Title of Thesis Efficient and Robust Wavelet Based Image/Video Coding Techniques

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Title of Thesis Efficient and Robust Wavelet Based Image/Video Coding Techniques

Ekram Khan

Title of thesis Efficient and Robust Wavelet Based Image/Video Coding Techniques Position: Student Degree awarded Ph.D. Duration of study October 1999 – December 2002

Financial support Association of Commonwealth Universities, London, UK Supervisor Prof. Mohammed Ghanbari Current affiliation Senior Lecturer Department of Electronics Engineering Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh 202002 India Tel:/Fax: 0091-571-2721148 Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract With the rapid convergence of the computer, communication and entertainment industries, the trend for growing heterogeneity in the future digital image and video coding applications is likely to continue. The goals set for this research are efficient compression, high scalability and error resilience for image/video transmission over unreliable heterogeneous networks. The wavelet based set partitioning in hierarchical tree (SPIHT) algorithm is used as a base for this work. The behaviour of the SPIHT algorithm is analysed, highlighting its drawbacks for low bit rate applications. An efficient variant of the SPIHT algorithm, Virtual SPIHT (VSPIHT) is developed which combines many of the clustered zerotrees into fewer and longer zerotrees to improve coding efficiency. The SPIHT and VSPIHT algorithms are extended for colour image and video coding. A hybrid video coding system similar to H.263 is designed in which the DCT is replaced by the wavelet transform and the processes of quantisation and encoding are performed by Colour SPIHT (CSPIHT) or Colour VSPIHT (CVSPIHT). Drift- compensated continuous quality (or precision) scalability and multi-layered spatial scalability are incorporated. The VSPIHT-based video coder shows significantly improved performance over the SPIHT video coder without arithmetic coding, but they have almost similar performance when arithmetic coding is used. Two tree- selective approaches are developed to let the encoder decide in advance whether a tree is to be coded or not. These are based on the average tree energy or initial threshold of the tree. The error vulnerability of SPIHT and VSPIHT image coders is studied, based on which a bit-partitioning strategy suitable for unequal error protected channel coding for transmission over unreliable channels is suggested. A robust SPIHT algorithm is also suggested, in which bit-streams are re-organised in such a way that the channel errors can be detected in the decoder by exploiting inherent redundancies in the decoded image. Rate-distortion optimised packetisation is suggested to localise the effect of errors without sacrificing coding efficiency. Finally, an iterative error detection and correction scheme for H.263 coded video transmission over wireless networks is suggested.

Publications Journal papers

[1] E. L. Andrade, J. C. Woods Ekram Khan and M. Ghanbari, “Region based analysis and retrieval for tracking of semantic objects and provision of augmented information in interactive sport scenes”, in press for publication in IEEE Transaction on Multimedia.

[2] Ekram Khan, S. Lehmann, H. Gunji and Mohammed Ghanbari, “Iterative error detection and correction of H.263 coded video over wireless networks”, IEEE Transaction on Circuit and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 14, No. 12, pp. 1294-1307, December 2004.

[3] Ekram Khan and Mohammed Ghanbari “An efficient and scalable low bit-rate video coding with virtual SPIHT”, Signal Processing: Image Communication (Elsevier Science), Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 267-283, March 2004.

[4] E. L. Andrade, Ekram Khan, J. C. Woods and M. Ghanbari, “Description based object tracking in region space using prior information”, IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 39, No. 7, pp. 600-602, April 2003.

[5] Ekram Khan and Mohammed Ghanbari “Very low bit rate video coding using virtual SPIHT”, IEE Electronics Letter, vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 40-42, Jan. 2001.

[6] Ekram Khan and Mohammed Ghanbari, “Efficient SPIHT based embedded colour image coding techniques”, IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 37, No. 15, pp. 951-952, July 2001.

Conference papers

[1] Ekram Khan, A. A. Moinuddin and M. Ghanbari, “ Low bit rate embedded video coding with 3D Virtual SPIHT”, Proceeding of National Conference on Communication (NCC-2004), held at IISC Bangalore (India), January 2004.

