Eden Runners Chip Advisor

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Eden Runners Chip Advisor

Eden Runners – Chip Advisor

Wed 29 June 2016. The Crown & Mitre – Bampton Grange.

These were pre-booked by Sally, we were advised to be on site by 8.30 latest, which we were. There were around 15 of us all told. Feedback from chip-eaters was initially very positive, but later servings were felt to be a little undercooked, maybe as a result of rushing the orders out in a short period of time. General impression though was favourable, availability of condiments was generous, no reason not to return.

Wed 6 July 2016 – The Stag Inn, Dufton.

This week’s Guest Reviewer is Emma, out of ‘Emma Cooper Sports Massage’ .

After a delightful evening jaunt up Dufton Pike we retired to the Stag Inn for much needed food and drink, if for no other reason than to wash down the flies swallowed on the way back down the valley into the village. On arriving in the pub there was possibly not the friendliest of welcomes from some of the bar staff but we made our orders none the less. After a slightly longer than anticipated wait for chips, and getting close to the end of the optimal ‘30 minutes post exercise for recovery food intake’, they were finally on the table and first impressions were good. Decent but not overly large portions, good sized chips and a nice set of condiments accompanying them in the form of interesting glass jars of tomato sauce and mayonnaise which were spread out across the tables and there was plenty of salt and vinegar to go round. The taste test proved impressive, moist but not soggy, well-cooked but not overdone. After a slightly shaky start to the visit, the Stag Inn redeemed itself with the taste of its chips. One to visit again…

Wed 13 July 2016 – The Kings Arms, Stainton

This week’s guest reviewer is sister of Queen’s ‘my guitar was made out of an old fireplace you know’ Brian May – our very own Joanne. ….

To be fair I could have eaten a scraggy dog as I'd used far more energy than I had in the tank for the longer route but thankfully the chips were extremely scrummie! Service was prompt, with a smile and the chips were a fair price (always a bonus). Condiments a-plenty, lots of room to sit and devour them and a nice traditional atmosphere to the pub. The chips themselves were hot, crisp, a nice golden colour, not greasy and nice and chunky, just the way I like them. The portion size was very good, although given I was Hank Marvin I'd have eaten a double portion (but that's just me being greedy!). All in all these chips were very tasty and I'd give them an 8/10. I haven't been to the Kings Arms for a few years but it's now on my list as a "shall visit again" and I'll definitely be having something with chips. Wed 20 July 2016 – The Queens Heed, Askham

Our celebrity chip monitor this week is none other than James ‘Chippy’ Grinbergs….here is his recently submitted review….

Chippy Tea - Queens Head, Askham

After yet another great run with good company we headed back to the recently refurbished Queens Head. Very pleasant setting and a good beer but let's get down to the most important part of our weekly run...... the chip!

Speed of service - impressive!

Served Hot - check!

A good range of condiments - check!

Freshly made - check!

Quality - slightly greasy and not as chunky as this chip muncher prefers!

What makes this chip experience slightly strange was how the chips were provided. they turned up in what I can only describe as a kebab box normally associated with a 2am stop off in Deniz or Mustafas (you would have had to of lived in Penrith for many years to know the latter) after a drunken sat night out...... therefore my results are a 3 out of 5 or slightly more controversial 6.5 out of 10!

Best Regards -Chippy G

Wed 27 July 2016 – The Sun Inn, Pooley Bridge

This week’s eager volunteer is Mr John Oakey, of Penrith. Amongst many other things, John is famous for not being the (much younger) brother of Phil ‘What haircut?’ Oakey, out of The Human League. Anyway, this is John talking /he’s gonna tell you/what he’s found to be true….

Sun Inn, Pooley Bridge - 27.7.16 After scrambling through neck-high bracken in the warm evening sun on the Fusedale/Martindale route we were all looking forward to some chip action at the Sun in Pooley. We quickly filled the smaller front bar as there wasn’t much room in the back, but not everyone got a seat. There was a slight delay in the ordering as we overwhelmed the bar a little at around 8.45pm, but the staff were helpful and friendly. The 18 portions of chips arrived all very quickly, before even some people had got their drinks. And they did not disappoint. Served in a miniature metal frying basket, the portion-size was sufficient, but maybe a little smaller than some places that charge the same price (£2.50). They were hot and well-cooked, thick, slightly crispy. One taster suggested they were similar in style to Aunt Bessie’s which I think is accurate. There seemed to be plenty of ketchup sachets available, and the odd packet of mayonnaise, but no other sauce options (apparently some people like salad cream on their chips, but I cannot condone that). Salt, pepper and vinegar was in a little set on each table. The Sun usually scores well for their food and tonight was no exception, overall a solid 7 out of 10. It was suggested that the 10/10 option doesn’t even exist, so it was a decent effort. There is a convenient grassy press-up area to the rear. Wed 3 August – The Mill Inn, Mungrisdale

This week’s chip blog is provided by Julia King, who has enjoyed many happy years of sampling Wednesday evening chips and whose expertise on the topic is therefore second to none!

