What: 2012 Summer Pow-Wow (The BIG Event of the Year)

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What: 2012 Summer Pow-Wow (The BIG Event of the Year)

1 What: 2012 Summer Pow-Wow (the BIG event of the year) Why: Camping, Adventure, Fun, Worship God Pow-wow 2012 – Lewis & Clark: The Expedition Continues

When: Thursday June 14th, 2012 – Sunday June 17th, 2012

Who: Discovery, Adventure, Expedition Rangers, Leaders, Fathers, and Pastors

Where: Camp New Hope near Holt, Missouri (map is attached)

Cost Chartered - $110/person and $100 for each additional family member before May 3rd Chartered - $135/person and $125 for each additional family member after May 3rd Unchartered - $125/person and $115 for each additional family member before May 3rd Unchartered - $150/person and $140 for each additional family member after May 3rd $25/ person non-refundable Pre-Registration fee due May 3rd Cost covers food, Pow-wow T-Shirt, and Patches $10/person for paintball for air and 200 balls, $5 each additional 200 balls Extra money is needed for snacks at camp

Food: Thursday dinner through Sunday breakfast is provided

What to Bring: See attached list

Activities: See attached information regarding activities

Action Required: Pre-Registration Fee and Form must be turned into the District Director by May 3rd, or the cost increase (See Cost above)

Questions: Commanders, if you have any questions, please contact District Director, Gary Riley at 660-541-0227, or e-mail at [email protected]

2 Map to Camp New Hope 21209 NE 188th St. Holt, MO 64048

Council Fire Speaker Our guest speaker this year is Pastor Kevin Smith. As an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God, Kevin has developed multiple ministries serving children, youth and adults. He has traveled the world and spoke in countries such as France, Belgium, and England. With a passion for seeing lives changed and boys developed into future leaders, Kevin has taken his experiences and walk with Christ to come and pour back into young men all over the country. He and his wife Taurina currently live in Springfield Missouri, where they enjoy camping and hiking the great outdoors. Northern Missouri District can’t wait to see what God has in store for Kevin’s Council Fire services.


We hope to see every outpost participate in this “AWESOME EVENT.” We have lots of exciting activities planned for the boys such as: Archery, 22 Rifle Shoot, Video Games, Paintball, The Lewis and Clark Expedition, and more! Friday and Saturday are days of FUN with events for all. To fully enjoy this opportunity, it is important that you carefully read the entire contents of this Pow-Wow packet.

ARCHERY and 22 RIFLE SHOOT Genesis Compound bows and 22 Rifles will be used for this exciting shooting competition. The event will be scored by the boy’s age, not the age group he is a part of. There will be first, second, and third places for boys ages 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, and 16-18.

SECTIONAL EVENTS Each Section will host an event open to individuals, teams, or entire outposts. This year we will have the popular flag football, Video Games (yes, you read correctly!) where individuals will compete via Wii, as well as a host of others!

VISITATION The camp is open for visitation on Saturday beginning from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm as JLTA Graduation will take place at 6:00 pm prior to the Saturday evening service. It is an opportunity for parents, children, and spouses to come up and take in a little of the Pow-Wow experience. We ask that all visitors check in and check out at the Chapel upon entering and exiting the camp. We look forward to spending the day with you.


The FCF Village is a popular part of the camp, and is always an exciting place to visit. The Village will be open Friday and Saturday afternoon to non-FCF members. This is a great opportunity for boys to see and learn more about what FCF is all about. Boys may partake in tomahawk throwing, watch frontier demonstrations, make crafts, and listen to storytelling. All FCF members will need to be in costume and participate in showing the boys around the Village, sharing with them the spirit of FCF. Every FCF member should set up a lodge in the village whether you are able to stay in the village or not. All young-bucks (FCF members under 18) are invited to stay in the village with their Outpost Coordinator’s permission.

4 BGMC – Masters Toolbox

With your help, the Northern Missouri District Royal Rangers gave $1,910.00 to Master’s Toolbox in 2011 which went directly to the Royal Rangers International (RRI) Translation of the Global Curriculum into five additional languages. Last year, Northern Missouri was the 5th highest giving per capita. This year’s giving will go towards paying for the awesome new climbing walls and zip line at camp Eagle Rock, which you will see at Camporama. This year’s goal is $2500, so please remember to bring your Masters Toolboxes to Pow-Wow to help with the cause. Please give generously.

