Tyre Protector Industries Operations Manual

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Tyre Protector Industries Operations Manual

Chapter 5 Tyre Protector Marketing



 Tyre Protector International Limited 2006 08/05/18 Chapter 5 Tyre Protector Marketing


 Tyre Protector International Limited 2006 08/05/18 Chapter 5 Tyre Protector Marketing


 Tyre Protector International Limited 2006 08/05/18 Chapter 5 Tyre Protector Marketing


Chapters 5, 6, 7 & 8 contain information ideally suited for Technicians. They identify the market, the requirement and how to approach and successfully sell to it. Country Managers will already have a sound knowledge of sales and marketing techniques and I anticipate and expect new sales innovations and marketing techniques to be developed by them.

Market Potential And Competition

The Market

To give an indication of the potential for Tyre Protector there are approximately 30 million vehicles on the roads in the UK alone. Current new vehicle sales are approximately 2.5 million per annum. Each vehicle usually has a minimum of five tyres (commercial vehicles many more).

How many tyres are there in your country?

The Customers

 Range from private vehicle owners to fleets of trucks and heavy plant equipment.  Want to get the most from their tyres and be confident that they can rely on them.  Want to minimise the expense associated with vehicle ownership and maintenance.  Want to minimise the ‘down time’ of expensive plant and machinery (business users).  Want to maximise the usage and (particularly those in business) have less time to spend on buying decisions and are looking for ways of reducing this.

Current Options

 Aerosol cans – Primarily ‘get you home’ post puncture solutions. Clog up the tyre with a hardened sealant causing more expense to clean up.  Water based – Temperature sensitive and can cause corrosion in the structure of the tyre.  Glycol based – The best all round solution but poor organisation of marketing and sales with existing suppliers means that the market is not properly addressed consequently most potential users do not appreciate the benefits of glycol based sealants.

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Competitive Advantage

Although there are some competitors in the tyre sealant market, NONE of them offer the same standard of product or the unique quality and service that Tyre Protector provides.

 The commitment of Tyre Protector is to the highest possible standards.  The sealant has been specially formulated for Tyre Protector to provide the most cost effective tyre maintenance and puncture protection system available anywhere.  The equipment has been chosen and tested to provide Technicians with the ability to deliver a reliable and consistent service.  The vehicles are liveried, distinctive and sell the service whilst the service is being delivered to customers.  The service is second to none. The Tyre Protector Systems, Administration and Support make it a straightforward operation providing a consistent, reliable and friendly service.

Developing The Business

Primary Targets

The following pages deal with marketing to all customer types however Tyre Protector Representatives are recommended to concentrate their efforts on working with commercial customers.

Commercial Customers

Commercial customers (haulage companies, mines, military users and building and construction site plant operators) are very conscious of getting the best value for money from their very expensive equipment. Because of this a 5% saving on fuel, a 20% saving on tyre wear and reduced down time through punctures means you are much more likely to generate interest from them than from private motorists. In addition even the smallest company is going to have three or four machines with much bigger tyres (that require more sealant) than the average private motorist

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Private Motorists

They can be a profitable source of business but the approach is more security orientated and a more subtle approach is required. ‘No punctures on dark winter nights’, ‘Better safety for lady motorists’, ‘Enhanced Security’ etc

Marketing Activity

Marketing the Tyre Protector Service is a critical aspect of building a successful Tyre Protector Business and whilst this manual documents a number of methods that have been successful in the past, Representatives are expected to play an active role in using the marketing methods creatively and not simply ‘go through the motions’.

Factors Affecting The Marketing Of Tyre Protector

There are a number of factors that affect the marketing of the Tyre Protector Service and they can be classified into two groups -Types of customer and Marketing methods.


The type of customer and the way they look after and use their vehicles will have a big impact on the marketing method to be used.

Virtually all motor vehicles need tyres of one sort or another but the differences between say a JCB on a building site and a Mini Cooper in suburbia means very different methods need to be used to market Tyre Protector to them.

Marketing Methods

Marketing is simply a method of bringing a product or service to the attention of a potential user or customer. Advertising, leaflet dropping, telemarketing and cold calling are all different ways of doing this.

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Because of the wide variety of potential users of Tyre Protector it is impossible for Tyre Protector International Limited to specifically state that a particular method will work with a particular client.

Instead, a number of marketing methods that have been successful with different client types are documented, together with an explanation of the reasoning behind them. Representatives must use their own intelligence and resourcefulness in deciding methods to use with the client groups in their area, however, Representatives are encouraged to consult with Head Office on their marketing plans.

