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Request for Proposal
Time and Attendance System
Missouri Keystone School Districts
April 1, 2008
2 of 74 Table of Contents Introduction...... 3 General Terms and Conditions...... 4 Overview of this Request for Proposal...... 5 Purpose...... 5 Scope...... 5 Evaluation Criteria...... 5 Inquiries...... 6 Schedule of Events...... 6 Submission Instructions...... 6 Background Information...... 11 Time and Labor Management Requirements...... 6 Functional Requirements...... 17 User Interface...... 18 Rules Management...... 20 Compliance...... 24 Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)...... 24 Other Governmental Regulations...... 25 Exceptions Handling...... 25 Exceptions Handling...... 25 Approvals...... 26 Approvals...... 27 Time Off Requests...... 28 Time Off Requests...... 28 Point Tracking...... 29 Point Tracking...... 29 Labor Distribution...... 30 New Hires...... ……………23 Scheduling…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….33 Employee Self Service...... 24 Reporting...... 24 Prior Period and Retroactive Adjustments...... 35 Standard & Ad-Hoc System Reporting...... 36 Technical Requirements...... 40 Integration...... 41 Security...... 43 Data Collection Methods and Equipment...... 46 Business Considerations and Costs...... 47 Vendor Information...... 47 Source Code...... 48 Professional Services...... 48 Support...... 49 Updates and Upgrades...... 50 Training...... 51
3 of 74 Introduction You are invited to submit a proposal in response to this Request for Proposal for Missouri Keystone School Districts Time and Attendance needs. The group known as Missouri Keystone School Districts consists of representatives from Liberty Public Schools, Raytown Public Schools, Rolla Public Schools, Independence Public Schools, Grain Valley Public Schools, Jefferson City and Raymore-Peculiar Public Schools. The closing date for receipt of proposals is 04/18/08- 2:00pm. Potential respondents must submit all questions, in writing, to Robert Citro at [email protected]. However, in order for Missouri Keystone School Districts to provide a timely response, all questions regarding this solicitation should be received no later than 04/14/08. Your interest in our Time and Attendance requirements is appreciated.
General Terms and Conditions SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL: Bids must be submitted on this form and all information and certifications called for must be furnished. All bids must be delivered to the office of the representative for, Missouri Keystone School Districts(Robert Citro) by the specified opening time of the bid. Bids arriving after the specified time will not be accepted. Mailed bids, which are delivered after the specified hour, will not be accepted regardless of post marked time on the envelope. All formal bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope carrying the following information: bidder’s name, address, subject matter of proposal and designated date and time of bid opening. Bids transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means will only be accepted when specifically provided for within the document. Sealed bids will be opened in public at the time and place shown herein. Bid results will not be available until after award of contract, contingent upon approval by each district’s Board of Education. ERRORS IN BID: Bidders are cautioned to verify their bids before submission. Negligence on the part of the bidder in preparing the bid confers no right for withdrawal or modification of the bid after it has been opened. In case of error in the extension of prices in the bid, the unit prices will govern. RESERVED RIGHTS: Missouri Keystone School Districts reserves the right at any time to waive any immaterial defect in any bid. Unless otherwise specified by the bidder or Missouri Keystone School Districts, the Missouri Ke ystone School Districts has (60) days to accept. The Missouri Keystone School Districts may seek clarification from any bidder at any time and failure to respond promptly is cause for rejection. INCURRED COSTS: Missouri Keystone School Districts will not be liable for any costs incurred by bidders in replying to this Invitation for Bids. AWARD: It is the intent of Missouri Keystone School Districts to award a contract to the lowest responsible bidder(s) meeting specifications. Missouri Keystone School Districts reserves the right to determine the lowest responsible bidder(s) on the basis of an individual item, groups of items, or in any way determined to be in the best interests of Missouri Keystone School Districts. Each District will make an individual decision. The Award will be based on the following factors (where applicable): (a) adherence to all conditions and requirements of the bid specifications; (b) price; (c) qualifications of the bidder, including past performance, financial responsibility, general reputation, experience, service capabilities, and facilities; (d) delivery or completion date; (e) product appearance, workmanship, finish, feel, overall quality and results of product testing; (f) maintenance costs and warranty provisions; (g) repurchase or residual value (life cycle cost analysis). WHAT IS PROPOSED, INCLUDING COMPLETE SPECIFICATIONS: Unless the bidder specified otherwise, it is understood the bidder is offering a referenced brand item as specified or is bidding as specified when no brand
4 of 74 is referenced, and does not propose to furnish an “equal”. Missouri Keystone School Districts reserves the right to determine whether a substitute offer is equivalent to and meets the standard of quality indicated by the brand name and manufacturer number.
INTERPRETATION OR CORRECTION OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS: Bidder shall promptly notify Missouri Keystone School Districts of any ambiguity, inconsistency or error that they may discover upon examination of the bidding documents. Interpretations, corrections and changes will be made by addendum. Each bidder shall ascertain prior to submitting a bid that all addenda have been received and acknowledged in the bid. EXCEPTIONS: Bidder(s) taking exceptions to specification, terms and conditions, must include these items in writing attached to this document.
Overview of this Request for Proposal
Purpose Our objective is to ascertain the feasibility of using a third party system as an Enterprise Level Time and Attendance solution that will encompass the needs of all the districts participating as part of the group called Missouri Keystone School Districts. This Enterprise solution will need to interface with the Keystone Payroll and Human Resources systems. Our motivation in seeking this solution is to reduce the cost associated with our current process, improve our current process, and support the continued growth of our organization. We are seeking a solution that will both accommodate and improve upon our business processes without requiring customization or system workarounds.
Scope We are specifically looking for a web-based system. We anticipate hosting this solution on a District’s Web service (to be decided by the individual District), but would consider quotes for a hosted solution if the economics and logistics provide a compelling alternative. We are looking for a solution that is robust and flexible enough to accommodate the needs of Missouri Keystone School Districts.
Evaluation Criteria The decision process for Phase 1 will be based upon the following criteria to ascertain the viability of your company and solution:
■ Company Viability; financial standing, experience, customer service, organizational maturity, market share and flexibility. ■ Technical Architecture Profile; programming management and methodology, application and hardware technical architecture, technical support abilities, integration capabilities, customer needs assessment, implementation and roll-out methodology ■ Product Feature Profile; current features and capabilities and their ability to meet our business processes, proven scalability, stability, extensibility, interoperability, flexibility, ease of use, maturity and future direction ■ Cost of Ownership: the total system and other costs related to implementation, resource requirements, software and hardware maintenance, hosting, complexity and licensing costs.
5 of 74 Inquiries All inquiries related to this document must be directed to: Robert Citro , Director of Financial Information Systems Liberty Public Schools 650 Conistor Rd. Liberty, MO 64068 816-736-5307 [email protected]
When requesting a response to your questions, you must indicate the page number, section title, and question number.
Schedule of Events The following timeline shall be observed. Issuance of Request for Proposal 04/1/08 Questions about Proposal Due 04/14/08 Response to Questions Distributed 04/15/08 Response to Request for Proposal Due 04/18/08 – 2:00pm Respondents Notified Regarding Participation in 04/30/08 Level 2
Submission Instructions In order for your response to be included in the Phase 1 evaluation:
■ Your RFP response must be received no later than 04/18/08. ■ Other conditions.
INSTRUCTIONS Please read the following instructions carefully. Failure to follow the instructions will disqualify your proposal. 1. Provide your responses to each of our questions/requirements in the sections below. Vendors shall note the following:
6 of 74 Failure to respond to any question shall be deemed to be a non-responsive answer and Missouri Keystone School Districts shall assume your system does not support such item. Simple responses such as “yes” or “supported” shall be deemed non-responsive. Vendors must provide a detailed explanation for each question and sub-question.