The evening was dark, wet and stormy. The hill was steep, unrelentingly long and very slippery. We were ready for sustenance and boy did we deserve it – those hardy souls that ventured out in the first place that is.

We retired to the Mill Inn – a tried and trusted perennial. The venue rarely lets us down and it did not disappoint on this occasion.

The service was more European laconic than American servile but to slightly sodden runners that was largely immaterial.

The production of our food was, however, prompt with initial impressions being favourable i.e. substantial portions. Some of us (well, David actually) even went for the full monty of scampi and chips with even a portion of salad making a coy appearance. Let’s get back to the chips though. In my view these were the crème de la crème of fried spuds. Clearly proper potatoes had been used – no re-constituted pap – they may even have been harvested from Cumbrian soil although that may be my fond imagining. The chef’s handling of these little beauties though was close to Michelin standard – clearly cooked in fresh oil and not left to linger there – a perfectly crisped exterior followed by a melt in the mouth middle. Frankly we could not have expected or wished for better and the empty bowls were testament to their popularity. As an added bonus we were treated to a trial run of our 20th Anniversary running tops which look as though they are going to be snapped up as quickly as the chips. Definitely there will be a return visit.

Wed 10 August – The Fox & Pheasant, Armathwaite

For our review this week, we turn to Wade Tidbury, famous for many things – none of which we can mention here. Wade has clearly given this a lot of thought, here is his review… The evening’s run had been autumnal with constant rain and looming skies making the entrance to the pub a welcome experience. The open fire, the cheery welcome of the bar staff and a speedy service at the bar with order taken quickly were all positive signs.

Chips were served quickly and were being devoured before the last orders of the group had been taken. The staff here were on the ball and were keen to impress.

At my table the condiments of vinegar and salt were ready and waiting. My table companions were already finishing off their chips as I took my seat. They offered sage advice about the strength of the sauces that had been delivered to the tables in small serving dishes. I was impressed with the range which included the standard ketchup, a mild sweet and sour and a very garlicky mayo. Some of my fellow runners announced that the garlic was too strong, but I am not sure this is possible, and I was not disappointed when I dipped my chips. Some brown sauce would have been the icing on the cake, but none was available, and this was a minor disappointment.

The chips were well cooked with a crispy exterior. The vinegar and salt adhered to the chips well, which is essential for any chip to get a reasonable rating in my book. These were good chips and were soon consumed. This was a good sized portion served up on a proper dish, none of that wire tray or miniature metal bucket nonsense.

The rating out of ten - a comfortable 7.5.

Wed 17 August – The Salutation, Threlkeld

This week’s review was eagerly shoved through my virtual letterbox without any fuss or coercion. Let me introduce to you a fine piece of journalistic invective by the irrepressible (and believe me, we’ve tried) Carolyn Burns…. The story started off-piste if I'm honest. Young whippersnapper Abi Johnson romped home to take first place at Fitz Park which left the mere mortals amongst us forced to choose between her presentation ceremony or chips. Sadly I was outvoted and we had to stay behind. I'm not saying she threw down a challenge to our little injured soldier there and then but Poynter and the remaining fellchamp races were definitely mentioned. I believe there had been some discord regarding the array of metal chip containers but on arrival at the Sally the non-racers had mainly troughed their fodder and hoovered up the condiments without a second thought for their exhausted homeys. That said our hosts produced a fine array out-of-hours pommes frites without complaint and even produced a contraband salami pizza for human dustbin Jack Eyre although I'm fairly sure I saw a wad of £20 notes changing hands for that. The locals were a tad rowdy but our resident scrapper Kezza Grinbergs was all set to wade in there, fortunately her services were not required on this occasion. For: Nice chunky chips Plenty of seating Dog friendly / pork scratchings Accommodating staff Against: Wots wrong with just plates. Ran out of lemonade A very solid 8.5 � ���

Wed 22 August 2016 – The Kings Arms, Temple Sowerby A joint review – Reviewer ‘A’ (who requested anonymity)… Chips at the [insert pub name] was a controversial affair. I'm told the first sitting went without scandal. Unfortunately the same can't be said for the second half. Essentially they'd run out of 'good chips' and resorted to oven chips for us unsuspecting latecomers. Not in itself the end of the world, but not actually switching the oven on was. Evenly proportioned rectangles of mashed potato is a good description for those that missed out. There were even dark rumours that they'd be fried in water. There was a steady stream of ER folk that came by the table to tell us our chips looked minging, this really helped make our meal feel special. Despite this charade, the service was great. Lemonade AND fizzy water was in stock. As was beer. The hollywood themed toilets continue to amaze, as does the mesmerising wall adorned in old two pence coins and a selection of artfully arranged tobacco pipes. Homemade cake in the park and the sunset were very pleasant too. Moral of this tale: don't faff about when chips are at stake.