Business Development

Starting Up

You should adopt a methodical approach to generating business. Divide the area up into suitable 'patches' and deal with each one on in turn on a regular basis having carried out the initial research to identify suitable potential customers.

Bear in mind that each construction site will have more than one group of contractors and that you will need to spend time with each. Initially it is worth spending two or three hours per site so as to give each group of contractor’s adequate time.

As business develops Technicians will need to be more opportunistic in carrying out their business development calls and to fit them in between the calls received from customers. Technicians should spend some time keeping up to date on new sites and look for opportunities to call on them during the daily routine of dealing with customer calls.

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The Clincher

Despite all the paper, test results, convincing arguments, cost analysis the best tactic in selling the service is to prove it seals punctures by providing a demonstration. If they have time to talk to you they have time to watch a demo!

Technicians are provided with demonstration tyres as part of the initial package and in simple terms you stab holes in it. It is the most valuable marketing tool in your possession and perfecting the commentary and demonstration is vitally important.

Technicians should also carry a plank with nails. Immediately after showing a potential customer the demonstration nothing endorses it as effectively as running the Tyre Protector van over the plank of nails.

Our Customers

When marketing the service Tyre Protector Representatives should concentrate their efforts demonstrating to “HOT” customers. People that suffer frequent punctures, building sites, construction projects, waste management companies, landfill sites, mines etc. As the business develops and a Technician has more time to develop customers they can move on to targeting haulage contractors. Be prepared to use a different approach because many transport managers will tell you they do not get punctures. How can they refuse a product that can save them money? It is up to you to illustrate how effective Tyre Protector is at saving Transport Companies money.

Construction Sites

Construction sites are by far the most attractive and easiest source of business when setting up a Tyre Protector Business. The reason that building sites are the most attractive source of business is that they have lots of punctures due to the nature of the ground and the conditions where they are working. The simple fact is, if you can obtain the managers consent at the site to seal just one vehicle’s tyres if they then don't get any punctures they will inevitably call you back to do the remainder of their fleet. However Technicians will also need to pursue a longer term strategy similar to that of haulage companies as many sites are controlled from the Head Office of the construction company.

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Transport Companies

Experience has shown that developing regular business with Transport Companies requires dedication and a long term approach. Technicians will not be able to just drive up to a transport yard and sell to the yard manager. A careful analysis of the company’s fuel consumption and tyre costs will invariably be required. This will require a longer term monitoring programme to prove that Tyre Protector is providing the results claimed. Because Transport Contractors have high costs in tyres and fuel, they are a prime target for the Tyre Protector Service. However because the costs involved are high and the existing arrangements may be satisfactory, Technicians are recommended to concentrate their initial efforts on construction sites.

The Private Motorist

Experience has shown that in some respects this is the hardest market to get into. Whilst individual sales may come fairly easily it can be difficult to make good margins on sales as providing the service often entails travelling between each vehicle treated. For this reason the private motorists should only really be targeted when arrangements for a central treatment centre can be organised (see ‘Developing Business Allies’ later in this chapter).


Why Is Prospecting So Essential?

Prospecting is important because without customers you have no business. The more you prospect, the better your chances for a continuous flow of business. If you sit in your office waiting for the business to come to you, you will not succeed. Your productivity is critical to your success or failure as a Tyre Protector Technician.

In order to be successful in the Tyre Protector business you need to have a plan of action in place before you begin prospecting. A haphazard approach may work for you temporarily, but in the long run an organised approach will save you time and money.

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Why Is Prospecting So Essential? Cont,

Prospects fall into two separate groups:

 Those who you know nothing about.  Those you know something about.

Clearly the best way to generate business is to develop your business among people you know, or know something about, as a result of personal introductions. It may be necessary initially for you to develop prospects from people you don’t know. Some methods of doing this are given on the following pages.

Basic Information

Information you can obtain from the referrer should include some or all of the following:

A. Name. B. Age. C. Type of business. D. Size of business (number of sites or locations). E. Type of vehicles. F. Number of vehicles. G. Address and telephone number. H. Connection with referrer. I. Financial standing (some indication if possible). J. Hobbies / interests (useful for initial contact to break the ice). K. Web address.

Methods Of Prospecting

Most Technicians will use a number of different methods effectively to produce a continuous flow of potential customers. Until you have established a good solid customer base, you should implement all of the methods presented here and then later concentrate on the ones that work best for you. Keep in mind that successful Technicians don’t rely on one method alone.

