, fact/opinion techniques, fact/opinion o i t

i statements, biases, or statements, biases, or statements, biases, or statements, biases, or statements, biases, or s

o stereotypes the author stereotypes the author stereotypes the author stereotypes the author stereotypes the author P uses to support that uses to support that uses to support that uses to support that uses to support that s ’ r position. position. position. position. position. o h

t (▲R6.1.4.14, CC.RI.8, (▲R7.1.4.14, CC.RI.8, (▲R8.1.4.14, CC.RI.6, (▲RHS.1.4.14, CC.RI.5, (▲RHS.1.4.14, CC.RI.5, 118 u ACT) ACT) CC.RI.8, ACT) CC.RI.6, CC.RI.8, ACT) CC.RI.6, ACT) A

2 May 2, 2011

KCK11R09/100120 KCK11R11/120120 KCK11R060120 Determine KCK11R070120 Determine KCK11R080120 Determine Determine the purpose of Determine the purpose of the purpose of text the purpose of text the purpose of text text features and use these text features and use these

s features and use these features and use these features and use these features to locate features to locate e r features to locate features to locate features to locate information in and to gain information in and to gain u t

a information in and to gain information in and to gain information in and to gain meaning from grade-level meaning from grade-level e

F meaning from grade-level meaning from grade-level meaning from grade-level appropriate passages. appropriate passages.

t appropriate passages. appropriate passages. appropriate passages. (▲RHS.1.4.2, CC.RI.5, (▲RHS.1.4.2, CC.RI.7, x 120 e (▲R6.1.4.2, ACT) (▲R7.1.4.2, ACT) (▲R8.1.4.2, ACT) ACT) ACT) T ) e v

i KCK11R060121 Cite KCK11R070121 Cite KCK11R080121 Cite KCK11R09/100121 Cite KCK11R11/120121 Cite t

a textual evidence that textual evidence that textual evidence that textual evidence that textual evidence that r r

a supports the theme of supports the theme of supports the theme of supports the theme of supports the theme of N

( passages from a variety of passages from a variety of passages from a variety of passages from a variety of passages from a variety of

e cultures. cultures. cultures. cultures. cultures. m

e (▲R6.1.4.10, R6.2.1.4, (▲R7.1.4.10, R7.2.1.4, (▲R8.1.4.10, R8.2.1.4, (▲RHS.1.4.10, RHS.2.1.4, (▲RHS.1.4.10, RHS.2.1.4, 121 h CC.RL.2, CC.RL.5, ACT) CC.RL.2, CC.RL.6, ACT) CC.RL.2, ACT) CC.RL.1, CC.RL.2, ACT) CC.RL.2, CC.RL.3, ACT) T

3 May 2, 2011 a e d I

n i a M

/ KCK11R09/100122 Cite c i

p KCK11R060122 Cite KCK11R070122 Cite KCK11R080122 Cite textual evidence that KCK11R11/120122 Cite o

T textual evidence that textual evidence that textual evidence that supports the main idea of textual evidence that )

y supports the main idea of supports the main idea of supports the main idea of passages from a variety of supports the main idea of r o

t passages from a variety of passages from a variety of passages from a variety of cultures. passages from a variety of i

s cultures. cultures. cultures. (▲RHS.1.4.10, RHS.2.1.4, cultures. o

p (▲R6.1.4.10, R6.2.1.4, (▲R7.1.4.10, R7.2.1.4, (▲R8.1.4.10, R8.2.1.4, CC.RI.2, CC.RI.3, CC.RI.5, (▲RHS.1.4.10, RHS.2.1.4, x