2. The Response Document: The response document should include the following components.
A. Executive Summary – Briefly review your proposed solution.
B. Requirements Responses - Complete the checklist tables in the Section labeled “Time and Labor Management Requirements”. (This can be completed once for the group)
A Vendor must meet all mandatory requirements to be found responsive to this RFP. It must be fully understood that Missouri Keystone School Districts considers this document and the Vendor response to all the requirements in the RFP to be the legally binding agreement of the capabilities of the proposed Product(s) and Service(s). To assure that misrepresentation of the Vendor’s Product(s) and Service(s) does not occur, Vendors must seek clarification of any requirement that they do not understand. Misunderstandings resulting in an improper response to any part of this document may be reason to deem the Vendors Proposal as non-responsive. The system requirement’s table includes six columns as shown below:
*indicate fields that require Vendor Responses. ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY* VENDOR COMMENTS* SCORE The Type Field will have the following codes indicated: R = Required D = Desired O= Optional Q= Question requiring a detailed answer Reply: Refers to acceptable Vendor responses to requirements Y = Yes N = No C = Requires custom programming by Vendor, but will become part of standard Product(s). Include cost of custom programming in “Cost to customize” column and in appropriate section of Project Cost Sheet. All custom programming must be completed, installed as part of the standard Product(s) and user tested before Missorui Keystone School Districts will accept the system. F = Planned for future release in standard Product(s). Estimate release date Vendor Comments: a field for Vendors to make more detailed comments about
3. Vendor/Company Profile: Attachment A.
7 of 74 Vendor profile should include organizational structure, history, size, number of personnel, number of installations, name of principal owners and personnel who will be assigned to this proposal. List whether submitter is a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation (including the state of incorporation), or other legal entity. Include development philosophy as to what enhancements receive priority and how development decisions are made. Include success stories at school districts similar in size to MISSOURI KEYSTONE SCHOOL DISTRICTS. (This can be completed once for the group)
4. References: Attachment B.
References should include the contact name, school district, address, and phone number of the person in charge of the Time and Attendance System in their school district. All people have agreed to serve as a reference and be available for phone calls. References must have experience with the version of the Time and Attendance System being proposed. The references must represent school districts of comparable size that have successfully used your system and have comparable demographics, such as staff size and network capacity. (This can be completed once for the group)
5. Designation of Subcontractors: Attachment C.
List and profile any third parties that will be involved either as part of your proposal or as your recommendation for outside services. Include names, contacts, brief profiles, and scope of work they would perform. (This can be completed once for the group)
6. Implementation Plan and Cost: Attachment D and Tables A – E.
An implementation plan should include a narrative, answer the questions listed below, as well as completing the attachment. Assume that the application will be locally hosted and that your frame of reference is to school districts of similar size. (This should be completed for each school district)
The narrative should include:
A list of tasks for the full installation of the system.
A statement of the responsibilities of vendor and the responsibilities and expectations of District personnel and resources related to each task.
A plan detailing delivery dates and locations related to major implementation tasks such as system specifications and configuration, database preparation and migration, hardware installation, software installation, training and completion of system installation.
Describe your deployment strategy for implementing your Time and Attendance System in all of our locations. Discuss a phased in approach vs. a rapid implementation schedule and if you
8 of 74 have done either or both of these methods and which one you prefer and compare how cost proposals might differ between these two methods.
What support will you provide to help with the data conversions and ensuring system tables are aligned with the Time and Attendance System and suitable to the Districts?
What staff will you dedicate to this project (how many and what percent of their time)? Will any be working on site at the Districts?
7. Documentation & Training - Copies of documentation, training materials, and operation manuals as requested in the Section labeled “Time and Labor Management Requirements”
8. Software Cost Proposal Information – Attachment E, Table 1 – 4.
Proposal Evaluation Criteria
Level One – Proposals must meet all Required system requirements to be considered responsive. It is considered responsive to a mandatory requirement: 1) If that requirement is met by the vendor’s current product or 2) If the vendor will use a currently available third party product or services to meet that requirement.
The level one requirements are detailed in the Background Information Section.
Level Two – (completed at each District) Proposals that pass level one will be reviewed by the School District’s Evaluation Committee. The committee will review and compare:
a. Support of hardware and software for installation and maintenance. b. Vendor business philosophy, organization, financial credibility, communications, and staffing. c. Longevity and record of the vendor and product with proven successful installations in similar sized school districts. d. Future development and capacity for growth of product. e. Adherence to industry standards. f. Implementation and training plans, training personnel, and quality of operation manuals and support materials. g. Flexibility and simple processes used to customize product using school district personnel. h. Reliability, quality, capacity, and documented industry reputation of the database. i. Plan for data migration that maintains integrity and functionality of existing records. j. Other features as described in the RFP or as offered in proposals that add value to a vendor’s proposal.
9 of 74 The committee will evaluate how each vendor proposes to meet each of the specifications with each mandatory system requirement detailed in Section D.
Level Three – (completed at each District) Selected vendors will be invited to make on-site presentations. Vendors will be allowed up to two 8-hour days at the school district’s facility to make presentations to the evaluation committee highlighting the features and functions required of the system. From these presentations, one or more finalists will be selected. Vendors will be required to make their presentations employing live software using real data on a compliant machine running a Web browser performing functions that will be detailed one week prior to presentation. Demonstrations may be videotaped or recorded for use by the districts.
Level Four – (completed at each District) Site visits and final selection – Finalists may be asked to facilitate a site visit of the Evaluation Committee members to a school district using their product. Finalists who do not have local references may need to facilitate either an out-of-state visit to a comparable reference site or a videoconference with representatives from that site. Vendors may be asked to help arrange these visits, but will not attend the visit. Once site visits are completed, a final choice will be made, and contract negotiations will begin.
Level Five – (completed at each District) Board approval and Contract – The school district will bring a motion to the Board for approval. The selected vendor will enter into a contract, contingent upon Board approval, subject to the terms specified in this document including a commitment to deliver and perform for the price and time line agreed. Implementation will begin immediately following the time line.
. * individual Districts may bypass one or several of these levels.
General Conditions
A. Civil Rights
The Contractor agrees that Contractor and any subcontractors of Contractor will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the Regulation of the Department of Education (34 C. F. R. Part 100) issued pursuant to that title, to the end that, in accordance with Title VI of that Act and the Regulation, no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subject to discrimination under any program or activity for which the Applicant received federal financial assistance from the Department; and hereby gives assurance that he will immediately take any measures to effectuate this agreement. Contractor further agrees to comply with all applicable requirements of federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and regulations regarding discrimination in employment.
B. Indemnity
10 of 74 Contractor shall indemnify the school district and hold it harmless from any loss or damage of any nature caused or in any manner related to the performance by Contractor of its duties hereunder.
C. Default
If the Contractor should be adjudged a bankrupt, or if Contractor should make a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, or if a receiver should be appointed to take over Contractor's affairs, or if Contractor should fail to perform one or more of the provisions of the contract to be performed by Contractor, the school district may serve written notice on the Contractor, stating its intention to exercise the remedies hereinafter set forth and the grounds upon which the school district bases its right to exercise such remedy. Upon giving such notice, the school district may, in addition to all other remedies available to it at law or equity, terminate the Contractor's right to perform the contract, which termination shall take effect immediately. Notwithstanding such termination, Contractor shall remain liable to the school district for all damages, costs, and expenses caused by such breach, including, but not limited to any costs incurred to complete Contractor's work.
D. Miscellaneous
1. The Contractor shall not assign its contract, or any part thereof, to any other person or entity without the prior written approval of the school district.
