EGSS End of Year Report 2014/2015

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EGSS End of Year Report 2014/2015

EGSS End of Year Report 2014/2015

“The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of EGSS Executive membership and general activities for the 2014-2015 year (May 1st, 2014 - April 30, 2015). This report is divided into four sections: (1) a listing of the 2014-2015 EGSS Executive Members; (2) an overview of work done by Executive Members during the 2014-2015 year; (3) a budget statement for 2014-2015; and (4) an updated constitution with accepted amendments” (Godden, 2015).

Section One: List of 2014-2015 EGSS Executive Members

President Lorraine Godden (PhD) Faculty Board (PhD) Yongfei Wu (PhD) Faculty Board (MEd) Jessica Rich (MEd) Appointments C J Dalton (PhD) Nominating Glenda Christou (PhD) Grad Studies & Research (PhD) Jim Murray (PhD) Grad Studies & Research (MEd) Vita-Marie Ross (MEd) Renewal, Tenure & Promotions Jessica Chan (PhD) Treasurer Karen Boese (PhD) Academic Events Ulemu Luhanga (PhD) International Student Position vacant Website & Communications Cheng Zhou (MEd) Good & Welfare James McNutt (MEd) Strategic Planning Ian Matheson (PhD) Part-Time Student Chad Munday (MEd) Social Events Andrea Palmay (MEd) Social Events Asia Zolnierczyk (MEd)

Section Two: Work undertaken by Executive Members

President Overview: “In the 2014-2015 year, the EGSS executive held ten EGSS meetings. Minutes are available online or via the Lorraine Godden (PhD) Website/communications coordinator. Paper copies of all meeting agendas and minutes are also housed in the EGSS lockbox, along with bank statements, financial reports, and other confidential documents. 2014-15 President was responsible for chairing all EGSS meetings, communicating with the student body, liaising with the GSRO and the Office of the Dean, and was responsible for communicating confidential concerns/complaints to the Associate Dean of Grad Studies when necessary. All communication with SGPS or the SGS was done using the EGSS e-mail account. In the past year I have clarified the EGSS Insurance Cover for Social Events. The EGSS is covered under the overarching SGPS Policy, however, for events that are deemed high-risk (for example, downhill skiing, or watersports) the EGSS Executive must inform EGSS End of Year Report 2014/2015

the SGPS Executive so that a risk assessment can be completed prior to the event. The EGSS Constitution has had two minor administrative updates, first the description of what Scholarshare consists of within the Academic Events Coordinator role has been made more explicit; and second, the RBJSE Chairperson role listing has been removed following last year’s (2013-2014) removal as an EGSS Executive position.

Issues for the new 2014-15 President moving forward include: (a) maintaining financial transparency for the EGSS executive; (b) collaborating with the EGSS treasurer to maintain accurate and appropriate budgeting; (c) working with the SGPS & SGS to ensure that all student fees are properly forwarded to the EGSS; (d) liaising with the Associate Dean to organize the bi-annual FacultyShare presentations; (e) increasing awareness of issues facing international students through communication with QUIC; (f) continue to promote equity and accessibility for all students in the Faculty of Education; (g) ensure continued promotion of the student grants program available through EGSS funding; (i) Investigate whether the GDPI and Professional Masters programs should have their own representation on the SGPS; and (j) engage in professional, respectful dialogue with representatives of PSAC 901 if and as necessary”

Faculty Board (PhD & MEd) “Faculty Board Meetings: Since April 2014, Faculty Board meetings have largely focused on the Interim B.Ed. program. Only Yongfei Wu (PhD) once did the EGSS wish to have a request brought up to the board. Jessica Rich (MEd) This request was addressed to Peter Chin. On behalf of the EGSS, Yongfei (I was absent) asked if it was possible to have an information session for graduate students outlining changes to the B.Ed. program. This request was denied. All other reports to the Faculty Board included reports on successful academic events (ex. Scholar Share) and invitations to social events hosted by the EGSS.

