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Argosy University, Chicago s6

Argosy University, Chicago COURSE SYLLABUS PP7372 Projective Personality Assessment SUMMER 2011

Faculty Information: Faculty Name: Ascher Levy, Psy.D. Campus: Chicago Contact Information: 312-433-6678 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: before class 5:30-6pm Monday and Wednesday and by appointment

Teaching Assistant: Megan Nichols (TA will provide contact info during first lab)

Course Catalogue Description: This course will cover the Exner Comprehensive System for the Rorschach as well as selected projective tests. In addition to understanding theoretical underpinnings, the student will be expected to develop some competence in the administration, scoring and interpretation of these instruments. The class will include a laboratory in which skills in administration and interpretation can be practiced.

Course Pre-requisites: an undergraduate tests and measures course

Required Texts:

Exner, John. (2000). A Rorschach workbook for the comprehensive system (5th Edition). The workbook's full title by Dr. Exner is called: "A Rorschach Workbook for the Comprehensive System, 5th Ed." - J.E. Exner, Jr. (2001). It is readily available for $45.00 at:

Levy, Ascher. (2008). A Beginner’s Workbook for the Interpretation of the Rorschach Comprehensive System, 10th Edition The book by ISPP faculty Dr. Levy will be available directly through him for $40..

Aronow, E. (2001). A Practical Guide to the Thematic Apperception Test: The TAT in Clinical Practice, Routledge ISBN-10: 0876309449

Technology: Pentium III CPU/ Windows 98; 128MB RAM printer; Microsoft Office: Acrobat (full version); Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 (PC), 5.0 (MAC), or Netscape Navigator 4.08; Norton Antivirus.

Course Length: 14 Weeks

1 Contact Hours: 40 Hours

Credit Value: 3.0

Course Objectives: Course Objective Program Goal Method of Assessment Demonstrate working knowledge of the Goal 1-Assessment Project 1 interpretation of apperception tests Project 2 Demonstrate working knowledge of the Goal 1-Assessment Project 3 interpretation of the Rorschach Inkblot Test and Rorschach Coding test the Exner System Demonstrate working knowledge of the Goal 1-Assessment Project 2 interpretation of other Projective Techniques Compare empirical support for and against the Goal 1-Assessment Classroom Discussion use of projective techniques Goal 4- Science Examine issues of diversity in regards to Goal 3- Diversity Project 1 response and interpretation of projective tests Project 2 Project 3 Demonstrate knowledge of scoring and Goal 1-Assessment Laboratory Homework interpretation of test materials Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Rorschach Coding test Evaluate the use of quantitative versus Goal 1-Assessment Psychometric Quiz qualitative test data Goal 5- Scholarship Demonstrate use of direct vs. indirect data in Goal 1-Assessment Psychometric Quiz psychological testing Project II Classroom Discussion Develop more advanced proficiency in Goal 1-Assessment Project II conceptualization of case material Synthesize projective material into conceptual Goal 1-Assessment Project 2 whole Project 3


Project 1: Administration of TAT with self-critique 10% Due 5/18 Project 2: Case with Background information, TAT, Projective Drawings & Sentence Completion/ integrated analysis 30% Due 6/1 Project 3: Case with Background Information and Rorschach (Including Structural Summery) 30% Due 6/27

Psychometric Quiz: Students will hand in their results to the following tutorial:

Project 1: Students administer 10 TAT cards to an adult or adolescent volunteer (i.e., Case 1).** The subject must not be related to or in a professional or meaningful personal relationship with

2 the student, and an appropriately executed release must be obtained prior to interviewing and testing (a copy will be provided in class). Under no circumstance may students provide feedback about the testing results to their subjects or their parent(s). The submitted project (stapled, double-spaced unless otherwise indicated, traditional font, and one-inch margins) includes the following sections (use underlined words only as section headers) that should immediately follow each other (see Project Guidelines for additional information):

 Confirmation of Signed Release to Test form (signed name partially redacted)  Behavioral Observations  Your test instructions:  TAT Transcript: Verbatim transcript of entire protocol including any additional questions asked by examiner  Self-Critique of administration- includes commentary on what student did correctly, areas where administration could have been improved, description of experience for student

Project 2: Students will be provided with a case example that includes background information and test data. They will be asked to organize this data into a personality functioning section based on their analysis of the test data integrated with background history.