2. The documents constituting the contract between the Contractor and the school district shall include the information to submitters, these specifications, and the Contractor's proposal form.
3. Unless otherwise expressly provided, this contract shall be performed only by Contractor and Contractor may not subcontract the performance of any duties hereunder.
Background Information
Missouri Keystone School Districts shall provide background information sufficient for respondents to understand the nature of your business and your current time and attendance system so that they may prepare a response that directly addresses your needs.
Grain Valley Public Schools:
District Technical Specifications Network environment consists of both LAN (Local Area Network) and MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) components. LAN includes 10/100/1000 connectivity with a separate VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) for each site. MAN consists of several wireless point to point connections, along with buried fiber for same site links. Wireless connectivity between sites consist of Cisco 1300 Bridges. The server environment consists of Windows 2k/2003 Servers connected at 1 gb/s. The district is protected with a ASA Security Appliance (Firewall), which is connected to the public sector with a 6mb internet connection provided by MOREnet. The server environment is
11 of 74 also protected via Symantec Corporate Security Suite. The districts directory is managed via Microsoft Active Directory.
Workstations throughout the district have a standard desktop image which includes an office suite, email client, and certain curriculum tools. Security at the Desktop level consists of Lightspeed Systems Security Agent which protects against virus’ and malware.
District Employee Specification The Grain Valley School District employs approximately 475 staff members. It is our plan to utilize the automated timekeeping for all employees, but initially will utilize it for non-certified staff (approximately 175 employees).
Payroll and Human Resources System: The District implemented Keystone Employee Management System (KEMS) January of 2008. We also utilize Keystone’s Payroll and Financial modules. Employees currently access the financial module through the web to generate Purchase Orders. Keystone Client is used by Central Office staff.
Current Time and Attendance Processes: We currently use punch time clocks and handwritten time sheets. We have two separate pay cycles for our bi- weekly employees (non-certified only) and time sheets are required by Monday of their pay date week. All certified employees are paid on the 20th of each month. There are currently six teachers being paid on a 10-month schedule – all others spread their pay over a 12-month period, with July and August checks distributed at the end of June. All non-certified employees (except Building Secretaries and Health Aides) are “paid as earned.” Building Secretaries and Health Aides can elect to spread their pay out over 12 months – the majority select this pay schedule. Absence requests are reported several ways, including a Request Form, substitute teacher vouchers and e-mails. We do not utilize any type of automated system for assigning and tracking substitutes.
Independence Public Schools
District Technical Specifications Our current server environment includes a combination of servers running Windows Server 2000, 2003, and Linux. All workstations on our network are running Windows XP.
A variety of open source and proprietary relational databases are in place.
12 of 74 All workstations are connected to fully-switched 10/100 LANs; the fiber optic backbone is running switched switched 1 Gb Ethernet. A firewall (Free BSD) provides protection for the server environment. Traffic shaping and filtering are utilized at the Internet gateway which includes a 45 Mb connection.
All workstations are loaded with MSOffice productivity suite in addition to applications that provide specific curriculum content and support. Our district uses Internet Explorer (primary) as well as Firefox for internet browsers.
Desktop security includes directory services-based policies for managing profiles along with Symantic anti-virus.
District Employee Specification The Independence School District currently employs approximately 1885 permanent staff members. Exempt employees account for around 976, leaving 909 non-exempt employees. The district will focus on the non-exempt staff for the Time and Attendance implementation at this time.
Payroll and Human Resources System: The District uses the Keystone Employee Managements system software known as KEMS. The district has used Keystone software since 2002. The current version is up to date. The district has several client interfaces in use at this time, including Version 12, Version 14 and Keystone Client Version 3.94.
Current Time and Attendance Processes: Currently Independence Public Schools collects Time and Attendance Data through a process of Paper Time Sheets. Time Sheets are turned in monthly after the cut-off date (the last day of prior month). These Paper Time sheets are then manually checked and calculated. Some absence requests are being process through SubFinder– a substitute fulfillment system. Leaves from SubFinder interface to Keystone. Keystone is our primary leave tracking system. Paper forms are submitted for those leaves not in SubFinder and are manually entered in Keystone.
Jefferson City Public Schools
District Technical Specifications The current network structure features a Gigabit-switched main facility located at the Central Office. The four secondary schools utilize a carrier-based fiber-optic system back to the Central Office. Ten primary buildings use Point-Point T1 lines that terminate back at the Central Office and two other primary buildings connect via a DSL VPN connection that is maintained by a Cisco 3005 VPN concentrator at the Central Office. Due to the Point- Point T1 lines and the carrier-based fiber-optics, there are currently no redundant routing built into the network. Each building LAN is a 10/100-switched network, with some switches inside the secondary schools capable of providing Gigabit speed to the workstation.
The network is protected by a firewall and many TCP/UDP ports are closed to the outside network, helping to minimize attacks from the outside, as well as limiting ports that can be used from inside the network. Only ports that are needed for system-specific or mission-based operations are open, such as HTTP, HTTPS, SQL, etc. A
13 of 74 content filter is utilized at the Central Office to filter inappropriate material to all outbound traffic. MOREnet provides our Internet connection, currently at 10mb.
The District uses both Mac and PC-based systems. Many workstations, both Mac and PC, are loaded with MS Office software, which helps in productivity and cross-platform use. PC’s use Internet Explorer almost exclusively on web-based programs. Firefox and Safari are supported on the Mac computers for web-based programs. File servers are a mix of Mac OSX and Windows 2003 Server.
Group policies are in use on the PC workstations, with authentication provided by a Windows 2003 Server Active Directory setup. Each PC workstation is protected from viruses and spyware using the on-site Trend-Micro server.
District Employee Specification The district currently employs approximately 1104 permanent staff members. Exempt employees account for around 756, leaving 348 non-exempt employees. 79 - maintenance 94 - food service 112 - aides 63 - secretaries (central office & building) add another 20 or so for computer support, social workers, etc (not in count)
Payroll and Human Resources System: The District uses the Keystone Employee Management system software known as KEMS. The district has used the software since July of 2006 when it was upgraded from a previous version. The current version is up to date. The district has several client interfaces in use at this time, including Version 12 of Fusion, Telnet, and Keystone Client Version 3.94.
Current Time and Attendance Processes: Currently Jefferson City Public Schools collects Time and Attendance Data through a process of Paper Time Sheets. Time Sheets are turned in Monthly after the cut-off date. (the last day of prior month) These Paper Time sheets are then manually checked and calculated. Absence requests are being hand entered after the employees turn in Payroll Exceptions.
Liberty Public Schools:
District Technical Specifications: The current server environment provides cross-platform support to 100 Macintosh OS X workstations and 4200 Windows workstations running a mix of Windows 2000 and XP. Linux Servers provide "Internet" and advanced file services. The networking environment is predominately a Windows 2003 environment utilizing Active Directory.
14 of 74 A variety of open source (MySQL, Postgres) and proprietary (DB2, MSSQL, Universe) RDBMS are in place.
All workstations are connected to fully-switched 10/100/1000 building LANs that gateway to a fiber-optic Wide Area Network (WAN) running switched 1Gb Ethernet. The WAN consists of a ring and spoke topology. Redundancy on the ring is provided via EIGRP routing. A firewall provides protection for the server environment from both the Internet and WAN. Proxy, cache, and packet shaping technology is utilized at the Internet gateway with all traffic carried to the Internet providing 40 Mb of Internet 1 access as well as 100Mb access to Internet 2 services.