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Methods Of Prospecting. Cont,

You will always need new customers to maintain and increase business. As you read about the following methods of prospecting, keep in mind people you know and target markets you have identified that would be suited for each method.

However you approach lead generation the GOLDEN RULE holds:-

You must always have available a substantial list of people to contact in order to set appointments. Never use up your list, always replace any names you take off it.

Referrals Or Personal Introductions

Referrals are potential customers suggested to you by your existing customers. This is by far the most effective method of prospecting because your customers recommend friends and family based on their trust in you. It is also one of the easiest methods of prospecting. Technicians who consistently ask for referrals have found that this method produces an endless chain of qualified prospects. You can also ask for referrals whether you close on a sale or not.


Many Technicians find this a daunting prospect however if approached professionally and methodically it can produce satisfying results, especially if used in conjunction with other methods. A recommended method for telemarketing is given later in this section. The object of the exercise is to get a meeting with the decision maker, not to sell the service over the telephone.

Personal Observation

Keeping your eyes open for changes in your community can yield a number of productive leads. Reading your local newspapers will keep you up to date on other changes in the community. Local newspapers and business pages will provide a wealth of information about potential prospects. Other observation techniques are telephone numbers and names on vehicles, newcomers to town centres, business parks or industrial estates.

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Personal Observation. Cont,

So remember, next time you’re out for a drive, be aware of these changes. If you don’t already, make a habit of reading your local newspapers. Newspaper prospecting using a felt tip pen can be one of the most lucrative sources for future business. Use this observation and “keeping in touch” approach and you will soon build a good quality business.

Cold Calls

Cold calling involves approaching people you have never met. When prospecting with people you don’t know the first rule is to try and remove the ‘cold’ element from any call. To assist you in this, you send a letter and brochure to the prospects so that when you telephone the prospects, they already know about you and you can discuss the letter with them.

REMEMBER, you will be much more effective if you implement a variety of prospecting methods. You will find that some work better for you than others and as your career progresses, two or three years from now you may concentrate on only a few of these methods. But, as a new Technician, use them all and decide which ones are most effective for you.

Local Advertising

The purpose of advertising is to make a group of people aware of you and the services you offer through your Business. This heightened awareness can help ease your prospecting efforts by making prospects more receptive to your contact.

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Most people are members of some kind of group. A network is a group, organisation or association of people who have characteristics in common. Members of a civic club, religious or professional organisation could be cultivated as networks of potential customers.

The network of leads and personal referrals

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Marketing Activities

Technicians may be responsible for all local marketing activities. Experience has shown that massive marketing and advertising campaigns are not cost effective, they can be very expensive and time consuming to organise. Technicians should concentrate on the area in which they are interested and develop the business by focusing their efforts.

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The Optimisation Concept

There are only three ways to develop your business - you can:

 Increase the number of customers.  Increase the average transaction value.  Increase the frequency of purchase.

The Optimisation Concept demands that a business employs tactics which ensure that all three ways are maximised, for example:

 Technician X has 100 customers earning on average £350 each time they transact and they buy once per year. Total revenue in this case £35000.

 Technician Y has 100 customers earning on average £437.50 each time they transact and they buy 1.25 times per year. Total revenue in this case £68359.

 Therefore, although there has only been a 25% increase in each way of developing the business there has been almost 100% increase in revenue = OPTIMISATION.

Tyre Protector recommends that Technicians ensure that a number of different tactics are used in their business to drive the business towards OPTIMISATION.

Marketing Methods

The crucial factor in marketing a product is to ‘sell the idea’ of the product to the potential buyer. This means getting to the ‘decision maker’ (DM) whether it be the Managing Director for a fleet of lorries or the head of the household for a domestic vehicle to take notice for long enough for you to be able to explain the features of Tyre Protector and how they can benefit from them.

There are three main methods:

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Marketing Methods. Cont,

Cold calling – Best used in the early days of developing an area but also when the opportunity occurs. Technicians should always keep their eyes and ears open when out and about for opportunities to talk to potential customers.

Mail shots/leaflet drops – Possibly the least effective, potentially quite costly but if carefully targeted and followed up with a cold call or telemarketing call can provide a good source of business.

Telemarketing – Possibly the most time consuming but equally when done properly can be very effective.

Systems And Administration - A Warning

It cannot be stressed enough that it is vital to have all systems and administrative methods in place and operational before taking on business.

It is a recipe for disaster to believe that “I will sort it out as I go along”. Customers are not impressed if their Tyre Protector Technician is disorganised and confused.