Project 3: Students will be provided with a case example that includes background information, Rorschach responses, sequences of scores, and Structural Summary. They will be asked to organize this data into a personality functioning section based on their analysis of the test data integrated with background history.

Rorschach Coding Test: Students will be provided with a Rorschach protocol. They will be required to code the responses for location, developmental quality, determinants, form quality, pairs, Populars, content(s), z-scores, and special scores.

Administration: Students will administer the Rorschach to the TA. This will be a standard administration with introduction to the testing task and inquiry instructions. The student will coordinate a time to complete this with TA.

Labs/Teaching Assistant Sessions: Students are expected to attend a Lab/TA Sessions before each class, syllabi for these meetings will be provided by the Teaching Assistant. These sessions offer assistance primarily in the technical (scoring) and applied (administration) dimensions of testing and assessment. 2 absences (or the equivalent in tardiness or early departures) and/or any failure to contact the TA or instructor about an absence will result in either course failure or permission to withdraw from the course.

Attendance & Participation: Full class attendance is required. If a student must miss a class or a portion of it, s/he must notify the instructor at the earliest possible time. 2 absences (or the equivalent in tardiness or early departures) and/or any failure to contact the instructor about an absence will result in either course failure or permission to withdraw from the course. No exceptions will be granted.

3 As a significant portion of the course is reserved for discussion and interactive exercises, students are expected to participate actively and consistently in their learning through thoughtful questions and commentary. The instructor retains the right to adjust overall course grades based upon course participation.

Project Submission Requirements: Projects must be submitted to the instructor by the beginning of class time on the date the projects are due. Unless previously arranged or due to emergent circumstances, failure to submit a project by its deadline (i.e., the beginning of class on the dates assigned) results in the following deductions:

Project Not Submitted by Beginning of Class Time: 10% deduction Project Not Submitted by the End of Class Time: 20% deduction Project Not Submitted by 4:30 p.m. the next day: No Credit

Printer/computer problems, heavy traffic, health concerns of non-immediate family members, difficulty obtaining a volunteer, etc. are not considered “emergent” circumstances, and no “make-up” opportunities will be available under such circumstances. Students may be required to verify “emergency situations” in writing and with appropriate documentation. Projects may be delivered to the instructor by facsimile or e-mail to meet established deadlines, but technological difficulties in doing so results in deductions as described above. The instructor retains the right to determine if a proposed “emergent circumstance” warrants a project extension.

Special Policies Related to Assessment In Assessment courses, it is permissible to discuss test results with peers to get consultation on scoring and interpretation (except with regard to the Rorschach coding test). It is not permissible to share reports with peers, to “template” them or use each other’s wording, other than those templates provided by instructors. It is not permissible to copy paragraphs from sample reports on the website, other than those paragraphs that are in the report templates for that purpose. It is never permissible to copy interpretive statements from scoring and interpretation software, or descriptive or interpretive statements from test manuals or other texts except where the author has given explicit permission to do so. Violation of any of these rules will result in a failing grade for the course.

It is never permissible to photocopy test materials, including stimuli, manuals, and record forms for your use. (Instructors may provide copied forms for instructional purposes if the word “Sample” is overlaid or watermarked on the form, or if they present subject responses for discussion, scoring by students, or other instructional purposes. Students must purchase and use original record forms for class assignments.)

This course does carry a risk for those persons who serve as volunteers, as well as to the instructors who carry liability risk related to test security and supervision of graduate students. Because of these risks, failure to comply with all requirements - particularly with exclusionary criteria - will result minimally in a lower grade. Other consequences, including failure of the course and/or referral to the SPDC, may also apply. If you have questions regarding the

4 appropriateness of testing a given volunteer, ask the instructor. Do not test a volunteer about whom you are unsure unless you have checked it out.

