Unep/Nowpap/Dinrac/Fpm 3/12
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United Nations Distr. Environment GENERAL Programme UNEP/NOWPAP/DINRAC/ FPM 3/12
Northwest Pacific Action Plan Data and Information Network Regional Activity Centre
The 3rd NOWPAP DINRAC Focal Points Meeting Busan, the Republic of Korea, 26 - 28 October 2004
Note: This TOR document is drafted by NOWPAP DINRAC as an outline to implement the Activity J: Studies on GIS-type Products Within and Outside of NOWPAP. The meeting is required to discuss and approve the document. UNEP/NOWPAP/DINRAC/FPM 3/12 Page2
1. Background
The Expert Workshop On Establishment of a Comprehensive Database and Information Management System (NOWPAP/1) (Beijing, China, 6-8 July 1998) approved the Proposal for NOWPAP/1 Phase II, in Which the Activity 7 Collection of the Inventory Information from Within and Outside of NOWPAP was identified with the purpose to collect the information on GIS-type products within and outside of NOWPAP programmes.
The Fourth Intergovernmental Governmental Meeting (Beijing, China, 6-7 April 1999) adopted the Workplan and Budget for Implementation of NOWPAP in the Biennium 1999-2000, in which the Activity M Collection of the Inventory Information from the Community Within and Outside of NOWPAP was identified in the Establishment of a Comprehensive Database and Information Management System (NOWPAP/1) Phase II.
The Second NOWPAP DINRAC Focal Points Meeting (Sanya, China, 29 October -1 November 2003) approved the Workplan and Budget for the DINRAC Activities for the 2004/2005 Biennium, in which the Activity J Studies on GIS-type Products Within and Outside of NOWPAP was identified. The Workplan was adopted by the Eighth Intergovernmental Meeting (Sanya, China, 5-7 November 2003).
The Activity A Harmonization and Completion of National Reports on Data and Information Networks in the Workplan and timetable for the 2002/2003 agreed at the First NOWPAP DINRAC Focal Points Meeting (Shanghai, China, 25-28 November 2002) was implemented by DINRAC and Focal Points. As the outcome of this activity, the National Reports on Coastal and Marine Environmental Data and Information Networks in the Northwest Pacific Region were compiled and printed after harmonization and completion.
In the item of 5.3 GIS and Remote Sensing application related to NOWPAP of the National Reports, introductions for GIS and Remote Sensing (RS) applications in each NOWPAP Members were given. Generally, related plans, programme and projects were started in1990’s in four countries, Japan, People’s Republic of China, Republic of Korea and Russian Federation. Related systems and products have been yielded during about 10 years, such as digital marine map databases, the Marine Fishery GIS in China, the Marine Geographic Information Systems in Korea, etc.
2. Objectives
The purpose of the activity Studies on GIS-type Products Within and Outside of NOWPAP is to conduct studies on the GIS-type products on coastal and marine environmental protection UNEP/NOWPAP/DINRAC/FPM 3/12 Page3 in the NOWPAP Region in the NOWPAP Members. The studies will give a review and understanding on the development and current situation of GIS and RS applications, as well as the existing related products on coastal and marine environmental protection in the NOWPAP Region so as to promote information exchange and distribution.
The Definition for the GIS-type Products in this activity is: the products of GIS and RS applications on coastal and marine environmental protection in the NOWPAP Region in the NOWPAP Members within and outside of NOWPAP Programmes.
In the NOWPAP Region means, the spatial coverage of the products is located in the sea area of the NOWPAP Region (from about 121OE to143 OE longitude, and from approximately 52 ON to 33 ON latitude), or covers the part of the sea area of the NOWPAP Region.
The NOWPAP Members refers to Japan, People's Republic of China, Republic of Korea and Russian Federation.
Within and outside of NOWPAP Programmes means, the data produced not only from NOWPAP activities but also from non-NOWPAP activities will be collected.
The GIS-type Products in this activity could be normally categorized as:
Data products: spatial datasets, spatial databases, meta-databases etc.
Derivative products: development and application of GIS and RS software for specific purpose, WebGIS services, reports, atlases, multimedia products and other kinds of products.