Initial Marketing

In order to develop a general awareness of the Tyre Protector Service it will be necessary to carry out some general marketing activities. During the initial trading period Technicians should consider studying their territory and deciding on suitable areas for an initial leaflet drop to raise awareness of your business.

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Regional and Country Managers will supply Technicians with a number of leaflets suitable for a leaflet drop, mail shots and distribution.

Ongoing Marketing

As the business becomes established Technicians should not 'rest on their laurels'. The business will only be successful through continued efforts to promote and develop the business. Outlined below are various measures Technicians should adopt. The emphasis must always be on local marketing.

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Mail shots / leaflet drops


When developing a mail shot or leaflet drop it is important to make thorough preparations. This means not only delivering the leaflets quickly and efficiently, without upsetting the recipients by having them scattered all over the neighbourhood and generally becoming litter to the detriment of the recipients and Tyre Protector but also preparing to deal with any responses.

Private Motorists

For example, a campaign to mail shot a residential area is fraught with complications. It is not very practical to make significant earnings having to drive around to each individual customer, a central point needs to be organised. This is where a collaborative venture with other vehicle related businesses comes in handy. Try offering half price sealant in each new tyre purchased (more tyres sold for the tyre shop, full price installation on the existing tyres!).

Technicians must carefully calculate any discounts etc to ensure they are still making a reasonable profit.

Commercial Prospects

Careful analysis of the suitable businesses in your area is important in ensuring that the mail shot or leaflet drop is properly targeted. The best method is to select a particular area carry out the mail shot / leaflet drop to the selected businesses and then follow it up with either a visit or telemarketing call.

Local Advertising

As the business develops, start advertising in parish magazines, local papers, school magazines, and local publications. Technicians should consult with Regional or Country Managers before embarking on any major advertising campaign. This kind of advertising is aimed primarily at private motorists.

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Vehicle Livery

The vehicle is a vital means of publicising the Tyre Protector Service. It advertises the service all the time it is on display, particularly when parked outside a customer’s house or premises. The van must always be kept clean and tidy. Tyre Protector provides a professional service and that should be reflected in our appearance.

Developing Business Allies

A useful source of referrals can be people who are in allied trades; they can provide introductions to new business. This type of referral tends to work best when the referrals are reciprocal i.e. you provide recommendations in return. Only recommend those who you know to be good, referring a customer to a poor quality source could lose the customer altogether. Suitable allies include – motor factors, fitters, garages, and motor dealers. One note of caution - never directly ask these people for business as this is often perceived as trying to poach customers. A better tactic is to ask their advice on how to find customers, ask them how they started, engage them in the problems of developing a business and they will begin to see you as an ally and not a rival.

Word Of Mouth

Once the business becomes established, provided the customers are getting a good service and feel they are being looked after a good source of new business can be obtained by word of mouth recommendations. A happy customer can say far more about the Tyre Protector Service than any leaflet or advertisement. It is important to promote and develop this method of marketing by understanding the power of the ‘multiplier effect’ as illustrated by the following diagram.

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The Multiplier Effect

If each customer produces just two new customers through recommendation and they in turn do the same in only eleven cycles over one thousand customers will have been generated.

Equally, negative effects can grow just as quickly. Customers that fail to recommend the service slows growth and makes life that much harder. If customers are unhappy with the service the damage done by bad recommendations can be catastrophic! Promoting good customer relations is a vital and fundamental part of the Tyre Protector concept.

Leaflet Distribution

When delivering the service Technicians should take every opportunity to advertise their business. This means leaving a supply of leaflets with the customer and asking them to pass them on to their friends and colleagues.

In addition always carry a supply in the vehicle so that if a suitable opportunity occurs a few minutes to drop a leaflets into neighbouring prospects.

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Leaflet Distribution. Cont,

From time to time Technicians will start operating in an area through a word of mouth recommendation without having done a general leaflet drop. When visiting these isolated customers it is recommended that some time be invested in carrying out a limited leaflet drop to develop the area further. A good response will also suggest that the area has the potential to benefit from a more extensive campaign.

Marketing Responses

Keeping track of where responses come from is a vital element in refining your marketing efforts. Technicians should develop a habit of recording where responses have been generated. Over time this will show which marketing activities are the most effective for your area.

A simple form with a column for each type of marketing activity is sufficient. As each response is received the simple question “Where did you hear about Tyre Protector” should provide the answer. Some additional columns to record the eventual outcome will also provide useful information on which sources produce leads that eventually lead to sales.