The following list is of EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN subjects:

1. Anyone currently or previously under psychiatric, psychological, or social work care. 2. Anyone whom you think has "something wrong with them." 3. Anyone with whom you have a professional relationship in which you are the "authority" (e.g., a client in a practicum, at your work site, or in your own practice; a person you supervise at work). 4. Anyone who is, or who may be involved in any litigation, including, but not limited to, divorce, custody battles, driving under the influence, personal injury, embezzlement, domestic violence, and so forth. 5. Your spouse, partner, love interest, date, and your own child, regardless of age.

There are legal and ethical reasons for these restrictions, and we will discuss them in class. Failure to follow these restrictions will minimally result in additional assignments and a lowering of course grade. It may also result in course failure and/or referral to the Student Conduct Committee.

Grading Criteria:

There will be several different types of assignments: pass/remediation/fail and graded. The general assignment types are as follows:

I. From T.A. sessions

1. Practice homework problems assigned during T.A. sessions. These are to be completed but not graded. 2. Administration - you will be asked to administer the Rorschach with the T.A. You will receive feedback from your TA. This is pass-fail with opportunity to retake exam 1 more time if you fail.

II. In class

1. Psychometric Quiz – Credit/No Credit 2. Project I - graded 3. Project II – graded 4. Project III- graded

Course Schedule: Week Topic Reading Assignment 1 Course Introduction & None formally. Overview of “projective” May 9 testing. Empirical vs.

5 clinical interpretation, current status of psychological testing, therapeutic/collaborative assessment, areas to assess. 2 History of the TAT, TAT Dana, R. H. (1993). Assessment I: An Project 2 handed administration, card pull- emic perspective. In Multicultural out; due 6/1 May 11 story themes, main hero, assessment perspectives for drives, intentions, professional psychology (pp. 141-166). motivations Boston: Allyn & Bacon. practice interpretation Handouts on coping styles, defenses 3 Assessing ego functions: coping style, defenses, May 16 reality testing, impulse control, frustration tolerance, experience and expression of affect, superego/conscience development 4 Assessing object relatedness, Online- Handler, L. and Hebenicht, D. Project 1 due at family systems, and (1994). The Kinetic Family Drawing start of class May 18 conceptualization of the Technique: A review of the literature. world/perception of Journal of Personality Assessment, significant others with the 440-464 TAT Smith, D. & Dumont, F. (1995). A cautionary study: Unwarranted interpretations of the Draw-A-Person test. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 26, 298-303.

Handler, L. & Habenicht, D. (1994). The kinetic family drawing technique: A review of the literature. Jounal of Personality Assessment, 62, 440-464.

Reserve-Buck, J. Chapter 6 in H-T-P Technique Handouts 5 Projective Drawings, Recommended: feedback on project 1, Reserve- Costantino, G. and Malgady, May 23 Other projective tests: R (2000). Multicultural and Cross- Children’s Apperception Cultural Utility of the TEMAS Test. In Test (CAT), Tell-Me-A- I. Weiner (Ed). Handbook of Cross- Story (TEMAS), Adult Cultural and Multicultural Personality Attachment Projective Assessment. pp.481-513 Pictures (AAP), sentence

6 completion tests, Strengths, Holaday, M., Smith, D.A., & Sherry, A. Limitation and Culture in (2000). Sentence completion tests: A Projective Assessment review of the literature and results of a survey of members of the society for personality assessment. Journal of Personality Assessment, 74(3), 371- 383. 6 TAT scoring systems Overview: May 25 Westen’s SCORS-R, Cramer’s Defense Mechanisms, etc. , May 30 No class due to observance of Memorial Day 7 Introduction to Exner You will need to read the Levy book: Project 2 due at Comprehensive System, A Beginner’s Guide to the start of class June 1 critique, current status, Interpretation of the Exner overview of interpretation Comprehensive System-10th Edition Review sample (empirical and content), during the term. Do not read it to case data, work on gender and cultural memorize content but to get the idea of interpretation of considerations, how one goes about interpreting. You affective and may want to skim interpretation coping clusters; sections prior to the last part of the course and then read them more in Project 3 handed depth at that time. out-due last class 6/27 8 Feedback on project 2, Review sample Overview on administration, case data, work on June 6 scoring, computing structural interpretation of summary self-perception and interpersonal Affective and coping cluster clusters using interpretation feedback on Levy book for Project 2 purpose of class discussion 9 Self-perception and Review sample interpersonal perception case data, work on June 8 cluster interpretation interpretation of cognitive triad clusters using Levy book for purpose of class discussion 10 Cognitive Triad interpretation Interpret sample case for purpose of class discussion June 13 for 6/15