All workstations are loaded with the industry standard office productivity suite in addition to applications that provide more specific curriculum or productivity support. In keeping with the desire to embrace cross-platform, open standards compliant software the school district has embraced the Mozilla browser Firefox. Given the prevalence of platform specific browsers, namely Internet Explorer on Windows and Safari on the Mac, the school district does support their use, however, internal web development is geared toward the cross-platform browsers.
Desktop security includes directory services-based policies for managing profiles along with Symantic anti-virus.
District Employee Specification: The District currently employs approximately 1700 permanent staff members. Exempt employees account for around 875, leaving 825 non-exempt employees. The district will mainly focus on the non-exempt staff for the Time and Attendance implementation at this time.
Payroll and Human Resources System: The District uses the Keystone Employee Managements system software know as KEMS. The district has used the software since 2004 when it was upgraded from a previous version. The current version is up to date. The district has several client interfaces in use at this time, including Version 12, Version 14 and Keystone Client Version 3.94.
Current Time and Attendance Processes: Currently Liberty Public Schools collects Time and Attendance Data through a process of Paper Time Sheets. Time Sheets are turned in Monthly after the cut-off date. (the last day of prior month) These Paper Time sheets are then manually checked and calculated. Absence requests are being process through the AESOP tracking system. This system is specifically designed as a Substitute fulfillment system, but does have some capabilities to track absences.
Raymore –Peculiar Public Schools
District Technical Specifications The current server environment provides a Novell platform supporting Windows workstations running XP pro and Novell Servers providing internet and advanced file services. Basic file services are also provided by a mix of Windows 2000 and 2003 servers. A variety of open source (MySQL, Postgres) and proprietary (DB2, MSSQL, Universe) RDBMS are in place. All workstations are connected to fully-switched to 10/100 building LANs that gateway to fiber-optic system by Unite running switched 1GB Ethernet. It spokes to a core location serving as a point of aggregation that provides connectivity for 13 locations. An ASA firewall provides protection for the server environment from the Internet,
15 of 74 Cache, and packet shaping technology is utilized at the Internet gateway with all traffic carried to the Internet providing 10 MB of Internet 1 access. All workstations are loaded with the industry standard office 2007 productivity suite in addition to applications that provide more specific curriculum or productivity support. Internet Explorer is the standard browser with the Mozilla Firefox in some locations. Desktop security includes directory services-based policies for managing profiles along with total traffic control antivirus.
District Employee Specification The District currently employs approximately 820 permanent staff members. Certified employees and administrators account for around 486, leaving 334 classified staff members. The district will mainly focus on the classified staff for the Time and Attendance implementation at this time.
Payroll and Human Resources System: The District uses the Keystone Employee Managements system software known as KEMS. The District has used the software since 2003 with the current version being up to date.
Current Time and Attendance Processes: Currently, Raymore Peculiar School District collects time and attendance data through a process of paper time sheets. Time sheets are turned in semi-monthly and are then manually checked and calculated. Absence requests are being processed manually.
Raytown Public Schools
District Technical Specifications: We have a dark fiber ring connecting all sites, core sites are connected via 10GB Fiber and remote locations are 2GB inks, LAN connections are 1GB Copper and 802.11G Wireless at 54Mbps. We have one site that is off the fiber ring and it has a 15mbps wireless link supporting a small program. Our servers are Windows 2003 and Mac OS 10.4 and 10.5, all systems authenticate through Active Directory. We have a watchguard firewall and 8e6 content filter on our internet connection which is a DS3 provided by More.net. At the desktop level we run Sophos for antivirus and malware.
District Employee Specifications: We currently have approximately 1376 pay-line employees, with about another 300 non-payline employees (substitutes and temporary helpers) that we pay each pay period. We are looking to use the time keeping system for our classified employees (about 650).
Payroll and Human Resources System: We are currently on the latest version the KEMS system provided for Keystone Information System. Everyone in the district still uses a version of fusion to access the system.
Current Time and Attendance Process: Currently our staff uses a custom timesheet program on fusion or a paper timesheet to track daily in and out times. These are collected by building secretaries and entered in fusion if they are paper timesheets. A report is then printed out that is signed by the employee verifying that the hours are correct. This report also contains the number of hours the employee worked overtime. It will also take into account any days they might have missed.
16 of 74 The employee will also fill out an absence report that is located on our website. This is signed and turned into the secretaries as well. The secretary will then enter them into the system. The secretaries have a one week window of time each month to get the absences and the exception entered into the system.
Rolla Public Schools
District Technical Specifications Network LAN/WAN District buildings are connected via a redundant gigabit Ethernet ring. Each building has 1G connection to the fiber with the scalability to move to 10G when necessary. Managed 10/100/1000 switches are used as the backbone in each data closet throughout the district. Workstations RPS currently supports over 1700 workstations which are all connected via 10/100 mbs back to the managed switch in each building data closet. The majority (97%) of all workstations utilizes Microsoft Windows XP, MS Office 2003 or 2007, and a blend of Internet Explorer v6 or v7 and Mozilla Firefox as well as other instructional and productivity software. Additionally, Symantec Antivirus client is installed on each workstation. Servers A combination of Novell Netware v5.1 and v6.5 servers as well as Windows 2000 and 2003 servers are used. VMWare server technology has also been introduced. CIPA compliance is maintained through a filtering server (and associated software) that each district workstation must attach through before gaining access to the Internet. A firewall is also in place to protect all network services. Internet connection A 20Mb Internet connection is provided to us through MoreNet. Current utilization of that bandwidth is approximately 30-50% daily.
District Employee Specification The District currently employs approximately 570 permanent staff members. Certificated employees account for 330 employees and support-staff employees account for 240 employees. The district will mainly focus on the non- exempt staff for the Time and Attendance implementation at this time. Non-exempt employees include nurses, maintenance staff, bus drivers, custodians, food service employees, teacher aides, secretaries and technology personnel.
Payroll and Human Resources System: The District uses the Keystone Employee Managements system software known as KEMS.
Current Time and Attendance Processes: The Rolla School District collects Time and Attendance information through manual time sheets. The time sheets are turned in biweekly on Monday following the close of the pay period. The District defines the pay week as Monday through Sunday. The time sheets are manually checked and calculated. The District currently tracks
17 of 74 comp time utilizing a spreadsheet. Absences such as vacation, sick pay, personal days, etc are manually entered into the KEMS system for tracking and reporting. Pay checks for support staff are processed biweekly with Friday being the pay date. Certificated staff is paid monthly. The pay date is the 25th each month with the 15th of the month being the cut-off date.
18 of 74 Time and Labor Management Requirements
Functional Requirements ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE FN1 The system should R provide flexible, real-time validation of reported information against policies. FN2 All calculations must be R performed in real time directly in the core software as time and attendance data is entered. Performing calculations in interface programs is not an acceptable alternative. FN3 The system must support R both positive time entry and exception entry for salaried employees. FN4 The system should give R clear and concise error messages. FN5 The system should allow R the user to respond to critical error messages. FN6 Please explain in detail R what steps the employee will follow to log into the system, enter time, and perform other tasks. FN7 The system should R provide a toolbar with graphical buttons to perform common functions such as print or save data. FN8 The system should utilize R scroll bars for forms and
19 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE pop-ups that cannot be displayed in entirety. FN9 The system R documentation should include step-by-step demonstrations or training aides for all forms in the system. FN10 The system must offer R online context-sensitive help. FN11 We require the ability to D customize the online help files. FN12 The system should have R the ability to minimize and maximize windows. FN13 The system should have a R ‘Print Screen’ function.