To integrate and present the study results, a meta-database and a database will be developed for the data products and the derivative products respectively. Based on the data collected, the National Reports will be compiled as a general overview for GIS and RS applications and a summary of related products in the NOWPAP Members.
3. Expected Outcomes
A series of outcomes will be produced from this activity. Outcomes will be published on DINRAC Website and printed as NOWPAP DINRAC Publications (No. X). 1) A Meta-database on GIS-type Data Products (No. X-1) in the NOWPAP Region will be established and could be accessed at the DINRAC Website. 2) A Database on GIS-type Derivative Products (No. X-2) in the NOWPAP Region will be established and could be accessed at the DINRAC Website. 3) The National Reports on the Current Status of Existing GIS-type Products in the NOWPAP Region (No. X-3) will be compiled and printed after harmonization and completion. 4) A CD-ROM edition for the meta-database on GIS-type data products and the database on GIS-type derivative products will be developed and printed. UNEP/NOWPAP/DINRAC/FPM 3/12 Page4
4. Actions Required
4.1 Meta-database on GIS-type Data Products in the NOWPAP Region a. A Questionnaire for collection of the data products will be developed in printed and electronic formats (see Annex I the draft Questionnaire with the reference of Directory Interchange Format (DIF) for IOC Marine Environmental Data Inventory). b. Focal Points in each NOWPAP Member will be in charge of collection of the data in its country based on sending the Questionnaires to concerned institutions/organizations. c. Focal Points in each NOWPAP Member will submit returned questionnaires in electronic forms after check and harmonization of the data. d. Based on the Questionnaire for GIS-type Data Products, a meta-database will be established. e. Data from the returned questionnaires will be converted into the meta-database. f. Related programmes will be developed to make the data accessible at the DINRAC Website including search and browser services.
4.2 Database on GIS-type Derivative Products in the NOWPAP Region a. A Questionnaire for collection of the derivative products will be developed in printed and electronic formats (see Annex II the draft Questionnaire with the reference of related international standards, i.e. ISBDs). b. Focal Points in each NOWPAP Member will be in charge of collection of the data in its country based on sending the Questionnaires to concerned institutions/organizations. c. Focal Points in each NOWPAP Member will submit returned questionnaires in electronic forms after check and harmonization of the data. d. Based on the Questionnaire for GIS-type Derivate Products, a database will be established. e. Data from the returned questionnaires will be converted into the database. f. Related programmes will be developed to make the data accessible at the DINRAC Website including search and browser services.
4.3 National Reports on the Current Status of Existing GIS-type Products in the NOWPAP Region a. A format for the National Report will be developed (see Annex III a draft format). b. Based on the analysis and summary of the data collected by the questionnaires as well as related research, each NOWPAP Member will compile its National Report. c. After harmonization and completion, the National Reports will be printed.
4.4 CD-ROM on GIS-type Products a. Design of the CD-ROM. b. Related data process and HTML pages development. c. Print. UNEP/NOWPAP/DINRAC/FPM 3/12 Page5
5. Timetable and Budget
