Goal 1 The New Nation (1789-1820)

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Goal 1 The New Nation (1789-1820)

Goal 1 The New Nation (1789-1820) 1.01 Identify the major domestic issues and conflicts experienced by the nation during the Federalist Period.

Cause Describe Event Significance Whiskey Rebellion (1794)

Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions (1798) Marbury v Madison (1803)

Judicial Review (1803)

Louisiana Purchase (1803)

Embargo Act (1807)

Compare Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson

Alexander Hamilton Topic Thomas Jefferson Political Party Interpretation of Constitution Supporters Economy Government Tariffs & Debt

1 Answer the following concerning Alexander Hamilton’s Financial Plan & the National Bank

Main Goal… 3 Parts… 1. 2. 3. Why was the National Bank so controversial? How did Hamilton justify the creation of the National Bank?

1.02 Analyze the political freedoms available to the following groups prior to 1820: women, wage earners, landless farmers, American Indians, African Americans, and other ethnic groups.

Explain the rights each of the following groups had in the early 1800s.

Group Rights Rich, White, Land-Owning Men Poor White Men Women Native Americans Free Slaves Slaves

1.03 Assess commercial and diplomatic relationships with Britain, France, and other nations. List the causes of the War of 1812. What is the nickname of the group that wanted to 1. go to war with Britain? 2. 3.

Name the last battle of the War of 1812. Explain the significance for the Hartford Convention.

List 4 Effects of the War of 1812. What is the XYZ Affair? How did this affect our relationship with France?

Treaties This gave us the right to use the Mississippi River for trade… This opened the Ohio Territory to American settlers… This ended the War of 1812… This was a weak treaty that no one followed…

2 Goal 1 Midterm Vocab Review

1. ______: Supreme Court case that established Judicial Review.

2. ______: Treaty with Spain; gave the US access to the Mississippi River & the Port of New Orleans.

3. ______: Presidential advisors

4. ______: Passed by Jefferson in response to impressment; USA won’t trade with other countries – hurts American economy.

5. ______: Passed by John Adams; illegal to speak negatively about the government.

6. ______: Bought from France – doubled the size of the USA; Jefferson didn’t know if it was Constitutional.

7. ______: Created the Federal Court System.

8. ______: France demanded a bribe to speak about impressment.

9. ______: Made Supreme Court rulings that strengthened the power of the Federal Gov’t.

10. ______: Passed in response to the Alien & Sedition Acts; states can void any Federal law they feel is unconstitutional.

11. ______: Political party wanting a strong Federal Gov’t. & supported by the upper class.

12. ______: Name given to judges John Adams appointed just before he left office.

13. ______: Official end of the War of 1812.

14. ______: Practice of illegally taking sailors; England was forcing our citizens to serve in the British Navy.

15. ______: Failed treaty; England never left the Northwest Territory & began arming Native Americans

16. ______: Political party wanting a strong state gov’t . & supported by farmers.

17. ______: The Supreme Court can declare any act of Congress or the President as unconstitutional.

18. ______: Treaty that ended Native American resistance in Ohio; opened the territory up to American settlement.

19. ______: Most dangerous part of Washington’s presidency; proved the Federal Gov’t,. could control frontier affairs.

3 20. ______& ______: Washington warned against these in his farewell address.

21. ______: Name given to people who wanted to go to war with England in 1812.

Goal 2 Expansion and Reform (1801-1850) 2.01 Analyze the effects of territorial expansion and the admission of new states to the Union. Explain the importance of the following treaties or agreements: “54-40 or Fight!”

Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo

Gadsden Purchase

Adams-Onis Treaty

Louisiana Purchase

Why did Jefferson struggle with his decision to buy Louisiana?

Explain the following terms and each relates to the next. Indian Removal Act Worcester v. GA Trail of Tears

List the parts of the Compromise of 1850 What was decided with the Missouri Compromise? 1. What territory does it pertain to?

2. 1. 3.

4. 2.


