SUBJECT: Negotiation/Consultation Meeting

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SUBJECT: Negotiation/Consultation Meeting

Service North Dakota Association of County Office Employees of t

North Dakota L r

o o f the Farm Service Agency

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t NDASCOE y Eric Bollingberg – President Tina Bullinger- Vice President 202 Vine Ave S 117 West 5th St The Cleaner & Greener State Fessenden ND 58438 Bottineau, ND 58318 Tele: 701-547-3591 Ext. 108 Tele: 701-228-3611 Ext. 102 Courtesy

SUBJECT: Negotiation/Consultation Meeting DATE: March 17, 2016 TIME: 10:00 AM PERSONS PRESENT: Aaron Krauter, Russell Bubach, Eric Bollinberg, Tina Bullinger, Sondra Duda, Janice Bishop

Retirement training-Dillard’s will come at no cost-request approval to have them come and meet by district – Per 35 PM para 17C says retirement training every two years.

Eric discussed retirement training, explaining the pros of having this training, He stated that Dillard’s would do it at no cost to the agency. He suggested an overnight stay to allow more discussion on a one on one basis. Russ explained that Dillard’s is not certified through FSA aspects to conduct this training and WDC would want their HR people to do the training. Russ stated perhaps it would work if NDASCOE would advertise and publish that Dillard’s would do this training. Russ indicated no travel would be paid but administrative leave could possibly be granted. The STO cannot arrange for Dillard’s to conduct the training. It was also suggested to conduct the meetings by district. Aaron’s concern was that if we do the meetings by district, who would remain in the office to keep it open. Other benefits training was mentioned, however, they indicated that would have to be a separate training and would not be included with retirement training. Something will be figured out to conduct the retirement training.

Counter skills/customer skills training for all PT’s.

We brought up the concern of not only new employees, but all employees, who have not had counter skills/customer skills training. Our concern was that not all employees know how to handle situations that may arise at the counter. With low crops prices, etc. producers are feeling more stress and employees need to know how to handle situations that arise as a result of this. Aaron explained that the extension service has done a good job at heading up a training session. He passed out a pamphlet on some of the topics they discuss. They will also check with NRCS to see if they are interested in participating. Something will happen this calendar year. Ongoing computer network issues.

We explained how frustrating it is when computer related issues are a constant problem. We believe this continuing problem is a contributing factor with morale issues in the office. Russ and Aaron stated it’s a “hot topic in DC.”

Key PT position-As the budget has been set for this fiscal year, we understand this would have to be a future issue. Can it be addressed with next year’s budget?

We discussed the idea of a Key PT position. Some PT’s already spend time out of their day helping other PT’s in other counties and it would be nice to be able to contact one PT for guidance on issues that arise. The notice has been issued to allow this position so why not utilize it. Aaron responded “no, it affects the ceiling and it will not happen”.

Morale – as you know, with all the changes around the state, it is difficult to keep office morale up – any suggestions?

We explained that computer issues is a big factor in contributing to morale issues. It is very frustrating when you are trying to get work done and the computer system is not cooperating. Also we need more training for employees so that they are more comfortable in performing their job.

COC training in AgLearn – CED is responsible for updating. Would it be possible for the STO to provide a list of trainings assigned to the COC members and due dates of such, so training is completed timely, and AgLearn is updated accordingly with completed status?

Russ said they would put something together.

We appreciate the State Office newsletter. This does save the counties time by not having each county prepare a monthly newsletter with the same information. Gov Delivery is a good system for delivery of the news for those who have email access. There is some concern for those who don’t have email.

Aaron indicated it is a concern of his. He reported that Lindsey Abentroth was just hired as the Gov Delivery specialist and she will be researching email addresses to identify who doesn’t have one. He also reported that in June or July we will start texting producers that a newsletter is available. SD was a pilot state for this. The GIS training Dan has conducted are helpful. GIS is ever evolving and there is a need for hand on training.

Aaron reported that Dan will have more time available to work on GIS issues since he will no longer be working with Gov Delivery, etc, that will be covered by the new position recently filled. Aaron did indicate they will be having GPS training including a field day. He also indicated that Dan will again hold weekly webinars starting in the near future.

Authorize CED’s to attend the COC orientation training.

We explained it would be nice if the CED’s could attend the training with new COC members. Aaron indicated that CED’s would be authorized to attend.

We would like to continue to work in a pro-active manner regarding the needs of CO employees. In addition to NDASCOE would like to be allowed the opportunity to meet with the STC and/or the SED throughout the year if the need arises.

Aaron reported that he keeps the STC up to date on issues that arise in the county offices, including staffing issues. He indicated they attended the Bakken tour, attended conferences, etc. He also reported that they do not do many in-house meetings any more, they do a lot through emails and telephone calls. He indicated they have a lot of trust in the STO staff and himself and if any issues arise, they are confident they would be informed. However, he did say that if everything would coincide to meet with the STC, that he would agree to that.

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