Fraserburgh Academy
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Fraserburgh Academy
Development Plan
2013-2016 (Draft February 2014)
raising aspirations – reaching goals – releasing potential
1 Key Issue 1 Success Criteria S4 S5 S6 Improvements in .5+L3 91.5% (2013) – 95 % (2016) .5+L5 43% (2013) – 46% (2016) 3+L6 25% (2013) – 30% (2016) Performance (1.1) .5+L4 75% (2013) – 82% (2016) .3+L6 15% (2013) – 20% (2016) 5+L6 16% (2013) – 21% (2016) .5+L5 29% (2013) – 37% (2016) .5 +L6 6% (2013) – 10% (2016)
Q.I. 1.1 5.5 Objectives Prioritised Tasks Who & when Monitoring Evaluation Costs 1. Improve 1. Set up progress RMD/HH Minutes of Tracking data show that standards of panels for both the SP Oct 2013 progress panel gaps in attainment and attainment over time + BGE progress are narrowing 2. Plan intervention Oct 2103 Pupil performance strategies for individual onwards data pupils 3. Using STAC’s and From Sept 2013 Reflected in faculty Subject residuals improve comparator data for DHT links development plan data dialogue with PT’s 4. Further tracking for RMD/Authority Monitoring data shows progress in BGE/SP Working Group impairment in levels of for all learners start Dec 2013 attendance 5. Have clearer focus Attendance data indicates on data, patterns and HH/L Buchan increased allocation by 1% intervention to promote Nov 2013 each year for 3 years better attendance onwards 6. Increase precision Progress Panel Attendance data/ of targeting members + target groups intervention for Faculty Leaders vulnerable students - including ESOL, girls 7. Develop further PB Progress Panel Subgroups of pupils show opportunities to minutes improved levels of recognise wider performance
2 achievement 8. Establish HH + PT achievement Guidance Dec interviews for targeted 2013 onwards pupils 9. Embed concept of Nov 2013 start Documentation Pupils targeted for interviews Fraserburgh Learner SLT/Guidance/ Data on show increasingly positive Faculty Leaders performance/ approaches to their learning Attendance as seen by increasing LM Student Survey and improve attainment levels 10. Investigate the rate of school leavers and reverse increase Objectives Prioritised Tasks Who & when Monitoring Evaluation Costs 2. Improve quality of 1. Develop Learner PB/HH Survey/ Students feel more learner achievement Conversations about Feb 2014 questionnaire ownership of learning experiences and concerning opportunity by building experiences in reflection time and PB/CLD staff choice in learning Nov 2013 2. Review with CLD onwards Uptake of awards wider awards for all HH/CLD learners Nov 2013 3. Establish systems onwards Survey of progress for delivery of bespoke and attitude – Progress and positive programmes for DH/North East LM/referrals attitude of learners increases individual learners College 4. Create with partners Start Aug 2014 an enrichment Student feedback Positive experiences for programme for S5/S6 learners and development of learners independent learning skills
3 3. Develop the 1. Establish updated Feb 2014 Minutes of line Evaluation feeds into impact of Q+A Calendar management faulty/school plans with clear improvement meetings evidence of impact planning Reports for targeted aspects of the work of the school 2. Focus on planning DCL Documentation Progress made on areas of based on evidence Nov 2013 and planning development and impact onwards protocols Changes in quality level 3. Ensure wider range DCL/DH Survey/ when self evaluating of stakeholders are May 2014 questionnaires involved in planning 4. Strengthen DCL/DH monitoring regimes to Feb 2014 inform future planning 5. Faculty review cycle DH/Faculty Documentation Faculty have improving self established Leader (dept. self review) evaluation systems 4. Enhance staff 1. Focus on staff skills GY/Faculty Analysis of areas Quality of teaching improves expectations and the to develop challenging Leaders May of development Learning climate improves use of praise and learning experiences 2014 Lesson obs/visits for all learners motivation to 2. Investigate Feedback/pupil Decrease in low level improve staff-learner motivational levels for HH/PT Guidance survey behaviour, more positive relationships learners by further April 2014 Levels of referral referrals choice and input into exclusions Learners build onto lessons Staff/pupil survey experiences + further 3. Embedding PBM GY/DHT (house)/ Scrutiny of profiles develop skills and use of the learner PT Guidance Jan Staff questionnaire mark 2014 onwards 4. Further develop I PB/PT Guidance CAN/S3 profile and S6 Dec 2013 start
