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PRESENT: Cllrs A Thompson (Chair), J. Laband, D. Bambridge, P. Hinton, J. Rudland, and Cllrs Mrs C. Tosh and M. J. Branch . Also in attendance L. Paice, Clerk, and 5 members of the public. 1 APOLOGIES were received and accepted from Cllr P. Dunne (work commitment), P Hart (away). Cllr Mrs Cann was absent without apology.
2 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS were noted. 3 i) No DISPENSATION REQUESTS had been received. ii) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - None. iii) Members were reminded of the requirement to update REGISTER OF INTEREST DETAILS within 28 days of any change. 4 It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 10th July 2017, having been previously circulated, be signed as a true record in line with Standing Order 5a(iii).
5 PUBLIC TIME –Members of the public raised issues in relation to the bell at the old Junior School and an addition to the names on the War Memorial, both of which were on the Agenda later in the meeting. Cllr Bambridge as DISTRICT COUNCILLOR updated members on the new CEO at SNC, a satisfaction survey which was showing a good response and highlighted financial issues regarding the withdrawal of a budget credit from NCC relating to food waste recycling and SNC’s need to try to replace this money. 6 FINANCE – 6.1 a) Payment of the following account since the last meeting from the NHP budget was noted: Chq No Amount Incl VAT of Payee Details
300712 £124.80 20.80 Parish Online Mapping GPOC service
6.1 b) The was RESOLVED that the following accounts be paid:
Chq No Amount Inc VAT Payee Details Power of 300699 £1720.40) Linda Paice Salary LGA 1972 s112 £ 76.38) Shared LGA 1972 s111 £1796.78 expenses 300700 £151.44 HMRC Tax and NHI LGA 1972 s112 300713 £552.00 91.20 N J Blackwell Mowing Open Spaces Act 300714 £253.15 42.19 A H Contracts Dog bin Open Spaces Act maintenance 300715 £75.61 3.60 SSE Electricity Highways Act 300716 £233.00 Parish Mag News & Views LGA 1972 s142 Printers 300717 CHQ CANCELLED 300718 £20.00 John Damsell Parish Plan GPOC printing 300719 £20.00 SNAST Subscription LG & Rating Act 1997 s31 300720 £540.00 90.00 2Commune Website GPOC hosting 300722 £415.00 Robert Wilson Old Oak Open Spaces Act maintenance 300723 £5756.88 959.48 Wicksteed Safety LGA 1972 s14 Playgrounds surfacing
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6.1 c) It was further RESOLVED that the following account be paid from the NHP budget: Chq No Amount Incl Payee Details Power VAT of 300721 £20.00 St Michaels Church Room fee GPOC
6.2RECEIPTS - £635.57- NCC mowing grant: £841.90 – NFU Insurance re damaged light in Church Street. 6.3 The Council’s bank balance at 24th August 2017 was £124862.79 of which £86040.00 was earmarked funds and £11346.26 was Old Oak commuted sum balance. This left available funds of £27476.53 for the current year. 6.4 Confirmation of bank mandate changes was awaited. 6.5 The latest New Homes Bonus figures held by SNC for the village showed £177703. Cllr Mrs Tosh raised a question on this figure following a presentation at a recent Funding Fair and this would be followed up by the Clerk with SNC Officers. Various possibilities for use of these funds were mooted but no decisions made. 6.6 The Council’s insurance renewal being previously advised to members, it was RESOLVED that Came and Company’s recommendation of using Inspire be taken up on a one year basis. 6.7 Thanks from the Northants Arts Trail for a grant from the Council were noted. 6.8 The External Auditors having completed the Annual Audit for 2016/17 and raised no issues, it was RESOLVED that the Annual Return be adopted by the Council. 7 REPORTS – i) PLANNING COMMITTEE – a) Cllr Mrs Tosh reported to the meeting on the decisions of the Planning Committee. b) The following application, being outside the remit of the Planning Committee, was considered and comments would be submitted accordingly: Application no Details Comment S/2017/1444/EIA Information/ Amendments No objections but the Council Weblink: http://snc.planning- received on Outline would wish to flag up its register.co.uk/plandisp.aspx?recno=97078 application for mixed use concerns on flood drainage development comprising and increase in sewerage education including on site capacity. student accommodation (Use class D1 and C2), one hotel (C1), brand centre facilities supporting motorsport activities (sui generis), sports and leisure/adrenaline facility and family entertainment centre (D1), other motorsport related activity (sui generis). Parking and access arrangement, infrastructure including highways and utilities improvements. Associated landscaping and other ancillary works. (Application accompanied by an Environmental Statement)- –
c) SNC had now formally adopted the Parish Plan as a Supplementary Planning Document. After discussion it was RESOLVED that Cllr Rudland order some printed copies of the document to be made available to the village. d) Cllr Mrs Tosh updated the meeting on the current position with the Neighbourhood Plan advising that an exhibition was being planned for October 2017. A grant of £8960 from My Locality had been gained and the paperwork was being completed. Cllr Bambridge asked questions relating to the published Minutes and queried the need for a topographical survey. He also reported that SNC was appointing a specific Neighbourhood Plan Officer. e)The Appeal Decision on 1 The Elms had been circulated. f) Decision notices had been received in relation to Catchyard Farm farmhouse which were noted. This carried 19 20 a CIL liability of £21318.08. g) The Appeal Decision on the land off Church Street had previously been circulated. h) Cllr Mrs Tosh and Cllr Laband would be attending the Local Plan Part2 briefing session on 19th September. ii) a) There was no FOOTPATHS OFFICER report this month. b) The Clerk had passed on to members contact from a parishioner regarding overgrowth on footpaths which were being used to the new school. The meeting was advised of a