Instructor: Mrs. Leon De Nunez

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Instructor: Mrs. Leon De Nunez


E-mail address: [email protected] Book Title: ESPAŇOL SANTILLANA

Course Objectives: Spanish 1 will provide the student with a general introduction to the Spanish language: sound system, pronunciation, functional vocabulary related to everyday life, cultural information and basic grammatical structures. Emphasis will be on the acquisition of four skills: listening, speaking, reading and limited writing. There are two main objectives to the course. Foremost is to give the students the ability to carry on a simple conversation. The second is to provide the students with instruction that teaches a basic understanding of Spanish culture, vocabulary, and grammatical concepts

Program description:

Major Units/Topics/Themes:

Preliminary lesson: Culture: where Spanish is spokes, why learn Spanish, vocabulary: greetings, alphabet, introductions, items in a classroom, classroom commands, question words, days of week, months’ time, weather, names

Unit 1: Culture: Mexico, Vocabulary: people, physical characteristics, personality traits, family. Grammar: subject pronouns, ser, adjectives, tener, possession, star

Unit 2: Culture: Puerto Rico. Vocabulary: house, furniture, chores, leisure activities, Grammar: nouns, articles, haber, ar, er, ir verbs present tense, adverbs, obligation

Unit 3:Culture: Guatemala. Vocabulary: shopping, clothing Grammar: stem changing verbs, ir demonstratives, comparisons

Unit 4: Culture:Perú. Vocabulary:food and restaurants. Grammar: adverbs of quality, expressing wants, irregular “yo” verbs,direct and indirect object pronouns Unit 5: Culture: España Vocabulary: parts of the body, personal hygiene,remedies and illnesses. Grammar:irregular verbs in present tense,reflexive verbs, “doler”, affirmative informal commands

Unit 6: Culture: Estados Unidos. Vocabulary: work, hobbies, free time, sports Grammar: affirmative informal and formal commands, progressive, ir +a future Major Projects: Presentations of power points, games, videos, posters.

School Supplies: Durable view binder with 2” ring (to put all your assignments and quizzes. (Mandatory, paper for your assignments, pens and pencil, (50),4x6 index cards for each unit, colors, markers. Posters for projects. A composition notebook (black and white/non spiral, please)

GRADING POLICY: Grading Categories and Calculation method: Diagnostic Assessments count 0% and not counted in grade calculation-This includes screening assessments prior to instruction. Formative Assessments count 40% of the total grade- This includes homework, most quizzes, some oral presentations Summative Assessments count 60% of the total grade- This includes unit tests, major oral projects and essays.

Other grading concerns: 1.A final grade may be overridden if the student overall performance warrants it. 2.A minimum proficiency level for summative assessments is 70% 3. There will be at least three summative assessments per grading period. 4. Grades will be posted weekly on Grade book. 5. Students who are submitting late work (due to absence) have one day for each day absent to submit work. Make up tests will be scheduled within the week of the absence. 6. If a student does not demonstrate proficiency on a summative exam, interventions will be determined and the student will have the opportunity for retakes or alternative assignments. Each 9-week grading period, students will have the opportunity to retake at least one summative assessment. Notebook/binder requirements: the Spanish binder must be kept organized, clean and neat at all times. It will be brought to class everyday along with the text book. It will be divided in the following: 1- Agendas 2- Practice work 3- Vocabulary (hand written) 4- Grammar (hand written) 5- Culture notes/handouts/Miscellaneous(Reflection) Plagiarism: DHS plagiarism policy will be strictly enforced. Electronic devices: Electronic devices such as Ipods, MP3’s and cell phone are to kept inside your bag and in silent mode at all times.

POLICIES, CLASS ROOM RULES AND PROCEDURES: 1-Respectful behavior towards the teacher and classmates is always expected. Students are expected to be cooperative and attentive. 2- Respect the equipment and furnishings of the classroom. 3- Attend class daily and arrive on time prepared to participate with learning materials. 4 Sit in assigned seat, and silently review work from the previous day or study vocabulary. 5-Assignments are due at the beginning of the class. 6-The school tardy policy will be strictly enforced. 7-Listen carefully, follow directions and raise your hand to obtain permission to speak. 8-Eating and drinking in the classroom is not allowed. 9-when the bell rings, remain seated until the teacher dismisses the class. 10- Observe all rules in the school manual.