2.02 Describe how the growth of nationalism and sectionalism were reflected in art, literature, and language. What is the Hudson River School?

Define Transcendentalism.

4 Who were famous followers of this idea? Who wrote the book Last of the Mohicians? Define American Renaissance when referring to literature.

2.03 Distinguish between the economic and social issues that led to sectionalism and nationalism. 2.04 Assess political events, issues, and personalities that contributed to sectionalism and nationalism. Corrupt What election does this refer Bargain to? Who won the election? Loser?

Explain the bargain that was made. American List the 3 parts of this 1. System system? 2. 3. Who created this plan?

Nullificati Why did SC not like the Tariff onCrisis of 1832? Explain the term nullification.

Election Who won this election? of 1828 Explain the spoils system.

Dred Explain the Dred Scott Scott Decision What Compromise did this “cancel”?

Identify if the following events contributed to nationalism or sectionalism by writing your explanation in the appropriate box. If the event contributed to both, split the information accordingly. The first one has been done for you Event Nationalism Sectionalism The Marshall Court Made rulings that strengthened the Fed. Gov’t. Ex: McCulloch v Maryland, Gibbons v Ogden Industrial Revolution

States’ Rights & Doctrine of Nullification The American System

The Monroe Doctrine

Tariff of Abominations

Missouri Compromise

Nat Turner’s Rebellion 5 Regional Economies

2.05 Identify the major reform movements and evaluate their effectiveness. What was the List some of the Define the Who is famous Who is famous for Seneca Falls people involved Temperance for reforming reforming Convention? in the Seneca Movement. prison by education? Falls Convention. removing the mentally ill?

2.06 Evaluate the role of religion in the debate over slavery and other social movements and issues. Define the Second Great Awakening: Define Abolitionism:

Who wrote the Liberator? Who started the newspaper The North Star?

Goal 2 Midterm Vocab Review

1. ______: Divided Louisiana into free & slaver territories – angered Southerners

2. ______: Abolitionist newspaper written by William L. Garrison.

3. ______: Nationalist statement to other countries to stay out of American affairs

4. ______: Treaty that established the Rio Grande River a the southern border of Texas

5. ______: Belief that states can overturn Federal Laws; puts the power of Judicial Review in the hands of the states

6. ______: How the US acquired Texas

7. ______: Invention that made cotton profitable & guaranteed the expansion of slavery

8. ______: State banks created by A. Jackson in an effort the kill the Bank of the USA

6 9. ______: Belief that the USA should go coast to coast – from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean

10. ______: Stronger fugitive slave law; California is free; popular sovereignty to New Mexico & Utah; & no slave trade in DC

11. ______: Division of the country – North v South

12. ______: Contributed to nationalism by painting the American landscape

13. ______: Former slave who wrote the abolitionist paper “The North Star”

14. ______: Guidelines for women in the 1820s

15. ______: Reform movement to end slavery

16. ______: Nickname of the 1824 Election

17. ______: National unity & pride

18. ______: New style of writing focusing on nature, self-reliance, and emotions.

19. ______: Father of #18

20. ______: Slave rebellion that further divided the North & South

Goal 3 Crisis, Civil War, and Reconstruction (1848-1877) 3.01 Trace the economic, social, and political events from the Mexican War to the outbreak of the Civil War.

Define the following terms that lead to the outbreak of the Civil War: Popular Kansas- “Bleeding Dredd Fugitive Harper’s Uncle Sovereignty Nebraska Kansas” Scott Case Slave Laws Ferry Tom’s Act Cabin

3.02 Analyze and assess the causes of the Civil War. Long term cause of the war… Who won the Election of 1860? What did Lincoln mean when he said “a house divided cannot stand”? Define secession. Which state seceded 1st?

7 Explain why the election of a Republican President led to the south seceding. What was the first battle of the Civil War? Who was the president of the Confederate States of America?

