University of Melbourne Student Union s3

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University of Melbourne Student Union s3

University of Melbourne Student Union

Meeting of the Clubs & Societies Committee


2 pm, Tuesday 9th October 2007

Meeting 18/07

Location: Union House

1. Procedural Matters 1.1 Petition for Special Meeting 1.2 Election of Chair 1.3 Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners 1.4 Attendance 1.5 Apologies 1.6 Adoption of Agenda 2. Confirmation of Previous Minutes (13/9/07) 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes (13/9/07)  Spring on the Lawn  Cross Culture Dialogue Society  Room Bookings (University)  Regulation Changes  Plant!  Secular Club (additional aim submitted)  Tables  WBW ‘08 combine Clubs Carnival with Activities Band & BBQ 4. Comments from the Administrator 5. Council report 6. UMSU branding of club events (club ideas) 7. AGM extensions: JWAS, Lebanese Students Association 8. Standard Grants 9. Grants for Discussion 10. Star Trek (extension on Category Cap) 11. Motion on Notice (Civil Engineering Students Society) Petition: To place CESS on probation until they show that they fulfil Regs before end of semester. Motion: Goldie Pergl Seconded: Tim Liersch 12. Clubs not fulfilling the 2 UMSU/Exec requirement (Vet, Film) 13. C-Groups Membership/clubs/constitution 14. Complaint from Labor Club 15. Disaffiliation of Medical Students Society 16. Affiliation: Final approval (Biomedical Engineering Students Society) 17. Other Business 18. Next Meeting (12 noon Thursday October 18) 19. Close Meeting declared open at 2.45pm by Goldie Pergl 1. Procedural Matters 1.1 Petition for Special Meeting Motion: To call a special meeting for C&S committee, petitioned by Tim Liersch, Dave-o Mulholland, Michelle Kovacevic and Dean Rizzetti Moved: Michelle Kovacevic Seconded: Tim Liersch CWD 1.2 Election of Chair Motion: That Goldie Pergl be elected chair Moved: Tim Liersch Seconded: Kelly Hughes CWD 1.3 Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners So acknowledged. 1.4 Attendance Kelly Hughes, Goldie Pergl, Tim Liersch, Michelle Kovacevic, Dean Rizzetti, Dave-o Mulholland, Fiona Sanders, Tristan Clack 1.5 Apologies None. 1.6 Adoption of Agenda Motion: That the agenda be adopted Moved: Goldie Pergl Seconded: Tim Liersch CWD

2. Confirmation of Previous Minutes (13/9/07) Motion: That the previous minutes (13/9/07) be confirmed Moved: Tim Liersch Seconded: Michelle Kovacevic CWD

3. Matters Arising from the Minutes (13/9/07)  Spring on the Lawn Not really worth it for clubs. If Autumn on the Lawn happens in 2008, that may be an option as it’s at the start of the year when clubs are interested in selling new memberships. Encourage clubs to have “visual participation” eg. Hacky sacks, Kubb, juggling etc, also BBQs and food stuffs such as crepes, Japanese food, other cultural foods if we encourage Spring on the Lawn participation in 2008.  Cross Culture Dialogue Society We eliminated their vague aim and accepted constitution.  Room Bookings (University) We wrote to Glyn Davis, still waiting for a reply. Hurry up!  Regulation Changes Students’ Council did not get quorum so our regs have not been approved (yet!).  Plant! Woot! Fiona has purchased a Maidenhair and we spritz it with water and it’s happy and so are we   Secular Club (additional aim submitted) They have no relationship with Secular Party, they only had SP pamphlets just so they could have something to distribute as they didn’t have any of their own material. We can discipline them if there are problems later on. Motion: To approve the six aims of the Secular Society Moved: Goldie Pergl Seconded: Dean Rizzetti CWD