letter from the NCC Rights of Way Officer who had visited the site that day clarifying that the footpaths in question were found to be unobstructed and usable for their purpose as a Public Footpath. This would be fed back to the parishioner in question. c) The Chair as Path Warden agreed to submit an short informative piece on footpaths for News and Views. iii) HIGHWAYS – a) The degradation of the tarmac along the A413 footpath from the mini roundabouts to the top of Little London would be reported as it was considered that this presented a danger to young children travelling to the new school. b) The Clerk was asked to follow up the reported issues of hedge overgrowth by The Willows. c) Feedback from Anglian Water in regard to reported odour issues on Whittlebury Road was noted. d) Notification from NCC of removal/replacement of three of the grit bins in the village was noted. e) There was no further update on repairs to Brackley Road and Whittlebury Road down to Stocks Hill beyond reiterating that major resurfacing schemes were required and the projects were to be prioritised on next year’s programme. f) Consideration of the footpath to the SRA had already been considered under 6.5 above. g) Concerns were expressed that the village signs with a crossed flag logo designed by a villager had now been replaced with plain versions. There was also concern that the new village gateways by the new school were of a very poor quality and that there was an urgent need for a specific school highways sign when approaching the village from Towcester. Cllr Mrs Tosh would make contact with the Project Manager for the school regarding signage originally depicted in the plans and the Clerk would follow up on school highways sign. It was reported that works had been completed on one side of the slope from the ramp on Towcester Road and a vehicle activated 30mph sign had been installed that day. The Clerk reported on a conversation earlier in the day with Helen Howard regarding the future planned traffic calming and she would be asked to come to the soonest possible future PC meeting to report back. iv) LIGHTS – a/b) No faulty lights reported and there was were no other issues. c) Settlement had been received from the insurance claim for the damaged light in Church Street. v) SRA –In the absence of Cllr Hart there was no report on the SRA AGM. vi) PLAY AREAS - a) Church Street - The roundabout works were now completed. A problem with one of the twisters which was loose in the ground would be discussed with the village Handyman. The field gate into the play area had dropped and was not now closing. This would be taken up with the SRA. Cllr Rudland reported back on the planned memorial seat and it was RESOLVED that when pricing for an engraved seat had been determined an order would be placed. The Clerk reported that the New Homes Bonus grant of £754 had been successful b) Old Oak – All generally in order. It was RESOLVED that the fencing be replaced by Greyhound Leisure in line with their earlier quote and they would also be asked for a price to thin out the shrub growth around the site to open it up to better visibility vii) POCKET PARKS – All was in order at both Parks and the Olney hay rake had been a great success. There were still volunteer issues at Brickle and the noticeboard was yet to be installed. Peter Coles was thanked for his help with provision of the board. The strimmer was all in order and held by Eb Brown. viii) CIRCUIT – The next meeting was on Thursday 14th September. ix) OTHER REPORTS a)In the absence of Cllr Hart there was no allotments report. b) The village Handyman list was to be updated and new items were added. c) The Clerk would speak to Mrs Rudland for an update on the Garden Group’s plans for the Stocks Hill area. d) Sand bags and scoop details still to be provided by the Chair. e)It was RESOLVED that the Website Policy circulated prior to the meeting be adopted with minor changes. Cllr Rudland agreed to take on the role as Website Administrator with Cllr Laband. f) It was agreed that one of the school noticeboard be fixed to the wall of the SRA and that a site across from the Little London bus shelter be explored for a second board. The remaining board to be stored in the container at
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the SRA. g) The Clerk reported that repairs to the village sign were in hand with Les Finn. h) Following a request from the Clerk, it was RESOLVED that the February 2018 meeting be held on the first Monday of the month as opposed to the second. 8 One application for CO-OPTION TO THE COUNCIL remaining valid, it was RESOLVED that Mrs Karen Fanning be appointed to fill the vacant seat. 9 CORRESPONDENCE – a) Tabled and general correspondence was noted. b) Notice of the NCALC AGM on 7th October had been received and the Chair agreed to attend. c) Mr Webb had raised the issue in Public Time of his late brother’s name being added to the War Memorial. After consideration of the information presented by Mr. Webb it was RESOLVED that this be agreed and progressed by the Clerk with a view to completion if possible by the November 12th Remembrance Service. Mr Webb would also formally be asked to consider laying of the wreath on behalf of the village at that Service. d) Contact from Mr Lovell regarding the destiny of the bell from the infants school had previously been circulated. Cllr Mrs Tosh reported that the School Governors were due to meet on 20th September and, whilst the Headteacher had already raised the removal of the bell earlier in the year, the final decision lay with NCC and Governors depending on issues of practicality, cost and appropriateness. It was confirmed that the rain gauge had already been removed and was currently being stored. 10 CONSULTATION DOCUMENTS - None 12 ITEMS FOR THE NEXT MEETING AGENDA - None 13 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 9th October 2017 at 8pm in the Methodist Church Room unless otherwise advised.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 10.15pm