3.03 Identify political and military turning points of the Civil War and assess their significance to the outcome of the conflict. Identify the What was Which What was What battle List two major Explain the North’s plan for the battle the turning ended the generals for Emancipation the war & bloodiest introduced point battle Civil War? the Union and Proclamation. identify its 3 single-day the modern of the war? Confederacy. How did it affect parts. battle of navy? the border states? the war?

Additional Civil War Information… Lincoln’s War Conscription Clara Barton Radical England & the Habeas Corpus Aims & Draft Riots Republicans South… Original:


3.04 Analyze the political, economic, and social impact of Reconstruction on the nation and identify the reasons why Reconstruction came to an end. Define:

What was the main controversy surrounding Reconstruction? Reconstructio What Reconstruction plan was n used? What ended reconstruction? Explain the deal…

8 What rules were put in place to keep African Americans in a lower position? What organization was created to help former slaves get African education and other services? Americans Two ways which economically limited freed slaves (think agriculture)

Two ways which limited the political freedoms of freed slaves Two ways which socially limited freed slaves Explain the significance of Plessy v Ferguson (1896) Why did the Federal Gov’t. pass the Enforcement Act of 1870?

3.05 Evaluate the degree to which the Civil War and Reconstruction proved to be a test of the supremacy of the national government. Explain Military Reconstruction.

Who were the “Radical Republicans”? Leader?

Define the Tenure of Office Act and explain why it was passed. Cite 4 examples showing how the Federal Gov’t. forced its will on the Southern States.

Define the following Amendments: 13th 14th 15th

9 Goal 3 Midterm Vocab Review

1. ______: Belief that territories should vote to determine if they would allow slavery

2. ______: Compromise that ended Reconstruction – Hayes becomes President

3. ______: Union general

4. ______: Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, it exposed the horrors of slavery which moved many Northerners to become abolitionists

5. ______: Passed by Northerners in response to the Fugitive Slave Laws

6. ______: God’s Angry Man who led a failed slave rebellion

7. ______: Slave states that remained loyal to the Union

8. ______: Turning point of the Civil War

9. ______: Allowed poor & illiterate Southern whites to vote

10. ______: Prevented Southern African Americans from gained economic freedom; gave up half of their crops

11. ______: Passed by Lincoln with encouragement from Thaddeus Stevens; gave the war a moral purpose

12. ______: Immediate cause of the Civil War – SC leaves the Union

13. ______: Political party that opposed the expansion of slavery

14. ______: Confederate general

15. ______: Two ways which prevents African American men from voting

16. ______: Required northerners to capture & return runaway slaves

17. ______: Gave 2 territories the right of popular sovereignty

18. ______: Northerners who sympathized with the South – main reason why Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus

19. ______: 3 pronged Union plan of attack

20. ______: Location where the Confederacy surrendered to the Union

The Great West and the Rise of the Debtor (1860s-1896) 4.01 Compare and contrast the different groups of people who migrated to the West and describe the problems they experienced. Push Factors Pull Factors

10 People Moving Homestead Act Exodusters Vaqueros & Mexican Famers

Morrill Land Grant Act Mormons Great Plains

4.02 Evaluate the impact that settlement in the West had upon different groups of people and the environment. Describe the following: Assimilation Dawe’s Act Reservations

Explain the following events: Sand Creek Massacre Battle of Little Big Horn Battle of Wounded Knee

4.03 Describe the causes and effects of the financial difficulties that plagued the American farmer and trace the rise and decline of Populism. Grange Why did this group form? Founder?

Farmers' What did this group do for farmers? 11 Alliance

Populist Party List some of the changes this group What changes actually wanted to make: happened?

Main Issue?