User Interface UI1 The user interface must R be completely customized through software configuration. For example:
UI1.1 ► Add or remove D customer-specific fields including numeric, text, date, time, checkboxes, drop-down, or lookup. UI1.2 ► Support separate D user interfaces and screen layouts for each employee group. UI1.3 ► Support separate D user interfaces and screen layouts for
20 of 74 each role. For instance, managers may see a field called “Manager Comments” and Payroll may see a field called “Pay Rate Override”. UI2 The system should R visually distinguish between fields that are required for data entry purposes and fields that are display only. UI3 The system should allow R all data entry via keyboard without requiring users to move between the keyboard and the mouse to perform any data entry function. UI4 The system should R provide the ability to search the online help for a specific topic. UI5 The system should R provide a calendar pop- up for date fields. UI6 The system should R provide the ability to modify the system calendar for non- working days and holidays. UI7 The system should offers D users hot key combination shortcuts for all actions such as record navigation, add, update, delete, new, next, previous, and close. UI8 Spell-checking features D
21 of 74 should be offered throughout the system. UI9 The system should allow D field titles on forms to be changed at the user level. UI10 The system must allow R for “off-site”time entry i.e. IVR, Web Portal
Rules Management ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE RM1 Describe the tools our R system administrator will use to support the application. RM2 The system must have R tools to allow Missouri K eystone School Districts to add new policies to the system. RM3 Does the system allow Q the user to change existing data field characteristics, such as size and title, without affecting system functionality? RM4 Is any custom vendor Q programming required to make the system customization features work? RM5 Is any custom vendor Q programming required for customer-specific pay rules that are not supported by the tables and parameters? RM6 All customization R features added by Misso uri Keystone School Districts must
22 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE automatically migrate to future vendor enhancements and new releases. Please explain how they are retained. RM7 There must be a facility R to automatically manage pay rule migration from a test instance to a production instance. RM8 The system must allow D user-defined fields to display on the main time entry screen. RM9 The system must allow R business processes to be saved and reused as needed. An example of a business process is the set of steps required to complete a leave request. RM10 How are user defined R fields handled in reports and queries? RM11 Screen layouts and R labels of the system must be readily configurable. RM12 How many additional R user-defined fields are available? RM13 The time and attendance R shall support multiple sets of policies for each unique group of employees. RM14 The time and attendance R system must provide provisions for daily, weekly and hourly
23 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE overtime. RM15 The time and attendance R system must accommodate unlimited overtime thresholds and categories. RM16 The time and attendance R system must support time calculations based on times or shifts worked. RM17 The time and attendance R system must support weekend and other differential rules. RM18 The time and attendance R system must support pay incentives based on user-defined conditions. RM19 The time and attendance R system must support multiple rates of pay with multiple job codes. RM20 The time and attendance R system must support hourly and salaried employees. RM21 The time and attendance R system must support multiple pay cycles. Such as Weekly,Semi- Monthly, Monthly as well as Custom Cycles. RM22 The time and attendance R system must support diluted rates for employees who work over scheduled hours. RM23 The time and attendance O system must support pay rates based on piece-
24 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE work. RM24 The time and attendance R system must be capable of meeting any calculation requirement. RM25 The system must be R table and parameter driven. RM26 The system must R support any type of pay rule, regardless of the complexity of the calculation and without any custom programming, stored procedures, or database modifications. RM27 The system must R provide for user-defined calculations or formulas to support policies we have today or may have in the future. RM28 The time and attendance R system must accommodate floating holidays and multiple calendars. RM29 The time and attendance R system must support qualifying conditions to receive holidays. RM30 The time and attendance D system must support pro-rata holiday and other pay types for part time employees. RM31 The time and attendance R system must round employee clock times to User-Define fractional
25 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE values by group. RM32 The time and attendance R system must provide grace periods relative to start time. RM33 The time and attendance R system must have the ability to automatically deduct time for unpaid meal periods for certain employees at the individual employee level. RM34 The time and attendance D system should support capturing hours to be billed to 3rd party and have the ability to produce an invoice to that 3rd party. RM35 The time and attendance D system should be able to track substitute with differing rates of pay including longevity or retro pay. RM36 The system should D calculate an employees “final” payout as part of the termination process
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) CM2 The system must be R able to coordinate time off for FMLA with other types of time off so that
26 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE employees can receive paid leave for eligible FMLA events. CM3 The system must be R able to determine an employee’s FMLA eligibility. CM4 The system must R support all of the year definition methods approved by the Department of Labor. CM5 The system shall R track FMLA used and available. CM6 The time and D attendance system should sent notification to the employee about FMLA requirements.
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) CM7 The software must R handle calculations for the Fair Labor Standards Act regular rate overtime. CM8 The regular rate R FLSA calculations must be calculated in real-time and be visible to the employee, manager, and administrator at any point overtime is calculated. CM9 Will we need a new R
27 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE software release or can we modify the underlying calculations to support changes in FLSA overtime laws?
Other Governmental Regulations CM10 The software must R support changes in government regulations which occur over time.
Exceptions Handling ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE EH1 The system must R support the setup of user-defined validation conditions. EH2 The desired system R behavior for each condition must be configurable. EH3 The system must R handle the setup of user-defined messages used in e- mail notifications when certain conditions exist. EH4 The system must let R us build our own conditions to trigger exception messages or e-mail notifications. EH5 The time and R attendance system must support exceptions for
28 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE exempt employees EH6 The time and R attendance system shall generate user- defined warning and error messages on timesheets based on user-defined conditions.
Workflow, Notifications, and Alerts ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE WN1 The time and R attendance system shall notify employees, managers, HR, payroll, or other specified recipients when certain events occur. WN2 The time and R attendance system shall support the configuration of user-defined messages based on department-defined conditions. WN3 The time and R attendance system shall send e-mail notification when timesheets are approved or rejected. WN4 The time and R attendance system must support MS Exchange, Novell Groupwise, Web Based E-mail
29 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE Software. WN5 The time and R attendance system must be compatible with Outlook, Novell Groupwise Client, Web based E- mail Software.. WN6 The time and R attendance system shall send reminder notices to complete timesheets. WN7 The time and R attendance system shall remind managers to review and approve timesheets.
Approvals ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE AP1 How does your Q system ensure that managers see only the timesheets for the employees for whom they are responsible? AP2 The system should be R able to remind employees to submit timesheets for approval or remind managers to approve timesheets. AP3 The system should R accommodate manager reviews and approvals. AP4 The system should R accommodate
30 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE multiple approval levels. AP5 The system should D accommodate manager delegation. AP6 The system should D accommodate employee timesheet electronic signatures. AP7 The system should D return timesheets and notify by e-mail based on the workflow logic.
Employee Self Service ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE ES1 The time and R attendance system must allow online time off balance inquiries. ES2 The time and R attendance system must allow online view of scheduled work times.
Time Off Requests ES3 The system shall R support time off requests and approvals. ES4 The software must R permit employees to request time off in the future. ES5 Describe the Q workflow associated with an employee time off request. ES6 The system should D
31 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE validate time off requests.
Accruals and Leave Management ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE AL1 The system shall R support vacation/sick/floating holiday plans and compensatory time as well as other type of time-off as defined by the District. AL2 The system shall have R the capability to determine accrual amounts based on hours/days worked. AL3 The system shall D support conversion of accruals for employee transfers. (banking time and/or employee type changes) AL4 The software must R support any type of accrual calculation. AL5 The system should R support the transfer of hours between accrual banks. AL6 The system should R support pooled accrual banks so that when one bank is emptied, another bank is used automatically.
Point Tracking AL7 The time and D attendance system shall track occurrences
32 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE of employees who are in or out either early or late. AL8 The time and R attendance system shall accumulate tardy occurrences for review by manager. AL9 The time and R attendance system shall track any attendance conditions. AL10 The time and R attendance system shall notify managers or HR when user- defined thresholds on conditions are exceeded. AL11 The time and D attendance system shall support reward policies for employees who meet conditions such as perfect attendance. AL12 The system should R track attendance events such as tardy, out early, or absent. AL13 The system should D support attendance point tracking.