4 profile 5. Raise learner 1. Target girls HH/Progress Progress of Gaps in attainment narrow aspirations and aspirations by focused Panel/PT targeted girls sense of interventions/ Guidance monitored via achievement experiences Jan 2014 progress panel 2. Embed further SLT/PT Climate survey More positive aspects of the Guidance /PPLC ethos/classroom climate for Fraserburgh Learner April 2014 all learners 3. Renew use of praise GY/PT Guidance/ Number of positive Decrease in low level and celebration of DHT House referrals/awards disruption, more positive achievement Jan 2014 referrals 4. Development of PB/PLLC/RD/ Survey/staff/ Surveys indicate school magazine + Fiona Chalton student parents/wider community website for promoting Dec 2013 more fully aware of the work achievement of the school 5. Work with partners HH/CLD/Business Documentation/ Increased positive (CLD, business) to Partners planning destinations for all groups of target specific work Start Nov 2013 – learners with students Aug 2014 6. Data to be used with RMD/HH/Progres Questionnaire/ learners to promote s Panel/Guidance student survey increased levels of Dec 2013 learning onwards
5 Key Issue 2 Success Criteria Improve the quality Quality of teaching improves in targeted aspects of development of teaching Students say more staff speak to them about their learning – increase 10% year by year next 3 years Number of “golden lessons” increase yearly by 20% for next 3 years Collaborative plans in place and having impact on practice
Q.I. 3.1 5.2 5.3 (AfL) Objectives Prioritised Tasks Who & when Monitoring Evaluation Costs 1. Develop the 1. Ensure that CPD DH/GY/Faculty Documentation Quality of teaching improves professional and exemplar material Leaders training plans and students more engaged in involvement of staff supports staff to Feb 2014 commitment cards learning in developing quality develop the quality of Focus for observation shows learning experiences their teaching development in specific areas 2. Use of staff DH/GY/Faculty Survey of of pegagogy reflection activities to Leaders commitment cards pinpoint areas of Start Nov 2013 development & improve planning of more challenging activities 3. Focus on specific DH/Faculty Lesson obs Areas of development show aspects of teaching Leaders/all staff Staff conversations improvement. Quality dialogue a) Differentiation Nov 2013 amongst staff concerning b) Questioning onwards practice c) Higher order skills/ experiences d) Embed AIFL practices in all lessons
6 4. Enhance DH/Faculty Case studies collaboration, sharing of good practice and collaborative pairs 5. Support staff to PB/DH Student survey Student survey indicates improve their feedback higher % of staff feeding back to students on learning. 6. Hold workshops for Learning Staff feedback Changes in practice developing aspects of Group/DH teaching June 2014 7. Pair up faculties to Leadership Dev. Faculty Leader Increased detail of faculty self help self reflection and Group feedback evaluation improve learners June 2014 experiences 2. Ensure a positive 1. Review quality of PT Guidance/ Weekly LM Increasing number of “golden learning climate and learning climate Faculty monitoring via SLT lessons” across the school a wider variety of Start Nov 2013 visits, staff/student teaching methods survey 2. Use student Faculty Leaders PLLC survey % pupils in TO decline feedback on how to April 2014 improve learning and planning for future learning 3. Feedback from SLT/PT’s Faculty Lesson obs classroom visits by Start Feb 2014 SLT 4. Refresh and RMD/ICT Support Use of facility Wider sharing of enhance the intranet Learning Group scrutiny of content expertise/resources facility to share Start Oct 2014 ideas/planning resources
7 3. Ensure targeted 1. Review depth of PB/SfL/ Surveys of staff Lessons are more accessible responses to identification of pupil PT Guidance Planning to all learners with more individual learners needs + flow of Start Nov 2013 Lesson obs progress being made needs to maximise information/data for Partner feedback learning staff Scrutiny of planning 2. Enhance multi- PB/SfL Barriers removed for agency planning CLD/ vulnerable learners so they Social Workers/ EP’s make more progress 3. Renew the work of SfL/PT Faculties Attainment levels specialist support staff June 2014 scrutiny to raise attainment in Scrutiny of collaboration with planning teaching staff