Competition Abounds

While at Pow-Wow, Rangers will find many competitions, awards, games and activities. Below is a list of the Awards that are available to individuals and Outpost during Pow-Wow. So come ready to show your stuff and shine.

Best Archway – Outpost Award Best Standard – Outpost Award Best Campsite – Outpost Award Campsite Award – Outpost Award Most Spirited Outpost – Outpost Award The Lewis and Clark Expedition: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Best Overall Time, Outpost/Team Award Archery: Individual Awards 1st 2nd 3rd in each of the five age groups: 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, and 16-18 22 Rifle: Individual Awards 1st 2nd 3rd in each of the five age groups: 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, and 16-18

Some of the Sectional Events may have Individual Awards as well.


Arrival and Check-In When your outpost arrives at camp, you must check-in at the chapel. There are 3 entrances to Camp Hope. The chapel is located at entrance 1, which is the east entrance. At the check-in, you will receive a schedule, map, T-Shirts, and patches. Please review the Camp Map and Schedule to see if there are any changes. The Schedule will be posted behind the chapel, at the Staff Lodge, and at the Concession area across from the First Aid Tent. Staff will be working around the camp in various capacities. If you need assistance please contact one of them or check in at the Staff Lodge near the Chapel.

Outpost Coordinators Meeting There will be an orientation meeting at 6 p.m., Thursday evening in the Chapel. This orientation meeting will cover the schedule, rules, protocol, and other important information. The outpost coordinator or a representative must attend this meeting.

Kitchen Duties Kitchen duties are assigned as follows. Each Section shall provide 4 young men to help with kitchen duties and dining hall clean-up. The 4 volunteers shall arrive 30 minutes early to eat their meals, then serve during and after the meal.

Section 1: Thursday Dinner Section 4: Friday Breakfast Section 5: Friday Lunch Section 2: Friday Dinner Section 6: Saturday Breakfast Section 3: Saturday Lunch Section 2 + 3: Saturday Dinner Gold Medalists: Sunday Breakfast

DINING HALL AND MEALS Due to the small size of the dining area, there will be three (3) assigned meal times. Your Outpost will receive their designated meal time upon check-in. Please be sure to be on time for meals. Executive staff and key personnel are able to eat at any of the three times to allow schedule flexibility. You must wear your wrist band to receive your meals. All guests must check-in to receive meal wristbands.

PASTORS DAY Friday will be promoted as Pastors Day. This is an opportunity for pastors to come and enjoy the activities with their outpost. Pastors are encouraged to stick around for dinner and attend the evening council fire service. Pastors may want to spend the night in the staff/VIP lodge or stay with their outpost and watch your boys compete in the Lewis and Clark Expedition event on Saturday. The Pastor’s camp fee and meals are free. All pastor’s attending will receive a patch and T-shirt. Pastors should check in at the Chapel (Entrance 1).

6 CLOTHING Because of warm climate, the official dress of the Pow-Wow is the issued Pow-Wow T-Shirt or other Ranger Related T-Shirt, jeans or shorts. It may get cold in the evening, so make sure the boys bring a sweat shirt or jacket. All persons wanting to swim must wear swim trunks, shirt, and shoes to the pool. No Jeans or cut-off pants allowed in the pool. After registration you will receive 1 Camp T-shirt and 2 Camp Patches, for everyone in your outpost. We can only guarantee T-shirts and patches to those who pre-register.

EQUIPMENT A variety of equipment and other items will be used for the activities or events. Please do not move, re-arrange, or use these items unless you are invited to do so. These items have been placed here at great effort and expense.

BGMC Challenge Outpost Coordinators, in case you were not aware, BGMC has created a special offering box for Royal Rangers to use to collect money for the "Masters Toolbox" program. These boxes are free, and they can be ordered by calling GPH at 1-800-641-4310. These boxes (like any of the BGMC free resources) are not listed on the GPH or BGMC Web site because they are a free resource.


The following rules and regulations governing the Pow-Wow are outlined for the safety of your Outpost as well as the enjoyment of the facilities available. Royal Rangers must always keep in mind to leave the area in better condition than when they came. A Pow-Wow experience will never be forgotten by the boys or leaders; therefore it should be a good experience for all and left with the desire to return next year. The rules should be covered with your outpost so the boys and leaders understand what is expected of them.

