Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of June 17, 2009

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Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of June 17, 2009

Board Minutes June 17, 2009 Page 1 of 7 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of June 17, 2009 President Greg Hanon called the Regular June 17 meeting of the Board of Directors of Sumner School District No. 320 to order at 6:01 p.m. Present: Greg Hanon, Mike Pavlik, Sherm Voiles, Rick Hendricks, Jeff DeMarre Dr. Gil Mendoza, Superintendent; Craig Spencer, Assistant Superintendent; Debra Barlow, Executive Director, Human Resources; Chris Wick, Executive Director, Teaching & Learning; Deb Campbell, Executive Director, Business Services; Ann Cook, Director, Communications; Erin LaVerdiere, Director, Professional Development; Susie Lynch, Director, Research & Assessment; Sandy Nelson, Chief Technology Officer; Kandy Rose, SEA President; Hillery Berteaux, SEA President-elect; Sarah Briehl, Director, CTE; Kent Vallier, Co-Principal, Sumner Middle; Steve Fulkerson, Co-Principal, Lakeridge Middle; Sandee Chittenden, Director, Finance; Kathryn Briggs, Math TOSA; Troy Whitten, Director, Transportation; Tim Thomsen, Director, Athletics/Activities; Susie Black, Principal, McAlder Elementary; Shawna Hunt, Teacher, Sumner Middle; Kara Slater, Boe Woodbury, Jennifer Peters and Kim Fergus, Teachers, Sumner High; Connie Sanford, Coordinator, Human Resources; Diana Culliton, Secretary, Professional Development; Mandy Jowett, Recording Secretary. Visitors: 42 Flag Salute Approval of Agenda Moved by Mike Pavlik that the Board approve the agenda and supplemental agenda as presented: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried. Approval of Minutes Moved by Sherm Voiles that the Board approve the minutes of the Regular May 27 Board meeting as presented: Seconded by Mike Pavlik. Motion unanimously carried. Consent Items Moved by Jeff DeMarre that the Board approve the consent items on the regular and supplemental agendas: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.

Contract Ratifications Suzanne Britanyak, Physical Therapist, Special Services, contract increase from a .80 FTE continuing contract to a .80 FTE continuing contract and a .20 FTE time-limited contract, effective 2009-2010 school year Tracey Weddle, 1st Grade Teacher, Bonney Lake Elementary, rehire on a .50 FTE time-limited contract, effective 2009-2010 school year Patricia DiMichele, 3rd Grade Teacher, Liberty Ridge Elementary, rehire on a 1.0 FTE provisional contract, effective 2009-2010 school year Rebecca Pennala, Intervention Specialist, McAlder Elementary/Lakeridge Middle, contract increase from a .50 FTE continuing contract at McAlder Elementary to a .50 FTE continuing contract at McAlder Elementary and a .50 FTE time-limited contract at Lakeridge Middle, effective 2009-2010 school year Emily Smith, Librarian, Crestwood Elementary, new hire on a .83 FTE time-limited contract, effective 2009-2010 school year Board Minutes June 17, 2009 Page 2 of 7 Consent Items, continued

Leave of Absence Kristine Claunch, 4th Grade Teacher, Bonney Lake Elementary, recision of previous .60 FTE leave of absence without pay at the March 18 Board meeting to return to work full-time, effective 2009-2010 school year Karen Bunker, 1st Grade Teacher, Bonney Lake Elementary, recision of previous .40 FTE leave of absence without pay at the March 18 Board meeting to request a .50 FTE leave of absence without pay, effective 2009-2010 school year

Retirements Joanne Coates, Registrar/Guidance Secretary, Lakeridge Middle School, effective August 31, 2009. Joanne has worked for the District for 23 years. Robert Daniels, Electrician, Maintenance & Operations, effective July 30, 2009. Robert has worked for the District for 14 years.

Resignations David Bellamy, Science Teacher, Bonney Lake High, effective end of 2008-2009 school year Erin Gallion, English Teacher, Bonney Lake High, effective end of 2008-2009 school year Anna Griebel, Professional Development Specialist, Liberty Ridge Elementary, effective end of 2008-2009 school year Michelle Smith, Speech Language Pathologist, McAlder Elementary/Mountain View Middle, effective end of 2008-2009 school year

Program Applications The Board authorize the Administration to submit applications for the Title I/Learning Assistance Program, Title VI Program, Highly Capable Program, the State Transition Bilingual Program, the Title V Innovative Program, the Perkins IV Act Application, and approve Title X Part C: Education of Homeless Children and Youths for the 2009-2010 school year.

Interdistrict Coop Agreements The Board approved interdistrict cooperative agreements for the 2009-2010 school year as listed below.

Interdistrict cooperative agreement to establish receipt of services from or provision of services for Special Education nonresident students with Tacoma, Puyallup, Franklin Pierce, Enumclaw, Orting, Dieringer and White River School Districts. Interdistrict cooperative agreement with Enumclaw, White River, Orting and Sumner School Districts to operate the White River Alternative Program (WRAP) – formerly known as Collins High School, Collins Junior High and Collins Extension Center.