8 Key Issue 3 Success Criteria Develop the Improved curriculum transition from P7-S1 curriculum for all Progress gaps for different groups of learners decrease by 5% each year for next 3 years learners IDL has clarity of purpose and routes of progress Positive destinations increase from 94% (13) – 98% (16)
Q.I. 5.3 Objectives Prioritised Tasks Who & when Monitoring Evaluation Costs 1. Review the design 1. Review planning DH/Curriculum Planning scrutiny Improved view and impact of of the BGE to better coherence + Group start Jan and documentation IDL for all learners meet the needs of progression for the 2014 learners delivery of lit/num/HWB 2. Refine IDL to follow Feedback – More pupil engagement in more precisely on E’s DH/Working Party student/parent/staff learning – via improved LM + O’s to facilitate on IDL returns, student surveys progression + raise Jan 2014 attainment 3. Explore systems/ Survey processes for student DH/PB/PT feedback + further Guidance Faculty planning of BGE Start Dec 2013 4. Examine + test the robust nature of the DH Pathways outlined Positive destinations for targeted curriculum for different March 2014 pupils learners + choices of subject 2. Development of 1. Review progression DH/PT Faculty Planning Progress gaps narrow for the BGE routes for different Start Feb 2014 documentation different groups of learners groups of learners
9 2. Focus on measuring DH/RMD/PT Moderation Clear indication of progress progress in lessons Faculty protocol case within lessons not just coverage studies 3. Examine the extent DH/HH Planning More relevant learning of partnership working Sept 2014 documentation opportunities outwith faculty to ensure curriculum learning innovation 4. Improve DH/Working Party Feedback/on-line Positive feedback on IDL and communication with on IDL survey IDL used as progression parents about IDL Start Feb 2014 stepping stone 3. Planning quality 1. Review programme DH/PT Faculty Survey of learning Programmes deliver quality and programmes + for variety of learning Start Mar 2014 opportunities engaging experiences that courses to meet learners needs audit Map of thinking ensure progress for all learners 2. Review skills and 4 development of higher DH/PT Faculty capacities order learning skills Mar 2014 Lesson obs and the 4 capacities 3. Survey range of DH/PT Faculty Match the type of AFL processes adding value to assessment Start Dec 2013 assessment across learners experiences approaches used faculty 4. Reviewing the 1. Review focuses on DH/PT Faculty Scrutiny of faculty More positive view of IDL via designing, lit/num/HLB/RME/PE planning parent/student survey development + across the SP Progression map Planning delivery coherent programme of the 2. Further develop IDL DH/IDL Working and links for IDL provision senior phase and personal Group Positive achievement portfolio’s Feb 2014 destination survey 3. Further develop the HH/PB/CLD Case studies partnership working Start Nov 2013 Students with CLD + other Implementation feedback partners to provide a Aug 2014 jigsaw of provision/experience
10 for individual learners 4. Develop further links HH/JT/PB Students can verbalise and give with business + Sept 2014 start Documentation examples of skill development establish further Enterprise Increased levels of aspiration enterprise learning portfolio and confidence opportunities Student skill survey 5. Ensure transition 1. Enhance and PB/Faculty PT’s/ Documentation Prior learning is fairly taken into at all stages strengthen P7-S1 Guidance/SfL curriculum maps consideration on transition for maintain progression curricular transition by Jan 2014 start Review of student plans for BGE and continuity improving links with profiles Skills are developed from P7 feeder schools and onwards targeted departments Pupils make more rapid 2. Faculties progress and an increase in demonstrate use of P7 positive destinations profile to build on prior learning 3. Enhance S3 PB/HH Report on findings profiling Review Feb 2014 Case studies of 4. Introduce ‘Leavers’ PB/PT Guidance quality profiles profile – S4/5/6 Start Sept 2014 5. CLD follow up to PB/CLD/Partners Positive transitions for all Aug 2014 destination survey groups of learners and case studies