1. CONTROL AND SUPERVISION: (EVERY OUTPOST SHOULD HAVE ONE LEADER FOR EVERY 4-6 BOYS, DEPENDING UPON THEIR AGE AND CAMPING EXPERIENCE.) Outpost Commanders are to control and supervise the boys in their outpost at all times. Boys should travel to and from events using the buddy system. There should be no one wandering around alone. Know where your boys are going and make sure they have proper supervision. There is always the possibility of an accident.

2. FIRE SAFETY: (A COMMANDER MUST SUPERVISE BOYS WHEN WORKING WITH OR AROUND FIRES.) ● Properly clear the area for a fire. Fires are permitted ONLY in fire barrels! Camp New Hope does not provide us Fire Barrels. If you plan on having a fire in your camp you will need to bring a Fire Barrel or pit with you! ● Each fire shall have a bucket of water, sand, or dirt readily available. ● Be sure there are no overhanging trees over the fire. ● Boys are not allowed to bring liquid fire starting fluid to camp. ● No candles or fuel lanterns will be allowed in tents or cabins. ● Make sure that when you leave your campsite that all fires are extinguished.

3. KNIVES AND AXES: (A COMMANDER MUST SUPERVISE BOYS WHEN WORKING WITH ANY HAND TOOLS.) ● Only boys who have completed the Royal Ranger Tool Craft course shall be allowed to use knives and/or axes. ● No sheath knives are allowed. Boys should bring pocket knives only.

4. SWIMMING: Swimming will only be permitted during the scheduled times and in designated areas only! No boys may go into the water without a commander supervising them. NO EXCEPTIONS! The “Buddy System” will be strictly enforced in the swimming area/pool.

5. REGISTRATION FORM & INSURANCE: Each boy is required to have a medical release and permission forms filled out in their entirety. Every commander, leader, or father needs to have a medical release and Pastor’s certification filled out in their entirety. The Outpost Coordinator needs to keep one copy on file at his campsite and turn one copy in to the District Director when they register.

8 POW-WOW RULES (Continued)

6. PRAYER: Commanders we ask that you start praying and fasting now that there will be many boys coming to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and being filled with the Holy Spirit during our council fire services. This is what Pow-Wow is all about! Commit to pray daily that the Lord will move in a mighty way.

7. COUNCIL FIRE: All Rangers and commanders must attend ALL morning and evening services. No one is to be left back in the campsite. It is also a time for announcements and presentations that you do not want to miss.

8. VEHICLES: Vehicles will be allowed into the campsites for loading and unloading only. They must be removed as soon as they are unloaded. Due to the location of the camping area it may be necessary to offload your outpost equipment into a trailer and have it towed to your campsite. Any outpost that has not removed their vehicles from their campsite by morning assembly on Friday will not be eligible for Awards. Let’s be considerate, patient, and compliant.

9. RESTROOMS AND SHOWERS: This camp has restrooms and shower facilities. We will be assigning some outposts to help us clean the restrooms and showers each evening. Remember we want to leave a good impression of Royal Rangers, as we would like to use this facility annually. If the restrooms need attention, please notify someone on the District Staff.

10. Each Outpost Coordinator will be responsible for the conduct of his Outpost.

11. Pow-Wow’s are geared for boys ages 8-18 so have your boys invite their friends!

12. All garbage must be kept in garbage bags. Full garbage bags need to be placed in the dumpster behind the maintenance building next to the swimming pool for disposal.

13. No one is to take a short cut through another campsite.

14. The time between lights out (taps) and reveille must be respected. That includes keeping quiet while remaining in your camping area. No one is to be about the camp after Taps. The only exception to this rule is the Ranger Patrol and Camp Staff.

15. No one is to be in the Council Fire Area or Swimming Area except when he is instructed to go there, and supervised.

16. All flashlights will remain off at the Council Fire Area until after the council fire is over. Commanders please help us with this.

17. There will be no cutting of live trees or saplings. There are no lashing materials available at this site. Bring your own lashing materials for projects and please take all materials home with you.

9 POW-WOW RULES (Continued)

18. No ditching of tents or digging pits for fire or dish water disposal.

19. All camp fires must be in a fire barrel unless approved by the District Director.

20. No Golf Carts or Gators allowed unless prior approval is made by the District Director for use. Outpost Coordinators may contact the District Director to arrange transport of handicapped persons. Emergency vehicles will be assigned and marked for use.