The headings will need to be adapted for the individual needs of technicians and it is especially important to add any new marketing initiatives to the form immediately so that the responses can be accurately assessed.


A properly organised telemarketing campaign is one of the most effective methods of developing new business. The following suggestions are written as applied to dealing with businesses but the same techniques apply to dealing with individuals.

Outlined below are the main points of the methodology which experience has shown to be most effective in obtaining appointments in order to get quality business.

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The Objective

The initial stage of selling the service to a client is to make contact with a decision maker (DM). DM’s can be found at various levels in companies ranging from the very top (Managing Directors, Executives and Directors), Transport Managers, Operations Managers, the Middle Managers or influential ‘Other ranks’ (Secretaries and Personal Assistants to senior members of staff). Once contact has been made the object of the exercise is to make an appointment with the DM, - the time to sell the service is at the meeting with the DM.

Points To Remember Before You Start

 If you make appointments you make money.  Telephone calls are not life-threatening situations.  You are only asking for half an hour of the prospect’s time - not their soul!  You know you will have something interesting for them when they meet you.  Five calls and five “no's” is not failure – overcome the negatives and remain focussed and positive.  ‘Some will - Some won’t - So what - Next!’

Weekly Goals

When planning your telephone marketing effort, proper goals should be set and every effort made to achieve or exceed them. A disciplined approach to this process will achieve consistent results. The working week should be organised as follows:

 1 full direct selling day per week - this should be sufficient to build your client base.  2 appointments per day of each selling day.  1 day of making appointments.

Some Technicians prefer to make appointments on a more regular basis and consequently are more effective, for example, spending the first one and a half hours every morning making appointments and planning the week ahead. Technicians are recommended to use a Weekly Planner to plan the week.

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Time Management

Your time must be well spent and meaningful - to do this you must be target orientated and focused. Do not mix and match, telephone work is telephoning, not searching for leads or numbers, you are telephoning to arrange an appointment, not to sell. Saturday – prepare your prospect list:

 Arrange prospects geographically to minimise time wasting between appointments.  Prepare a list of at least 30 prospects with telephone numbers.  If sending letters prepare target list for letters and this becomes your prospects for the following week.  Prepare a telephone sheet with numbers and contact names. This is your call list and records the results of your efforts.

The Telephone Approach

The Importance Of The Telephone

Your success as a Tyre Protector Technician is related to your telephone skills. The telephone is the key to appointments, and appointments are one of the keys to success.

Technicians use the telephone to:-

1. Make and confirm appointments. 2. Qualify prospects. 3. Follow up referrals and leads. 4. Arrange meetings with existing customers.

The telephone serves many important purposes, but the one we are going to concentrate on is getting the appointment. Remember your objective in the telephone approach is not to sell but to arrange for a meeting with a prospect, or a customer, as you are working on developing a customer base. You will be using the telephone primarily for gaining appointments.

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The Objectives Of A Telephone Approach

In planning your telephone approach, your first task is to establish the objectives or purpose of the call. Telephone objectives can include any of the following:-

 Following up a lead / referral to make an appointment  Confirming an appointment.  Confirming information already gathered.  Scheduling a follow-up meeting with a customer.  Transact business with existing customers only.

The Activities Of The Telephone Approach

Four activities are involved in gaining appointments. They are:

1. Open the call. 2. Establish rapport. 3. Handle resistance. 4. Close the call.

Although we discuss these parts one at a time, in reality they are not linear. You will of course always open the call first. Once you have done that, a customer may say, “Sounds great, when can you come?” you close on the appointment. Or, a customer may say, “I’m not interested.” You then manage the resistance. Resistance can occur at any time during a call. You must deal with it as it arises.

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The diagram below illustrates the telephone approach.

Let’s review each of these parts in some detail.

Open The Call

Opening the prospecting call is, in truth, similar to any business telephone call in which you have an objective of setting up an appointment.

The two steps involved in opening the call are:

1 - State your name and Tyre Protector affiliation Everyone likes to know who we are speaking to when we pick up our telephones. Always give your first and last name. Speak slowly and clearly so that the prospect can remember your name.

By mentioning Tyre Protector, you are giving the prospect a well-respected and easily recognisable signal about you and your professionalism.

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Open The Call. Cont,

You’ll have an opportunity to develop an opening best suited to you and your style. However, a simple, effective opening we recommend is:

“Hello, may I speak with please? , this is from Tyre Protector ,I would like to arrange to see you for approximately 15 minutes to introduce a product that I think will be particularly beneficial to you.”