11 Key Issue 4 Success Criteria Enhance data Methodology for monitoring student progress in BGE collection/intervention School performs above comparator schools in all measures by 2016 and impact Clarity about levels of work in the BGE by December 2014 Q.I. 8.4 Objectives Prioritised Tasks Who & when Monitoring Evaluation Costs 1. Develop the range 1. Embed flow of LM RMD/HH/PB/PT Weekly LM Clear, evidence based and depth of data data and pupil Guidance returns intervention apparent collection feedback to guidance Start Nov 2013 Ave LM for Decrease in behaviour staff individual pupils referrals 2. Explore collection of RMD/HH Achievement progress data for BGE Start Jan 2014 interview to monitor progress documentation 3. Develop the use of RMD/PT Faculty Feedback on School performs above virtual comparator Aug 2014 understanding of comparator school on all schools to set data measures measures challenging targets 4. Ensure appropriate RMD access of data for stakeholders 5. Measure impact of RMD/HH/ Documentation Increasing levels of positive SfL/Guidance Progress Panel Interviews learning across all year groups interventions feedback/case 6. Raise awareness RMD/PT Faculty studies and implementation of Staff feedback the SPBT for staff 7. Use of behaviour RMD/GY/DH/PT Behaviour Reduction in referrals data to target Guidance referrals intervention to improve engagement
12 2. Ensure high quality 1. Use data measures RMD/HH Range of data More forensic use of data analysis and to help inform self Jan 2014 used when discussing pupil evaluation of data evaluation exercises onwards Progress Panel progress that leads to specific 2. Progress panel to RMD/HH returns Clarity about levels of work in intervention and use wider range of BGE starts Jan Data dialogue the BGE impact data/to identify specific 2014 with PT’s Faculty groups of learners Assessment 3. Data dialogue is RMD/HH/PT moderation Interventions at whole school improved at all levels Guidance and documentation and faculty level show with evidence-based Faculty effectiveness impact discussed 4. Develop future dept. Faculty Heads Monitored via Pupils clear where they are moderation of April 2014 quality assurance and the steps they need to assessment cycle take data/levels of learners Student interviews achievement
13 Key Issue 5 Success Criteria Improve the quality Positive referrals increase by 10% year on year for 3 years of learning Decrease in conditional exclusions by 5% year on year for 3 years Vulnerable groups increase progress by 3% year on year for 3 years Student survey indicates more ownership of the development of the school by November 2014 Q.I. 2.1 5.3 5.8 Objectives Prioritised Tasks Who & when Monitoring Evaluation Costs
1. Improve learner 1. Work with partners PB/HH/CLD Documentation of More positive learning motivation and including CLD to Start Nov 2013 range of awards climate apparent with involvement in their widen pupil Implementation Aug Referral numbers, decrease in low level learning and achievements by 2014 LM returns/ no. of disruption to learning personal developing range of conditional development awards exclusions/TO Decrease of numbers of 2. Further develop the GY/DHT House/ data conditional exclusions new promoting Guidance/Behaviour Lesson obs/ positive behaviour Group learning and Improved LM policy to improve From Jan 2014 engagement consistency and onwards walks Reduction in referrals decrease low level Staff surveys disruption. Develop behaviour modification programme PB/LLC Student survey 3. Widen pupil May 2014 about PLLC Pupils feel more ownership leadership structures of their learning and more by introducing faculty involved in the development ambassadors to feed of the school