SGPS Meetings: A large focus of SGPS meetings was revising membership. For the 2015-2016 academic year, the EGSS will continue to hold two positions (1 M.Ed. and 1PhD). The new EGSS council should consider whether or not the GDPI and PME students should have a representative in the EGSS council, Faculty Board, and SGPS council.”

Appointments “The 2014-2015 Faculty and Appointments committee had minimal activity this academic year given no positions were C J Dalton (PhD) posted by the Faculty. The committee did meet this winter however as a Modified Appointments committee to review one EGSS End of Year Report 2014/2015

application for General Right of Re-appointment (GRoR) as per Article of the Faculty Collective Agreement. This committee met this responsibility and provided a recommendation to the Dean on March 10th 2015.”

Nominating “At the beginning of the 2014 Fall term, two EGSS positions became vacant and by-elections were held in October 2014, for the Glenda Christou (PhD) International Student and Good and Welfare positions. The secret ballot voting went well and the positions were filled by Xiaoqian Liu and James McNutt. Unfortunately, the International Student position was left vacant again in the Winter term. As it was too late to have another by-election, international students were directed to contact the EGSS by email for any questions or support. Self- nominations and an election for the position of President for the 2015-16 year were held successfully on April 2nd. No meetings were scheduled with the Faculty representative for Nominations, Andrea Martin, throughout the 2014-15 year.”

Grad Studies & Research “The GS&R committee worked on the following initiatives in the (PhD & MEd) 2014-2015 academic year: graduate student recruitment for 2015- 2016, the development of a steering committee for on-line Jim Murray (PhD) graduate programs (GDPI and PME), and the updating of the Vita-Marie Ross (MEd) Graduate Studies Handbook in regards to the M.Ed. colloquium. The GS&R representatives solicited feedback from the EGSS and education graduate students on these issues and reported back to the GS&R. The GS&R and its chair, Rebecca Luce-Kapler, are inviting and receptive of student perspectives, concerns, and feedback.“

Renewal, Tenure, “This year, the RTP committee was comprised of five members, Promotions including four faculty members and myself as the graduate student representative. Each member received Equity training Jessica Chan (PhD) (Appointments/RTPC) through The Equity Office, prior to the review of RTP files. The committee also met with the 2013-2014 Chair, and reviewed documents including the collective agreement to ensure shared understandings about the committee’s role, and transparency in process. As a group, we met to review each applicant file, finalized a list of internal and external referees to contact, reviewed and discussed each applicant file based on the guidelines indicated on the collective agreement, and prepared letters of recommendation for each applicant that were forwarded to the Dean. Dr. Christopher DeLuca and Dr. Theodore Christou have been awared Tenure and promoted to Associate Professor status, and Dr. Amanda Cooper has been awarded EGSS End of Year Report 2014/2015


Treasurer “Please see the attached budget statement. “

Karen Boese (PhD)

Academic Events “This academic year, ScholarShare sessions were expanded to include not only traditional presentations, but also a workshop Ulemu Luhanga (PhD) and a sharing circle. November 2014 presenters were Ayca Toprak and Amber White, and March 2015 presenters were Jessica Chan, Chi Yan Lam, and Jill Kovacs. It was great to see a mix of masters and doctoral students willing to share their knowledge, experiences, and expertise.

Funding to support ScholarShare was awarded from SGS through a Grants Program Application. The amount of funding requested and received was $560. The amount of funding requested was towards a 4-session event. Based on previous years, we estimated about 20 people attending each session, and have had a good turn out in both the November and March sessions. Given that funding was made available for 4 sessions, we plan to have two more sessions (May 2015 and July 2015) to round out the academic year.”