21. Camp New Hope has a swimming pool. All men and boys wanting to swim must wear swim trunks, shirt, and shoes to the pool. No Jeans or cut-off pants allowed in the swimming pool. Please instruct your boys on the buddy system and practice it before you come to camp. We will need each Outpost to provide Commanders, Leaders, or adult supervision with their boys when they come to the swimming area. Please check the schedule and bring the boys at the appropriate time. Do not bring them if their age group is not supposed to be there.

22. Camp New Hope is a large camp. The buddy system will in effect during Pow-Wow if any staff member finds a boy by himself, he will be taken to the staff lodge and released only to the Outpost Coordinator of his Outpost. There is a lot to see and do at the camp, and we want every boy to experience the excitement, scenes, and beauty of Camp New Hope, however, we want them to be safe as well. Be sure your boys understand the buddy system and use it.

23. Camp Sanitation: Trash cans will be provided at various locations. Let’s keep the camp clean at all times. Everyone is expected to do their part and pick up the trash, whether it is their trash or not. Outpost leaders, please take charge in ensuring this is a priority.

10 NORTHERN MISSOURI DISTRICT ROYAL RANGERS Lewis & Clark: The Expedition Continues

THE CHALLENGE This year’s district event is The Corps of Discovery! With your exploration of the West, teams will encounter native games, foods, shoots, and streams. So be prepaired to complete the course with the best time! Most of all have fun!

THE RULES A. Each outpost/team is required to have a boy for each event (you may have your boys compete in more than 1 event and the times will be averaged) B. Each outpost is required to supply adult helpers to run the events C. Each outpost/team should be comprised of a mixture of age groups D. Outposts with more than 10 boys may have multiple teams

The Course! The course will be timed from beginning to end with each station requiring the competitor to complete a simple skill or activity properly and as quickly as possible.

Each Outpost/team will need to make sure they have boys stationed at each location to compete in that challenge or event. If you don’t have enough boys from your Outpost team, they may do more than one event in order to complete the event. In between each event you will need a runner. This way you can utilize several people from your outpost team.

Event 1 – Ol’ Grizz: On your way through the prairies, you encounter a ferocious grizzly bear and must blast your way to safety with a BB gun. Pick the fastest boy you have to run a distance in a hurry as they race to event 2

11 Event 2 – Native Game - Rock Ball: Using strength and skill, one team mate must through a weighted ball up and into a basket. Send your runner on his way to event 3.

Event 3 – Buffalo Hunt: Using bow and arrow, hit the kill zone 3 times. Send your runner to event number 4.

Event 4 – Heading Upstream: Using only your raft and arms, navigate the turbulent waters (must be a good swimmer and wearing proper swimming attire). Have runner advance to event 5.

Event 5 – Native Game #2 - Indian Wrestling: While crossing through Native territory, you have encountered a tribe that wants to test your manhood. Wrestle your way to victory as you compete against this warrior and the clock!

Event 6 – Fire Starter: Like good ole John Colter, it’s a gettin’ late and you’ve gotta keep warm. Start a fire quick and make it big enough to keep you from shivering and burn a string in two.

Event 7 – Rock Stomach: Local cuisine may not be as tasty as you wish, but you’ve gotta get it down without throwing it up!

Awards First, Second and Third Place Mount the podium as awards will be given to the top three outpost teams, with the fastest time to complete the course. (Assuming that we have three finishers!)

12 Gold Medalist Pow-Wow Scholarship Application






GOLD MEDAL (What Year)______AGE:______


Scholarships will be awarded to five (5) GMAers who are students in either High School or College. If awarded the scholarship, Northern Missouri District will pay your Pow-Wow fee and you will serve as a special Pow-Wow Staff member in recognition of your outstanding achievement in earning the Gold Medal of Achievement.

Five specific scholarship jobs are available. If you are skilled in one of these areas, please let us know. Specific roles will be assigned upon arrival by the GMA Coordinator. _____ Security Officer, responsible for registration, security, visitor control, maintenance _____ Activity Coordinator, responsible to assist with the Lewis and Clark Expedition and other events _____ Chaplain Assistant, responsible to set-up for evening service, and be an alter worker _____ Equipment Manager, responsible for district equipment and other set-up tasks _____ Photographer / Videographer, assist and supervise photography & videography

If selected, you will be required to stay in the Ranger Patrol lodge or as designated by the GMAA Coordinator, Gorden Tate, and wear a formal uniform at all morning assemblies and participate in Color Guard.

