Suggestions for the Overall Role of Multi Agency Groups
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All Wales Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) Practitioners’ Meeting
Draft revised Terms of Reference August 2009
The Wales Strategic Migration Partnership (WSMP) plays a lead role working with a range of partners from the statutory, voluntary and community sectors in the development of strategic policies and initiatives on asylum seekers, refugees and migrants in Wales.
The Wales Strategic Migration Partnership (WSMP) provides an ‘enabling role’, defined as: “providing a regional (or in Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland – a National) advisory, development and consultation function for member organisations from the statutory, voluntary, community and private sectors - for the co-ordination and provision of advice, support and services for migrants.”
Within this framework, the WSMP convenes a quarterly meeting to discuss practice and policy issues relating to separated asylum seeking children and young people and children in families in Wales.
Overall Aim of the All Wales UASC Practitioners’ Meeting
To provide a regular coordinating information sharing meeting for key agencies to discuss issues relating to separated asylum seeking children/young people and children in families in Wales. To focus on policy and practice.
1 To enable a multi agency approach to the provision of support and services to separated asylum seeking children/young people and children in families in the asylum system. To offer peer support to practitioners working with separated asylum seeking children/young people and children in families on an all Wales basis. Update members regarding best practice working with separated asylum asylum seeking children. Update members about policy and practice changes relating to separated asylum seeking children and children in families.
Main Tasks
Discussion and consultation/feedback on current UK BA and other attending member organisations activity, and proposed future changes, as they affect separated children seeking asylum and children in families. To link through appropriate channels, those issues which need to be addressed at both local and national levels. To use the meeting group to feed into the Wales Children’s Policy Group facilitated by the Welsh Refugee Council and other relevant groups.
Agenda Items
Standing agenda items should include; Update from UK Border Agency about current or proposed activity Policy update Open forum
Supporting information
Multi agency meetings should be supported by statistical information on asylum dispersal and other relevant migration statistics where available, supplied by the WSMP.
Chair Manager, WSMP
Membership of the group
Lead officers from participating Local Authorities and relevant Local Authority departments (including health, education, social work services) Local Health Board Welsh Refugee Council Welsh Assembly Government Displaced People in Action British Red Cross SOVA
2 International Organisation for Migration UK Border Agency Wales Strategic Migration Partnership Police Other members to be co-opted as necessary
Frequency of Meetings The group will meet no less than once a quarter, or specially convened meetings if appropriate. Extraordinary meetings may be called by; The Chairperson in consultation with permanent members By a quorum of five permanent members calling for an extraordinary meeting to address a specific issue or respond to an emergency situation.
Administration Meetings will be administered and facilitated by the WSMP. Agenda, minutes and other relevant papers to be circulated one week in advance of meetings. Members may submit items for the agenda.
3 Appendix A Wales Strategic Migration Partnership (Asylum Seekers, Refugees & Migrants)
UK Border Agency Local Government Association Task Group – Asylum & Refugee Issues Wales Strategic Migration Partnership Wales Asylum Seeker & Refugee Health Advisory Group Wales Stakeholders Group (WASRHAG) Representatives of the four cluster areas multi agency groups
All Wales Asylum & Cardiff All Wales Nurses Group Refugee Stakeholders Newport Swansea Wrexham Children’s Multi- Multi- Strategic Practitioners Agency Agency Liaison Group Network Sub Groups: All Wales WSMP Education Sub Groups: Sub Children Asylum Move-On Groups: Policy Meeting Housing Wrexham Health Move-On Asylum and Education Refugee and Wellbeing Support Practitioners Swansea Bay Group Newport Asylum and Children Refugee Voice Cardiff of Refugee and Accommodati Refugee Wales Migrant Asylum on Forum Support Group Seeker Forum to Worker welcome Counter Hate Network Crime
Newport & District Refugee Support Group
4 Appendix B
DA (Migration) Sub-Committee Dept. of Dept. Business Environment Dept. Dept. Office of Dept. for Dept Enterprise & Food & Work & Innovation National Children of Regulatory Rural Affairs Dept. for Pensions Universities Statistics Schools & Health Reform Home Office Communities & Local & Skills Government Families
Gangmasters’ Border & Immigration Audit Vulnerable Licensing Commission on Commission Workers Authority Integration & Forum Cohesion Migration Migration Corporate Advisory Impacts Forum Stakeholder Committee (MIF) Vulnerable Group (MAC) Workers CLG/IDeA Best Inter-Dept New Arrivals Pilot Practice Task Force on Excellence Programme Migration Programme National Statistics Asylum National Support Forum Migration (NASF) Group (NMG) UASC NRPF / Managed Migration Task Forces Reform ADASS Employer Joint Education UASC Reform Group Subgroup Arts & Entertainment Stakeholder Inter-Agency Group Partnership (IAP) LGA Asylum Refugee Task Other Group National UK Structures
Regional RDA’s Strategic Migration Partnerships Govt. Offices Welsh Local Government 22 Local Association Authorities (WLGA) Wales Strategic Local Comm. & Vol. Migration Authorities Organisations Partnership Welsh Assembly Government: Refugee Inclusion Unit Wales Asylum Seeker & Refugee Health UASC Practitioners WSMP Advisory Group Network Group All Wales (WASRHAG) Stakeholder Group
Refugee Voice Wrexham All Wales Wales Swansea Multi- Strategic Nurses Group Cardiff Newport Multi- Agency Liaison Group Stakeholders Agency Migration Migration
Migration Relevant Migration Migration Programme Government Task Groups Bodies Specific Bodies or Policy Bodies to Wales
Influencing link via membership or information exchange
Formal link via sponsorship or direction