122 E CC.RI.2, CC.RI.5, ACT) CC.RI.2, ACT) CC.RI.2, CC.RI.3, ACT) ACT) CC.RI.2, CC.RI.3, ACT) ( KCK11R070123 Describe KCK11R080123 Describe KCK11R060123 Describe the different character the different character KCK11R09/100123 KCK11R11/120123 the different character types (e.g., protagonist, types (e.g., protagonist, Describe the different Describe the different types (e.g., protagonist, antagonist, round, flat, antagonist, round, flat, character types (e.g., character types (e.g., antagonist, round, flat, dynamic, or static) and, dynamic, or static) and, protagonist, antagonist, protagonist, antagonist, dynamic, or static) and, considering cause and considering cause and round, flat, dynamic, or round, flat, dynamic, or considering cause and effect relationships, effect relationships, static) and, considering static) and, considering effect relationships, analyze how they develop analyze how they develop cause and effect cause and effect analyze how they develop throughout a passage. throughout a passage. relationships, analyze how relationships, analyze how throughout a passage. Compare and contrast Compare and contrast they develop throughout a they develop throughout a Compare and contrast character development character development passage. Compare and passage. Compare and character development within a particular text and within a particular text and contrast character contrast character within a particular text and among various pieces of among various pieces of development within a development within a r

e among various pieces of literature. literature. particular text and among particular text and among t c literature. (▲R7.2.1.1, CC.RL.2, (▲R8.2.1.1, CC.RL.2, various pieces of literature. various pieces of literature. a r

a (▲R6.2.1.1, CC.RL.3, CC.RL.3, CC.RL.6, CC.RI.3, CC.RL.3, CC.RL.6, CC.RI.3, (▲RHS2.1.1, CC.RL.3, (▲RHS2.1.1, CC.RL.3, 123 h CC.RL.5, CC.RI.3, ACT) ACT) ACT) ACT) ACT) C KCK11R060124 Determine and explain the cause and effect relationships of major and minor events KCK11R070124 Determine KCK11R080124 Determine KCK11R09/100124 Analyze KCK11R11/120124 Analyze related to the conflict, and explain the cause and and explain the cause and and evaluate the cause and evaluate the cause and climax, and resolution, and effect of major and minor effect of major and minor and effect relationships on effect relationships on explain how one event elements of plot, and elements of plot, and various plot elements, and various plot elements, and gives rise to another. explain how one event explain how one event explain how one event explain how one event (▲R6.2.1.3, CC.RL.3, gives rise to another. gives rise to another. gives rise to another. gives rise to another.

t CC.RL.5, CC.RI.3, CC.RI.5, (▲R7.2.1.3, CC.RL.2, (▲R8.2.1.2, CC.RL.2, (▲RHS.2.1.3, CC.RL.2, (▲RHS.2.1.3, CC.RL.2, o 124 l ACT) CC.RL.3, CC.RI.3, ACT) CC.RL.3, CC.RI.3, ACT) CC.RL.3, CC.RL.5) CC.RI.3) P

4 May 2, 2011

KCK11R070125 Analyze KCK11R09/100125 Analyze the effects of the setting KCK11R080125 Analyze the effects of the setting KCK11R11/120125 Analyze and compare/contrast the the effects of the setting and compare/contrast the the effects of the setting KCK11R060125 Compare setting by making and compare/contrast the setting by making and compare/contrast the and contrast the effects of connections with other setting by making connections with other setting by making the setting within and story elements within and connections with other story elements within and connections with other

g across passages. between passages. story elements within and between passages. story elements within and n i t

t (▲R6.2.1.2, CC.RL.5, (▲R7.2.1.2, CC.RL.2, between passages. (▲R7.2.1.2, CC.RL.6,m between passages. 125 e CC.RI.3) CC.RL.3, CC.RL.9, ACT) (▲R7.2.1.2, CC.RL.2, ACT) ACT) (▲R7.2.1.2, CC.RI.3, ACT) S KCK11R09/100126 Analyze KCK11R11/120126 Analyze KCK11R060126 Identify KCK11R070126 Determine the use of figurative the use of figurative and determine the and explain the meaning of KCK11R080126 Analyze language in a passage language in a passage, meanings of figurative figurative language the meaning of figurative using context clues using context clues language including: including: language, including: including: including: a. similes a. similes a. similes a. similes, a. similes, b. metaphors b. metaphors b. metaphors b. metaphors, b. metaphors, e c. analogies g c. analogies c. analogies c. analogies, c. analogies, a d. hyperbole u d. hyperbole d. hyperbole d. hyperbole, d. hyperbole, g e. onomatopoeia n e. onomatopoeia e. onomatopoeia e. onomatopoeia, e. onomatopoeia, a f. personification L