 Tables Students’ Council did not get quorum so nothing new has happened with this (yet!).  WBW ‘08 combine Clubs Carnival with Activities Band & BBQ We think combining the two events sounds good as people (i.e. first years) get a double dose of what the Union does, and we think this is definitely a good publicity boost! Clubs tables from 12 noon – 3pm. Clubs to help with packing up their own tables. 4. Comments from the Administrator  Action list - After C&S committee meetings Fiona will prepare an Action List separating out jobs for herself and for the OBs. This will provide definition of what are Fiona’s jobs and what are Goldie and Kelly’s jobs.  Communicating to clubs – It has become apparent that some people on committee are telling clubs about decisions that have been made at C&S meetings. Basically, this is Fiona’s job or the OBs job. We need to maintain some kind of professionalism here! Also, if clubs ask you for advice, it’s probably not a bad idea to handball them over to Fiona/Kelly/Goldie, as basically, WE KNOW MORE THAN YOU! It’s also our job to help clubs and this is what we get paid for, so sending them over to us is the logical choice. 5. Council report The new C&S committee for 2008 was successfully elected: Kelly Hughes (Engineering Students’ Club), Josh Cusack (ALP Club), Dave-o Mulholland (Students’ Who Play Cards), Sophie O’Halloran (Melbourne Arts Students’ Society), Tristan Clack (Infinite Images), Piper O’Dowd (Cosmic Hitchhikers Appreciation Society), Tim Liersch (Fantasy And Science Fiction Appreciation Society). The controversial restriction on the length of memberships offered by clubs was passed. 6. UMSU branding of club events (club ideas) Ideas received: Posters, mascot, screen saver, t-shirts, lollies, stickers. 2008 Rollout: - UMSU logo on banners – banners without the logo will not be funded at all - Question on Grants forms: “How will you be displaying the UMSU logo?” - Posters for general distribution to clubs (Fiona) - “Ideas for promoting UMSU” sheet (OBs directed to create) - Badges (OBs directed to make badges for general distribution) 7. AGM extensions: JWAS, Lebanese Students Association Motion: To grant the Joss Whedon Appreciation Society an extension until the end of semester to hold an AGM Moved: Dave-o Mulholland Seconded: Tim Liersch CWD

Motion: To grant the Lebanese Students Society an extension until the end of semester to hold an AGM Moved: Dave-o Mulholland Seconded: Dean Rizzetti CWD 8. Standard Grants Motion: To approve all Standard Grants en bloc. Moved: Dave-o Mulholland Seconded: Kelly Hughes CWD

9. Grants for Discussion APPLe Motion: To approve all asset purchases (fridge, microwave, sandwich press, etc) en bloc Moved: Dean Rizzetti Seconded: Kelly Hughes CWD Environmental Engineering Students’ Society Venue hire – off campus, no Certificate of Currency Motion: To approve the grant to 100% of eligibility Moved: Dave-o Mulholland Seconded: Dean Rizzetti 1 Abstention CARRIED Earth Science Students’ Society Motion: To approve asset (gas bottle) purchase Moved: Michelle Kovacevic Seconded: Dean Rizzetti CWD Venue hire – off campus, no Certificate of Currency Motion: To approve the grant to 100% of eligibility Moved: Dave-o Mulholland Seconded: Dean Rizzetti CWD The lack of Certificates of Currency is a recurring problem – OBs will draft a letter to all clubs to advise them what exactly a Certificate of Currency is, and stress the importance of handing one in on time. The individual clubs will be sternly advised (Fiona) Geomatics Society Motion: to approve asset (Honour boards, life membership plaque) purchases Moved: Dean Rizzetti Seconded: Michelle Kovacevic CWD Japanese Club Motion: To approve asset (Laminating machine) purchase Moved: Kelly Hughes Seconded: Dean Rizzetti CWD African Drumming Club 5 x Equipment Hire, 5 x Educational Function Off campus, exemption applied for and Certificate of Currency provided. Motion: To approve the 10 grant applications Moved: Goldie Pergl Seconded: Michelle Kovacevic CWD Tristan Clack arrived at 3.30pm Buddhist Studies Society No grounds booking. Call Ange Cartelli to check whether Grounds booking has been approved or not. There are 4 other clubs without Grounds bookings, so motion en bloc as this could just be a miscommunication problem. (Clubs affected: Buddhist Studies Society, Footbag (Hacky Sack) Club, Gelati Appreciation Society, More Beer! and PIRATES.) Motion: If clubs have an approved grounds booking, fund grant to 100%. If they do not, fund event 50%. Moved: Michelle Kovacevic Seconded: Dean Rizzetti 1 Abstention CARRIED Motion: To approve Buddhist Studies Society’s Equipment Hire grant Moved: Dean Rizzetti Seconded: Dave-o Mulholland CWD Catholic Overseas Students Down Under Venue hire: off campus, no exemption or Certificate of Currency Motion: To approve the grant application (100% of eligibility) and Fiona will send club a sternly worded letter Moved: Dean Rizzetti Seconded: Michelle Kovacevic 1 Against CARRIED Cantonese Christian Fellowship Venue hire: off campus, exemption applied for. Motion: To approve the grant application (100% of eligibility) and Fiona to send club a sternly worded letter Moved: Michelle Kovacevic Seconded: Dean Rizzetti CWD Cosmic Hitchhikers Appreciation Society Applying for exemption to the equipment to have the UMSU logo printed on towels to be printed and sold (Disposables). It will cost $7 more per towel to have UMSU logo embroided on, crap! Motion: To grant CHAS an exemption, as to get the UMSU logo embroided on would be too expensive. Moved: Dean Rizzetti Seconded: Tim Liersch 2 Abstentions CARRIED Chinese Culture Society Motion: to reject grant application for poster printing, as no design was submitted. Moved: Dave-o Mulholland Seconded: Tim Liersch 1 Abstention CARRIED Christian Union Venue hire: off campus, no Certificate of Currency Printing: No UMSU logo Motion: to approve the Venue Hire grant application (100% of eligibility) and printing (50% of eligibility) Moved: Dave-o Mulholland Seconded: Dean Rizzetti CWD Footbag (Hacky Sack) Club Social function: As above (see motion as for Buddhist Studies Society) Motion: to fund both asset (esky, portable stove) purchases Moved: Goldie Pergl Seconded: Tim Liersch CWD Friends of Unnatural Llamas No SFH certificate, covering 3 social functions, only purchasing dip short time before event, have exec member who claims to have SFH. Motion: to approve FOULs grant applications Moved: Dean Rizzetti Seconded: Dave-o Mulholland CWD Gelati Appreciation Society Motion: to fund disposables grant 100% of eligibility Moved: Dean Rizzetti Seconded: Tim Liersch CWD Social function: no SFH or RSA certificates submitted. No grounds, motion as for Buddhist Studies Society above. Motion: to fund club 100% if certificates are submitted and to fund club 50% if certificates aren’t submitted. Direct OBs to request certificates. Moved: Dean Rizzetti Seconded: Tim Liersch CWD International Engineering Students Society Printing: t-shirts, no design submitted. Motion: Grant application is approved if Fiona sights and approves design. If there is no UMSU logo, fund to 50% of eligibility. Moved: Tim Liersch Seconded: Kelly Hughes CWD Magicians Society Motion: to approve the publication purchase grant, and have club list the publications as assets, Moved: Dean Rizzetti Seconded: Tim Liersch CWD More Beer! Social function: no grounds booking. Fund as per Buddhist Studies Society above. PIRATES Social function: no grounds booking. Fund as per Buddhist Studies Society above. Motion: to approve the equipment hire and disposables (serving gear) grant applications. Moved: Tim Liersch Seconded: Goldie Pergl CWD Socialist Alternative Motion: to approve the asset purchases (banner, speakers) grants Moved: Kelly Hughes Seconded: Tim Liersch 1 Abstention CARRIED Society of Creative Anachronism Social event: off campus, exemption applied for but no Certificate of Currency Fund as per motion for Buddhist Studies Society above. 10. Star Trek (extension on Category Cap) Motion: to extend category cap to allow for RWL donation purchase. Moved: Dean Rizzetti Seconded: Kelly Hughes 2 Abstentions CARRIED

