Name ______Date ______Period ______# ______

Triple-Entry Vocabulary Journal for Chapter 3 Biology Word/Definition in Context Definition in My Own Words Picture, Memory Aid, Phrase Organic compound- a ◦ covalently bonded compound ◦ C ◦ that contains carbon ◦ Monomer- a simple molecule Mono = one that can combine with other like or unlike molecules to One unit make a polymer Polymer- a large molecule that Poly = many is formed by more than five monomers Many units Macromolecule- a very large Macro = large organic molecule, usually a polymer, composed of hundreds or thousands of atoms Adenosine triphosphate ATP = energy currency ($) (ATP)- an organic molecule The more ATP your cells have, that acts as the main energy the more energy they have to source for cell processes do work. Carbohydrate- an organic Quick energy store compound that is made of (Carbo load the night before a carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen race) and that provides nutrients to Ex. Bread and pasta the cells of living things Monosaccharide- a simple Mono = one sugar that is the basic subunit, Saccharide = sugar or monomer, of a Ex. Glucose carbohydrate Disaccharide- a sugar formed Di = two from two monosaccharides Saccharide = sugar Ex. Fructose + glucose = sucrose Polysaccharide- one of the Poly = many carbohydrates made up of Saccharide= sugar long chains of simple sugars Ex. Starch, glycogen, and cellulose Protein- an organic compound Ex. Hair, horns, skin, muscles, that is made of one or more and enzymes are all made of chains of amino acids and that protein. is a principal component of all cells Amino acid- an organic The monomer (smallest) unit molecule that contains a of a protein. carboxyl and an amino group 20 different types and that makes up proteins Peptide bond- the chemical Bond holding to AAs together bond that forms between the carboxyl group of one amino acid and the amino group of another amino acid Polypeptide- a long chain of Poly = many several amino acids Peptide = amino acid bonds Name ______Date ______Period ______# ______

Word in Context Definition in My Own Words Picture, Memory Aid, Phrase Enzyme- a type of protein or Speed up chemical reactions RNA molecule that speeds up metabolic reactions in plant and animal without being permanently changed or destroyed Substrate- the reactant in The substance the enzyme reactions catalyzed by works on enzymes

Active site- the site on an The place where the substrate enzyme that attaches to a and enzyme bind substrate

Lipid- a large, nonpolar Fancy word for “fat” organic molecule which stores Store 9 cal/g of energy energy and make up cell membranes Fatty acid- an organic acid that Found in fats or oils is contained in lipids

Phospholipid- a lipid that Found on cell membranes contains phosphorus and that (really important function) is a structural component in cell membranes Wax- a type of structural lipid Waxy surfaces on plants consisting of a long fatty-acid waterproof it and earwax chain that is joined to a long prevents germs from entering alcohol chain the ear canal. Steroid- a type of lipid that Ex. Naturally made hormones consists of four carbon rings to like testosterone and which various functional cholesterol groups are attached Nucleic acid- an organic Monomer unit is a nucleotide. compound (DNA or RNA) whose molecules are made up of one or two chains of nucleotides and carry genetic information Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)- Draw the large pic of DNA on the material that contains the pg. 60. information that determines inherited characteristics Ribonucleic acid (RNA)- a Makes proteins natural polymer that is present in all living cells and that plays a role in protein synthesis Nucleotide- in a nucleic acid Draw the inset on pg. 60. chain, a subunit that consists of a sugar, a phosphate, and a nitrogenous base