Topic 0: Getting in the Mood for Macro!
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Topic 0: Getting in the Mood for Macro!
Pre-Course Readings (These are the readings you should do prior to week 1.) Goal: To frame the issues of the course via a few short articles from the popular press. We will explore many of the details of these articles throughout the course.
Note: (*) indicates that a link to the reading can be found on my web page.
I. Overview of Macroeconomics
1. Size Does Matter: In Defense of Macroeconomics* (Paul Krugman: 7/9/1998) 2. Baby Sitting the Economy* (Paul Krugman: 8/13/1998)
II. 2008 Financial Crisis: The Beginning
3. Wall Street’s Bad Dream (Economist: 9/20/2008) 4. Diamond and Kashyap Primer* (Erik’s web page)
III. Sluggish Labor Market
5. U.S. Economy Weakened Years Before Crash* (Erik’s web page) 6. Why Fed Has Failed to Lower Unemployment* (Erik’s web page)
IV. New Era at The Fed
7. Summers v Yellen (Economist 8/10/2013) 8. Dove Ascendant (Economist 10/10/2013)
V. The Fiscal Cliff
9. Budget Resolves Some Fiscal Woes* (Erik’s Web Page) 10. Lew Says U.S. Ability to Borrow* (Erik’s Web Page)
VII. Macroeconomic Modeling
11. Big Questions and Big Numbers (Economist: 7/15/2006)
VIII. The State of Modern Macroeconomics
A. A Critical Overview
12. What Good Are Economists Anyway? (BusinessWeek: 4/16/2009) 13. Yes, Economics Is a Science* (Erik’Web Page) 14. The Keynesian Revolution* (Erik’s Web Page)
B. A Civil Debate
15. Stagnant Thinking (Economist 12/5/2013) 16. In Defense of the Dismal Science (by R. Lucas) (Economist: 8/8/2009) 17. Why We Need a New Macroeconomics* (Erik’s web page)
C. A Less Civil Debate
18. On Weights and Coding Errors* (Erik’s Web Page) 19. Refereeing Reinhart-Rogoff Debate* (Erik’s Web Page) 20. Reinhart and Rogoff: Responding to Our Critics* (Erik’s Web Page) 21. How the Case for Austerity Has Crumbled* (Erik’s Web Page) 22. The Paranoid Style in Economics* (Erik’s Web Page)
Topic 1: Introduction to Macro Data
Chapters 1, 2, and 3.5 from Text.
I. The Difficulty in Measuring Economic Variables
A. Difficulty in Measuring Prices
23. Feeling the Heat (Economist: 6/24/2006) 24. Broda et. al.: Role of Prices in (Erik’s Web Page) Measuring Poor’s Living Standards* (attention to p. 92-96)
B. Difficulty in Measuring Output/Output Growth
25. Botox and Beancounting (Economist 4/30/2011) 26. Diagnosing Depression (Economist: 1/3/2009) 27. One Reason the Economy Looks So Weak* (Erik’s Web Page)
C. Difficulty in Measuring Unemployment
28. Where Are the Workers? (Economist 2/12/2011) 29. Wanted: More Unemployment* (Erik’s Webpage)
D. Difficulty Measuring Well Being
30. Measuring What Matters (Economist: 9/19/2009)
E. Measurement Debate in the Political Arena
31. Damn Lies and Statistics* (Erik's Webpage) 32. Argentina and the IMF: (Financial Times web page 12/14/12) Into Extra Time II. The Yield Curve
33. Dangerous Curve (Economist: 4/3/2010)
Topic 2: Production, the Labor Market and Economic Growth
Chapters 3, 6.1 and 6.3 (skim 6.2 - do not worry about the math) from Text
I. Production and Labor Markets
34. The Land of Leisure (Economist: 2/4/2006) 35. Why Employers Are Slow to Fill Jobs* (Erik’s webpage) 36. This American Life Episode # 490 (Act One) (
II. Growth in the “New” Economy II 37. Productivity on Stilts (Economist: 6/10/2000) 38. The New “New Economy” (Economist: 9/13/2003) 39. The workforce in the cloud (Economist 5/30/2013)
III. Productivity and Regulation
40. Let 50 Flowers Bloom (Economist 3/16/2013) 41. Will Obamacare Destroy Jobs? (Economist 8/24/2013)
Topic 3: Consumption, Saving, and Investment
Chapters 4.1, 4.2 and Appendix 4.A from Text
I. Consumption/Savings
42. The End of the Affair (Economist: 10/22/2008) 43. Dropping the Shopping (Economist: 7/25/2009) 44. The Nature of Wealth (Economist: 10/10/2009)
II. Investment
45. From Investment Boom to Bust (Economist: 3/3/2001) 46. Desperately Seeking a Cash Cure (Economist: 10/22/2008) 47. Trying to Calculate the Cost of Uncertainty (WSJ - Wessel, 12/5/12) Topic 4: Fiscal Policy
Chapter 15 from Text
I. Government Deficits
48. Less of a Drag (Economist: 1/7/2012) 49. Fiscal Cliffs, Multipliers, and the Myth of Central Bank Independence (Economists Blog: 5/23/2012)
II. Taxes
50. The New Voodoo* (Paul Krugman: 12/30/2010) 51. Accidental Tax Breaks Saves Wealthiest $100 Billion* (Erik’s Web Page)
III. Fiscal Policy in Action
52. The Lessons of 1937 (Economist: 6/20/2009) 53. Ugly Modeling* (Veronique de Rugy: June 2011) 54. Who Pays the Bill? (Economist 7/25/2013)
