Shooting for the Stars

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Shooting for the Stars

Shooting For the Stars

Grade: 7-9

Subject Area: Phys Ed

Length of Class: 45-55 minutes (change time, talk/explanation time, practice time, play time).

Number of Students: 20-30

Materials Needed: Basketballs, four nets, 1 gym

S.1.7.A.2: Perform manipulation skill (ex: bouncing, throwing) applying mechanical principles

(ex: application of force) for consistency.

Behavioral Objective: After a group lesson, the students will demonstrate their manipulation skill by playing the game shooting stars.

Warm-up (7 mins)

- 3 minute light jog

- 15 triceps dips, 20 push-ups, 25 curl-ups

- Independent stretching of legs and arms

Activating: Group Lesson (10 mins)

Hook: Show a Harlem Globe Trotters video.

- All the students will be shown the proper way to shoot four different types of shots.

Layup, foul shot, base line set shot, and 3 pointer jump shot.

- From easy to difficult they will be instructed on all of the proper techniques. Practice

time will be given after every different shooting style.

Acquiring: Practice the skills (20 mins)

- Once shown, the kids will have time to practice each different type of skill, roughly 5

minutes per skill. - Once enough time to practice has pasted, the kids will be playing the game shooting stars

to further practice and evaluate the sills they have just learnt.

Applying: Shooting Stars (12 mins)

- Divide students into four groups. Each group will start at a different starting point.

- At each starting point there will be a different way to shoot the ball, with different points

for difficulty.

- Each group will have 3 minutes per station to try and get as many points as possible.

- Each student will get one try then move to the back of the line until it is their turn again

to try and make a basket.

- Once a basket is scored they will take a coloured bean bag that has been assigned a point

depending on the difficulty of the basket (blue=1, yellow=3, pink=5, green=10) and run it

back to their bucket at their starting point.

- Once all groups have had a chance to shout all four baskets they will count up all their

points to see which group won.

Cool Down

- 2 minute walk

- Independent stretching

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