14 into faculty self evaluation PB/LLC Survey concerns 4. Review pupil voice Nov 2013 PLLC More independent learning and pupil decision making processes with school by PB/PLLC/Staff a) Raising profile of Nov 2013 PLLC has higher profile PLLC Scrutiny of policy amongst students b) Designating specific budget to PB/PLLC PLLC Feb 2014 onwards c) Commission specific staff/student working groups eg mobile phone Policy PB Minutes and Group Jan 2014 onwards actions d) Specific sub- groups for action PT Faculties across school Outcome of audit 5. Faculties to March 2014 Students display more develop more Scrutiny of independent learning independent learning SfL/PB independent attributes activities Start Jan 2014 learning/lesson 6. Raise awareness obs and implementation of Planning/roles changes needed for SfL/PB and Clear roles and structures the “named person” responsibilities within school for named a) Guidance/SfL staff person to meet, discuss and PB clarify changes b) Dissemination to PT Guidance/GY Student sum staff of roles and Start Feb 2014 for Number of Staff report more positive
15 responsibilities implementation Aug referrals start to learning 7. Review registration 2014 LM return time and develop Preparation For Learning 8. Develop a tracking PT/Guidance/DHT/R Termly monitoring Pupils are clear about and monitoring D for groups and achievements and the system for August 2014 subsequent subsequent skills developed achievement for all discussions pupils 2. Ensure the needs 1. Focused PB/HH Progress panel Vulnerable groups make of vulnerable discussions for SP start Oct 2013 minutes more progress/reach positive students are met vulnerable pupils at BGE Jan 2014 destinations and the barriers to progress panel learning removed meetings 2. Introduce further PB/HH/CLD Case studies flexible learning Start Nov 2013 partnerships with CLD Implementation Aug partners 2014 3. Further develop HH/CLD/Jan 2014 Staff survey of More positive view of SfL individual learning onwards SfL from staff programmes 4. Review of SfL provision and PB/SfL communication Start Nov 2014 across school
16 Key Issue 6 Success Criteria Self evaluation and Residuals narrow for subjects year on year leadership Growth of leadership capacity as evidenced by self evaluation being good by 2015 and very good by 2016 Workforce surveys indicate more cohesive and positive team by December 2014 Positive Investors In People Report (IIP) Q.I. 5.9 9.4 Objectives Prioritised Tasks Who & when Monitoring Evaluation Costs
1. Develop our self 1. Review calendar of DH/Faculty PT’s Scrutiny of Results of surveys indicate evaluation systems self evaluation June 2014 calendar improved engagement of to ensure valid, processes and modify parents/carers in the pertinent evidence to as appropriate development of the school plan further 2. Improve our DH/PB/Parent Parental feedback More positive view from improvement engagement with Council Parent Council potential reviews parents/carers in self minutes evaluation eg pupil focus groups 3. Use LM data to SLT/Guidance LM returns Improved learner engagement gauge learner engagement and take appropriate action 4. Develop our lesson SLT/PT Pilot Faculty line Staff clear about areas of obs format to provide Dec 2013 management development more reflective and developmental conversations in line with GTCS 2. Reduce In School 1. Clarify areas of DH/PT’s Faculty Scrutiny of Residuals narrow (positives) Variation (ISV) variation in attainment planning and between faculty areas as more for faculties documentation learners make more progress
17 2. Develop links DH/PT’s Faculty Report about More positively consistent between faculties to differences in experience for learners in all aid self evaluation operation in faculties 3. Scrutinize DH/PT different faculties operational PT Leadership Case studies assessment and Dev Group Student monitoring procedures Start Jan 2014 discussions and in different faculties scrutiny of student 4. Compare learner DH/PB/HH work experiences across different curriculum areas 5. Improve DH/PT Faculty Triangulation provides robust triangulation process and Guidance evidence for further of measuring progress development 3. Develop 1. Create a leadership DCL/PT Faculty Planning and Leadership capacity grows Leadership Capacity development group to Start Jan 2014 training across the school for PT’s and other deliver leadership programme Self evaluation returns develop staff training programmes Self reflection and have impact on standards 2. PT’s to be involved DCL/PT Faculty returns in self reflection to Nov 2013 start Membership of focus training working groups programmes 3. Develop self RD/PTs evaluation skills for PT’s by further use of SPBT 4. Enhance 1. Improve partnership SLT/PT Guidance Staff survey All teams within school feed teamwork and working across all PT Faculty Climate surveys valued, skilled and able to partnerships to teams in school by Start Nov 2013 positively contribute to the further develop improving development of the school positive relationships communication,