International Student

Vacant position

Website & Communications “General tasks I have undertaken:

Cheng Zhou (MEd )  Keep and organize EGSS executive meeting minutes

 Provide website and communication support for other

executive members when needed

 Liaise with Vicky Arnold: maintain general communication;

updating events schedule and promotion/news/meeting


 Liaise with school Information Service and Technology EGSS End of Year Report 2014/2015

Student Advisory Committee (ISAT-SAC): attend regular

meetings and maintain general communication” Good & Welfare (acting) “I attained my position in the bi-election of January 2015. I assisted with the organization of the Chili Lunch and the St. James McNutt (MEd) Patrick’s Day Tea, under the auspices of the Good and Welfare Committee. I ordered a bouquet of flowers on two occasions. Beyond these activities, I had the idea of sending congratulation cards to all the graduating graduate students. In order to obtain the students’ mailing addresses, I was instructed by the Graduate Program Administrative Assistant to have the head of the Good and Welfare Committee contact the Alumni Association for the information. I did so, but I did not hear of the results. “

Strategic Planning “We’ve had a busy year on the Strategic Planning Committee, with most of the focus being on the implementation of the new four- Ian Matheson (PhD) term Bachelor of Education (BEd) program. We also conducted a number of Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) Analyses for the structure of our graduate programs, specifically to evaluate our program from the perspective of various student groups (students in Aboriginal and World Indigenous Educational Studies, International Students, Part-time students). We’ve continued to brainstorm ways that our graduate students can strengthen ties with other faculties to share the graduate student experience from different perspectives. Our monthly meetings included an opportunity for me as the EGSS representative to share our ideas and challenges as graduate students with the full committee in order to generate potential resolutions and supports to help us have the best experience here at Queen’s that we can. Next year’s representative will likely be a part of conversations about how our newly formatted BEd program is going, how we can continue to support and expand our graduate programs, and how we can find the best new candidates into our faculty (Matheson, 2015). “

Part-time Student

Chad Munday (MEd)

Social Events The school year began with a wine tasting event at Fort Henry. It EGSS End of Year Report 2014/2015

was a good turn out! We received positive responses from Faculty and students. Following, we held an ice cream social in September Asia Zolnierczyk (MEd) for graduate students and a games day social in November. The planning of the November convocation reception ran smoothly. Andrea Palmay (MEd) We purchased most food items from Metro's catering menu. At the end of November, EGSS hosted a Halloween social at the Grad Club with other graduate departments including Physics and Psychology. Finally, the Fall semester ended with a Christmas social at the Grizzly Grill. Drinks and appetizers were served. It was an enjoyable evening!

Social events for Winter 2015: We hosted a pub night at Red House for the month of January and provided appetizers, we arranged a skate at Market Square in February but had to cancel because of the extremely cold weather, we hosted a St. Patrick's Day social in March, a board games night was held in March, and then finally our end of year social was held in April at Donald Gordon Centre (start planning end of year social in February). We had interest to do other socials such as trivia night, picnic at Lemoine's Point, and a show at Isabel Centre but did not have enough time to schedule these additional events. All the socials were planned usually a month in advance, however the planning for the end of year social needs to start in February to be able to book a room. Keep in mind that the Donald Gordon Centre wanted us out of the venue by 10pm, this is something to consider for next year since the games were a huge success and it would be nice to have a venue that doesn't rush us out, I think we felt rushed this year since we didn't finish with our meals until 9ish and still had speeches, games, dessert and coffee and more mingling time.

Section Three: Budget Statement

EGSS EXPENSES Final Statement: May 1, 2014 – May 31, 2015 EGSS End of Year Report 2014/2015

D/M/Y Item Income Expense Balance Social Academic Grants Misc. Details Cheque EGSS End of Year Report 2014/2015