Finished No. Actions Implemented by Time 1 Development of the Formats of Questionnaires and the Dec. 2004 National Report (4.1.a, 4.2.a, 4.3.a) 2 Data collection, check and harmonization to the data Mar.2005 Focal Points (4.1.b,c, 4.2.b,c) 3 Establishment of the meta-database and the database Jun. 2005 (4.1.d,e, 4.2.d,e) 4 Compilation of the National Reports (4.3.b) Aug. 2005 Focal Points 5 Development of related Web programs (4.1.f, 4.2.f) Aug. 2005 DINRAC 6 Harmonization, completion and print of the National Oct. 2005 Reports (4.3.c) 7 Development of the CD-ROM (4.4) Oct. 2005
1) Total USD 10,000 was allocated to implement the Activity in the Workplan and timetable for the 2004/2005, in which a. USD 2,000 for Focal Points in each NOWPAP Member for data collection, check and harmonization to the data, and compilation of its National Report. b. USD 2,000 for the development the formats of the Questionnaires and National Report; establishment of the meta-database and the database; conversion of the data from returned Questionnaires into the Meta-database and the Database; harmonization, completion and print of the National Reports; development of the CD- ROM. 2) The expenditure for development of related Web programs will be included into the budget of the DINRAC Website in 2004/2005. UNEP/NOWPAP/DINRAC/FPM 3/12 Page6
Annex 1 Questionnaire for GIS-type Data Products in the NOWPAP Region For datasets, databases and meta-databases (Draft) Meta-database ٱ Database ٱ Dataset ٱ :Type 1. Summary Title ______Summary ______Parameters (select from the parameter list) Keywords ______Holding Organisation Name ______URL ______Contacts Person Surname______Firstname ______Address ______Email ______Telephone [ ]( )______Fax [ ]( )______2. Distribution ______Others ٱ Tape ٱ CD-ROM ٱ Web ٱ Electronic files ٱ Distribution Media ;TBٱ GBٱ MB ٱ KB ٱ _____ Distribution Size Compressed ٱ (ARCINFO interchange (.e00 ٱ ARCINFO GRID ٱ ARCINFO COVERAGE ٱ MicroStation DGN ٱ(MAPINFO (.MIF/.TAB ٱ (ARCVIEW shapefile (.shp ٱ ______Others ٱ (ERDAS IMAGINE(.IMG ٱ ENVI ٱ TIFF/GeoTIFF ٱ ASCII ٱ Related URL ______Sample Image (submit JPG/BMP/TIFF file by email) Name ______Distribution ______Limited ٱ In-house ٱ Public ٱ Access Constraints May not be used for commercial applications ٱ Use Constraints Charge ٱ Free ٱ Subscribe 3. Spatial and Temporal Coverage Bounding Rectangle N ______E______W______S______Depth / Altitude Minimum Depth ______Maximum Depth______Minimum Altitude ______Maximum Altitude ______Location sea area ______location image (submit JPG/BMP/TIFF file by email) Temporal Coverage (YYYY-MM-DD) ______to ______, ______to ______to ______, ______to ______, ______to ______, ______to ______Date of filling the form ______(YYYY-MM-DD) UNEP/NOWPAP/DINRAC/FPM 3/12 Page7
Annex 2 Questionnaire for GIS-type Derivative Products in the NOWPAP Region For development and application of GIS & Remote Sensing software for specific purpose, WebGIS services, reports, atlases, multimedia products and other kinds of products (Draft) Report ٱ WebGIS service ٱ Application system ٱ :Type ______Others ٱ Multimedia product ٱ Atlas ٱ 1. Summary Title ______Creators and Roles______Subject ______Parameters (select from the parameter list) Keywords ______Description ______2. Distribution Limited ٱ In-house ٱ Public ٱ Access Constraints may not be used for commercial applications ٱ Use Constraints ______Others ٱ Electronic Files ٱ hardcopy ٱ Web ٱ CD-ROM ٱ Distribution Media compressed; or ______pages ٱ ;TBٱ GBٱ MB ٱ KB ٱ______Distribution Size Publisher ______Place ______Issued Date ______(YYYY_MM_DD) Edition______Language ______Identifier (i.e. URL, ISBN etc)______Contacts Person Surname______Firstname ______Address ______Email ______Telephone [ ]( )______Fax [ ]( )______3. Comments ______
