Wellness Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 19, 2010

In Attendance: Jennifer Galea (Chair), Linda Isabelle, DeeDee Howard, Art Grady, Lydia Eaton, Cathy Nilson, Frances Strayer, Maura King, Cassie Coons, Mike Lancor, Christine Fritschka and Jane Davis

The meeting was called to order by Jennifer Galea at 3:20 p.m. in the MCS library media center. Nutrition: • Cathy Nilson and DeeDee Howard will be putting up new bulletin board materials developed by MCS students in the MCS cafeteria. • Discussion took place regarding food selections available at MA during lunch. Concern was previously raised by a parent about potato chips and cookies being available for purchase a-la-carte. Next year cake will not be available daily at MA. Chips and cookies will continue to be available as a-la-carte purchases. Discussion also took place regarding hash browns, french toast and pasta. It was noted by DeeDee that these items are the same ones that are high count meals for students. DeeDee will take another look at these offerings. It was also suggested that french toast be made fresh rather than pre-frozen. • Red Bull and other such energy (power) drinks were discussed at the request of Andy Coppinger. Carolyn Nelson has information she distributes to students and Christine Fritschka will add information on energy drinks in the health curricula. This item will be placed on the next agenda. Art Grady will investigate this issue and report back during the next WAC meeting.

Physical Activities: • Wellness Walk Day: This event will be held on Tuesday, May 11. Current plans for MA include Mr. Swedberg and Mr. Zarli walking with all grade 7 and 9 classes and Christine Fritschka will be walking with all grade 10 health classes. Christine will check to see if another grade 8 teacher can lead eighth graders on a walk. The Wellness Walk at MCS will be from 10:00 – 10:30 a.m. with all classes walking to and around the MA athletic track and back with healthy snacks on the playground after the walk. This will be an intergenerational walk with parents, other family members and community members welcome to participate. Publicity will appear in PawPrints, MCS Weekly and local media. • Family Health Night: This item was table until the next meeting.

Wellness: • Flyer Highlighting Healthy Eating Habits: Christine Fritschka will add a nutrition unit to the grade 10 curriculum and each student will create and design a nutrition newsletter. Students will then choose one newsletter to be sent home to all parents. • Air Quality Testing Tool Packet: Mike Lancor will give an update on this item at the next meeting.

Other Business: • Breakfast at MCS: Considerable discussion took place regarding breakfast at MCS. This program is designed to provide breakfast to students who qualify for free and reduced lunch. It seems that some students who qualify are not eating the breakfast food items until snack time. Mike Lancor will ask Scott Laliberte to follow through on this program for 2010-2011. • Outing Club: Advisors of this club, Carolyn Nelson and Karin Conn, will be hosting a series of six hikes after school between May 5 and June 10. • Packet of Information: Mike Lancor distributed information regarding the ASCD Healthy School Communities, health fair tips from the Association for Children of New Jersey, and a copy of the District’s current Wellness Policy (JLCF). These items will be placed on the agenda for the next WAC meeting.

Next Meeting: • The next WAC meeting will be at 3:15 p.m. on Monday, May 17, 2010 at MCS.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Lancor