Election Candidates… of 1896 Cross of Gold Speech…


4.04 Describe innovations in agricultural technology and business practices and assess their impact on the West. Explain the following inventions: Barbed Wire

Mechanical Reaper

Steel Plow


Transcontinental Railroad

Goal 4 Midterm Vocab Review

1. ______: Seward’s Icebox purchased in 1867 from Russia

2. ______: Famous campaign speech promoting bimetallism

3. ______: States government may control intrastate trade

4. ______: Americanizing people who are different

12 5. ______: Invention that had the most lasting impact on the expansion of the West

6. ______: Exposed abuses of Native Americans in her book A Century of Dishonor

7. ______: Attempt to Americanize Native Americans by giving them 160 acres of land to farm

8. ______: Last battle of the Indian Wars – “ended” the violence

9. ______: Citizens can introduce ideas for bills to Congress

10. ______: Supported by farmers so they would get more money; the use of gold & silver to back American currency

11. ______: 1st Federal law to regulate railroad rates

12. ______: Farmers’ organization established by Oliver Kelly to educate & socialize farmers

13. ______: African Americans who left the violence of the South for new opportunities on the Great Plains

14. ______: Court case that allowed the Federal Government to regulate interstate trade

15. ______: 3rd party that fought for the rights of farmers

16. ______: Gave voters the right to kick a government official out of office

17. ______: 1862 – Gave 160 acres of land on the Great Plains to those willing to farm in for 5 years; expands Union influence during the Civil War

18. ______: Custer’s Last Stand

19. ______: Citizens can vote on a proposed law

20. ______: Provided education to farmers on the Great Plains

G5: Becoming an Industrial Society (1877-1900) 5.01 Evaluate the influence of immigration and rapid industrialization on urban life. Reason Immigrants came to America?

Differences between old Old Immigrants: New Immigrants: & new immigrants.

Entry points… Europeans: Asians:

13 Define Nativism & give 2 Definition: 2 Laws: laws that demonstrated this belief.

Define Tenements.

What was the Settlement House Movement?

Name one famous Settlement House and the person that started it. Explain the Social Gospel Movement.

Define urbanization & Definition: 2 Causes: explain the 2 main causes.

What problems are associated with urbanization?

5.02 Explain how business and industrial leaders accumulated wealth and wielded political and economic power. Inventions Bessemer Process (define)

Oil Drilling (how?)

Light bulb (who?) Business Practices Horizontal (Explain or draw Consolidation example)

Vertical Consolidation

Leading Andrew Carnegie Industrialists John D. Rockefeller (What industry?) Define Social Darwinism

14 5.03 Assess the impact of labor unions on industry and the lives of workers. Name Leaders Type of Goals Tactics worker Knights of Labor

American Federatio n of Labor

Strike Union Reason Outcome The Great Railroad Strike

Haymarket Riot

Homestead Strike

Pullman Strike

5.04 Describe the changing role of government in economic and political affairs. Define the following terms: Credit The Gilded Political Boss Tweed & Patronage Pendleton Mobilier Age Machine Tammany Civil Service Hall Act

Goal 5 Midterm Vocab Review

1. ______: Wrote How the Other Half Lives to expose the problems of urban society

2. ______: Revolutionary invention that allowed for the production of steel, which led to the building of large cities

3. ______: Corrupt form of local government – “Boss Tweed” was one…

4. ______: Came to the USA from N. & W. Europe before 1880

15 5. ______: Fought to protect & improve the rights of workers

6. ______: Belief of A. Carnegie that the wealthy had a social obligation to help the less fortunate

7. ______: Attempt to end corruption in corrupt by mandating the merit system for all government jobs

8. ______: The mass growth of cities caused by the 2nd Industrial Revolution & increased immigration/population

9. ______: Labor union that allowed skilled & unskilled workers, women, & minorities

10. ______: Labor union protest that ended in violence & brought the downfall of unions because the public associated them with violence

11. ______: Urban community centers established to help the lower class & immigrants; Jane Addams’ Hull House is an example

12. ______: Low income housing for the lower class & immigrants

13. ______: Belief that you would be saved if you helped the poor.