01/05/14 Opening 7480.21


20/05/14 Outgoing 46.85 7433.36 46.85 Tie-Chi 116 Lam President


20/05/14 EGSS Food 30.95 7402.41 30.95 113 Platter

21/05/14 EGSS 374.74 7777.15 From Deposit Student Fees SGPS

27/05/14 Interval 17.65 7759.50 17.65 Goodwill 108 House Donation Goodwill

10/06/14 Year End 1749.15 6010.35 1749.15 Donald 115 Social Gordon


11/06/14 Spring 80.00 5930.35 80.00 cake 117 Convocat’n

11/06/14 Spring 49.80 5880.55 49.80 coffee 118


11/06/14 Spring 71.68 5808.87 71.68 food 119 Convocat’n

11/06/14 Spring 16.94 5791.93 16.94 food 120 Convocat’n

11/06/14 Spring 34.23 5757.70 34.23 Flowers 121 Convocat’n juice

11/06/14 Spring 193.79 5563.91 193.79 sushi 122 Convocat’n

04/07/14 Graduate 250.00 5813.91 Private Deposit Lounge Library Donation


28/07/14 Scholar 83.28 5730.63 83.28 Refresh- 123 Share ment

03/09/14 Fort Henry 200.00 5530.63 200.00 Down 124 Payment Wine Tasting

25/09/14 Student 200.00 5330.63 200.00 Curr. Inq. 127 Initiatives EGSS End of Year Report 2014/2015

CINRG Research


27/09/14 Fort Henry 770.00 6100.63 Student Deposit

Revenue Remitt.

27/09/14 Fort Henry 520.81 5579.82 520.81 Balance 128 Wine Due Tasting

28/09/14 Ice Cream 110.21 5469.61 110.21 Food 129

Social Utensils

28/09/14 Flowers 96.05 5373.56 96.05 Bereave- 130 ment Goodwill

25/11/14 Fall 28.82 5344.74 28.82 Vases 131


25/11/14 Pizza 28.00 5316.74 28.00 Food 132



25/11/14 Fall 133.91 5182.83 133.91 coffee 134


25/11/14 Scholar 134.18 5048.65 134.18 Refresh- 136 Share ment

09/12/14 EGSS 2373.75 7422.40 Deposit

Student Fees

10/12/14 Scholar 560.00 7982.4 Deposit Share Grant

24/12/14 Xmas Social 370.36 7612.04 370.36 Food 135

Grizzly Grill

23/12/14 Pizza Night 19.52 7592.52 19.52 Food 133

27/01/15 Graduate 255.84 7336.68 255.84 Books 138 Lounge Grad Library Lounge Purchase

(see donation


01/15/15 RBJSC 200.00 7136.68 200.00 Guest 137 Speakers EGSS End of Year Report 2014/2015

12/02/15 Grad Lounge 45.19 7091.49 45.19 Coffee 139


20/02/15 Red House 104.92 6986.57 104.92 Food 125 Social

20/02/15 2 Large 412.04 6574.53 412.04 Long Term 151 Coffee Urns Intended Purchased Use

26/03/15 Scholar 97.88 6476.65 97.88 Refresh- 156 Share ment

02/04/15 EGSS 270.00 6746.65 Deposit Student


18/04/15 Year End 2466.75 4279.90 2466.75 Donald 152 Social Gordon


23/04/15 Year End 1350.00 5629.90 Student Deposit Social Remit- Revenue tance.

26/03/15 Student 59.25 5570.65 59.25 Kairos 157 Initiatives Blanket Exercise

04/04/15 Writing 350.00 5220.65 350.00 Spring 141 Workshop Writers


18/04/15 Year End 152.45 5068.20 152.45 Prizes gifts 153 Social Decorat’n

03/05/15 Thank you 36.14 5032.06 36.14 To Celina 140 for her Grad Studies help

09/04/15 Pizza Night 58.79 4973.27 58.79 Food 158

29/05/15 Bank Fee 2.50 4970.77 2.50

Totals Income Expense Balance Social Academic Grants Misc.

