Responding to Texts: Disaster T

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Responding to Texts: Disaster T

Responding to Texts: Tigers

Name: ______Gr. 7 __ 30 A. Read the passage silently.

Tigers They come from many parts of Asia and drinking and bathing and will often stand in live in very different climates. Some live in a stream or a river to keep cool during the forests where it is cold and snowy; some heat of the day. Sometimes, when there live in hot, steamy rain forests; and some has not been enough rain and the streams live in tall grass thickets. have dried up, they have to dig holes in the Tigers use different sounds to stream-bed to find water. communicate with each other. They snarl Watching a tiger stalk its prey is a when they are angry and sometimes hiss lesson in cunning and patience. Slowly and lash their tails, as a domestic cat does. it creeps forward, lifting and placing The powerful roar of a tiger can be heard each paw gently on the ground until it is from far away and is often the male’s way within 6 to 9 m of its prey. The tiger of announcing that he is in his territory. may then lie concealed until the animal Most members of the cat family do not comes close enough for it to jump. The like water, but tigers do, and they swim tiger’s attack usually comes as a very well. They need fresh water for complete surprise to its victim. B. Choose the correct answer from the choices given for each answer. 1. Tigers can only be found in A. hot places C. Asia B. forests D. tall grass thickets [1]

2. A tiger roars A. when it is angry. B. when it wants to let other tigers know that it is in its own territory. C. in the same way as a domestic cat does. D. to show that it is powerful. [1] 3. Tigers are unlike most cats because A. they go into water. B. they need water for drinking. C. they try to keep cool in hot weather. D. they dig holes for water. [1] 4. Tigers hunt other animals A. by chasing them. B. by surprising them. C. by waiting until they pass by D. by attacking them [1] 5. The passage mentions three different sound made by a tiger. What are they?

______[3] 6. The abbreviation “m” in the last paragraph stands for: A. miles C. metres B. millimetres D. minutes [1] 7. Find words in the last paragraph of the passage that mean:

(a) an animal that is hunted ______

(b) to follow silently ______

(c) a creature that is killed ______(d) moves slowly ______(e) hidden ______[5]

C. Read the following paragraph silently.

Animal species are disappearing every year. The tiger, however, is a conservation success story. Conservationists in India brought the animal back from the edge of extinction and now it is fairly safe. This cost a lot of money and involved thousands of people and activists in years of hard work.

1. Is the following statement TRUE or FALSE? Give a reason for your answer. Tigers are disappearing every year. ______

______[2] 2. Find words in the paragraph that mean:

(a) people who conserve or protect nature ______[1]

(b) people who are very active in fighting a cause ______[1]

3. Why do you think there were almost no tigers left on earth? [1]


4. Which country in Asia played a big part in helping to save the tiger? [1]


5. “The edge of extinction” means A. All the tigers were killed. B. Almost all the tigers were killed. C. Some of the tigers were killed. D. None of the tigers were killed. [1] D. Complete the passage below by using the words provided in the box.

pharmacist aspirin sunset fever passes journey

By the time we had reached Swellendam, the youngest had developed a (1. ). I dosed her with the (2. )I was carrying. The things one manages to cope with! The (3. )was tiring. After (4. )we hit a sudden hard downpour with a strong head wind coming off the sea. The coast road winds through a number of (5. ). My supply of aspirin had run out by the time we reached Humansdorp. The only waking soul we came across was a petrol pump attendant. He couldn’t tell me where to find a doctor or a (6. ). So there was nothing for it but to race along the home straight faster than the child’s temperature rose.

1. ______2. ______

3. ______4. ______

5. ______6. ______[6]

E. The family’s lives at 5 Hope Street, Port Elizabeth. The mother has to visit the doctor’s surgery in Main Street. Use the words provided in the box to complete the directions to the surgery.

opposite reach down surgery

When you leave home, turn left into Hope Street. When you reach Daly Street, turn left. Turn right into Castle Hill Street. Walk (1. ) Castle Hill Street, and when you (2. ) Main Street, turn right. You will see the (3. ) on your left (4. ) the City Hall.

1. ______2. ______

3. ______4. ______[10] MEMORANDUM OF MARKING

B. 1. C – Asia  2. B – when it wants to let other tigers know that it is in its own territory  3. A – they go into water.   B – by surprising them   They snarl, hiss and roar.  C – metres   (a) Prey  (b) Stalk  (c) victim  (d) creeps  (e) concealed 

C. 1. False  They were saved from extinction.  2. (a) conservationists   activists  3. People/ poacher killed them.  4. India  5. B – almost all the tigers were killed. 

D. 1. fever  2. aspirin  3. journey   sunset   passes   pharmacist 

E. 1. Down  2. Reach  3. Surgery   opposite 

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