14. ______: Came to the USA from S. & E. Europe, Asia, & Latin American after 1880

15. ______: Named by Mark Twain; period of corruption during the 2nd Industrial Revolution

16. ______: Only 1 business controls the market = no competition & high prices

17. ______: Hatred of immigrants due to job competition & differences; favoring native born white Americans

18. ______: Labor union that organized only skilled workers

19. ______: Government policy toward big business at the end of the 19th Century (1800s); “hands off” G7: Progressivism Basic Vocab

1. ______: Period of change at the turn of the 20th Century.

2. ______: Investigative journalist that exposed society’s problems

3. ______: Name given to the women who publicly fought for women’s rights.

4. ______: Business reform that regulated the railroad industry; very weak at first.

5. ______: 3rd party headed by Teddy Roosevelt & split the Republican vote in 1912 leading to Woodrow Wilson’s Democratic victory.

6. ______: Denying someone their rights

16 7. ______: Type of press/journalism used by muckrakers

8. ______: Laws that legalized segregation & were made stricter during the Progressive movement

9. ______& ______: Two ways which limited the economic rights of African Americans

10. ______: Roots of the Progressive Movement

11. ______: Segregation by law

12. ______: Segregation by choice

13. ______& ______: Two ways which limited the political rights of African Americans.

14. ______: Reason African Americans moved West. Progressive Amendments 16th 17th 18th 19th

Major Court Cases Minor v Harpperset7, 1875 Plessy v Ferguson, 1896 Muller v Oregon, 1908

Election Reforms 1. What was the primary goal of Progressive election reforms?

Initiative 17th Amendment Recall Referendum Direct Primary

Muckrakers Author Problem Exposed Book History of Standard Oil Jacob Riis The Shame of the Cities Lynching

17 Upton Sinclair

1. What Progressive law was passed due to Upton Sinclair’s book?

Progressive Presidents General Questions: Put a check in the box of the appropriate Progressive President.

Question T. Roosevelt W. Taft W. Wilson 1. Republican 2. Had high tariffs 3. Strengthened the banking industry 4. Believed in conservation efforts 5. Passed laws to help groups obtain civil rights 6. Had a campaign platform 7. Passed amendments

Teddy Roosevelt

1. Identify & explain his platform.

2. How does TR feel about trusts?

3. Identify & explain the 2 laws TR passed that limited the railroads industry.

4. How did TR feel about conservation? Give an example.

5. How did TR make the food processing industry safer?

William Taft

1. How did Taft feel about Trusts?

2. What did Taft do with all the land TR set aside? Name this scandal.

Woodrow Wilson

1. Identify & explain his platform.

2. Identify & explain the laws Wilson passed to regulate big businesses & trusts.

3. Identify & explain the law Wilson passed to regulate the banking industry.

4. How did Wilson attack high tariffs?

18 African Americans

Small group of Meeting of the Wanted African Exposed how DuBois helped Helped end the Wanted African African Americans to African found this South’s African Americans who American compete with Americans organization in economical Americans to led the community to whites lives were 1909 to help dependence on compete with community to discuss economically – impacted by protect the cotton by whites end racism concerns established the Southern rights of African showing the economically Tuskegee racism Americans usefulness of & socially – Institute peanuts & become more sweet potatoes than farmers Mass Culture 1. Explain how the Bessemer process contributed to urbanization.

2. Explain 2 reasons people were shopping more & give a few examples of what they were spending their money on.

3. Identify the 2 new types of popular music & who created each.

4. Explain how the following impacted travel.

a. Electricity:

b. Model-T:

c. Airplane Major Supreme Court Cases Explain the significance of each Supreme Court Case

Marbury v Madison

McCulloch v Maryland

Gibbons v Ogden

Worcester v Georgia

Dredd Scott v Sanford

Plessy v Ferguson

Major Literary Works Identify the author & explain the significance of each. Literary Work Author Significance 19 Uncle Tom’s Cabin

The Liberator

The North Star

A Century of Dishonor

How the Other Half Lives

The Jungle

History of Standard Oil


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