North America- Latin America Study Guide - OL

Fill in the description of each topic using your notes and the page numbers given. TOPIC PG # DESCRIPTION European countries Canada’s who settled Canada Expansion Indigenous group of Canada

What territory was given to them. Canada’s cultural Regions of diversity Canada Canada’s 2 official Regions of languages Canada List and describe Regions of - Canada’s 5 Main Canada Regions -

- Know the provinces and territories -


Limited Government Government Notes Unlimited Government Government Notes Constitutional 142 (Federal) Republic

1st Amendment Constitution 101

8th Amendment Constitution 101

13th Amendment Constitution 101

15th Amendment Constitution 101 19th Amendment Constitution 101 Constitution Vocab What is it?

What is it’s purpose?

Mayans Timeline Time period? 203 Location?

How did they track time?

Aztecs Timeline Time period? 203 Location?

Hernan Cortez Timeline -Where is he from? 204

-What advantages did he have?

-Why did the Aztec’s fear him?

What country 204 colonized Mexico?

Benito Juarez 207

Why did Mexico 207 have a revolution in 1910? Federal Republic Vocab

Representative Vocab Democracy

Free Enterprise Vocab System

2 Indigenous Vocab

Colonialism Vocab

Conquistador Vocab

Panama Canal Central -Purpose America Geography Notes -What does it connect?

Isthmus Vocab

Tundra Vocab

Peninsula Vocab

Great Lakes Vocab -List them


3 Locate the -USA Capital: following countries -Canada Capital: and capitals on the -Mexico Capital: map Place the following -Texas -Alaska -Pacific Ocean states or provinces -California -Florida -Atlantic Ocean on the map -New York -Colorado -Hawaii -Ontario -British Columbia -Quebec