IV. Can Government Create Jobs?
55. This American Life Episode #435 (How to Create Jobs) ( (Only Listen to Acts 1 and 3)
V. ObamaCare
56. New Yorkers to See 50% Drop in Health Insurance Costs* (Erik’s Web Page)
57. New Health Law Frustrates Many in Middle Class* (Erik’s Web Page)
Topic 5: Introduction into Money/Federal Reserve Policy
Chapters 7, 14.1 and 14.2 from Text
I. Monetary Basics
58. Who Needs Money (Economist: 1/22/2000) 59. Lifting the Veil at the Fed- Sort of (BusinessWeek 4/4/2011) 60. Macro control, micro problems (Economist 5/30/2013) 61. Bitcoin Under Pressure (Economist 11/30/2013) 62. The Birth of the Dollar Bill* (Erik’s Web Page)
II. Monetary Policy In Action: Part 1
63. A Blunt Tool (Economist: 6/30/2001) 64. The Doctors’ Bill (Economist: 9/27/2008)
Topic 6: Inflation and Unemployment in the Short Run (Putting it All Together)
Chapters 8-11 from Text
I. A Look at Recessions
65. The Kiss of Life? (Economist: 4/21/2001) 66. The Geography of a Recession (Economist: 2/9/2008)
II. Should We Care About Deflation?
67. Hear that Hissing Sound? (Economist: 5/17/2003) 68. The Curse of Defeatism (Economist: 11/28/2009)
III. Shifts in Aggregate Supply: Technology Shocks
69. A Thinkers' Guide (Economist: 4/1/2000)
IV. Shifts in Aggregate Supply: Oil Shocks
70. Counting the Cost (Economist: 8/27/2005) 71. A Rhetorical Blowout (Economist 5/14/2011)
V. Unemployment in This Recession
72. 2 Million ‘Open Jobs’? Yes, But U.S. Has Skills Mismatch* (NPR story) 73. Severance Pay for the Unemployed (Boston Globe web page 11/29/2012)
Topic 7: Policy Rules
Chapter 12 and 14.3 from Text
I. The Inflation/Unemployment Tradeoff
74. What Happened to the Phillips Curve* (Brad Delong) 75. Curve Ball (Economist: 9/30/2006)
II. Monetary Rules (see web page for online locations)
76. Money Rules (Economist: 10/24/1998) 77. Bitcoin Under Pressure (Economist: 11/30/2013) 78. This American Life #423 (Invention of Money) ( 79. Federal Reserve Board: Remarks By Governor Edward Gramlich – 9/27/98 * (Discussion of How the Fed Makes its Monetary Policy Decisions) 80. Federal Reserve Board: Remarks By Chairman Ben Bernanke - 5/25/10 * (Central Bank Independence, Transparency, and Accountability) 81. What Goes Around (Economist: 6/9/2007) 82. What Are Central Banks Actually for? (BusinessWeek 9/3-9/2012) (A solution to central bankers’ divided loyalties) III. Putting it all Together
83. Between Bears and Hawks (Economist: 5/13/2006) 84. Anatomy of a Hump (Economist: 3/10/2007) 85. The Zero Lower Bound in Our Minds* (Erik's Web Page)
Topic 8: Special Topics
I. The 2008 Financial Crisis Revisited
86. The Financial Crisis* (Erik’s web page)
II. Inflation or Deflation?
87. Old Enemy Rears its Head (Economist: 5/24/2008) 88. Depressing Times (Economist: 11/15/2008) 89. The Price is a Blight (Economist 11/7/2013)
III. Monetary Policy In Action: Part II
90. The Hedge Fund of Foggy Bottom (Economist: 5/2/2009) 91. This Way Out (Economist: 6/6/2009) 92. Put Out (Economist: 7/4/2009) 93. Narrow Success, Broad Concerns (Economist: 9/5/2009) 94. As ‘Junk’ Bonds Fall, Some Blame Fed* (WSJ: 6/10/2011) 95. Fed Finds Elixir for Tapering* (Erik’s Web Page)
IV. Praise for Bernanke
96. The Very Model of a Modern Central Banker (Economist: 8/29/2009)
V. Quantitative Easing 2
97. The Bernanke Code (Bloomberg 11/8/2010) 98. The New Malaise and How to End It* (WSJ 11/8/2010)
V.. A New Volcker Rule
99. Hedge-trimming (Economist 12/14/2013)
Topic 9: The International Economy
Chapter 5 and 13 from Text
100. Greece in the Caribbean (Economist 10/24/2013) 101. The Eurozone: If Only it were the 1930s* (Erik’s webpage) 102. The Myth of Asia’s Miracle* (Erik’s Web Page) 103. What Explains the Industrial Revolution (Erik’s Web Page) in East Asia? Evidence from the Factor Markets*