[2] E. L. Andrade, Ekram Khan, John C. Woods and Mohammed Ghanbari, “Player identification in interactive sport scenes using region space analysis, prior information and number recognition”, Proceeding of IEEE International conference on Image Processing (ICIP-2003), held on 14-17 September 2003 at Barcelona (Spain).

[3] J.C. Woods, E.L. Andrade, E. Khan and M. Ghanbari, “Segmentation and Tracking for Interactive Sport Scenes Using Region Space Analysis and A Priori Information”, 4th European Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS 2003), Queen Mary University of London, UK, April 9-11, 2003.

[4] E L Andrade, E Khan, J C Woods and M Ghanbari, “Segmentation and tracking using region adjacency graphs, picture trees and prior information”, IEE Visual Information Engineering (VIE 2003), University of Surrey, Guildford, UK 7-9 July 2003.

[5] E L Andrade, E Khan, J C Woods and M Ghanbari, “Player identification in interactive sport scenes using region space analysis prior information and number recognition”, IEE Visual Information Engineering (VIE 2003), University of Surrey, Guildford, UK 7-9 July 2003.

[6] Ernesto L. Andrade, Ekram Khan, John C. Woods, Mohammed Ghanbari, “Segmentation and tracking for interactive sport scenes using region adjacency graphs, picture trees and prior information”, in Proceeding of Picture Coding Symposium (PCS-2003) held in Saint-Malo, France on 23 - 25 April 2003.

[7] E L Andrade, E Khan, J C Woods and M Ghanbari, “Region Space Tracking and Analysis”, Proc. of world Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI-2003), July 2003, Orlando, Florida (USA).]

[8] Ekram Khan and Mohammed Ghanbari, “Scalable video coding with virtual SPIHT”, in Proceeding of Picture Coding Symposium (PCS-2003) held in Saint- Malo, France on 23 - 25 April 2003.

[9] Ekram Khan and Mohammed Ghanbari,, “Error detection and correction in SPIHT coded images”, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, IBM Student workshop (ICME/ISW-2002), August 2002, Lausanne, Switzerland (Selected as one of the best four proposals of disruptive idea by IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, NY, USA).

[10] Ekram Khan and Mohammed Ghanbari, “Embedded color image coding with Virtual SPIHT”, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP-2002), Volume IV, pp. 3529-3532, May 2002, Orlando, Florida (USA).

[11] Ekram Khan and Mohammed Ghanbari, “Video coding with Virtual Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees”, Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Circuit and Systems (ISCAS-2002), Volume I, pp. 449-452, May 2002, Scottsdale, Arizona (USA).

[12] Ekram Khan and Mohammed Ghanbari, “Error Resilient Virtual SPIHT For Image Transmission Over Noisy Channels”, Proc. of European Association for Signal, Speech, and Image Processing (EUSIPCO-2002), Volume II, pp. 369-372, September 2002, Toulouse (France).

[13] Ekram Khan and Mohammed Ghanbari, “Error detection and correction of transmission errors in SPIHT coded images”, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2002 (ICIP-2002), Vol. II, pp. 689-692, September 2002, Rochester (USA).

[14] Ekram Khan and Mohammed Ghanbari, “Wavelet based efficient color image coding technique”, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2002 (ICIP-2002), Vol. III, pp. 241-244, September 2002, Rochester (USA).

[15] Ekram Khan, Hiroshi Gunji, S. Lehmann and Mohammed Ghanbari, “Error Detection and Correction in H.263 coded video over wireless network”, Proc. of Packet Video Workshop (PV-2002), Pittsburgh (USA), April 2002.

[16] Ekram Khan and Mohammed Ghanbari, “Wavelet based embedded Image/Video compression with Virtual SPIHT”, Proc. of world Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI-2001), July 2001, Orlando, Florida (USA) (Selected as the best paper in Image/Video Compression and Application-I session).

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