2 - Extend courtesy If you have ever been in a work environment where you receive many business calls, you know how appreciative you are when a caller asks if they’ve called at a convenient time. A simple question like, '‘Is this a good time for us to speak?” extends the kind of courtesy people would like and our prospects deserve. It also tells you whether your prospects really have time to listen. If not, they probably won’t be attentive and you will be wasting your time.

Establish Rapport

Perhaps nothing is as critical to a successful telephone approach as a Technicians ability to establish rapport with a prospect. In fact, by extending courtesy you immediately help establish the kind of rapport you want to have in your professional relationships. It demonstrates your concern and respect for your prospect’s time.

The two steps in establishing rapport are:-

1 - State why you’re calling Some people call this the ‘initial statement’. It is the beginning of creating interest in you and Tyre Protector’s services and products. An example of this type of statement is:

“Many of my customers in similar situations have found individually tailored solutions to their tyre maintenance needs very helpful. At Tyre Protector our motivation is to ensure that our customers get maximum use out of the tyres they use.”

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Establish Rapport. Cont,

2 - Probe to identify prospects’ attitudes toward tyre maintenance

In many ways, this is similar to qualifying a prospect. Basically, your probe should accomplish two things:  Discover prospects’ attitudes and knowledge about tyres.  Discover how serious the prospects are about tyre maintenance.

Some typical qualifying questions are:  “How have you bought tyres in the past?”  “What sort of maintenance programme do you carry out?”

It is important to stress once again that the objective of the prospecting call is to get the appointment. It is not to discover detailed information about the prospect. Your goal is to keep the call as brief as possible without jeopardising your relationship. For this reason, you’ll want to practise how to identify prospects’ attitudes without getting involved in too much detailed information. And of course, qualifying can occur at any time during the call.

Close The Call

Once you’ve established rapport and created interest on the prospect’s part, you can close for the appointment.

There are four steps to closing the call.

1. State the benefit of meeting with you. 2. Ask for the appointment. 3. Confirm the date and time of the meeting and who will attend. 4. Express thanks.

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Close The Call. Cont,

1 - State the benefit (i.e. make a general benefit statement). This step allows you to ask for the appointment in a positive way. Depending upon the kinds of information you’ve learned during the call, you’ll be able to tailor this benefit to each prospect.

For example, you might say: “We’ll be able to look at all the various options that will help you decide which tyre maintenance programme is appropriate…” You can complete that sentence with any appropriate statement such as: ”…reduce your running costs, “…ensure you get maximum value for money etc.

Basically, the summary is used as a transition to move into asking for the appointment. As you become experienced, you’ll find the words which you feel most comfortable saying.

2 - Ask for the appointment. Most Technicians find that if they have accomplished all the other steps in the model, this is the simplest statement of all, but always the most important.

Once you have created and confirmed interest in Tyre Protector’s products and made a general benefit statement, ask for the appointment. Successful Technicians make sure that all parties can attend the meeting. You need to have all the decision-makers present in order to make efficient use of your time.

There are a variety of ways to ask for the appointment. For example:

“ I’m going to be in your area on and I’d like to stop by to discuss with you and your partner.” Or “I’m setting up my schedule for next week. Is Monday or Tuesday better for you and your partner?” Or “I have some ideas that I believe would be helpful to you. Would later this week or the first part of next be a better time for you and your colleagues to meet with me?”

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Close The Call. Cont,

3 - Confirm date, time and who will attend This is a simple and crucial step. It reinforces the information and clears any confusion.

For example, you might say: “Let’s just confirm this. I will visit you at 10 a.m. next Thursday, July 8.” Or “ I have the directions to your offices/site then, , I’ll be there at 3p.m. this Wednesday. That’s the day after tomorrow March 15.”

Once you’ve confirmed the time and place to meet and that all decision-makers will be present, you may want to give the prospect your number. If they are unable to meet at the scheduled time, they can call you to rearrange the meeting. This will save you time.

It is also recommended that you call your prospect a day before the meeting to confirm the details. This too is a great time-saver.

4 - Express thanks Expressing thanks when you close any call is common courtesy. During a prospecting call it also reinforces the rapport you’ve established.

There’s no need to ‘gush’. A simple and sincere ‘thank you’ is the best ending to the call, for example, you might say: “Thank you for your time, , I look forward to our meeting.” Or “Goodbye then, . And thank you. I’ll see you and your partner on Tuesday.” Remember…always let your prospects hang up first to be assured that you are still on the line to answer any last-minute questions.