I understand that serving on the Northern Missouri District Pow-Wow staff is a special honor reserved for only 5 select individuals. I understand that I am being singled out for my accomplishments and will strive to maintain the level of excellence worthy of a Gold Medalist. I understand that I will be required to perform some, if not all, of the above responsibilities and that may reduce the time I have to compete in events at the Pow-Wow. I accept this Special Staff position and look forward to serving at this year’s Northern Missouri District Pow-Wow.


THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED AND POSTMARKED May 3rd, 2012 FOR CONSIDERATION. MAIL THIS FORM TO: Mail to: Gorden Tate – District GMAA Coordinator 29804 Marlin Dr. Wright City, MO 63390 (909) 267-5314 [email protected]


THURSDAY:Outposts Arrive 2:00 p.m. Check In/Camp Set Up- No one will be allowed to set up camp until they have checked in. 5:00 p.m. Dinner Meal - (Section 1 KP) 6:00 p.m. Outpost Coordinators Meeting - all District Staff, Sectional Commanders, Outpost Coordinators or a representation from each outpost need to attend this informational meeting at the chapel. 8:00 p.m. Council Fire - Everyone attends. Please let staff know if you have any presentations. Bring your standards and display them proudly. 11:00 p.m. Lights out - quiet time - boys need their rest and commanders do too.

FRIDAY: 6:45 a.m. Reveille - everyone up! Dress for the day is Pow-Wow T-shirt, shorts or jeans 7:30 a.m. Breakfast – (Section 4 KP) 9:00 a.m. Morning Assembly – Meet at the flag poles for daily announcements and devotion 10:00 a.m. Events Start – There are events spread out all over camp, go have fun. 12:00 p.m. Lunch – (Section 5 KP) 1:30 p.m. Sectional Games, FCF Village, Archery, and 22 Riles –Make sure you take your boys through the village to enjoy tomahawk throwing, frontier demonstrations, frontier trades, crafts, and good ole storytelling. 3:00 p.m. Discovery Rangers Swim Time – Swimming will be open for Discovery Rangers ONLY. Commanders you must accompany your boys to the swim area. Please send at least two commanders if you have more than 10 boys. 4:00 p.m. Adventure/Expedition Rangers Swim Time - Swimming will be open for Adventure/Expedition Rangers ONLY. Commanders you must accompany your boys to the swim area. Please send at least two commanders if you have more than 10 boys. 5:30 p.m. Dinner – (Section 2 KP) 7:00 p.m. Council Fire Service – Everyone attends. Please let staff know if you have any presentations. Bring your standards and display them proudly. All FCF members need to wear their outfits. There will be an FCF call out to welcome all the new FCF members. 11:00 p.m. Lights out - quiet time - boys need their rest and commanders do too.

14 2012 POW-WOW SCHEDULE (Cont.)

SATURDAY: 6:45 a.m. Reveille - Everyone up! Dress for the day is Royal Ranger T-shirt, shorts or jeans 7:30 a.m. Breakfast – (Section 6 KP) 9:00 a.m. Morning Assembly – Meet at the flag poles for the daily announcements and devotion. 10:00 a.m. Amazing Race – all events will be closed so everyone can enjoy the competition. Everyone needs to gather for all the fun and excitement. 12:00 p.m. Lunch – (Section 3 KP) 1:00 p.m. Events Open: Sectional events, BB Gun, Archery open and ready for fun! 3:00 p.m. Discovery Rangers Swim Time – Swimming will be open for Discovery Rangers ONLY. Commanders you must accompany your boys to the swim area. Please send at least two commanders if you have more than 10 boys. 4:00 p.m. Adventure/Expedition Rangers Swim Time – Swimming will be open for Adventure/Expedition Rangers ONLY. Commanders you must accompany your boys to the swim area. Please send at least two commanders if you have more than 10 boys. 5:30 p.m. Dinner – (Section 2 + 3 KP) 7:00 p.m. Council Fire Service – Everyone attends. Come witness the JLTA Graduation Ceremony. Please let staff know if you have any presentations. Bring your standards and display them proudly. 11:00 p.m. Lights out - quiet time - boys need their rest and commanders do too.