7 11 Sample case

June 15 12 Coding overview and practice Rorschach coding June 20 for exam test handed out; due start of class # 13 (6/22) 13Exne – Another sample case Section on Extended Aggressive Scores Rorschach coding interpretation in Levy book, Levy handouts on MOA, test due start of June 22 ROD, EII-2 class 14The F Future of the Rorschach: R-PAS, other empirically Project 3 due June 27 validated scores (MOA, ROD, start of class Extended Aggressive Scores, EII-2)

Required Readings:

American Psychological Association, Practice and Science Directorates (2000). Report of the Task Force on Test User Qualifications. Available online at:

American Psychological Association (1998). Rights and Responsibilities of Test Takers: Guidelines and Expectations. Available online at:


Exner, John (2002). The Rorschach: A Comprehensive System. Volume 1: The Rorschach, basic foundations and principles of interpretation. Wiley and Sons: New York. ISBN: 0- 471-38672-3 (on reserve)

Cramer, Phebe (2004) Storytelling, Narrative, and the Thematic Apperception Test, Guilford Press: New York, ISBN: 1-59385-071-9 (on reserve)

Dana, R (1993). Multicultural Assessment Perspectives for Professional Psychology: Principles, Applications and Examples. Allyn and Bacon (on reserve)

Exner, J (2005). The Rorschach: A comprehensive System, Volume 2. Advanced Interpretation. New York: Wiley and Sons. (on reserve)

Henry, W. (1973). The analysis of fantasy: The Thematic apperception technique in the study of personality. (on reserve)

Selected Readings (from journal articles) Mark Hilsenroth adaptation of Westen’s SCORES manual available for download at:

8 aspen0216_supp_mat.pdf

Phebe Cramer Defense Mechanisms Manual available for download at:

Finn and Tonsager on Therapeutic Assessment available for download at:

SPA Rorschach White paper available for download at:,%20JPA%29%20Status %20of%20the%20Rorschach1.pdf

Grading Criteria:

Grading Scale Grading Requirements

A 100 – 93 Project I 10% A- 92 – 90 Project II 30% B+ 89 – 88 Project III 30% B 87 – 83 Rorschach Coding examination 20% B- 82 – 80 Class and lab Participation (includes 10% completion of homework assignments) C+ 79 – 78 Rorschach Administration Pass/Fail C 77 – 73 Psychometric quiz Pass/Fail C- 72 – 70 100% F 69 and below

Note: Pass/Fail for Lab Session- it is expected that you attend all lab sessions or notify the T.A. of your absence. This includes lab session on the same day as/prior to first class meeting. It is expected that you actively participate with homework and reading to be prepared for both class and the T.A. session. You will be notified if you are in danger of not passing the T.A. portion of class and given a chance to remediate your performance.

Library Resources

Argosy University’s core online collection features more than 21,000 full-text journals, 23,000 electronic books and other content covering all academic subject areas including Business & Economics, Career & General Education, Computers, Engineering & Applied Science, Humanities, Science, Medicine & Allied Health, and Social & Behavior Sciences. All electronic resources can be accessed through the library’s website at User IDs and passwords are distributed during orientation, but can also be obtained at the circulation desk, calling 312-777-7653, or by e-mail at [email protected]. In addition to online resources, Argosy University’s onsite collections contain a wealth of subject-specific research materials searchable in the Library Online Catalog. Catalog searching

9 is easily limited to individual campus collections. Alternatively, students can search combined collections of all Argosy University Libraries. Students are encouraged to seek research and reference assistance from campus librarians.