Labor Distribution ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE LD1 The system must be D capable of tracking projects, tasks, work orders, departments, activities, reason
33 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE codes, etc. LD2 Is there a limit to the Q number of labor distribution fields? Are there any field length limitations? LD3 The system must R support hierarchical relationships between fields. How many levels are supported? LD4 Defaults and R restrictions placed on fields should be enforced by the system. LD5 The system should D allow managers to assign task codes to employees to ease time entry and ensure time is charged to the correct tasks. LD6 The system should D allow each user to maintain lists of favorite task codes. LD7 The system should D allow searches by code or description. LD8 The system should D allow the creation of custom search screens. LD9 The system should R allow the importation of data from external sources. LD10 The system must D support validation of labor distribution
34 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE done against an external validation routine at the time of time entry (a stored procedure on the database server).
Multiple Assignments MA1 The system must R support employees working in multiple jobs or departments during the course of a pay cycle. MA2 The application of R different pay rules for each job or department must be supported. MA3 The system should R maintain separate timesheets for each job or department. How are they maintained so that each manager sees only the time worked in his or her department? MA4 How is each timesheet Q approved and routed to Payroll? ID REQUIREMENT MA5 How are new hires Q entered into the system? MA6 How do we permit a Q new hire to punch in and out even if he or she has not yet been entered into our HR system? MA7 Can managers enter Q new hires into the
35 of 74 software? What effect does this have when we eventually load the new hire into our HR system? MA8 The system should have D the ability to calculate the separation pay as defined by the business rules including accruals and/or annualized pay.
Scheduling ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE SC1 The system should be R able to define an unlimited number of standard schedules. SC2 The system should D have the ability to schedule employees down to the last minute. SC3 The system should be R able to schedule specifics such as projects, departments, or activities. SC4 The system should be R able to rotate employees through one or more schedules. SC5 The system should R allow employees to see schedules online. SC6 The system should R allow managers or administrators the ability to manipulate schedules for groups of employees.
36 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE SC7 The system should R allow managers to quickly add or change an entire crew’s schedule online in real time. SC8 The system should R accommodate multiple alternative work schedules. SC9 The scheduling system R should produce dynamic management reports, including absence, budget and daily/weekly calendars. SC10 The scheduling system R should permit reports to be exported in a number of formats (e.g. Word, Excel, PDF, etc.) SC11 The scheduling system R should permit viewing of reports prior to printing. SC12 The scheduling system R should permit the creation of ad hoc reports required by Mi ssouri Keystone School Districts.
Employee Self Service SC13 The scheduling system R should permit employees to view current schedules on line. SC14 The scheduling system R should permit
37 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE employees to request time off through the scheduling application and provide a vehicle to notify employees of time-off request decisions.
Reporting SC15 The scheduling system R should produce dynamic management reports, including absence, budget and daily/weekly calendars. SC16 The scheduling system should permit reports to be exported in a number of formats (e.g. Word, Excel, PDF, etc.) SC17 The scheduling system should permit viewing of reports prior to printing. SC18 The scheduling system should permit the creation of ad hoc reports required by the School District..
Prior Period and Retroactive Adjustments ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE PP1 The software should R permit managers or Payroll Dept. to make corrections to prior period timesheets that have already been
38 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE closed and paid. PP2 Does the software D track the original and amended timesheets? Can we view them without using an audit report? PP3 The software should D automatically reprocess the amended timesheet and all future timesheets when the change is made. PP4 When prior periods R are recalculated, the software should automatically apply all pay rules, including FLSA, and adjust all accrual balances. PP5 The software should D permit the reprocessing of prior periods for FLSA purposes when we pay a non- discretionary bonus, which is applicable to several months of time worked. PP6 The system should R allow employees or managers to amend timesheets. PP7 The system should R automatically reprocess timesheets to correct for changes to policies, or retroactive rate increases.
39 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE PP8 The system should R automatically reprocess amended timesheets to correct for any incidental changes.
Standard & Ad-Hoc System Reporting ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR SCORE COMMENTS RP1 The system should at a minimum provide, but not be limited to, the following standard reports:
RP1.1 ► Report showing R time detail by employee: An on demand report showing summary of time entered (or not) by labor code for specific employee assigned to a department/divisio n for a specific day, week, period, etc. RP1.2 ► Time detail by R department/divisio n: An on demand report showing detail of time entered (or not) by labor code for specific employees assigned to a department/divisio n for a specific day, week, period, etc. RP1.3 ► Time adjustments R by departments/divisi
40 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR SCORE COMMENTS ons: An on demand report that shows summary of time entries made by persons other than the employee by department/divisio n with from/to change, reason for change, and person responsible for change RP1.4 ► Report historical R data: An on demand report to print by department and date range. Report should provide option to select specific pay codes. RP1.5 ► Report to show late arrivals. RP1.6 ► Exceptions report: R To identify employees that have worked days or times other than scheduled. RP1.7 ► Extended leave R time report: A report used by HR to approve extended leave time. It should display the amount of extended leave time an employee has used in the current calendar year.
41 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR SCORE COMMENTS RP1.8 ► Workers Comp D Report: A report to show employees that have workers compensation and any employee that has had changes made to his or her workers compensation. RP1.9 ► Family Medical R Leave Act (FMLA) report: Shows hours clocked as FMLA along with other time recorded. RP1.10 ► No time entered R report: Shows employees with no time entered by certain status. RP1.11 ► Adjustments R andAuthorized Overtime report: Shows adjustments and overtime for employees. RP1.12 ► Access report: R Displays employees, timekeepers, managers, etc. that have access to system. RP1.13 ► Error report for R transfer of data from time and attendance system to the payroll system. RP2 The system shall allow R query and ad hoc
42 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR SCORE COMMENTS report definitions to be saved and used again. RP3 The system shall have D the ability to print any screen without leaving the active screen. RP4 The system shall have R the ability to send report output to screen, printer, or file. RP5 The system shall have R the ability to export the query result to other standard format applications such as Access, Word, or Excel. RP6 The system should D have the ability to cancel a report while it is in process of printing. RP7 The system shall allow R report selection criteria such as date range or employee group. RP8 The system should R have a built-in ad-hoc report generator. RP9 What third party report Q generation tools does the system support? Please list. RP10 The system should D have the ability to store user-generated queries for use in the future. RP11 The system should D have the ability to sort the query result list.
43 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR SCORE COMMENTS RP12 The system should D have the ability to modify stored queries. RP13 The system should O have the ability to print query results to multiple print queues.
Technical Requirements ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE TR1 The supplier must Q provide a test environment. What is the availability of the environment to Missour i Keystone School Districts and what is the process to migrate to production? TR2 Is your application web- Q enabled or web-based? TR3 Do any application Q components require Java™ applets, ActiveX controls, or other plug- ins? TR4 Identify software that Q must be installed on the desktop. Identify minimum hardware and software requirements. TR5 Please list all supported Q browsers and browser versions. TR6 Please provide a brief Q description of your overall software
44 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE architecture. Include information about how scalability is achieved with your architecture model. TR7 The entire system Q should be able to run on multiple server platforms for maximum scalability. Please list all supported platforms. TR8 The system must run on R an industry standard relational database management system. TR9 The system should use R standard HTTP APIs. TR10 What job scheduler do Q you recommend for use with your system? TR11 What specific type of Q hardware does the vendor test its products on? What is the baseline for testing ‘Real World’ user environments?
