SDC Vol 1 Fol 81-82 Walter Shelley to Benjamin Sweetland 05-12-1828

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SDC Vol 1 Fol 81-82 Walter Shelley to Benjamin Sweetland 05-12-1828

SDC Vol 1 Fol 81-82 Walter Shelley to Benjamin Sweetland 05-12-1828 NB: This document was transcribed by Kevin Reddigan Minor modifications made by C. J. Morry Walter Shelley to Benjamin Sweetland Know all Men by these presents that I Walter Shelley of Capelin Bay in the Island of New- -foundland but now of Saint Johns in the Island aforesaid Planter, for and in consideration of the Sum of Twelve pounds of the Current Money of the Island aforesaid to me in hand paid by Benjamin Sweetland of Capelin Bay aforesaid Merchant, before the ensealing and delivery hereof well and truly paid the Receipt of which I do hereby acknowledge and to be therewith fully satisfyed [sic] and thereof and every part thereof do fully clearly and absolutely acquit release and discharge the said Benjamin Sweetland his Heirs Executors and Assigns and every of them forever by these Presents and have Granted Bargained Sold and Assigned over and by these Presents do fully confirm unto the said Benjamin Sweetland his Heirs and Assigns for ever that Plantation situate on the South West side of Capelin Bay aforesaid bounded on the West by John ^B.G.B. Powers B.G.B. Plantation on the North East by Nash's Plantation and on the East by Edward McNamara’s Property and on the South West by the Ferryland Road to have and to hold the said Plantation and all & singular the above Bargained Premises and every part thereof, to him and his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever as his or their proper Goods and Chattels. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal at Saint Johns in the Island of Newfoundland this Fifth day of December in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Eight.______Signed, Sealed & delivered Walter Shelley (seal) in the presence of Wm. Sweetland W m. Vallance I Certify that the foregoing Bill of Sale was duly acknowledged before me by Walter Shelley a party hereto on the Fifth day of December One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Eight and recorded by me on the Ninth day of January One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Nine.______B.G. Garrett Southern District Registration Reg r Office, Ferryland Jan 9 th 1829.

A Memorial of the foregoing Deed Property Date Parties Names Witnesses Consideration conveyed 1828 From To Wm Sweetland Plantation Twelve December Walter Shelley Benjamin Sweetland Wm Vallance situate at pounds 5 th the South Currency West side of Capelin Bay I certify the above memorial was duly Registered by me on the Ninth day of January, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Nine.______B.G. Garrett Reg r

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