Renewal of the interdistrict cooperative agreement for the operation of Pierce County Careers Connection (PC3), a tech-prep consortium designed to provide students with dual credit opportunities. Pierce County school districts offer courses for credits through Bates Technical College, Clover Park Technical College, Tacoma Community College, and the Pierce College District. The consortium facilitates connections between secondary and post-secondary programs and staff. Board Minutes June 17, 2009 Page 3 of 7 Interdistrict Coop Agreements, continued Renewal of the interdistrict cooperative agreement for the operation of the South King County Tech Prep Consortium (SCKTP). In an arrangement similar to PC3, SKCTP provides students with dual credit opportunities through Green River Community College, Highline Community College and Renton Technical College.

Renewal of the interdistrict cooperative agreements with Bates Technical College, Clover Park Technical College, Green River Community College, Highline Community College, Pierce College and Tacoma Community College for the Running Start Program and technical high school opportunities.

Safe & Drug-Free Schools (Title IV) Cooperative This is a renewal of the presently existing agreement between Sumner and four school districts (Fife, Orting, Puyallup and Eatonville). Grant monies received in this cooperative will continue to be used to further substance abuse and violence prevention, intervention, crisis management and recovery programming, utilizing collaborative strategies between schools, youth, parents and the communities these districts serve. Grant-funded activities will reflect input from all districts, local schools, staff, students and parents. We anticipate the total allocation (for all five districts) to be approximately $79,000. Performance measurement information for grant-funded activities is available through the STARR project. Pierce County Human Services Chemical Dependency Prevention Grant County (Federal) funds in the amount of approximately $24,000. will support best practice substance abuse prevention curricula at selected elementary school in Sumner, Puyallup, Orting and Eatonville School Districts. Funds include support for staff training, materials, student workbooks and STARR Project staff that will manage reporting requirements. Grant funds are available from July 1, 2009-June 30, 2010. Interdistrict cooperative agreement for participation in the Puget Sound Educational Service District No. 121 cooperative for Indian Education Services. Renewal of the interlocal agreement with the City of Bonney Lake to contribute $6,000 toward the funding of the Sumner Family Center Coordinator position (January 1 – December 31, 2009).

Renewal of the interlocal agreement with the City of Sumner to contribute $28,960 toward the funding of the Sumner Family Center Coordinator position (January 1 – December 31, 2009). Interlocal agreement for participation in the Puget Sound Joint Purchasing Cooperative for the bid and purchase of food and nonfood items.

Surplus Property The Board authorized the District to surplus items on the District Surplus Removal Listing.

Out of State Travel Scott Thompson, Yearbook Advisor, Sumner High, to attend yearbook publishing company training, July 23-27, 2009, in Dallas Texas, to learn new software and procedures for new publisher and yearbook publishing. Funding source: Sumner High ASB yearbook funds Board Minutes June 17, 2009 Page 4 of 7 Out of State Travel, continued Tony Clarke, Teacher/Wrestling Coach, Joe Ireland, Teacher/Assistant Wrestling Coach, Bonney Lake High, and Rick Schoengarth, staff volunteer, to accompany Bonney Lake High student athletes to the North Idaho College Wresting Camp in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, June 26 – 27, 2009. Funding sources: ASB fundraising and booster club funds – parents providing transportation.

Recognition a. Retiree Reception Joanne Coates, Joan Cortlund, Robert Daniels, Denise Faille, Judy King, Mari Mattson and Chris Wick were recognized for their dedication to the Sumner School District. These employees represent 162 years of service to Sumner School District students and families. b. WASA Community Leadership Award Parent volunteer Ken Dyckman was recognized for his outstanding leadership in the community and presented with a plaque for receiving the Community Leadership Award for Region 111 from the Washington Association of School Administrators. Ken provides unmatched leadership in science education and has devoted many hours to developing science night programs, serving as a judge at district and regional science fairs and volunteering at school, district and state levels in advocacy and advisory roles. c. Roll of Honor Native American Coordinator Kandis Reyes was recognized for her 2 years of service to the Sumner School District during which she has transformed the District’s Native American program. Kandis brought a unique set of skills to the Coordinator position. She is now leaving the District and her great work will be missed. Meeting Recessed: 6:20 p.m. Meeting Reconvened: 7:00 p.m. Budget Hearing Executive Director of Business Services Deb Campbell reviewed proposed budgets for 2009-2010 and answered questions from the Board.