5948.49 8457.93 4970.77 6421.08 921.18 459.25 656.42

Opening Balance 7480.21

Total Revenue 5948.49

Total Social Expenses 6421.08 EGSS End of Year Report 2014/2015

Total Academic Expenses 921.18

Total Student Initiatives Grants 459.25

Total Miscellaneous Expenses 656.42

Closing Balance 4970.77

Revenue Summary EGSS STUDENTS FEES 3018.49

Library Donation 250.00

Social Event Revenue 2120.00

Scholar Share Grant 560.00

Total Revenue 5948.49

Social Events Summary Total Revenue 2120.00

Total Expense 6421.08

Social Events Revenue -Expense (4301.08)

Academic Event Academic Academic Expense Revenue Graduate Lounge Library 250.00 Donation

Scholar Share Total 315.34

Scholar Share Grant 560.00

Graduate Lounge Library 255.84 Purchase

Writer’s Workshop 350.00

921.18 810.00 EGSS End of Year Report 2014/2015

Academic Revenue (111.18) -Expenses

Student Initiatives Grant Program Expense Summary CINRG 200.00

RBJSC 200.00

Kairos Blanket Exercise 59.25

Total Student Initiatives Grant 459.25 Program Expenses

Miscellaneous Expense Gifts (Pres, Grad. 82.99 Studies, Celina)

Goodwill 113.70

Coffee Urns – 412.04 Long Term Investment

Coffee Maker – 45.19 Grad Lounge

Bank Charges 2.50

Total 656.42 EGSS End of Year Report 2014/2015

Section Four: The Education Graduate Student Society (EGSS) Constitution

Table of Contents

Article 1 - Name of Society Article 2 - Membership Article 3 - Purposes of the Society Article 4 - Rights of EGSS members Article 5 - Members of the Executive Committee Article 6 - Duties of the Executive Article 7 - Meetings Article 8 - Election Process Article 9 - Terms of use for the Graduate Student Listserv Article 10 - Ombudsperson Article 11 - Amendments to the Constitution Article 12 - Adoption of this Constitution

Article 1 - Name of Society

1.1 The name of the society is the Education Graduate Student Society (EGSS).

Article 2 - Membership

2.1 Membership of the EGSS shall be limited to graduate students of Queen’s University Faculty of Education.

2.2 All graduate students currently registered in the Faculty of Education are automatically considered members of EGSS.

Article 3 - Purposes of the Society

3.1 To serve the interests and needs (academic and social) of the membership.

3.2 To keep students informed about current issues that are relevant to their education. EGSS End of Year Report 2014/2015

3.3 To ensure that student representatives are appointed to all committees, bodies, departments, programs, and units on which Education graduate students have representation.

3.4 To assist member representatives in performing their duties.

3.5 To represent its members in dealing with the Faculty of Education and Queen’s University.

3.6 To facilitate communication between its members and the Society of Graduate and Professional Students (SGPS) of Queen’s University and the greater Queen’s community.

Article 4 - Rights of EGSS members

4.1 To have access to EGSS meetings.

4.2 To run for a position on the EGSS Executive Committee.

4.3 To propose amendments to the EGSS Constitution.

4.4 To be protected by the current rights of the Queen’s Harassment and Discrimination Policy and Procedure. This gives the Human Rights Office a mandate to promote human rights and to take action where acts of discrimination or harassment occur. The following grounds are among those included but not limited to: race, ancestry, place of origin, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status and disability.

4.5 To be free from conduct or comment of a sexual nature which is known, or thought reasonably to be known, as unwelcome. This includes, but is not limited to: sexual solicitation, advances, remarks, suggestive comments or gestures; the display of sexually suggestive pictures, posters, objects or graffiti; physical contact of a sexual nature (including sexual assault as defined under the Criminal Code of Canada); sexual conduct that interferes with a person’s dignity or privacy such as voyeurism and exhibitionism.

