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Assignment Description

Assignment Brief 1 of 2 Assessment Date Set: Assessor Evidence Friday 7th September Choreographic 2012 Miss McEwen workshops and Solo P1, M1, D1 Completion Date: choreography P2, M2, D2 Friday 21st December P4, M4, D4 2012


In this unit, learners will develop their knowledge of the process of choreography. This will be achieved through a series of practical tasks giving learners the opportunity to explore movement design and to create dance for performance.


You have been commissioned to choreograph and perform a solo composition at the International Festival ‘Dance Umbrella’. Through your participation in a series of workshops, seminars and your own research, you will investigate and explore the use of different stimuli, choreographic devises and structures. You will explore motif development and use your findings from these areas to create a 2 -3 minute solo choreography. You will also create a detailed and professional research pack on the categories of stimuli that will support your choreography and learning. As a responsible and autonomous learner, you will evaluate the choreographic process and your final performance, analysing its’ strengths and weaknesses and identifying areas for improvement.


On completion of this unit a learner should:

1 Be able to apply compositional structures and devices in the creation of dance work

2 Know how to respond to, and work with, different stimuli

3 Understand the choreographic process and the performance of dance composition

1 TASK SHEET TASK 1 – Workshops ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE YOU NEED TO PRODUCE ASSESSMENT FOCUS a) Conduct your own independent a) A detailed research pack on the five categories GRADING CRITERION: research into the five categories of stimuli. For each category of stimuli there P2, M2, D2 of stimuli; visual, aural, should be: kinaesthetic, tactile and - Good examples of stimuli PLTS: ideational in order to create a - Further background research into that Independent Enquirers: detailed research pack. stimuli Researching a range of stimuli to develop their - Your initial responses and analyse of the understanding and experience of choreography. b) Participate in a series of stimuli Carrying out research to generate stimulus workshops that explore different - How it would lead to movement generation material stimuli, motif development and Reflective Learners: choreographic devices. b) A reflective choreographic journal entry for Reviewing and reflecting on the choreographic each workshop. The journal should include: process. Setting actions for future improvement - Choreographic notes and key terminology Creative Thinkers: - Initial feelings and responses to the stimuli Generating dance ideas and exploring - Strengths and weaknesses possibilities. Working from stimulus material to - Areas for development create dance material. Experimenting with movement, timing, dynamics, space and AND relationships. Adapting and modifying movement phrases. DVD recordings of your participation in the Self Managers: workshops Coping with the pressure of producing dance material in time for a scheduled Tutor Observations of participation in workshops Performance. Responding positively to challenges, seeking advice and support when needed Effective Participators: Taking part in the choreographic process and

2 performance with other learners.

FUNCTIONAL SKILLS: ICT: Managing information, selecting and using a variety of sources, presenting information in ways that are fit for purpose. English: Speaking and listening: making a range of contributions to discussions and make effective presentations in a wide range of contexts. Reading: Compare, select, read and understand texts and use them to gather information, ideas, arguments and opinions Writing: Write documents, including extended writing pieces, communicating information, ideas and opinions, effectively and persuasively Key Terminology Devices: motif development; unison; canon; repetition; dynamic variation; contrast; climax; highlights; proportion and balance; logical sequencing; unity; symmetry; asymmetry; inversion; stillness Stimuli: at least two of the following: music, poetry, text, characters, current affairs, paintings, photographs, sculpture, spoken word, sound, moving image, abstract concepts, objects, professional repertoire Using stimulus material: discussion, improvisation, interpretation of stimulus material, experimentation; selection and rejection, evaluation, manipulation of stimulus, development of ideas


3 a) Participate in a series of a) A reflective choreographic journal entry for GRADING CRITERION: workshops that explore each workshop. The journal should include: P1, M1, D1 different choreographic - Choreographic notes and key terminology P2, M2, D2 structures - Initial feelings and responses to the stimuli - Strengths and weaknesses PLTS: - Areas for development Independent Enquirers: Researching a range of stimuli to develop their AND understanding and experience of choreography. Carrying out research to generate stimulus DVD recordings of your participation in the material workshops Reflective Learners: Reviewing and reflecting on the choreographic Tutor Observations of choreographic process process. Setting actions for future improvement Creative Thinkers: Generating dance ideas and exploring b) Select a stimulus/motif from a b) A choreographic workbook including working possibilities. Working from stimulus material to previous workshop and use it to notes, ideas, analysis of the stimuli, structural create dance material. Experimenting with devise a solo choreography. ideas and use of choreographic devices movement, timing, dynamics, space and Your solo must: relationships. Adapting and modifying - Be between 2 – 3 minutes AND movement phrases. long Self Managers: - Evidence a clear stimulus DVD recordings of your finished solo choreography Coping with the pressure of producing dance and analyse of the stimulus material in time for a scheduled - Have a clear structure Performance. Responding positively to - Use choreographic devices challenges, seeking advice and support when needed Effective Participators: Taking part in the choreographic process and performance with other learners.