SUNDAY: 7:30 a.m. Reveille – We let you sleep in because we know how tired you are after all of the exciting events at Pow-Wow. Clean Pow-Wow T-Shirt, or specialty uniform. 8:30 a.m. Breakfast – (Gold Medalists KP) 9:30 a.m. Morning Assembly – (Dining Hall) Rangers will receive the day’s announcements. 10:00 a.m. Sunday School / Devotion– We will divide into two groups for a short time of learning about God. 11:00 a.m. Awards Ceremony – This is the time to hand out prizes to those who have competed well in the events. There will also be an auction of special Pow-Wow items. 12:00 p.m. Break Camp – Time to pack up and head home. Leave a clean campsite. (Note:You must have your campsite inspected by a Sectional Commander or District Staff to check out and leave camp.)

We will try to stay as close to schedule as possible, however any changes made will be posted on the bulletin boards at the chapel and snack pavilion. We will announce changes at morning assemblies and evening services for a reminder.


Boy’s Name______Age______Outpost #______




Cmdr. In Charge______

T-shirt information: T-shirts are sized in adult sizes only – Circle appropriate size.

S M L XL XXL XXXL XXXXL **************************************************************************************************** Because of the size and advanced cost of setting up such a large event, a $25.00 pre non-refundable registration fee MUST accompany this registration form. This pre-registration fee will be applied toward the overall camp fee of $110.00 per person/$100.00 for each additional family member ($125 per person/$115 for each additional family member -Unchartered). This fee covers the cost of 7 meals, Thursday dinner – Sunday breakfast, 2 Pow-Wow patches, and 1 Pow-Wow T-shirt.

The District must receive this registration form before May 3, 2012 in order for your pre- registration to be valid. All applications received after the May 3rd deadline will be charged a higher fee of $135.00 per person/$125 for each chartered family member ($150 per person/$140 for each additional family member -Unchartered) to attend the Northern Missouri District Pow-Wow. The additional costs are necessary to partially cover the expenses that will be incurred to facilitate your attendance at Pow-Wow.

Refund Policy: If the camp fee is paid in full, the applicant must submit a written request for a refund to the District Director postmarked no later than June 1st, 2012. The $25 pre-registration fee is non- refundable.

Leader’s Note: Commanders, Pastors, fathers, and any other adult supervisor of boys, must have a Youth Worker application Form on file at your church and a Northern Missouri District Council background Check, no exceptions. If you do not have your pastor’s signature on the form, adults will not be able to attend. Please make sure that the permission form and parent consent form are completely filled out. Without a completed form, a boy will not be able to attend Pow-Wow. This is for the boy’s protection.

Mail to: Gary Riley – District Director 612 N Fifth Tarkio, MO 64491 660-541-0227 grhistorian 2003@ yahoo .com Pre-registration deadline is May 3rd, 2012


I hereby authorize ______to accompany the Royal Rangers to the District Pow- Wow. I understand the arrangements and feel that adequate precautions for the safety of my child have been, and will continue to be, taken. I will not hold the local church or its leaders; or the District Staff; or the Northern Missouri District council of the Assemblies of God; responsible for any accidents. I understand the District will provide insurance and that there will be an emergency First Aid station on location, staffed by qualified personnel. Unless otherwise stated by opting out, I give my permission to use photographs and/or video of my child on the Northern Missouri Royal Rangers web site. Opt out ( ) Initials______

SIGNATURE: ______DATE______(Parent or Guardian)


Home Number______Work Number______



The signature of a parent or legal guardian is required in order to attend the 2012 District Pow-Wow, at Camp New Hope in Holt, MO, June 14th – 17th, 2012. A parent or guardian must sign this form, indicating permission to authorize the provisions of emergency treatment for MINOR Royal Ranger who may become ill or injured at a District event. Please complete the following:



CHILD’S MEDICAL HISTORY: Doctor’s Name______Phone______

Good Health? Yes___ No___ If No, Please explain______

Allergies? ______Physical Impairments (Heart Epilepsy, etc.)______

Specify any medications that must be administered______

Date of last Tetanus shot______Any special instructions? ______


I am personally acquainted with the adult applicant, and in my opinion he is a competent and qualified youth worker. I know of no facts or allegations that raise any question concerning his suitability for working with minors in any Royal Ranger activity. The church has on file the applicant’s youth workers screening form. SIGNATURE______DATE______(Pastor’s Signature)

17 2012 Outpost Registration Form June 14th – June 17th 2012

Church Name: ______Church Email: ______Address: ______City: ______St.______Zip: ______Outpost #______Cmdr. in Charge ______Cmdr. phone ( ) ______Cmdr. Email: ______Address______City ______St. _____ Zip ______

TOTAL BOYS ATTENDING: Each person will receive: Discovery______2 - Pow-Wow Patches Adventure______1 - Pow-Wow T-shirts Expedition______Leaders______Pastors attending _____ (Pastors - No Charge)

Pre Register ______@ Camp fee $25.00 per person for a total of $ ______Please fill out as accurately as possible.