Article 5 - Members of the Executive Committee

5.1 The Executive Committee shall consist of the graduate student representatives to the Education Faculty Board and its Standing Committees as well as three additional student body representatives. The EGSS executive members include:

5.1.1 Faculty Board EGSS End of Year Report 2014/2015 a. EGSS President (M.Ed. or Ph.D.) b. M.Ed. Representative c. Ph.D. Representative

5.1.2 Standing Committees a. Appointments (M.Ed. or Ph.D.) b. Graduate Studies and Research (1 M.Ed., 1 Ph.D.) c. Nominating (M.Ed. or Ph.D.) d. Good, Welfare, and Equity (M.Ed. or Ph.D.) e. Renewal, Tenure and Promotions (M.Ed. or Ph.D.) f. Strategic Planning (M.Ed. or Ph.D.)

5.1.3 Member Representatives a. Treasurer (M.Ed. or Ph.D. – must be entering at least 2nd year at Faculty of Education) b. Part-Time Student Representative (M.Ed.) c. Academic Events Coordinator (M.Ed. or Ph.D.) d. Social Events Coordinator (M.Ed. or Ph.D.) e. Website and Communications Officer (M.Ed. or Ph.D.) f. International Student Representative (M.Ed. or Ph.D.)

Article 6 - Duties of the Executive

6.1 The members of the executive will hold a term of one year from May 1 to April 30.

6.2 Each member of the executive will attend monthly EGSS meetings, report on and discuss issues of interest to the graduate student body, as well as plan and organize academic and social events within the faculty. Issues of interest will be reported (via listserv) to graduate student body for feedback or direction on issues.

6.3 The individual responsibilities of each member of the executive are:

6.3.1 EGSS President a. Act as a liaison between the Graduate Studies and Research office and EGSS members as leader of the EGSS. b. Attend monthly faculty board meetings to report on issues affecting the graduate student body. c. Assist the Event Coordinators in organizing social and academic events for EGSS members. d. Organize a presentation about the EGSS for the September graduate student orientation session for M.Ed. and Ph.D. students. EGSS End of Year Report 2014/2015 e. Prepare and distribute the agenda, time and location for all EGSS meetings. f. Post EGSS Executive Meeting dates to the graduate student listserv. g. In conjunction with the EGSS treasurer, secure funding for EGSS sponsored events. h. Chair all EGSS meetings. i. Support academic and social events sponsored by the EGSS.

6.3.2 M.Ed. Representative – Faculty Board a. Attend monthly SGPS meetings and distribute information from the SGPS. b. Represent the interests of EGSS members at SGPS council meetings. c. Report relevant information from the SGPS meetings to the EGSS executive. d. Forward emails from the SGPS to the Faculty of Education Graduate student listserv. e. Assist with the organization and planning of EGSS events. f. Assist with the organization of a presentation about the EGSS for the September graduate student orientation. g. Attend monthly Faculty Board meetings. h. Support academic and social events sponsored by the EGSS.

6.3.3 Ph.D. Representative – Faculty Board a. Attend monthly SGPS meetings and distribute information from the SGPS. b. Represent the interests of EGSS members at SGPS council meetings. c. Report relevant information from the SGPS meetings to the EGSS executive. d. Forward emails from the SGPS to the Faculty of Education Graduate student listserv. e. Assist with the organization and planning of EGSS events. f. Organize a presentation about the EGSS for the September graduate student orientation for Ph.D. students. g. Attend monthly Faculty Board meetings. h. Support academic and social events sponsored by the EGSS.

6.3.4 Appointment Committee Representative a. Attend all meetings of the Appointment Committee. b. Vote on issues and motions raised by the members of the Appointment Committee. c. Attend public lectures of applications and participate in the hiring process of said applicants for the Appointment Committee. d. Discuss the content of a job advertisement with the Appointment Committee. e. Review applicant files and create a long/short list for particular positions and interviewing applicants for the Appointment Committee. f. Support academic and social events sponsored by the EGSS.