FUNCTIONAL SKILLS: ICT: Managing information, selecting and using a variety of sources, presenting information in ways that are fit for purpose.

4 English: Speaking and listening: making a range of contributions to discussions and make effective presentations in a wide range of contexts. Reading: Compare, select, read and understand texts and use them to gather information, ideas, arguments and opinions Writing: Write documents, including extended writing pieces, communicating information, ideas and opinions, effectively and persuasively

Key Terminology Devices: motif development; unison; canon; repetition; dynamic variation; contrast; climax; highlights; proportion and balance; logical sequencing; unity; symmetry; asymmetry; inversion; stillness Structures: at least two of the following: binary, ternary, rondo, narrative, theme and variation, abstract, chance Stimuli: at least two of the following: music, poetry, text, characters, current affairs, paintings, photographs, sculpture, spoken word, sound, moving image, abstract concepts, objects, professional repertoire Using stimulus material: discussion, improvisation, interpretation of stimulus material, experimentation; selection and rejection, evaluation, manipulation of stimulus, development of ideas


5 a) Participate in a Post- a) Detailed notes taken throughout the discussion GRADING CRITERION: performance discussion with of yours and other peoples’ opinions and P4, M4, D4 your peers. thoughts on your solo choreography. PLTS: Independent Enquirers: b) Complete a written evaluation b) A substantial written evaluation which Gaining primary and secondary research to of the choreographic process comments on all aspects of the choreographic substantiate conclusions and personal and your final solo process as well as the success and failures of the observations. choreography. final solo choreography. You should draw on Reflective Learners: primary and secondary research to substantiate Reviewing and reflecting on the choreographic your conclusions and personal observations. process. Inviting feedback on their work from tutors and peers. Evaluating their experiences and learning to inform future progress. Setting actions for future improvement

FUNCTIONAL SKILLS: ICT: Managing information, selecting and using a variety of sources, presenting information in ways that are fit for purpose. English: Speaking and listening: making a range of contributions to discussions and make effective presentations in a wide range of contexts. Reading: Compare, select, read and understand texts and use them to gather information, ideas, arguments and opinions Writing: Write documents, including extended writing pieces, communicating information, ideas and opinions, effectively and persuasively

Key Terminology

6 Evaluate process: interpretation of stimulus; selection of movement material; devices and structures used; working relationship with dancers; time management; rehearsals; strengths and weaknesses Evaluate performance: effect on the audience; strengths and weaknesses; communication of ideas; intention and meaning

7 Assessing Your Work

In order to pass this unit, the evidence that learners present for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a pass grade describes the level of achievement required to pass this unit. Textbooks: Websites: Ashley L – Essential Guide to Dance, Third Edition (Hodder Education, 2008) Auty J and Harrison K – Dance Ideas for Teachers, Students, Children (Hodder Arnold, 1991)

Blom L A and Tarin Chaplin T – The Intimate Act of Choreography (Dance Books, 1995) Copeland R and Cohen M (editor) – What is Dance? (Oxford University Press, 1983)

Humphrey D – The Art of Making Dances (Dance Books, 1997) ISBN

Minton S C – Choreography: A Basic Approach Using Improvisation, Third Edition (Human Kinetics Europe, 2007)

Smith-Autard J – Dance Composition: A Practical Guide to Creative Success in Dance Making, Fifth Edition

Assessing Your Work 8 In order to pass this unit, the evidence that learners present for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a pass grade describes the level of achievement required to pass this unit.

 You can meet all of the learning outcomes for the unit  You achieve a minimum of a Pass grade for each Grading Criterion The assessment criterion for the PASS grade describes the minimum level of achievement required to pass this unit.

UNIT 39: Choreographic Devices Grading Criteria To achieve a Pass grade To achieve a Merit grade the To achieve a Distinction the evidence must show evidence must show that the grade the evidence must that the learner is able to: learner is able to: show that the learner is able to: P1 create dance material M1 create dance material which D1 create innovative and well which demonstrates the use of demonstrates a comprehensive use of structured dance material compositional structures and compositional structures and which demonstrates a devices devices thorough use and effect of [CT] compositional structures and devices P2 explore the potential of M2 explore the potential of D2 explore the full potential stimuli, demonstrating stimuli, demonstrating of stimuli, demonstrating appropriate responses appropriate and developed complex and developed [CT] responses responses

P4 evaluate the choreographic M4 evaluate the choreographic D4 evaluate the choreographic process and performance, process and performance, process and performance, giving an outlined analysis. with a clear breakdown of with a detailed analysis of [RL] the development of the the means used to create dance material, and the final the work, and the final presentation. presentation.


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