Meeting Recessed to open a Public Hearing: 7:12 p.m. Board President Greg Hanon accepted public comment on the proposed budgets for 2009-2010. There was no public comment. Final adoption is scheduled for the July Board meeting. Meeting Reconvened: 7:13 p.m. Reports a. Higher Education Coordinating Board (HECB) Core Courses Dr. Mendoza presented a list of District courses with college academic distribution requirement (CADR) designation outlined by the HECB. Each year, the Sumner School District Curriculum and Instructional Materials Committee reviews new course approvals to determine HECB classification. b. Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Teachers Shawna Hunt, Hillery Berteaux, Kara Slater and Boe Woodbury spoke about their experiences with PLCs and about how the collaborative approach has been a benefit to them in their work with students. Board Minutes June 17, 2009 Page 5 of 7 Reports, continued c. EBAT and Athletic Participation Fees Athletic Director Tim Thomsen reviewed the District’s EBAT (Everybody a Team Mate) “no-cut” philosophy. Athletic participation increased as the year progressed, with volleyball and basketball most affected. EBAT teams are now called “C” teams; the name preferred by athletes. Charging nominal participation fees has had little impact on athletic participation, therefore, the District will expand the number of activities that require participation fees.

Audience Comments Sumner Education Association (SEA) President Kandy Rose said teachers found this year’s Wednesday 90-minute late starts fruitful and appreciated PLC training for SEA leadership. She also requested the District look at opportunities to reinstate teacher losses, such as the LID day, due to the State budget short fall. Superintendent Comments Dr. Mendoza told the Board he was proud of the work done by Business Services, the Sumner Education Association and the Budget Development Team on next year’s budget; it was not an easy task. Board Member Comments Director Rick Hendricks recently attended Sumner High, Bonney Lake High and Collins Alternative school graduation ceremonies and commended those who organized and manage the events for a job well done. Unfinished Business a. New Policy: Career & Technical Education – Second Reading Moved by Sherm Voiles that the Board adopt new Policy 2170, incorporating RCW 28A.700, the Career & Technical Education Act, as required by law: Seconded by Jeff DeMarre. Motion unanimously carried.

New Business a. Instructional Materials Adoption: First Reading Kathryn Briggs, Math TOSA, and Kim Franett-Fergus, Math Teacher, Sumner High, presented a recommendation of algebra and geometry textbooks by Glencoe/McGraw Hill for a new math adoption for the high school math sequence of courses. This information was provided for first reading. b. Change Order #6: Elementary No. 9 Moved by Jeff DeMarre that the Board approve Change Order #6 for Elementary No. 9 as presented: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried. c. Acceptance of Bid: Liberty Ridge & Crestwood Elementary Re-roofing Moved by Jeff DeMarre that the Board accept the low base bid from Wright Roofing for Liberty Ridge and Crestwood re-roofing projects: Seconded by Sherm Voiles: Director Mike Pavlik recused himself from the vote. Motion passed 4-0. Board Minutes June 17, 2009 Page 6 of 7 New Business, continued d. Warrant Approval Moved by Mike Pavlik that the Board approve the warrants as certified by the auditing officer: Seconded by Sherm Voiles. Motion unanimously carried.

Warrant #36909-#36975 in the total amount of $332,123.75 General Fund $302,873.93 Capital Projects $500.00 ASB Fund $28,512.58 Private Purpose Trust Fund $30.00 Warrant #36866-#36908 in the total amount of $215,147.07 General Fund $198,904.04 Capital Projects $150.00 ASB Fund $15,897.50 Private Purpose Trust Fund $66.00 Warrant #36976-#37045 in the total amount of $392,572.12 General Fund $379,467.81 ASB Fund $13,104.31 Warrant #195315-#195367 in the total amount of $5,196,876.22 General Fund Warrant #195367-#195378 in the total amount of $190,763.23 General Fund Warrant #195379-#195428 in the total amount of $5,222,381.41 General Fund Warrant #195429-#195450 in the total amount of $249,524.68 General Fund Warrant #480916-#480916 in the total amount of $2,846.23 General Fund

Information Only a. Upcoming Board Meeting The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 15, at 6:00 p.m. and will be held in the Board room. b. Budget Status Report The budget status report for May was included for Board information. c. WSSDA Annual Conference The WSSDA Annual Conference is scheduled for November 18-21, 2009, and will be held at the Seattle Westin. Please let Mandy know if you are interested in attending.

Meeting Recessed for Executive Session: 8:22 p.m. President Greg Hanon announced an Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the Superintendent’s evaluation and contract. Board action was anticipated. Board Minutes June 17, 2009 Page 7 of 7 Meeting Reconvened: 8:50 p.m. The Superintendent’s evaluation was acknowledged and Board members provided comment to Dr. Mendoza. Board members like the continuity of the document and appreciate the Superintendent’s leadership, particularly with staffing and budget. It was agreed in the future, Board members will send their individual evaluations to the Board President for compilation. The final document will then be sent to the Superintendent’s Executive Assistant. Moved by Rick Hendricks that the Board approve the Superintendent’s contract from 2009-2012: Seconded by Mike Pavlik. Motion unanimously carried. Adjournment Moved by Mike Pavlik that the meeting be adjourned: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned: 9:00 p.m.

______Gil Mendoza, Secretary Board of Directors

Attest:______Greg Hanon, President Board of Directors

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