Student Application for Senior Experience Funding

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Student Application for Senior Experience Funding

Student Application for Chandler Senior Experience Funds

Thanks to a generous bequest from George ’51 and Marjorie ’44 Chandler, Lawrence can help students pursue ambitious or distinctive Senior Experience projects by paying a portion of the project expenses. Applications are accepted for projects with budgeted expenses in excess of $300, and students are eligible for up to $3,000 in funding. Funding is based on a budget for materials, services, or travel needed to complete or present a scholarly or creative project that satisfies the Senior Experience requirement for a Lawrence degree. Funds do not cover tuition or fees for study abroad or summer programs, stipends, housing on or near campus, personal technology purchases, entertainment, or services by members of the Lawrence faculty.

How to Apply Do the following: 1. Develop a proposal. Work with your project advisor to prepare a detailed plan, timetable, and budget.  For a partner or group project: Submit a single application. Identify all group members and note which members are requesting Senior Experience funds.  For a project while on a course trip (field experience): Ask the trip leader to provide: (1) a budget (deposit, program fee and what it includes, and individual expenses such as airfare or visa fees); a roster (indicating which students may seek Senior Experience funding); and (3) an itinerary. Indicate the portion of time each day devoted to Senior Experience project work.  For domestic travel for research, a workshop, or a conference: Provide costs for airfare (search with Google Flights), ground transportation, lodging, and conference fees. Limit: $1,500. See the Academic Travel website for procedures, forms, and deadlines.  For international travel for research, a workshop, or a conference: Provide costs for airfare (search with Google Flights), ground transportation, lodging, conference fees, and travel insurance ($41 per month; must be enrolled one month prior to departure). Lawrence will not fund travel to a country with a State Department travel advisory at level 3 or higher without an approved exemption. See the Student International Travel Process website for procedures, forms, and deadlines.  For research involving human participants: You must receive approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Have your project advisor help you complete the process on the IRB website.  For all projects: Keep a log of expenses and save receipts for items of $25 or more. You will need to submit these with your report. 2. Complete this application form. Use the tab key to move between fields, and enter the requested information. Save the completed form as “Lastname-application.” Email the application to Bob Williams, Associate Dean of the Faculty, at [email protected]. 3. Have a project advisor in your major complete the faculty recommendation form. This form is available on the Senior Experience website. Your project advisor should email the completed form to Bob Williams, Associate Dean of the Faculty.

Deadlines Applications are accepted throughout the academic year subject to the availability of funds. Applications should be submitted one month in advance for domestic travel and three months in advance for international travel. Students may apply after January 1 of the junior year or any time during the senior year. Student Application for Senior Experience Funding

Date: Click here to enter a date. Amount Requested: Click here to enter text.

Student Information

Name: Click here to enter text. Major(s): Click here to enter text. LU ID Number: Click here to enter text. Expected Graduation (mo/yr): Click here to enter text. E-mail: Click here to enter text.

Project Information

Project Title: Click here to enter text. Project Advisor: Click here to enter text. Overview (3 sentences): Click here to enter text.

Timetable (list of dates and activities): Click here to enter text.

Itemized Budget (list of expenses with totals; indicate any items funded by other sources): Click here to enter text.


How is this project ambitious or distinctive? Click here to enter text.

How is this project a culmination of your work at Lawrence? Discuss courses, tutorials/IS/internships, summer research, etc., that have prepared you for this work. Click here to enter text.

How will the results of this project be shared with the campus? Click here to enter text.

Will you undertake this project as part of a course or while studying abroad? If so, identify the course or study abroad program and the proportion of time to be spent on project-specific activities. Click here to enter text.

Have you applied for other sources of funding? If so, describe and include the amounts requested. Click here to enter text.

What would you do if offered less than you requested? How would you adjust the project? Click here to enter text.

Project Details

2 Describe your project using the headings below. (Answer here or attach a project proposal.)  For scholarly work: Research Question / Theoretical Framework / Methods / Expected Findings / Implications  For creative activity: Purpose / Concept / Methods / Expected Products / Significance Click here to enter text.


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