Information Literacy: Argosy University’s Information Literacy Tutorial was developed to teach fundamental and transferable research skills, including selecting sources appropriate for academic-level research, searching periodical indexes and search engines, and evaluating and citing information. In the tutorial, students study concepts and practice them through interactions. At the conclusion of each module, they can test their comprehension and receive immediate feedback. Each module takes less than 20 minutes to complete. Please view the tutorial at

Academic Policies Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism: In an effort to foster a spirit of honesty and integrity during the learning process, Argosy University requires that the submission of all course assignments represent the original work produced by that student. All sources must be documented through normal scholarly references/citations and all work must be submitted using the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th Edition (2001). Washington DC: American Psychological Association (APA) format. Please refer to Appendix A in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th Edition for thesis and paper format. Students are encouraged to purchase this manual (required in some courses) and become familiar with its content as well as consult the Argosy University catalog for further information regarding academic dishonesty and plagiarism.

Scholarly writing: The faculty at Argosy University is dedicated to providing a learning environment that supports scholarly and ethical writing, free from academic dishonesty and plagiarism. This includes the proper and appropriate referencing of all sources. You may be asked to submit your course assignments through “Turnitin,” (, an online resource established to help educators develop writing/research skills and detect potential cases of academic dishonesty. Turnitin compares submitted papers to billions of pages of content and provides a comparison report to your instructor. This comparison detects papers that share common information and duplicative language.

Americans with Disabilities Act Policy It is the policy of Argosy University to make reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If a student with disabilities needs accommodations, the student must notify the Director of Student Services. Procedures for documenting student disability and the development of reasonable accommodations will be provided to the student upon request.

Students will be notified by the Director of Student Services when each request for accommodation is approved or denied in writing via a designated form. To receive accommodation in class, it is the student’s responsibility to present the form (at his or her discretion) to the instructor. In an effort to protect student privacy, the Department of Student Services will not discuss the accommodation needs of any student with instructors. Faculty may not make accommodations for individuals who have not been approved in this manner.

10 The Argosy University Statement Regarding Diversity Argosy University prepares students to serve populations with diverse social, ethnic, economic, and educational experiences. Both the academic and training curricula are designed to provide an environment in which students can develop the skills and attitudes essential to working with people from a wide range of backgrounds.

Student Agreement Form:

I ______have received a copy of the syllabus for ______. I have read the syllabus and understand the course requirements.

Signature: ______

Date: ______

11 Teaching Assistant Labs & Study Sessions: Mondays and Wednesdays, 4:30-5:30

Week 1- (5/9) Students take the TAT as a group. Discussion of experience.

Week 2 – (5-11) TAT administration with in-class practice.

Week 3 – (5-16) Students take the Rorschach as a group. Discussion of experience.

Week 4– (5-18) Overview of the Rorschach, introduction of terms. Administration of the Rorschach, show first part of Drs. Ritzler/Sciarra video on administration.

Week 5- (5/23) Finish watching Ritzler/Schiarra video

Week 6- (5-25) Practice Rorschach instruction and inquiry exercises, Questions on administration.

Week 7 – (6/1) Coding Location, Developmental Quality (DQ)

Week 8 – (6/6) Coding determinants Part I - form, movement, chromatic color, achromatic color.

Week 9-. (6-8) Coding determinants Part II - achromatic color, shading, form dimension, pairs, and reflections.

Week 10- (6-13) Coding Form Quality, extrapolation, contents, and Populars.

Week 11 – (6-15) Coding Z scores, special scores

Week 12 – (6/20) Coding special scores continued, GHR/PHR, calculating the structural summary

Week 13 – (6/22) Practice calculation of a Structural summary (bring calculators).

Week 14 – TBD optional-questions on coding

Students need to schedule a time to take the administration competency examination with the TA. This may begin any time after week 4.


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