Managing Resistance

Resistance can and does occur at any point during a call. People generally find it easier to say “no” to a voice on the telephone than to someone in person. You must manage it when it occurs. You cannot ignore resistance because it won’t disappear.

5-26 2018 年 5 月 8 日 星期二  Tyre Protector International Limited 2006 Chapter 5 Tyre Protector Marketing

Managing Resistance. Cont,

Successful Technicians:  Determine the reason for resistance.  Respond empathetically with general benefits.

Let’s examine each step of managing resistance in more detail.

Determine the reason for resistance We have found there are three common reasons prospects give when resisting. They say they have:  No time – “Put something in the post, okay?”  No money – “I haven’t got the money to buy tyre sealants at the moment”  No interest – “I’ve got somebody who looks after my needs at the moment”

You’ll need to listen actively and determine what reason the prospect is giving. In some cases, no matter how closely you listen, you won’t be sure why the prospect is resisting. In these cases, probe to discover the reason and respond appropriately in each case.

For example, if a prospect responds, “Oh, I’m just not sure,” You might ask, “What is it you’re not sure about, ?” In answering your probes, the prospect will most likely give one of the most common reasons, and then you’ll be able to respond.

Respond empathetically with general benefits Empathy is defined as understanding someone’s feelings without adopting them as your own. To express empathy, acknowledge the concern.

Next, follow this acknowledgement with a general benefit statement of doing business with you.

The general benefit of meeting with a Tyre Protector Technician is:

“By meeting with a Tyre Protector Technician you begin to develop a long-term solution to your motoring needs.”

5-27 2018 年 5 月 8 日 星期二  Tyre Protector International Limited 2006 Chapter 5 Tyre Protector Marketing

Managing Resistance. Cont,

There are many variations on this general benefit statement. In every case, however the benefit describes how the prospect will profit from the meeting. It answers the prospect’s often unasked but underlying question, “What’s in it for me?” For the examples above, your general benefit statement might be:

No time “Many of my customers have very hectic schedules. In fact one of the main benefits of our service is to reduce the time involved in looking after your tyres.” Or “Many of my customers have busy schedules, that is why I will visit you at your office or site at a time convenient to you.” No money “It is my job to ensure that my customers can reduce the cost of tyre usage and we offer a range of maintenance programmes to suit everyone’s needs.

No interest “I work with my customers to ensure they get the best value from their tyres.” Or “I like to meet customers a long time before they need to change their tyres so that we can establish a maintenance plan early.”

Feel, Felt, Found Always take the objection - handle it - and CLOSE - don't start an argument! The most effective method we have found is based on the ‘Feel, Felt, Found’ technique.

This can be applied to virtually any objection that a prospect can make, and in its simplest form can be used as follows:

“Yes Mr XXX I understand how you feel, and many of our clients have felt the same, but having spent fifteen minutes discussing our service and how we can help, they have found that they have generated ideas on how they can get better mileage and fuel savings for the same money”.

5-28 2018 年 5 月 8 日 星期二  Tyre Protector International Limited 2006 Chapter 5 Tyre Protector Marketing

Managing Resistance. Cont,

Then close it!

“How does that sound to you” - “Is that OK”

Close the discussion and make the appointment there, don’t give them the opportunity to raise another objection.

Mentally visualise the following situation:

You’re confidently sitting at your desk. Your well-rehearsed telephone script is in front of you. Your managing resistance techniques are at your side. Your list of prospects is staring you in the face, and your fingers are ready to start dialling just as soon as you give the command. But you suddenly realise that you need to sharpen your pencil, and then remember those copies you planned to make today, and so on…!!!! Does this sound familiar to you?

Most Technicians, at one time or another, have experiences similar to this one. For some Technicians, when it comes to making calls, procrastination is a word they know all too well.

Why do technicians have this problem?…why do they experience telephone reluctance?

Lack of confidence - Technicians are not confident with their telephone skills; therefore, they are insecure and uncomfortable when calling prospects.

Fear of Rejections - A negative experience, such as a hostile prospect that treats the Technician rudely over the telephone, may cause the Technician to feel rejected and personally attacked.

Complacency - Making calls can be a tedious, boring and never-ending task.

As you can see these are very basic reasons why you may be reluctant to use the telephone although they are not always fully apparent. What, then, can you do to reduce your telephone reluctance?