Consequences of breaking the rules: negative note in Pinnacle, time out, parent call, referral. Any severe behavior such as fighting, overt defiance, possession of a weapon of any sort, willfully harming property will be referred to administration. Positive Consequences:  Special Awards Emergency Procedures: See evacuation map, posted in the classroom, follow directions. Suggestion for success: Be Responsible, Always Try, Do Your Best, Use Kind Language, Treat Everyone with Respect (Including Yourself)

____ Please sign and date this page. Turn it to me during the first week of school. This syllabus will be part of your notebook for future reference. Dear Parent or Guardian, To ensure a positive learning environment for your daughter/son, please read and discuss the aforementioned policies, classroom rules with her/him. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me by email to make an appointment. Thank you for your cooperation. I am looking forward to a very rewarding academic year. Sincerely, Sra. Leon de Nunez. Student’s printed (legible) name and signature:

______Date______Period______Student’s cell #______Student e-mail (print legibly) ______Parents’ printed name and signature ______Date______Parent e-mail printed legibly please ______

Parent/guardian contact phone #s and best time to reach that number Cell______Home______other:______

Mail Adress: ______


E-mail address: [email protected] Book Title: ESPAŇOL SANTILLANA

Program description: Course Description: ¡Bienvenidos! Welcome! This course will continue student progression in Spanish and the Hispanic culture, while helping to develop communication skills and cross-cultural understanding. The course content will expand skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking with special attention paid to pronunciation and to reading and writing in the target language. Philosophy of Foreign Language Department: Learning a second language is a complex process that requires multiple skills working together effectively. The Foreign Language Department has determined that the Power Standards are an appropriate demonstration of necessary second language acquisition skills. Assessments and Academic goals are subject to change. Major Units: Units 1 Centro América: Vocabulary , Grammar and culture TB pages 28-79 Unit 2: Las Antillas: TB pages 80-131 Unit 3: Andes Centrales: 132-183 Unit 4: Norteamérica TB pages 184-235 Unit 5: Espaňa: TB 236-287 Unit 6: Caribe Continental: TB pages 288-339 Major Projects: Power Point presentations, games, videos, posters.

School Supplies: Durable view binder with 2” ring (to put all your assignments and quizzes. (Mandatory, paper for your assignments, pens and pencil, (50),4x6 index cards for each unit, colors, markers. Posters for projects. A composition notebook (black and white/non spiral, please)

GRADING POLICY: Grading Categories and Calculation method: Diagnostic Assessments count 0% and not counted in grade calculation-This includes screening assessments prior to instruction. Formative Assessments count 40% of the total grade- This includes homework, most quizzes, some oral presentations Summative Assessments count 60% of the total grade- This includes unit tests, major oral projects and essays.

Other grading concerns: 1. A final grade may be overridden if the student overall performance warrants it. 2. A minimum proficiency level for summative assessments is 70% 3. There will be at least three summative assessments per grading period. 4. Grades will be posted weekly on Grade book. 5. Students who are submitting late work (due to absence) have one day for each day absent to submit work. Make up tests will be scheduled within the week of the absence. 6. If a student does not demonstrate proficiency on a summative exam, interventions will be determined and the student will have the opportunity for retakes or alternative assignments. Each 9-week grading period, students will have the opportunity to retake at least one summative assessment. Notebook/binder requirements: the Spanish binder must be kept organized, clean and neat at all times. It will be brought to class everyday along with the text book. It will be divided in the following: 6- Agendas 7- Practice work 8- Vocabulary (hand written) 9- Grammar (hand written) 10- Culture notes/handouts/Miscellaneous(Reflection) Plagiarism: DHS plagiarism policy will be strictly enforced. Electronic devices: Electronic devices such as Ipods, MP3’s and cell phone are to kept inside your bag and in silent mode at all times.

POLICIES, CLASS ROOM RULES AND PROCEDURES: 1-Respectful behavior towards the teacher and classmates is always expected. Students are expected to be cooperative and attentive. 2- Respect the equipment and furnishings of the classroom. 3- Attend class daily and arrive on time prepared to participate with learning materials. 4 Sit in assigned seat, and silently review work from the previous day or study vocabulary. 5-Assignments are due at the beginning of the class. 6-The school tardy policy will be strictly enforced. 7-Listen carefully, follow directions and raise your hand to obtain permission to speak. 8-Eating and drinking in the classroom is not allowed. 9-when the bell rings, remain seated until the teacher dismisses the class. 10- Observe all rules in the school manual. Consequences of breaking the rules: Note in Pinnacle, time out, parent call, referral. Any severe behavior such as fighting, overt defiance, possession of a weapon of any sort, willfully harming property will be referred to administration. Positive Consequences:  Special Awards Emergency Procedures: See evacuation map, posted in the classroom, follow directions. Suggestion for success: Be Responsible, Always Try, Do Your Best, Use Kind Language, Treat Everyone with Respect (Including Yourself)

______Please sign and date this page. Turn it to me during the first week of school. This syllabus will be part of your notebook for future reference. Dear Parent or Guardian, To ensure a positive learning environment for your daughter/son, please read and discuss the aforementioned policies, classroom rules with her/him. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me by email to make an appointment. Thank you for your cooperation. I am looking forward to a very rewarding academic year. Sincerely, Sra. Leon de Nunez. Student’s printed (legible) name and signature:

______Date______Period______Student’s cell #______Student e-mail (print legibly) ______Parents’ printed name and signature ______Date______Parent e-mail printed legibly please ______

Parent/guardian contact phone #s and best time to reach that number Cell______Home______other:______

Mail Adress: ______

City: ______Zip code______

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