AP Environmental Science Summer Assignment

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AP Environmental Science Summer Assignment

May, 2014 AP Environmental Science Summer Assignment Because the AP exams are administered in May, often four to six weeks before the end of the semester, it is essential that we get started on your preparation at this time. The reading assignment has been selected for its generally self-explanatory nature. You will be tested on this material and the concepts at he first formal meeting of this class, the week of August 11th. By the first day of school:


2. Bring a 2014-2015 CALENDAR or calendar organizer that you can easily carry around. This may be a full calendar or a pocket type but it must have space available for you to write in due dates.

3. Bring a three ring binder for this class with your reading list and course information included.

4. There will be some mandatory laboratory exercises that will need to be completed after school, before school, or on Saturdays. If you are involved in sports, please keep the obligations of this class in mind.

5. Read and study Unit 1: 1. Ecology and Sustainability Chapter 1 2. Biotic & Abiotic Parts of Ecosystems Chapters 2 & 3

Come prepared to take your first test on the above material on the first day of school. Bring a pen and pencil.

6. Be aware that each unit will be tested by a multiple choice test after you have completed the assigned reading but before the topics and concepts have been discussed in class; then followed by an essay test (usually 3 questions in a period). Multiple choice tests will be scheduled every 2 to 3 weeks and sets your reading schedule. Normally the multiple choice and essay exams will be taken during the class period.

7. Legislation – Due Friday, August 15th  Research each of the laws and treaties listed below.  For each of the laws and treaties listed below, you will create a 3” X 5” index card. o Front of card (blank side) = Name of Law/Treaty o Back (lined side) = . Draft Year and Amendment Years . International or National . Description of the legislation’s function and the specific environmental issues affected . Agency/Group Responsible for Regulation and Enforcement of the legislation (i.e. United Nations, Department of Interior, EPA, etc.)  Please clip or rubber band together. ***Must hand written(see sample below)*** Laws and Treaties Antarctic Treaty Nuclear Waste Policy Act Basel Convention Ocean Dumping Ban Act Cairo Conference on Population and Development Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Treaty Clean Air Acts Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation Liability Act (CERCLA) of 2002 Convention of Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol Rio Earth Summit Convention of Ozone Depletion and the Montreal Protocol Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) Taylor Grazing Act Declaration of the Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm Declaration) The Emergency Planning & Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) Endangered Species Act The General Mining Law of 1872 Energy Policy Act The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA) Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 (FQPA) The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Lacey Act Toxic Substances Control Act Law of the Sea Convention (LOSC) U.S. Clean Water Act Low-Level Radioactive Policy Act Water Quality Act Marine Mammal Protection Act Wild and Scenic Rivers Act Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act Wilderness Act NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act)

Sample Front Back Draft Year -______Amendment Years - Name of Treaty _ Description -______Agency - ______

8. People in Environmental Science History – Due Friday, August 15th  The AP Environmental Science exam may include a few questions about specific people and their contribution to the field of environmental science or conservation. For each of the following people, identify his or her major contributions in the field of environmental science, this includes, but is not limited to, any literary works (books, journal articles, etc.) and scientific discoveries.  For each of the individuals listed below, you will create a 3” X 5” index card. o Front of card (blank side) = Name of Person/People o Back (lined side) = Description of their contribution to environmental science.  Please clip or rubber band together. ***Must hand written(see sample below)*** People in Environmental Science History Rachel Carson John Muir Paul Ehrlich Gifford Pinchot Garrett Hardin Theodore Roosevelt Aldo Leopold Sherwood Rowland & Mario Molina Wangari Maathai E.O. Wilson Thomas Malthus Sample Front Back Description of Contribution - ______Name of Person ______Agency - ______9. Well Known Case Studies in Environmental Science – Due Friday, August 15th  The AP Environmental Science exam may include a several questions focusing on case studies that have had national or international significance. These may have had a significant impact on public perception about the environment, and have influenced policy decisions and/or legislation.  For each of the locations listed below, you will create a 3” X 5” index card. o Front of card (blank side) = Location o Back (lined side) = Description of what occurred that had an impact on environmental science. Include dates, if applicable.  Please clip or rubber band together. ***Must hand written(see sample below)*** Well Known Case Studies in Environmental Science Aral Sea, Uzbekistan/Kazakhstan (former Soviet Union) and Mono Lake, California Bhopal, India Ogallala Aquifer Chernobyl, Ukraine Minamata, Japan Valdez, Alaska Aswan High Dam, Egypt Yucca Mountain, Nevada Chesapeake Bay, Maryland/Virginia Three Gorges Dam, China Love Canal Housing Development, Niagara Falls, New York Clinch River, Tennessee Three-Mile Island, Pennsylvania Fukushima, Japan (Fukushima Daiichi) Gulf of Mexico (near Mississippi River Delta) – (look up BP Oil Spill) Sample Front Back Description - ______Location ______

10. AP Environmental Science Current Events – Due Monday, August 25th  Find 10 large newspaper articles related to Environmental Science. If you are on vacation, look in the local paper. You must use newspapers in their original form. o Do not take/use articles from magazines. Do not print from the web. Do not photocopy.  Compose a 1-page summary of each article (double-spaced, 12pt font, 1” margins). The articles should be neatly cutout and taped/glued/displayed with the summary on a separate page facing the page with its article. Summaries may be neatly handwritten or typed.  Include a "Table of Contents” in which you number the articles; and list the title, source, and date of each article. o Example. Title Source Date Page 1. "Polio Pounds Yemen" LA Times November 23, 2004 A7  The newspaper articles that you select must have some "substance" and must have a clear connection to Environmental Science.

Please be certain that you understand and willingly agree to the above commitments before you decide to enroll officially in August. Many of you will be taking several AP courses and you must understand that the above expectations of course work and assignments are not negotiable.

If you have any questions, you can reach me via e-mail at [email protected].

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