Integration ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE IN1 The system should R have the capability to load schedule, project, or timesheet data to the system through simple ASCII files. IN2 The system should be R able to load employee demographics, rate, and balance information from any ASCII file or SQL or
45 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE ODBC data source. IN3 The system should be R configured to interface with Keystone Information Systems payroll software. IN4 The system shall R perform a user defined extract of time and attendance data and convert the data into appropriate formats for export to payroll or other 3rd party systems. IN6 The system should be ??????? configured to interface with applicant tracking modules and position control modules. IN7 Your product must Q integrate easily with 3rd party applications. Please describe the mechanism by which this is achieved. IN8 What types of data can Q be imported or exported? IN9 What 3rd party Q applications can your system exchange data with? IN10 Are data exchanges Q scheduled or are they executed manually on demand? IN11 Does the data exchange Q execution affect system operation? In other words, must the data exchange be completed
46 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE before the user can perform other tasks? IN12 Does your software Q support incremental data exchange? IN13 Can data be Q manipulated or transformed during import or export?
Security ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE SE1 The software must support role based security. Please describe the following: SE1.1 ► How the role Q based security works. SE1.2 ► Who defines the Q roles? SE1.3 ► Is there a limit to Q the number of roles? SE2 Supplier’s system R must have a means by which a security administrator can limit users’ access to screens, reports, and data. Explains the means by which the security administrator can limit users’ access. SE3 The software R must support multiple authentication methods. Describe how the software supports
47 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE all of the following mandatory authentication mechanisms: ► LDAP authentication ► Single-sign on via a cookie SE4 The software R must be able to communicate over SSL. SE5 The system must R provide options to control password security. Please describe them. SE6 The software support R strong passwords as defined by company policy. SE7 The software must R have options to control the period when passwords expire. SE8 The software must D not allow the reuse of prior passwords. SE9 The system should R provide record level access to allow managers to access only their own employees and accommodate multiple jobs. SE10 The system should R allow only authorized users to view
48 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE sensitive information. SE11 The system should R allow system administrators the ability to override system policies. SE12 The system should R provide application- level User ID’s and passwords for stand- alone operation. SE13 The system should D provide single sign on capabilities to interface with the current Missouri Keys tone School Districts password scheme. Please explain supplier’s ability to support single sign- on. SE14 The system should R provide a full audit trail of all system modifications and database changes. The audit trail should be printable and viewable online. SE15 The system should R provide data validation abilities for all non-freeform data fields. SE16 The system should R provide the ability to create and expire user passwords, and group users under one group type, but with individual user
49 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE passwords. SE17 The system should R provide data locking in a multi-user environment. SE18 Does the system R security function restrict entry to the database, so unauthorized entry is not possible through a third party application? SE19 Does the system Q include data recovery and data restore within the application? SE20 Does the system Q include database backup within the application? SE21 The system should R support free form fields. Describe any size limitations. SE22 Do the system data Q fields use basic word processing features such as spell check, word-wrap, cut, copy and paste? SE23 Please describe your Q archival process to get records out of the active database. SE24 Please describe your Q purge process to remove records from the system.
50 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE SE25 The system should R use SSL to encrypt data for secure access over the Internet. Please explain in detail the security architecture around any technical file transfer options. SE26 Please describe in Q some detail how you will be protecting the information that will be used by your solution.
Data Collection Methods and Equipment ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE DC1 Your system must R support multiple data collection methods. Please list them. DC2 What is technology of Q badge reader clocks? DC3 What is lifespan of Q clocks (any planned obsolescence?) DC4 The system R timesheets must be accessible through multiple web browsers. DC5 The system must have R web-based screens to allow employees to electronically punch in/out. DC6 The system time shall R automatically be recorded.
51 of 74 Business Considerations and Costs ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE Vendor Information BC1 Supplier must R describe the medium and long- term development strategy for the proposed product. BC2 Supplier must R describe the medium and long- term development strategy for the company. BC3 The software R licensing model must be based on the number of active employees only. Licenses based on managers, concurrent users, or other models will not be considered. BC4 What are the terms Q of contract payments? Source Code BC5 Will you provide Q source code for the application? BC6 Is it available for Q purchase or is it escrowed? Please provide the name and address of your escrow agent. Professional Services BC7 The selected vendor R shall provide project management
52 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE services to ensure the project is completed in a professional manner, software installation is installed on time and on schedule, and data conversion is completed, accurate, and installed on time and on schedule. BC8 The selected vendor R must provide consulting services if the user requires them and they are part of the vendor’s scope of work. These services will be defined in the contract and form part of the project plan. Consulting services will include, but will not be limited to, data conversion planning, system integration, system interface design, and new system design and development. BC9 Does the vendor use Q third party consultants to assist in providing any or part of the consulting services? BC10 What type of Q guarantee can be provided that the person doing the implementation will
53 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE not be pulled off our account unless requested by Missouri Keystone School Districts? Support BC11 The vendor shall R offer an annual support agreement. Explain what your firm’s agreement includes. BC12 The selected vendor R shall provide a customer service telephone number as part of the annual support agreement. BC13 The vendor shall R offer 24/7 support. BC14 The vendor shall R perform maintenance upgrades to the system in order to comply with regulatory data gathering and reporting requirements. BC15 What is the vendor’s Q policy on the correction of system defects? Are the defect corrections created for all versions of software supported by the vendor’s maintenance agreement? BC16 What will be our Q personnel and time requirements for managing the
54 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE system on an annual basis? For example, does the vendor believe that the we will need to allocate a DBA, network administrator, or programmers? Updates and Upgrades BC18 How many versions Q of the system does the vendor support under the maintenance agreement? BC19 How are patches Q and upgrades deployed to customers? BC20 Does the system Q provide an automatic link to the vendor’s web site? BC21 How many Q upgrades does the vendor release per year? BC22 How much time Q does the vendor allow the client for upgrading the system to the newer release? BC23 What type of Q professional assistance does the vendor provide for upgrades? Training BC24 The selected vendor R shall provide professional software application training for the
55 of 74 ID REQUIREMENT TYPE REPLY VENDOR COMMENTS SCORE system. Training must include hands- on practice along with helpful training materials. BC25 The system should R include a comprehensive users’ manual documenting all functions and operations of the system.
Attachment A Vendor Information Form
1. Name of Firm:
Firm Address:
56 of 74
Web Site:
2. Type of Firm: (check one) Individual ______Partnership ______Corporation ______
3. Names and title of all officers of the firm:
4. Has your firm or any of its principals defaulted to cause a loss of surety? Yes _____ No ____ If “Yes”, explain:
5. Have you been assessed liquidation damages for any project in the past three years? Yes _____ No ____ If “Yes”, explain:
57 of 74 Attachment A Continued:
6. Have you been in litigation on a question relating to your performance on a contract during the past three years? Yes _____ No ____ If “Yes”, explain and provide case name and number:
7. Have you ever failed to complete a contract in the past three years? Yes _____ No ____ If “Yes”, give owner and details:
8. Software Support Office Serving School District
Address: ______
9. Vendor History: A. How long has vendor provided K-12 software to school districts? ______B. What were the most recent annual sales and net income dollars for the profit center submitting this proposal? ______C. How many software systems similar to that proposed has the vendor installed in the United States? ______D. How many employees are there in the profit center submitting this proposal?
Total ______Customer Support ______Systems and Development ______E. Is there an organized user’s group for the software? ______F. Please provide the name, address and telephone number of the President of the user’s group. ______
58 of 74 Attachment A Continued:
10. Financial History: Provide the following excerpts from the last 3 years of audited financial statements: Balance sheet Operating statement Notes to financial statements Audit report This information should be placed at the back of this attachment.