Number of Tee Shirts (Include your pastor’s shirt size if he is attending):

Small _____ Med ______Large ______XL ______XXL ______XXXL______

Please send this form in to Gary Riley by May 3rd, 2012, along with the individual pre- registration forms from your outpost.

Mail to: Gary Riley – District Director 612 N Fifth Tarkio, MO 64491 660-541-0227 grhistorian 2003@ yahoo .com

18 POW-WOW CAMPSITE AWARD Outpost Judging Sheet Church: ______Outpost # ______Judge(s): ______

No Item Points Schedule Judges Comments Points . 1. Outpost Theme Standard: Max. Points 20 This may be either a patrol Originality standard or Outpost standard. 10 pts______Only one standard gets points Workmanship 10 pts______

2. Outpost Theme Arch Way: Max Points 50

Entry Way for Outpost 20 pts______

Appearance and workmanship 5-15 pts______

Originality 5-15 pts______

3. Outpost Tents: Max Points 40 The tents used for the Outpost to sleep in. This could be pup tents, Properly erected dome tents, 3-man, 4-man cabin 20 pts______tents, teepees, baker tents, etc. In a straight line, This is considered the Outpost evenly spaced tents used for sleeping. 10 pts______

Note: use percentage in points. Inside Neat & If 50% of tents are clean give Clean 50% points. 10 pts______

4. Flags: Max Points 30

Proper display of American Flag 10 pts ______

Proper display of Christian Flag 10 pts______

Proper display of Royal Ranger 10 pts______Flag

5. Outdoor Tools: Max Points 70 Hand-ax, shovels, bow saws, hammers and any other outdoor tools. Axes sharp & sheathed 10 pts______

Good handle on ax & shovel 10 pts______

Shovel in safe location 10 pts______

19 No Item Points Schedule Judges Comments Points .

Saw blade covered 10 pts______

Safe Display rack for ax, bow saw, 10 pts______& tools

Separate ax chopping area or 20 pts______roped off.

6. Patrol duty roster, camp Max Points 25 schedule posted: 10-25 pts______

7. Cooking Gear: Max Points 40 A “Camp Kitchen” must be set up to receive points Kitchen area neat and clean 20 pts______

Cooking utensils and gear clean 20 pts______Pots, pan, utensils, washing pan etc.

8. Camp Fire: Max Points 60

Fire safe distance from tents 1-20 pts______

Properly cleared 1-20 pts______

Water or sand in container for fire 1-20 pts______safety 8. Fire Wood: Max Points 60

Stacked properly 1-20 pts______

Covered properly 1-20 pts______

Marked with signs 1-20 pts______

9. First Aid Kit: Max Points 40 In Open sight for emergency use 10 pts______

Marked with a sign 10 pts______

Good for outpost use 10 pts______

Overall ease of use 10 pts______

10. A complete Chippewa Kitchen: Max Points 50

Construct a Chippewa Kitchen 10-30 pts______

Correct lashing and knots 1-20 pts______

20 No Item Points Schedule Judges Comments Points . 11. Other lashed items being Max Points 150 used: 5-15 pts each Additional lashing projects in the ______campsite and lashed correctly and list the ______lashed projects on your bulletin board. This will help the judge(s) ______to see which projects to look for. Projects must be additional to the max.(10) projects ones listed in items # 10 & 12. 12. Wash area with lashed tripod Max Points 25 holding a basin and soap: 10-25 pts______

13. Campsite roped off: Max Points 25

Roped off 10-25 pts______

14. Garbage Receptacle: Max Points 25

Garbage stored properly 10-25 pts______

15. Identification: Max Points 40

Outpost Identification 1-10 pts______

Church Identification 1-10 pts______

Section Identification 1-10 pts______

District Identification 1-10 pts______

16. Pastor Attending Pow-Wow: Max Points 50

If one or more, of the pastors 30 pts______from the church attends or visits the outpost at the Pow-Wow.

If the pastor stays over 50% of 20 pts______Pow-Wow

MAX Points 800 Total Points (600 pts. needed for Campsite Award)


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