6.3.5 Graduate Studies and Research Committee Representative a. Attend meetings of the Graduate Studies and Research Committee. EGSS End of Year Report 2014/2015 b. Advise on matters relating to the curriculum and overall structure of existing graduate program within the Faculty of Education for the Graduate Studies and Research Committee. c. Make recommendations regarding the desirability and feasibility of new courses and programs at the graduate level for the Graduate Studies and Research Committee. d. Support academic and social events sponsored by the EGSS.

6.3.6 Nominating Committee Representative a. Initiate each year the nominating process for only Faculty of Education graduate students, for their student government positions and for their student representatives on Faculty Board and its standing committees. b. Attend meetings of the nominating committee. c. Assess the operation of the Faculty Board and its committees and submit annually a report the Board, which will recommend any alterations, which the Nominating Committee shall deem necessary to improve effectiveness of the Board and its committees. d. Will sign a letter addressed to the EGSS banking institution to allow the incoming President and Treasurer to sign cheques. e. Support academic and social events sponsored by the EGSS.

6.3.7 Good, Welfare, and Equity Representative a. Organize and execute an annual welcome celebration for new and continuing graduate students and faculty. b. Attend meetings of the Good and Welfare Committee. c. Send expressions of sympathy, congratulations, etc. on behalf of the Faculty of appropriate occasions for both the EGSS and Good and Welfare Committee. d. Ensure that the Faculty is represented on appropriate occasions for both the EGSS and the Good and Welfare Committee. e. Represent all graduate students in education by communicating any questions, ideas or concerns to the EGSS Executive Committee. f. Plan events that promote equity, diversity, and inclusion for graduate students in education. g. Support academic and social events sponsored by the EGSS.

6.3.8. Renewal, Tenure and Promotion Committee (RTP) Representative a. Attend all meetings of the RTP Committee. b. Participate in the Faculty’s contract renewal process for faculty members for the RTP. c. Attend an early fall meeting of the RTP Committee to select professional referees, decide on portfolio review protocol, and discuss and establish a vote procedure. d. Meet and discuss with the RTP Committee files and vote whether prospective candidates are recommended to the Dean of the Education Department to have their faculty positions renewed, to be promoted and/or to receive tenure. EGSS End of Year Report 2014/2015 e. Attend an equity workshop prior to beginning RTP Committee. f. Support academic and social events sponsored by the EGSS.

6.3.9 Strategic Planning Committee Representative a. Attend weekly and/or monthly meetings of the Strategic Planning Committee. b. Represent graduate concerns and other needs to the Strategic Planning Committee during the review and creation of the Faculty of Education’s Strategic Plan. c. Attend subcommittee meetings within the Strategic Panning Committee. d. Attend open meetings both at the Faculty and student levels for the Strategic Planning Committee. e. Support academic and social events sponsored by the EGSS.

6.3.10 EGSS Treasurer a. Organize and maintain the EGSS account books. b. Work with Academic and Social Event Coordinators assess funding needs. c. In conjunction with the EGSS President, secure funding for EGSS sponsored activities. d. Support academic and social events sponsored by the EGSS. e. Provide a monthly budget statement to the EGSS executive committee.

6.3.11 Part-time Student Representative a. Represent the interests of part-time graduate students in education by communicating any questions, ideas or concerns to the EGSS executive. b. Support academic and social events sponsored by the EGSS.

6.3.12 Academic Events Coordinator a. Organize and execute EGSS ScholarShare, (which can include presentations, roundtables, posters, and other appropriate academic events e.g., workshops, training days, seminars). b. Support academic and social events sponsored by the EGSS.

6.3.13 Social Events Coordinator a. Organize and execute EGSS academic events (ScholarShare). b. Support academic and social events sponsored by the EGSS.