Reviewer ‘B’ (who didn’t request anonymity, but whose name is an anagram of Gerry Kerrbings)

It is with a certain amount of sadness that I give the last chip review of what has been a superb summer season with the fantastic Eden Runners.... After arriving at the kings Arms a little later than scheduled, we were still able to order our regular Wednesday night sustenance, no sooner had we found a seat and I had taken that all important first sip of Pinot, our chips were on the table. They arrived hot, crispy, with a basic array of condiments, Jack was particularly impressed as one of those included was Worcester sauce and much to Juliet’s disgust he smothered his portion with it on what she described as 'chip shop chips'! Tonight's chips were to my liking, however as I was praising them to my fellow running companions, the remaining portions were arriving at the opposite end of the table, these however were of a totally different nature....McCain anyone??????!!

Wed 12 April 2017 – The Beehive, Eamont Bridge

Guest reviewer in this first week of the new ‘summer’ season is none other than Mr ‘Martin’ Hepworth…

Voice from the Beehive There’s no shortage of advice for runners when the topic of refuelling pops up after an evening’s run: some fete kale, algae powder and chia seed smoothies, some rave about hemp protein shakes, some like to plug electrolysed royal quinoa salads, some of the more ascetic runners opt for the simplicity of pork scratchings and others just nuts. Nevertheless, the consensus among Eden Runners seems to shun such fancies. Throughout the winter months it’s the popular mainstays of chips and sandwiches that provide post-run sustenance. Quinoaserie and seeds lie elsewhere. Similarly, in summer, although the venues and menus change, it’s the chips that remain the nutrition of choice. That’s not to say, however, that all chips are fried or served equally. They come quickly or slowly, as wedges or crinkled, from tepid to hot and fluffy to crunchy. With this in mind, the occasional review of the weekly bowl of chips and its venue may help us to reflect on the spuds we like and the spuds we don’t. The year’s first summer wandering set off from a bright but coolish and breezy Askham. By 7 o’clock over fifty runners had assembled, despite the chilly conditions, before setting off in four eager groups. Having checked in, jogged by the river or slogged up Heughscar and White Knott, then checked back in again, we happy drones swarmed on The Beehive pub in Eamont Bridge. I say ‘swarmed’ since we totalled over thirty hungry and dehydrated runners; making it quite a squeeze to seat us all together. We ended up colonising one end of the pub, and with a bit of careful chair sharing everyone was able to relax and chat. Naturally, after the evening’s exertions the first question to ask oneself was ‘tuber or not tuber?’ It was an easy answer for me; I ordered a bowl of chips and a pint. You might call it the ChaPs system of rehydration and carb loading. For those over a certain age that’s not to be confused with CHiPs, whose members donned blue helmets and Ray-bans rather than green and blue woolly hats and bum bags. Anyway, having ordered and sat down with a pint of Black Sheep I waited, hoping that the chips would arrive before the thirty minute window closed when my glycol-synths would give up the ghost. It was not to be, the beer had to do the job. While everybody else seemed to get served reasonably efficiently it was my bad fortune to be the forgotten one. But no matter; after a little prompting they did finally arrive and I was not to be disappointed. The first thing that struck me, as I quickly glanced inside the bowl, was the size and shape of the chips. You were never going to be able to play Jenga with these uneven monoliths, unless you’d brought along Obelix and Asterix. It was like receiving a bowl of mini Long Megs laid down with the odd missing daughter stone. This was an encouraging start; no machine would produce such individual colossi; they’d clearly been hand-cut. Yet with such size and random proportions there’s always the risk of unevenness in the cooking. There’s nothing worse than a chip burnt on the outside yet raw in the middle. But no need for worry, again they passed gloriously; all hot and fluffy on the inside yet with a light crispiness to the outside. If I was niggling I might say they could have been a little crispier on the outside but that would be seeking perfection. At £2.50 per portion this was a fair deal. A goodly number of large chips, hot on arrival, well-cooked outside and inside, not too greasy and no rancid chip fat smell. Hopefully this is the shape of chips to come. Yes, I was served a little slowly but I think this was just unluckiness on my part rather than a reflection of the general service level. This leaves me with just a few minor niggles. Firstly, and this is a purely personal view; I much prefer my condiments in a bowl or a sauceboat. Call me a relic but packaged mayonnaise or ketchup is too fiddly, messy and there’s never enough. Secondly, I’m not a fan of fake newspaper as a lining to a chip bowl; don’t do it, it’s unnecessary. (Please note that my aversion to fake newspaper has no connection to the Trump campaign against fake news) All in all this was a first-rate start to the summer evening runs. A good crowd gathered in the pub to enjoy a very worthy season’s opening bowl of chips. Hopefully, over the next few months as we venture across the local paths, lanes and fells such standards can be maintained. Oh, and with any luck my chips won’t be forgotten next time. The starch trek continues, though it would be so much easier if someone could simply beam me up tatties. The Beehive Inn, Eamont Bridge: 8.5/10 (Wednesday, 12th April, 2017) (I should also make a special mention of the pork scratchings, which were outstanding – probably the best I’ve ever had in Cumbria 10/10)

Wed 19th April – The Salutation, Threlkeld.

(review awaited from Mr David Dicks)

Wed 26th April – Fetherston Arms, Kirkoswald

(review awaited from Mr Tony Lowery – who never has chips)

Wed 3rd May 2017 – Kings Arms, Temple Sowerby

(review awaited from Ms Laura Kinnard)

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