5-29 2018 年 5 月 8 日 星期二  Tyre Protector International Limited 2006 Chapter 5 Tyre Protector Marketing

Managing Resistance. Cont,

Ways to Overcome Reluctance In the early stages of business, you may feel apprehensive about calling prospects simply because of inexperience. Therefore, developing your skills and confidence is the first step in reducing reluctance. Many Technicians approach their telephone reluctance by asking themselves these two questions:

 What do I have to lose if I don’t call my prospects?  What do I have to lose if I do?

The answers to both questions should be quite clear to you by now. By not making your calls, you have everything to lose…beginning with no appointments, which means no interviews, …no sales and ultimately, no money! On the other hand, you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain by making calls. As you can see, telephone prospecting is clearly a “Win-Win” situation.

Technicians use a variety of techniques to maintain a winning attitude when calling prospects. To help you maintain a positive attitude when you’re feeling reluctant about making calls, follow these tips that have proved successful for many Technicians.

First and foremost, be prepared - Have your script ready and in front of you. Have a well-prepared response list for some objections. Responses should be easy to look up as the prospect is making the objection. Have your diary open and existing appointments written in.

Keep your call brief - Use your time efficiently and effectively. You’re calling to get the appointment: don’t get side-tracked. Remember, quality is important but so is quantity. You want to make as many calls as possible without jeopardising your objective of getting the appointment. Every prospect is a potential customer.

Don’t take rejection personally - Have confidence and believe in what you do. Think of the fact that everyone you speak with is going to become better informed about Tyre Protector’s products and services. If some prospects refuse to listen, it’s their loss.

5-30 2018 年 5 月 8 日 星期二  Tyre Protector International Limited 2006 Chapter 5 Tyre Protector Marketing

Managing Resistance. Cont,

Plan on making your calls when you are ‘up’ i.e. on a psychological high - If you are not a morning person don’t increase your reluctance by scheduling your calling time in the morning. Set a time when you know you are usually at your best, both mentally and physically, and stick to it! Also, try to plan your calls during what the more experienced Technicians have found to be the most successful times to call prospects in your area.

Use a realistic approach - Statistics show that for about every five calls experienced salespeople make they secure one appointment. Remember a call is when you actually make contact and speak with the prospect: busy signals, wrong numbers etc. don’t count.

Overcoming resistance – See also ‘Overcoming resistance’ in Section 6. This demonstrates how benefiting the hirer or owner of the vehicle can also benefit the user. Try to use a similar logic for other types of customer.

If you are consistently unsuccessful in obtaining appointments, stop making calls and evaluate yourself.

There is a self-evaluation guide in this section. Use it not only when you are in a slump, but also when you’re successful. This will help you identify your strengths and your weaknesses. You should also call your Regional Manager who will provide additional training if required.

Follow-Up Procedure

You called your prospect; you followed the telephone approach skill model; you managed resistance and you got the appointment. Afterwards you feel great and so you should. But remember, this is only the beginning. Now that you have successfully made the appointment, there are certain steps you should follow to ensure a productive interview with your prospect. As soon after your call as possible, send a company approved pre-appointment letter. This letter serves several purposes including: confirming your appointment time and date and instructing your prospects about any data they should bring to your meeting. Call your prospect a day before your appointment to confirm the details.

5-31 2018 年 5 月 8 日 星期二  Tyre Protector International Limited 2006 Chapter 5 Tyre Protector Marketing

Follow-Up Procedure. Cont,

You might say: “, this is from Tyre Protector. I’m just calling to confirm our appointment for at

I am looking forward to seeing you then…


Confirming appointments with your prospects and customers, not only saves you time, but it enhances your credibility as well.

Prepare for the interview in an organised fashion and be sure to gather all necessary materials. And don’t forget to review the notes you gathered about your prospect during the call.

Self-Evaluation Guide

When your telephone calls are going extremely well, or when you’re in a minor ‘slump’, answering the questions below will help identify your own strengths and weaknesses. Continue to use the strengths to your advantage, and work on the weaknesses to help you become more successful with your telephone approach.

 Am I using a pleasant, sincere and conversational tone of voice?  Am I stressing prospect/ customer benefits?  Am I listening carefully to what the prospects / customers say and how they ‘feel’?  Am I prepared?  Am I really responding to the prospect / customer?  Am I supporting positive remarks from the prospect / customer?  Am I keeping a positive attitude about the possibility of getting an appointment on every call?  Do I really believe that what I do will benefit the prospect / customer?

5-32 2018 年 5 月 8 日 星期二  Tyre Protector International Limited 2006

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