6.3.14 Website and Communications Officer a. Maintain and update EGSS website. b. Organize and distribute e-newsletter to graduate students in Education. c. Communicate relevant information to all graduate students in Education. d. Support academic and social events sponsored by the EGSS. e. Record the Minutes of the EGSS Meetings. f. Maintain EGSS display case. EGSS End of Year Report 2014/2015

6.3.15 International Student Representative a. Represent the interests of international graduate students in education by communicating any questions, ideas or concerns to the EGSS Executive Committee. b. Work in connection with the Queen’s University International Centre (QUIC). c. Support academic and social events sponsored by the EGSS.

Article 7 - Meetings

7.1 The EGSS executive members shall meet monthly. Meeting times shall be posted on the list serve and shall be open to all students and guests in the Faculty of Education.

7.2 Voting. All EGSS executive members shall have one (1) vote each. Proxy votes may be cast in the event that a voting member is unable to attend a meeting.

7.3 Quorum. A quorum shall be one-half (1/2) of the voting members of the EGSS executive.

7.4 If it is felt that a member of the EGSS executive has not performed their duties satisfactorily, even after warnings have been given, that member may be dismissed with a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the EGSS Executive Committee.

Article 8 - Election Process

8.1 By March 1, the Nominating Committee representative will provide notice of positions available through the education graduate student list serve. Notice will also be placed in the Faculty’s Graduate Studies and Research office, and the Graduate Student Facility.

8.2 To be considered for a representative position, students interested in serving on any of these committees shall nominate themselves within 10 working days by giving notice to the Nominating Committee representative.

8.3 A question and answer session will be held by the current EGSS executive during the second week of the nomination period.

8.4 The election shall be held by secret ballot. The location of the polling station shall be announced during the first week of the nomination period. The polling station shall be open during regular business hours for one (1) day immediately following the nomination period. EGSS End of Year Report 2014/2015

8.5 The ballots shall be counted by the Nominating Committee representative in the presence of a Faculty of Education staff member.

8.6 The election results shall be posted on the list serve and in the Graduate Student Facility the day following the election.

8.7 For persons elected to Faculty Standing Committees, terms will commence and finish consistent with terms stipulated in the Faculty of Education Constitution.

8.8 In the event that a representative should withdraw from their position, a new representative may be appointed to the position through a by-election administered by following the same procedures as through a regular election.

8.9 The Nominating Committee representative will provide a list of graduate student committee members to the Faculty’s Graduate Studies and Research office by April 1 each year.

8.10 EGSS Executive members serving on standing committees including Faculty Board may not seek re-election. EGSS Executive Members Representative may seek re-election. The President may not seek re-election.

Article 9 - Terms of use for the Graduate Student Listserv

9.1 The Graduate Student Listserv falls under the jurisdiction of the following university policies. Since all education graduate students are able to send and receive messages through this listserv (unless their access has been removed due to policies outlined below), students should familiarize themselves with these policies.

9.1.1 The Queen’s University Computer User Code of Ethics outlines appropriate computer usage and procedures when usage is abused.

9.1.2 The Policy for Establishing Mailing Lists at Queen’s University states that ITServices does not provide Mailing List Services to students, student organizations or clubs, or to members of the Internet community. As such, ITServices and the List Owner - not education graduate students - are responsible for making sure this mailing list is being used as outlined in university policies.

9.1.3 The ITServices Mass E-mail Communication Policy outlines appropriate venues for mass communication. EGSS End of Year Report 2014/2015

9.1.4 The Copyright Information for Listserv Mailing Lists outlines the legalities surrounding copyright material.

Article 10 - Ombudsperson 10.1 In situations where a graduate student feels that he or she has been unfairly treated by a professor or other university staff, the student may ask the SGPS Student Advisor Program to act as Ombudsperson.

Article 11 - Amendments to the Constitution 11.1 Should an amendment to the constitution be requested, it must be brought to the attention of the executive. Before the amendment can be made, a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the executive must agree on the amendment. Once the executive has reached a two- thirds (2/3) majority, the amendment can be completed.

Article 12 - Adoption of This Constitution 12.1 This Constitution shall come into effect as of June of 2008.

Amended April 25th, 2015.

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