Tacitus Reading Guide (Book 1.1-14; Book 3.52-55, Book 4.32-35; Books 13-14)

Book 1: 1. What is Tiberius’ so-called “First Crime”? How and why is this crime committed, according to Tacitus?

2. Do matters between the Senate and Tiberius seem to go smoothly? Why or why not?

Book 3: In the interaction between Tiberius and the Senate (3.52-55), Tiberius provides a complicated justification for his (in-)action. What are the specific terms of his logic and how does he justify his actions? Do you believe his reasons? Do you think Tacitus does?

Book 4: 1. How does Tacitus justify the writing of the Annals? How does he characterize what he is writing?

2. Does Cremutius Cordus think the charges of treason against him are fair? What does he do after his speech?

Book 13: 1. Name three people who die at Nero’s or Agrippina’s instigation in Book 13. Why do each of them die, and how?

2. Describe Nero’s relationship with his mother. Does Tacitus approve of Agrippina? 3. Does Corbulo meet with immediate success against the Parthians? Why or why not?

Book 14: 1. Why does Nero want to kill Agrippina? Describe the different ways he tries to kill her.

2. Why does Seneca ask to retire? Why does Nero refuse, according to Tacitus?

3. Why does Nero divorce Octavia? What happens to her after Nero divorces her? Whom does he marry in her place?