Work Experience Application Form British Geological Survey

The student requesting the work experience should complete this form. No work experience opportunity can be confirmed until BGS has received the completed form.

The information within the form will be used to determine the appropriateness of the work experience request. Some aspects of this information within this form may be passed on to supervisors of the area selected for work experience. However no information will be passed onto third parties.

Please indicate which BGS site you would you like to undertake your work experience at (Keyworth, Edinburgh, Wallingford or Cardiff)......

Please state the departments you are interested in undertaking work experience within......

Personal Details

Name Address

Postcode Date of Birth Home tel. Email Which school year are you in? Dates required for work experience Are dates flexible? If so please give alternatives


Names Address (if different from above) Postcode Home tel. Email Mobile no.

School Details

Name Address

Postcode Tel no.

1 Teacher* Email *Please put the name of the teacher/staff member responsible for the work experience week

School Qualifications: What subjects and grades do you have already or are taking in the future

Subject Year Taken Grade or predicted grade (please state if predicted

About you: Please write a short essay, explaining why you would like to undertake work experience at the BGS. You should state your career and future employment aspirations, why you have chosen this placement, what you can offer us and also your interests (both in and out of school). Think carefully about the contents of the essay as it will be form the basis for our decision as to whom we will offer a work placement.

Character reference to be completed by a professional person that has known you for over 2 years (school/college teacher or tutor).

I have known...... for...... years and I am pleased to provide you with the following statement:

2 Reference

Character reference to be completed by a professional person that has known you for 1 year (school/college teacher or tutor).

I have known...... for...... years and I am pleased to provide you with the following statement:

Referee declaration:

I declare that the information provided in this reference form is correct.

Print Name: Date:

Signed: Tel No:

Data Protection information All information on this form will be treated in the strictest of confidence and will be stored electronically on our BGS/NERC system. Information will be held securely as an electronic copy to enable us to administer your application

 I consent to the information on the form being held and used in the ways described above.  I certify to the best of my knowledge that all the information I have given is correct

*Signature (Young person) Date *Signature (Parent/Guardian) Date

On acceptance of a place at the British Geological Survey you will be asked to provide the correct documentation from your school showing you are undertaking this placement as part of the schools Work Experience Week.


The British Geological Survey is committed to ensuring equal opportunities for all participants, therefore it would be helpful if you would answer the below questions. The answers you provide will not influence or impact upon any aspect of your work experience application with the Survey; instead they will assist us in meeting our legal monitoring and statistic collection obligations. This information will also help us to determine if participants are being treated fairly and could improve the diversity.

The Equality Act came into force in 2010 and replaced previous anti-discrimination legislation for England, Scotland and Wales. The Equality Act covers people who have a ‘personal protected characteristic’. The protected characteristics are age, disability, race, sex, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief, and sexual orientation.


16-18 31-55 66+ 19-30 56-65 Male Female I do not wish to disclose


The Equality Act 2010 defines a disability as a ‘physical or mental impairment which has a long-term and substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’. In this definition “substantial means more than minor or trivial” and “long-term means that the impairment has lasted or is likely to last for at least 12 months”. This includes conditions such as MS, HIV and cancer from the point of diagnosis.

Based on this definition do you consider that you have a disability?

Yes No I do not wish to disclose

If yes, please specify based on the below categories:

 Communication  Physical  Hearing  Visual  Learning  Other*  Mental Health  I do not wish to disclose  Mobility

*Please specify if you wish

If you have any specific requirements, please provide further information here and we will, wherever possible, make the necessary arrangements.

4 Additional Information Thank you for expressing an interest in completing your work experience at the British Geological Survey. Each year over half a million school children in Great Britain complete one or two weeks work experience in a variety of organisations. At the BGS we recognise the value work experience offers to young people in developing key lifelong skills in active citizenship, increased self-esteem, communications, organisation, teamwork and IT. Work experience can also help raise awareness of how rights and responsibilities, Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety and environmental issues apply in the workplace. Further information on the diversity of the work and different disciplines of the BGS can be found at

What do Work Experience students do? You will spend time in departments with a variety of staff during the week, working on a range of activities that will allow you to see how the departments operate.

You may be involved in:  Shadowing, observing and assisting staff with aspects of their work  General administration such as photocopying/filling/scanning  Computer based work/research

What do I do now? To be considered for a work experience place you must complete the above application form and return it to the address indicated. This will allow us to match the role that is relevant to your areas of interest. The form can either be completed by hand or electronically.

Due to the number of application forms we receive we cannot acknowledge receipt.

Please ensure that you have included an active email address, which is checked regularly, as this will be how we contact you to inform you if you have been successful in your application. Please be aware of the deadlines for applications, no applications can be considered for the relevant periods once this deadline has passed.

How will selection take place? Selection is based on a number of factors:

 The information supplied in the application form  The availability of appropriate tasks and staff time for line-managing these activities  The number of students already placed in departments

You should be aware that only a limited number of placements are available for each session and that competition for places is extremely high so please bear this in mind when completing your application

Please return the completed form to:

Lindsey Tindall Work Experience Placements British Geological Survey Environmental Science Centre Keyworth Nottinghamshire NG12 5GG

5 Or by email to [email protected]