18 involvement and self reflection 2. Developing positive DCL/PT Training teamwork focus for PT Group training 3. All teams in school All team leaders Details of self to review their evaluation performance and exercises and make appropriate subsequent changes actions 4. Investigate DCL/SLT IIP report Investors In People Start Jan 2015 accreditation
19 Issue 7 Success Criteria Community Combined parent/teachers/student working group established and reports by April 2014 Communication Parent Council report better understanding and information about the work of the school by June 2014 Climate and Community survey indicates a positive picture of the work of the school by June 2014 Compliance Joint plans in place with CLD indicating good quality provision/learner engagement Q.I. 5.7, 9.1 1.2, 8.4 Objectives Prioritised Tasks Who & when Monitoring Evaluation Costs
1. Maintain 1. Audit of policy PB/SLT/SfL Plans and policy All documentation and policies up compliance to documents and most Dec 2013 review to date and fully compliant with guidelines in codes recent codes of regulations of practice practice 2. Ensure that DH/LM Training plans appropriate Start Dec 2013 update stakeholders have fulfilled training on particular aspects – eg data protection 2. Develop and 1. Audit parents views DCL Scrutiny of returns Returns form surveys and extend parental and of the school Aug 2013 Surveys conversations indicate more family engagement 2. Plan more DCL/DH involvement in the work of the in learning and the involvement and data school work of the school gathering from parents on the work of the school 3. Establish DCL/PB/GY/Parent Attendance and Parental feedback indicates workshops for parents Council/CLD parental feedback higher levels of satisfaction with on how to support the Sept 2014 the quality and accuracy of learning of their onwards information provided children in partnership
20 with CLD 4. Include parents on Policy documents selected school DCL/Parent working groups Council 5. Investigate Number of hits Positive feedback via promotion of a parent RMD/ICT Service and feedback parent returns. partner on the school website Parent Council able to 6. Review quality and Survey of pupils/ scrutinise data and draw understanding of RMD parents conclusions. student reports Start Jan 2014 7. Develop the work of Parent Council Parent Council input into the Parent Council to minutes and work development plan. include more self DCL/Parent of sub-group evaluation of the work Council of the school Start Jan 2014
3. Enhance the 1. Establish a PB/PLLC Feedback returns The wider community has a more success of the work communication Start Jan 2014 Number of positive view of the work of the of the school with strategy positive reports in school and also involves itself the wider community 2. Establish a school PB press more with the school magazine Dec 2013 Number of hits on 3. Improve RMD/PB/ website and communications with Fiona Chalton feedback press and seek to Community wide publicise the work of survey the school
4. Improve the RMD/Fiona interactivity of the Chalton school website Start Dec 2013
21 4. Work effectively 1. Review the work PB/HH Documentation/ External partnerships contribute with a range of and interaction we minutes of significantly to the experience of partners and have with our parents meeting learners and ensure more rapid agencies 2. Establish joint PB/HH/CLD Minutes of progress working with CLD and partnership plans partner groups 3. Create a business HH Plans of strategy partnership strategy to learner feedback impact on learners experience and attainment 5. Review and 1. Audit with PLLC the PB/PLLC/SLT Audit returns Our learning environment adds to enhance the spaces within school Start Feb 2014 PLLC survey of the positive climate for our young environment and 2. Use environment LM/PB student body people improve learning checklist to establish Feb 2014 Feedback spaces priorities 3. Re-fresh reception LM/PB ongoing area Dec 2013 4. Improve quantity and quality of pupil PB/PT Faculty display Ongoing Dec 2013