Glade Elementary School PTA

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Glade Elementary School PTA

Glade Elementary School PTA

General Meeting Minutes Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Leslie Bertolette Harold Groves Michelle Major Karen Bliven Jennifer Gunn Gina McGettigan Sam Bruce Shannon Hall Kim Roelke Virginia Covington Jacy Hillman Patricia Rowley Judy Deegan Jennifer Kline Kimberly Snyder Amy Dudrow Sunora Knill Wilbar Jean Workman Michelle Flores Elizabeth Kojic Tina Garst Deb Leleck Jenni Gilroy Rita Macera

Call to Order Meeting called to order at 6:31pm.

Review and Approval of Minutes Notes from Wednesday, October 2, 2013 meeting reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Michelle Major and Kim Roelke seconds the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Report of the Treasurer - Jenni Gilroy 1. Executive committee approved purchase of a new computer for school check in 2. Teachers beginning to turn in reimbursement requests for classroom enhancement program

Comments from Administration

1. Sunora Knill-Wilbar (Principal)

A. Trunk or Treat was great fun

B. 300 lbs of food collected in food drive

C. American Education Week - Guest readers needed - contact Ms. Covington

D. Main office rearranged for future security renovations

E. AC/Heat construction through April in the building F. Lost and found is overflowing - please have children check it for missing belongings -

at Christmas all items still in the lost and found will be donated

G. Changes in report card - attitude and effort rubric will be included in report card envelope.

H. Conferences - there are not enough time slots for teachers to meet with all parents

I. New school vision and mission statement developed - all stakeholders represented - copies passed around at meeting

J. All FCPS schools will have a wireless network - preparing for a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) environment

K. Only people listed on emergency card are given permission to take children out of school.

2. Virginia Covington

A. Still organizing classroom readers for American Education Week

B. Kids should dress in red, white, and blue for Veteran's day

C. Jaguar Jive - want to go green - please let Ms. Covington know if you or someone you

know would like a paper copy

New Business

1. Committee Updates

A. Membership Update - Kim Roelke 1. 398 memberships 2. Goal = 400 memberships (2 individual or one family still needed!)

C. Race for Education - Judy Deegan reported for Megan Laboy 1. List of donors sent home next week - please send a thank you on behalf of the school 2. Sunora will kiss a frog on the broadcast 3. Over $26,000 raised for Glade 4. Classroom movies and popcorn on 25th and 26th - grade level teachers determine which date or dates work best based on schedule

D. Family Involvement - Jacy Hillman 1. Ice cream social - 24 tubs of 2 1/2 gallon ice cream = great success - thank you

to teachers and parents for volunteering for the event 2. Trunk or Treat another huge success - go back to Halloween light show for next year

3. Ice Skating Night scheduled for 1/19 from 3-6pm - will not be paired with Roy

Rogers night

G. Challenge 24 - Judy Deegan

1. 90 students 2. started today

H. Coat Drive - Covington for Burriss

1. Also collecting wrapping paper, tape, hats, and mittens

I. Hospitality - Sam Bruce

1. Donations for American Education week - Lucky Pot Luck sent to volunteers to serve parents - email Sam if you still want to help 2. Parents meet in cafeteria before heading down to classroom with students

J. BoxTops/Labels for Education - Jenn Gunn

1. BoxTops for Education

a. Over 15,000 Boxtops collected in 1st contest - winners: Ramge, Sacash, Shah b. Over 20,000 total with summer backlog c. $2,500 coming to the school from Boxtops program d. New Boxtop contest - lunch for class from Chic Fil A e. Future Boxtop contests - ice cream party, journal & pencil f. Within 10 miles of Glade our school is #1, 25 miles, #2 g. Lifetime - Glade has received $29,000 from Boxtops

2. Labels for Education

a. 2,941 in October b. 8,230 total c. Goal 18,000 - 9,770 points left to read goal d. Turkeys coming home in November K. Book Fair - Kimberly Snyder

1. $13,584.12 - #1 in Frederick and surrounding counties 2. Increase $1,000 from last year 3. Amazing volunteers helped out 4. Spring Book Fair theme - Fiesta - 2/7-2/14, setup 2/6, 2/12 reading night

L. Directory - Leslie Bertolette

1. 10/27 - directory emailed 2. If you did not receive a directory, please request one at [email protected] 3. Directory also available on Glade PTA Facebook page 4. Thank you to proofreaders, Heather Duvall - cover design, Jenni Gilroy - creating merged PDF, Judy Deegan - emailing 5. 74% of students listed in the directory 6. Preprinted forms worked well - less data entry and less handwriting decoding

M. Staff Appreciation - Judy Deegan

1. Lucky Pot Luck for November 25th - parent conference date - pasta pot luck 2. Staff who do not have a break in conferences will be able to get delivery

N. Reflections - Judy Deegan for Cassy McDonald

1. 22 total submissions 2. Certificates of participation given at character assembly 3. Subway party for class that participated and special lunch for individual students

O. Spirit Wear - Shannon Hall

1. Orders ready to be shipped soon - hopefully before Thanksgiving

2. Comments/Concerns from Members - none

3. Patricia Rowley - Food Allergies Support Group - for parents with students with food allergies interested in forming a support group - contact information will be available in the Glade Gazette


 November 8 - 5:15pm - Market Day Pick Up

 November 13 - 6-8PM - Math Night

 November 18-22 - American Education Week  November 25 & 26 - Parent Teacher Conferences

 November 25 & 26 - Popcorn and Movie Parties in classrooms

 November 25 - 6pm - Staff Appreciation Dinner

 December 4 - 6:30pm - Glade PTA meeting

 December 6 - 5:15pm - Market Day Pick Up

Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm.

Submitted by: Karen Bliven, Glade PTA Secretary

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