11. Motion on Notice (Civil Engineering Students Society) Petition: To place CESS on probation until they show that they fulfil Regs before end of semester. Motion: Goldie Pergl Seconded: Tim Liersch CWD Fiona to communicate with CESS that they are on probation and the discipline will be more serious if the requirement is not met. 12. Clubs not fulfilling the 2 UMSU/Exec requirement (Vet, Film) Petition: To place the Vest Students and Film Society on probation until they show that they fulfil Regs before end of semester. Moved: Dean Rizzetti Seconded: Dave-o Mulholland

13. C-Groups Membership/clubs/constitution Motion: to approve Chinese Culture Society’s constitution changes to separate Chinese Debating, and to accept a new club application from CDG in 2008. Moved: Dean Rizzetti Seconded: Kelly Hughes CWD

Motion: that the Chinese Culture Society, Chinese Music Group and Chinese Publishers’ Group must sign up members separately – they cannot sign up “combined” members as this goes against the point of everything. OBs directed to write to the C-groups. Moved: Kelly Hughes Seconded: Goldie Pergl CWD

14. Complaint from Labor Club Write reminder in next C&S bulletin. OBs to write. No taking down posters No posters anywhere other than on bollards 15. Disaffiliation of Medical Students Society Motion: to wind up the Medical Students Society’s affiliation with UMSU, effective immediately. Moved: Tim Liersch Seconded: Kelly Hughes CWD

16. Affiliation: Final approval (Biomedical Engineering Students Society) Motion: to approve the Biomedical Engineering Students Society’s final affiliation Moved: Dave-o Mulholland Seconded: Dean Rizzetti CWD

17. Other Business Various club events are taking place. Motion: to raise Band A clubs funding by $500 Moved: Dave-o Motion on Notice for next meeting) 18. Next Meeting (12 noon Thursday October 18) Change to Tuesday 23rd, 2pm. Josh to send notice. 19. Close Meeting closed at 4.15pm

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