Date of filling the date ______(YYYY_MM_DD) UNEP/NOWPAP/DINRAC/FPM 3/12 Page8
Annex 3 Outline of the National Report on the Current Status of Existing GIS-type Products in the NOWPAP Region (Draft)
1. Country 2. Issued date 3. NOWPAP DINRAC Focal Points Name, title, institution, address, telephone, fax, e-mail and URL Introduction to institutions in which the NOWPAP DINRAC Focal Points work 4. Brief on the development of GIS and RS applications on coastal and marine environmental protection in the recent 10 years Periods of the applications (i.e. the start time) Description of the applications The technical advance of the applications Outcomes of the applications The sustainability of the applications The significance of the applications 5. Brief on current situation of GIS and RS applications on coastal and marine environmental protection Major application’s level (i.e. national, provincial, municipal etc.) Major application’s sectors (i.e. government, colleges, enterprises etc.) Major application’s fields Major GIS platform software The capacity and level of re-development technologies on the GIS platform The capacity and level of model development for GIS applications The situation and update of the data The integration applications with other technologies (i.e. MIS, GPS, CAD etc.) The number of the institutions/originations involved into the GIS and RS applications The number of the existing systems/projects of the GIS and RS applications 6. Brief of national institutions/organisations related to GIS and RS applications on coastal and marine environmental protection Name, acronym, address, telephone, fax, e-mail and URL Introduction of the institution/organisation 7. Brief of national activities related to GIS and RS applications on coastal and marine environmental protection The title of the activity The name and acronym of implementation institutions/organizations Introduction of the activity UNEP/NOWPAP/DINRAC/FPM 3/12 Page9
8. Inventory of the data products of the GIS and RS applications
Number Number of No. Type of the products Regional National Sub national organisation 1 Datasets 2 Databases 3 Meta-databases
9. Inventory of the derivative products of the GIS and RS applications
Type of the products Number Number of No. Regional National Sub national organisation 1 Application systems 2 WebGIS services 3 Reports 4 Atlases 5 Multimedia products 6 Others 10. Introduction on prospect development of GIS and RS applications UNEP/NOWPAP/DINRAC/FPM 3/12 Page10
Parameter List
Note: This is an entire set of the Oceans Topic of the Earth Science Category from the GCMD Science (http://gcmd.gsfc.nasa.gov/Resources/valids/gcmd_parameters.html)
Aquatic Sciences Fisheries ٱ Aquaculture ٱ ______Others ٱ Bathymetry/Seafloor Topography Seamounts ٱ Abyssal Hills/Plains ٱ Submarine Canyons ٱ Bathymetry ٱ Trenches ٱ Fracture Zones ٱ Water Depth ٱ Ocean Plateaus/Ridges ٱ ______Others ٱ Seafloor Topography ٱ
Coastal Processes Mangroves ٱ Barrier Islands ٱ Marshes ٱ Beaches ٱ Rocky Coasts ٱ Coastal Elevation ٱ Saltwater Intrusion ٱ Coral Reefs ٱ Sea Level Rise ٱ Deltas ٱ Sea Surface Height ٱ Dunes ٱ Sediment Transport ٱ Erosion ٱ Sedimentation ٱ Estuaries ٱ Shoals ٱ Fjords ٱ Shoreline Displacement ٱ Inlets ٱ Shorelines ٱ Intertidal Zone ٱ Storm Surge ٱ Lagoons ٱ Tidal Height ٱ Local Subsidence Trends ٱ ______Others ٱ Longshore Currents ٱ