f. personification f. personification f. personification f. personification

e g. idioms

v g. idioms g. idioms g. idioms g. idioms i t imagery. a h. h.imagery. (▲R7.1.3.4, h.imagery. (▲R8.1.3.4, h.imagery. h.imagery. r

u (▲R6.1.3.5, CC.RL.4, CC.RL.4, CC.RI.4, CC.RL.4, CC.RI.4, (▲RHS.1.3.4, CC.RL.4, (▲RHS.1.3.4, CC.RL.4, g 126 i CC.RI.4) ACT) ACT) CC.RI.4, ACT) CC.RI.4, ACT) F KCK11R09/100129 Analyze and evaluate how an KCK11R11/120129 Analyze author utilizes literary and evaluate how an devices including: author utilizes literary a. foreshadowing devices including: KCK11R070129 Analyze b. flashback a. foreshadowing and explain how the author c. irony b. flashback utilizes literary devices KCK11R080129 Analyze d. symbolism c. irony including: and explain how the author e. tone d. symbolism KCK11R060129 Analyze a. Foreshadowing utilizes literary devices f. mood e. tone and explain how the author b. Flashback including: g. satire f. mood utilizes literary elements

s c. irony a.foreshadowing h.point of view g. satire e including: c

i d. tone b.flashback i. allusion h.point of view

v a. foreshadowing

e e. mood c.irony j. dialogue i. allusion D

b. flashback. f. symbolism. d.symbolism k. paradox. j. dialogue y

r (▲R6.1.4.11, (▲R7.1.4.11, e.tone (▲RHS.1.4.11, k. paradox. (▲RHS.1.4.11, a r R6.2.1.5, CC.RL.6, R7.2.1.5, CC.RL.6, f.mood. (▲R8.1.4.11, RHS.2.1.5, CC.RL.5, RHS.2.1.5, CC.RL.5, e t 129 i CC.RI.6, ACT) CC.RI.6, ACT) R8.2.1.5, CC.RL.6, ACT) CC.RL.6, CC.RI.6, ACT) CC.RL.6, CC.RI.6, ACT) L

5 May 2, 2011

2010-2011 Reading concepts no longer listed as individual standards

Combined with other Standards:  Text Types (identified in several writing standards)  Locate Reference Materials (listed as a standard in writing)  Connotation/Denotation (combined with Context Clues)  Predictions (combined with Inference)  Text Structures (identified throughout the writing standards)  Compare Contrast (combined with character, setting, Theme, Main Idea, and Author’s Position)  Cause/Effect ( combined with Theme, Main Idea, Plot, and Author’s Position)  Propaganda (combined with Author’s Position)  Fact/Opinion (combined with Author’s Position)  Compare/Contrast Customs (combined with Main Idea & Theme)  Connections of Literature with Culture (combined with Main Idea & Theme)  Establish Author’s Purpose (combined with Figurative Language, Text Features, Literary Devices, and Author’s Position)

Identified as Tier 2 or 3 Instruction:  Conventions to Read Fluently  Read Expressively  Read Fluently using Sentence Structure  Read Fluently with Word Strategies  Adjust Reading Rate  Determine Meaning of Words (homonym, homophone, synonym)

Concepts that should be covered instructionally, but not assessed:  Questioning  Follow Directions  Cultural Effects on Literature

6 May 2, 2011

 Common Structures within Literature (folktale, poetry, etc)


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