Eep 260: Study Questions

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Eep 260: Study Questions


Topic VII. Are Conflicts Between Development and Environment Inevitable? Overview Clayton, AA Productive but Taxed Earth@ 1. According to Cristan Samper, what did the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment allow scientists to do for the first time?

2. What was a key feature of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, regarding unpredicted changes in ecosystems and why is this increasingly likely?

Valasquez-Manoff, “The Economics of Ecosystems” 1. What is stressed in the UNEP’s Economics of Ecosystems & Biodiversity report (TEEB) and what is the TEEB’s implicit contention, regarding what this will persuade people to do?

Rockstrom, “Copenhagen: A New Global Deal for Sustainable Development” 1. According to climate scientist Rockstrom, what does growing evidence indicate—what possibility can we no longer exclude?

Herbert, “American’s Attitudes Toward the Environment Aren’t Reflected in Action” 1. What did a recent telephone poll (conducted by AP and NBC) find, regarding what American’s felt would help the environment “a great deal” or at lease “a lot”, compared to specific action that they have any intention of doing?

Global Warming--Energy Spots, AIn Wake of Latest Climate Report, Calls Mount for Action@ 1. According to de Boer (Executive Secretary, UN=s IPCC), what does the new IPCC reportBwhich focuses on the science of climate change--clearly dispel?

2. What are 3 of the IPCC report=s projections?

Spotts, “Copenhagen Accord ‘Essential Beginning’ to Some, Shaky Foundation to Others” 1. What are 3 reasons that many negotiators, especially from developing countries, felt that the Copenhagen (climate agreement) was a shaky foundation?

da Silva, “Brazil’s President Lula on Global Warming: No Delays at Copenhagen” 1. Commenting on the costs and sacrifices (required to combat climate change), who does President da Silva say should share these costs/be part of the solution and what are 3 things that he says Brazil proposed/has agreed to do/has done to reduce Co2 emissions? Velasquez-Manoff, “Alaska Climate Change Frontier” 1. In Alaska, the temperature has risen 3.5 degrees F in the past 50 years. What are 4 ways that the warmer conditions are changing marine and terrestrial ecosystems in Alaska?

Montlake, “Climate Change: Southeast Asia’s Preparation Falls Short” 1. Why (2 reasons) is Southeast Asia seen as highly vulnerable to climate change?

2. In Southeast Asia, what could perhaps be the greatest single negative impact (of climate change)?

3. What is the biggest polluter in the region (Southeast Asia) and what does this stem from?

Wood, “Schwarzenegger Leads Governor’s Summit on Global Warming” 1.Why did Governor Schwarzenegger win global attention three years ago and what was the goal of the Governor’s Summit on Global Warming?

Rice-Oxley, “At $9 per Gallon, British Driving Habits Change” 1. Why have many environmentalists quietly rejoiced about the high cost of fuel (which reached $9/gallon in Britain)?

2. Why does Tom Burke—an environmental scientist & former government advisor—disagree that a high pump price is good?

Francis, AWhy Peak Oil May Soon Pique Your Interest@ 1. To what does the term Apeak oil@ refer and according to Mr. Simmons, when will this event occur?

2. According to a recent International Energy Agency report, why is concern over the worlds= oil supply mounting?

Rice-Oxley, ANever Mind Altruism, >Saving the Earth= May Mean Big Bucks@ 1. What are the conclusions of a new report commissioned by Shell UK, which questions President Bush=s assertion that adopting the Kyoto Protocol (which compels signatories to reduce greenhouse gasses) would seriously damage America=s economy?

2. According to Dr. Smale, what actions (3 examples) have UK government authorities taken (to address global warming)? Ford, “China Gets Serious About Carbon Emissions” 1. At the UN climate change summit in New York, what did China’s President Hu promise to do by 2020?

2. What at 3 things that China has done to indicate that it has begun to take the threat of global warming seriously and to adopt policies to address it?

Llana, ABrazil Eyes Ethanol as Fast Track to Power@ 1. Why will the high price of oil and concerns about climate change likely benefit Brazil?

2. Why are there anxieties abroad and at home about Brazil=s efforts to increase soybean and sugarcane production?

Forests-Species Llana, AGas Pipeline in Brazil Seen as a Model@ 1. What is the biggest threat when an oil pipeline is built (in the Amazon)?

2. Why is Brazil=s Urucu oil pipeline project considered a model for reducing environmental & social impactsBwhat did Brazil=s state-owned oil company do to protect the environment and benefit/compensate the local people?

Baldauf, ASaving Ethiopia=s Forests, and its Cutters@ 1. What is destroying EntotoBAddas Ababa=s (Ethiopia) last bit of remaining forestland?

2. What is the Former Wood Carriers Association (WFC) & the World Bank doing to try to save Ethiopia=s forestland?

Harman, AAt a Store Near You: Ecofriendly Lumber@ 1. According to Jose Carrrera, what is the way to get people like Mr. Chaoh to stop destroying the forest?