Marine Biology Marine Microbiota ٱ Fish ٱ Marine Plants ٱ Marine Birds ٱ Marine Reptiles ٱ Marine Habitat ٱ ______Others ٱ Marine Invertebrates ٱ Marine Mammals ٱ Marine Environment Monitoring ______Others ٱ Marine Obstructions ٱ Marine Geophysics Plate Tectonics ٱ Magnetic Anomalies ٱ ______Others ٱ Marine Gravity Field ٱ Marine Magnetics ٱ Marine Sediments Sedimentary Structures ٱ Biogenic Sediments ٱ Sedimentary Textures ٱ Bioturbation ٱ Sedimentation ٱ Diagenesis ٱ Stratigraphic Sequence ٱ Geotechnical Properties ٱ Suspended Solids ٱ Hydrogenous Sediments ٱ Terrigenous Sediments ٱ Particle Flux ٱ Turbidity ٱ Sediment Chemistry ٱ ______Others ٱ Sediment Composition ٱ Sediment Transport ٱ UNEP/NOWPAP/DINRAC/FPM 3/12 Page11
Marine Volcanism Acoustic Reflectivity ٱ Benthic Heat Flow ٱ Acoustic Scattering ٱ Hydrothermal Vents ٱ Acoustic Tomography ٱ Island Arcs ٱ Acoustic Velocity ٱ Mid-ocean Ridges ٱ Ambient Noise ٱ Rift Valleys ٱ ______Others ٱ Acoustic Attenuation/Transmission ٱ Acoustic Frequency ٱ Ocean Chemistry Nitrite ٱ Alkalinity ٱ Nitrogen ٱ Ammonia ٱ Nutrients ٱ Biogeochemical Cycles ٱ Ocean Tracers ٱ Biomedical Chemicals ٱ Organic Carbon ٱ Carbon ٱ Organic Matter ٱ Carbon Dioxide ٱ Oxygen ٱ Carbonate ٱ pH ٱ Chlorophyll ٱ Phosphate ٱ Dissolved Gases ٱ Pigments ٱ Dissolved Solids ٱ Radiocarbon ٱ Hydrocarbons ٱ Radionuclides ٱ Inorganic Carbon ٱ Silicate ٱ Inorganic Matter ٱ Stable Isotopes ٱ Marine Geochemistry ٱ Suspended Solids ٱ Nitrate ٱ Trace Elements ٱ Nitric Acid ٱ ______Others ٱ Nitrogen Dioxide ٱ Nitrous Oxide ٱ Ocean Circulation Ocean Mixed Layer ٱ Advection ٱ Thermohaline Circulation ٱ Buoy Position ٱ Turbulence ٱ Convection ٱ Upwelling ٱ Diffusion ٱ Vorticity ٱ Eddies ٱ Water Masses ٱ Fresh Water Flux ٱ Wind-driven Circulation ٱ Fronts ٱ ______Others ٱ Gyres ٱ Ocean Currents ٱ Ocean Heat Budget Heat Flux ٱ Advection ٱ Heating Rate ٱ Bowen Ratio ٱ Longwave Radiation ٱ Condensation ٱ Reflectance ٱ Conduction ٱ Shortwave Radiation ٱ Convection ٱ ______Others ٱ Diffusion ٱ Evaporation ٱ Ocean Optics Optical Depth ٱ Absorption ٱ Photosynthetically Active Radiation ٱ Aphotic/Photic Zone ٱ Radiance ٱ Attenuation/Transmission ٱ Reflectance ٱ Bioluminescence ٱ Scattering ٱ Extinction Coefficients ٱ Secchi Depth ٱ Fluorescence ٱ Turbidity ٱ Gelbstoff ٱ UNEP/NOWPAP/DINRAC/FPM 3/12 Page12
Water-leaving Radiance ٱ Irradiance ٱ ______Others ٱ Ocean Color ٱ Ocean Pressure ______Others ٱ Sea Level Pressure ٱ Water Pressure ٱ Ocean Temperature Thermocline ٱ Ocean Mixed Layer ٱ Water Temperature ٱ Potential Temperature ٱ ______Others ٱ Sea Surface Temperature ٱ Ocean Waves Wave Frequency ٱ Internal Waves ٱ Wave Height ٱ Sea State ٱ Wave Length ٱ Seiches ٱ Wave Period ٱ Significant Wave Height ٱ Wave Spectra ٱ Storm Surge ٱ Wave Speed/Direction ٱ Surf Beat ٱ Wave Types ٱ Swells ٱ Wind Waves ٱ Tsunamis ٱ ______Others ٱ Wave Fetch ٱ Ocean Winds Wind Chill ٱ Convergence/Divergence ٱ Wind Shear ٱ Surface Winds ٱ Wind Stress ٱ Turbulence ٱ ______Others ٱ Vertical Wind Motion ٱ Vorticity ٱ Salinity/Density Pycnocline ٱ Conductivity ٱ Salinity ٱ Density ٱ Salt Transport ٱ Desalinization ٱ ______Others ٱ Halocline ٱ Potential Density ٱ Sea Ice Leads ٱ Heat Flux ٱ Pack Ice ٱ Ice Deformation ٱ Polynyas ٱ Ice Depth/Thickness ٱ Reflectance ٱ Ice Edges ٱ Salinity ٱ Ice Extent ٱ Sea Ice Age ٱ Ice Floes ٱ Sea Ice Concentration ٱ Ice Growth/Melt ٱ Sea Ice Elevation ٱ Ice Roughness ٱ Sea Ice Motion ٱ Ice Temperature ٱ Snow Depth ٱ Ice Types ٱ Snow Melt ٱ Icebergs ٱ ______Others ٱ Isotopes ٱ Sea Surface Topography ______Others ٱ Sea Surface Height ٱ Sea Surface Slope ٱ Tides Tidal Height ٱ Storm Surge ٱ Tidal Range ٱ Tidal Components ٱ ______Others ٱ Tidal Currents ٱ