11. Customer Base Provide a complete list of current K-12 customers that are running a version of your Time and Attendance System application in production. For each list the following: The name of the organization The size of the school district (total number of schools, number of students, and number of staff) The software release they are running in production The date the Time and Attendance System was implemented Whether the software is installed locally in the organization
59 of 74 Attachment B Vendor Reference Form
1. Name of Firm: ______Firm Address: ______Telephone: ______Contact Person: ______Email ______Phone______Number of Locations:______Number of Staff: ______Installation Date: ______Contract Amount: ______
2. Name of Firm: ______Firm Address: ______Telephone: ______Contact Person: ______Email______Phone______Number of Locations:______Number of Staff: ______Contract Amount: ______
3. Name of Firm: ______Firm Address: ______Telephone: ______Contact Person: ______Email______Phone______Number of Locations:______Number of Staff: ______
60 of 74 Installation Date: ______Contract Amount: ______
______Completed By / Title
61 of 74 Attachment C Subcontractor/Third Party Profile
1. Vendor Recommending use of third party: ______
2. Name of third party: ______
3. Type of Firm: (check one)
Individual ______Partnership ______Corporation ______
4. Name of Firm:______Firm Address:
Telephone: Contact Person: __ Email Phone
5. Profile of Firm: __
6. Scope of Work: __
62 of 74 Attachment D Implementation and Training Costs
There are five cost sheets associated with implementation and training costs, all of which are required and must be filled in completely. Please copy as many sheets as necessary to completely address the required information. You must fill in your vendor name and the name of the Time and Attendance System software to be implemented at the top of the form.
The cost sheets are described below: Table A – Implementation Services Cost Summary This cost sheet includes totals derived from Tables B and C. (Tables D & E are required also, but are not part of this summary worksheet.)
Table B – Implementation Cost This cost sheet includes a list of high level tasks or deliverables for the project to successfully bring the school district up on the new system and to provide the support necessary to ensure positive system acceptance and usage. For the purpose of this proposal, assume no customization and indicate any other assumptions used to make your estimate.
Vendors must fill in the total consultant hours, the total consulting cost and the total per diem and travel cost for each task. Consulting cost is defined as a fixed price cost of the proposed services to successfully complete this task. The total consulting cost is a sum of the consulting cost and travel cost. Hours for school district staff must also be provided. Additional tasks may be added to this list. To propose a time and materials contract, please provide a separate document with details and pricing. Table C – Training Cost This cost sheet includes information about all courses to be given to the project team, internal staff trainers and help desk personnel, and end users. Costs for training preparation activities should be included in Table B, not here. All courses should be identified regardless of who is responsible for delivery of the courses, the vendor or school district staff. Costs are not to be filled in for school district provided courses. Prerequisite courses should be included.
Tables D – Implementation Cost Assumptions -- Vendor Vendors are asked to list the name and role of each proposed consulting project team member for the project and the hourly rate, travel percentage, and extended rate for each. Tables E – Implementation Cost Assumptions -- School District Vendors are asked to list the position and role of each proposed school district project team member for the project, and FTE requirement.
63 of 74 Table A: Implementation Services Cost Summary Summarizes costs of all items from the implementation service proposals on detail works
Vendor Name:
Item Total Consulting Cost Total District Hours
Implementation Cost (Table B)
Training Cost (Table C)
Total implementation Proposal
TABLE D – Implementation Cost Assumptions is also required
64 of 74
Table B: Implementation Cost
Vendor Name: Total consultant Consulting Per Diem and Total Consulting Total District Staff Hours (a) Cost (b) Travel Costs Cost (b+c) Hours (d) Task (c)
Master Implementation Plan
Software Installation
System Configuration
Custom Reports Development
Database Setup and Tuning
Training Material Development
On-site Implementation Support
System Testing
System Implementation
Other (specify)
Total Implementation Cost Only (e), the total consulting cost and (f) the total District Staff hours move to the summary sheet on Table A
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Table C: Training Cost
Vendor Name:
Courses provided by Vendor:
Audience (project team, system Number of people Total Class On Site? Course Title admin, approver, employee) attending course Class Hours Cost Yes/No
Total Cost of Training Courses
Only (a), the total training cost, moves to the summary sheet on Table A
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Table C: TRAINING Cost Cont’d
Courses provided by District:
Audience (project team, system Number of people Course Title admin, approver, employee) attending course Class Hours
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Table D: Implementation Cost Assumptions - Vendor Assumptions about consultant project team members
Vendor Name:
FTE (full time equivalency – 1.0 = Will Work Consultant Team Member Person’s Role on Team Hourly Rate full time) On-Site?
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Table E: Implementation Cost Assumptions - District Assumptions about consultant project team members
Vendor Name:
FTE (full time equivalency – 1.0 = District Position Person’s Role on Team full time)
Attachment E Software Cost Proposal
There are four cost sheets associated with software costs, all of which are required and must be filled in completely. Please copy as many sheets as necessary to completely address the required information.
You must fill in your vendor name and the name of the proposed Time and Attendance System software at the top of the form.
The cost sheets are described below
Table 1 – Cost Summary This cost sheet includes totals derived from Tables 2-4.
Table 2 – Application and Application Maintenance Cost
Application Cost This cost sheet includes fixed price costs for the application software. It should be assumed that the school district will purchase all software. The basis for licensing (e.g. number of concurrent users, number of named users, by server, etc.) should be noted as well. Indicate if the source code is included in the purchase and if there is an associated cost for it. Costs for modifications should be associated with specific modifications described in vendor comments for items on the Requirements Checklist Attachment.
Application Maintenance Cost This cost sheet includes annual fixed priced maintenance costs for the application.
Table 3 – Other Software Cost This cost sheet lists fixed priced costs for additional software included in this proposal including software required for the database management system and any additional software required for reporting, monitoring, tuning of the system, or other capability needed to support the requirements defined in this RFP.
Table 4 – Other Software Maintenance Cost This cost sheet includes fixed priced maintenance costs for software listed in Table 4.
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Table 1: Software Cost Summary Summarizes costs of all items from the software proposals on detail worksheet: Table 2-Table 4
Vendor Name:
On Initial Source Modification Total Item Purchase + Code +Costs Year 1 + Year 2 + Year 3 + Year 4 + Year 5 = Cost
Applications Cost (Table 2)
Applications Maintenance (Table 2)
Other Software (Table 3)
Other Software Maintenance (Table 4)
Total Software Proposal Cost
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Table 2: Application and Application Maintenance Cost States cost of applications systems and maintenance for the systems
Vendor Name:
Initial Purchase Source Code Modification Costs Total Cost
Application Cost
Footnote 1
On Initial Total Five Purchase Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year Cost
Application Maintenance Cost
Footnote 2
Footnotes: 1. Describe the basis for licensing (e.g. concurrent users, named users, by server) and the associated number of users/machines covered in these costs.
2. Include explanation of cost items as needed.
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Table 3: Other Software Costs States cost of other software proposed by vendor Vendor Name:
System Component Total Cost Basis for licensing each software component
Server and Network Operating Systems & Utilities
Monitoring, Tuning and Testing Utilities
Development Tools
Reporting Software
Other Software
Total Other Software Costs
*describe the basis for licensing each software component(e.g concurrent users, named users, by server) and the associated number of users/machines covered
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Table 4: Other Software Maintenance Cost States cost of maintenance for other software proposed by the vendor
Vendor Name:
On Initial Total Five System Component Purchase + Year 1 + Year 2 + Year 3 + Year 4 + Year 5 = Year Cost
Server and network Operating Systems & Utilities
Monitoring, Tuning, testing Utilities
Development Tools
Reporting Software
Other Software
Total Maintenance Cost for Other Software
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