2. What is Thomas Wilson=s concern/worry regarding the future of certified wood?

Downie, “Critics Slam Loss of Brazil’s Environmental Chief” 1. Who/what groups celebrated Marina Silva (Brazil’s Minister of the Environment) departure/resignation and why-- what did they say was her aim?

2. According to Paulo Adario (Greenpeace), what does Silva’s (Brazil’s Minister of the Environment) resignation underline? 3. Lula’s government is supporting several key development projects, including new dams and a Highway to the Pacific. What are 3 possible impacts of these projects that are of concern to environmentalists?

Lowe, “Beef Producers, the Next Cutting Edge for Rain Forest Conservation” 1. In Brazil, what is responsible or more than half of carbon emissions and what is overwhelmingly the most important driver of deforestation in the Amazon?

2. According to David Cleary, given the inconvenient truth (i.e., most Amazon beef goes to domestic & export markets that are impervious to discouragement by conservations), what is a more promising strategy than redlining (i.e., the cutting edge of tropical conservation)?

Hanes, “Charcoal Fuels the Economy and Deforestation of Mozambique” 1. What are the 3 major causes of forest loss in South America and Africa?

2. Why do people in rural Mozambique cut the forests to make charcoal?

Llama, “Bolivia Gets Clean by Staying Green” 1. What is REDD, what do rich nations do, and how does this reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

2. In Bolivia, the project (Noel Kempff Climate Action Project) bought four timber concessions and set up a carbon- monitoring system by which offsets are awarded to three participating energy companies and the Bolivian government. What could be done with the offsets?

Animals Gravitz, ALegacy of Extinction@ 1. What is the current rate of species extinction and what are the 4 causes of species extinction?

2. What is the reason for the decline in rhino population and what has contributed to their rebounding in some countries?

3. According to Steve, Osofsky, what is the best way to save the majority of endangered species?

Margulis, ABackstory: Are Niger=s Giraffs a Fading Spot on the Horizon?@ 1. Why (3 reasons) have Niger=s giraffes been on the brink of extinction? 2. What is the Association to Save the Giraffes of Niger (ASGN) doing to try to protect Niger=s giraffes?

Montlake, AThai Animal Activists Try Shame@ 1. What is the driving force behind rampant poaching and how is WildAid trying to address the problem in Thailand?

2. What animal species are threatened or face an uncertain future and why (i.e., for what/how are these animals used)?

Itano, AHunt a Rhino, Save an Ecosystem@ 1. What is the new challenge facing South Africa=s national parks and what controversial measure is South Africa weighing to solve the problem?

2. Why do supporters argue that in certain cases, killing animals can actually benefit conservation & species preservation?

Coates, APlan Helps Birds, Villagers Thrive in Cambodia@ 1. What did Cambodia=s Ministry of Environment and WCS do to stop the trade in chicks and eggs that threatened the birds in Prek Toal?

2. What did many villagers think when conservationists first told them to stop hunting?

Hanley, “Mighty Caribou Herd Dwindles, Global Warming Blamed” 1. Why did researchers at the Univ. of Alberta find (in their global survey) that deepen concerns about the caribou’s future and what has caused the change?

Water—Fish Click, “The Pacific Isn’t the Only Ocean Collecting Trash” 1. What is the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch” and according to Dr. Law, why is it (and plastic collected in the Atlantic) a serious environmental problem from a lot of standpoints?

2. Rather than cleaning up the tiny pieces of plastic already swirling in the ocean’s currents, what do Dr Law and Dr. Erickson propose as the focus (i.e., solutions to the problem)?

Valasquez-Manoff, “Where Did all the Fish Go?” 1. What data indicates the “maximum sustainable yield” (of fish species) has been exceeded in the US and worldwide? 2. According to Daniel Pauley, what happened—identify a cultural, a technological, and an economics factor that has contributed to “the march of folly”?

Clayton, “Tuna’s Plight is a Problem the World Must Solve” 1. What FAO statistic indicates that global fisheries are in crisis?

2. A study published in Science reported that in 7 of 10 key marine ecosystems worldwide where exploitation rates were at or below the rate required to maintain a sustainable rate, the fisheries recovering. What are 3 aspects that that well- managed fisheries shared?

Spotts, “New Climate Change Signal: Ocean’s Turning Acidic” 1. What is making oceans more acidic and why/how is this threatening fisheries?

Clayton, “Is Water Becoming the ‘New Oil’?” 1. According to experts, as scarcity drives up the cost of fresh water, more efficient uses of water will play a huge role. What are 3 examples of more efficient uses of water (i.e., ways to save water)?


2. What is the water-related concern in International Alert’s report, which was cited by UN Secretary-General Moon and what is responsible for this in the developing world—especially China, India, and other parts of Asia?

Downie, “Amazon Dam Holds Promise of Clean Energy for Brazil” 1. What is Brazil planning to do, why is it doing this, and why are state officials/environmentalist critical of this plan?

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