Who Am I RUBRIC Family Dynamics 2014 Term 4 Mrs. Gibbs

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Who Am I RUBRIC Family Dynamics 2014 Term 4 Mrs. Gibbs

“Who Am I” RUBRIC Family Dynamics 2014 Term 4 Mrs. Gibbs

For this project you will be creating a blog site with specific blog entries. This site will be viewed and graded. Each entry will be graded separately and then there will be a final grade in the end. Below you will find requirements (notice deadlines):

Entry 1: “Introducing…” Write an introduction including, but not limited to: who you are, where you are from, grade, age, hobbies, sports, interests, abilities, accomplishments, awards, and/or talents. Tell me why those things. Also, include 3 recent pictures of yourself doing something, example: playing basketball, painting, roller skating. Comment on 3 classmates. DUE DATE: THURSDAY, APRIL 17TH

Entry 2: Post topic is “Favorites”. Write about your favorite things, such as favorite book, restaurant, store, place, vacation, subject, food, movie, tv show, candy, animal, sports, teams, holiday, car, icecream, flower, song(s), color, painter, actor, role model, piece of clothing in your closet, teacher, person, shoes, etc. Include 4 pictures that represent your favorites. Comment on 2 classmates. DUE DATE: THURSDAY, APRIL 17TH

Entry 3: “You Got to Have Friends” Tell me about your friends and what they mean to you. Include such things as how long you’ve known them, what you think about them, what you all like to do together, and why you think you all get along. Include a picture of each friend either with you or alone. Comment on 4 classmates. DUE DATE: TUESDAY, APRIL 22ND

Entry 4: Post topic “What are your views on dating?” Write this like a journal and tell what you think dating is all about and how it should work. You may also include your boyfriend or girlfriend and briefly describe your relationship. Include 2 website links that would be smart for a teen to read before they begin dating. Find 2 websites that warn teens of the dangers of dating. Link all 4 to your post. Comment on 3 classmates. DUE DATE: TUESDAY, APRIL 22ND

Entry 5: Post topic “What about Marriage?” Write what your view is about marriage and what do you think a good marriage involves. Also, include what you feel about divorce. When do you think one is ready to marry? What do you want to accomplish before marriage? Include a link that gives good advice before considering marriage. Comment on 3 classmates. DUE DATE: TUESDAY, APRIL 29TH

NOTE: COMMENTS MUST BE APPROPRIATE AND PROACTIVE. You may write if you agree or disagree but back up your point or comment of why. Don’t comment on the same people for every entry. Entry 6: “The Family Tree” Include a family breakdown of your family. Ie. Siblings, mom, step dad, dad, step sister, etc. You may include extended family such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins. Tell what you enjoy doing together and family traditions. Tell about your family structure: single parent, traditional, blended, blended extended, extended, etc. Describe what you think makes a great family. Explain the functions of a family including nurturing, economic, social, and intellectual support. Include a link to an article that can help families become stronger and well bonded. Include 4 pictures of you and your family. Comment on 2 classmates. DUE DATE: FRIDAY, MAY 2ND

Entry 7: “My Future” Describe what your goals are for your future. Include immediate goals and long term goals / what you want to do after school / what career field(s) do you want to reach / list what kind of schooling you will need for your career and how many years will it take / list what steps it will take to get there / how much money will you make in the short term and long term / will your career require you to move? Where? / if you could lay out your path at what age would you like to accomplish in life and what would those things be – by creating a timeline (ie. College 23, climbing Mt. Everest 26, marriage 28, children 31-36 , jumping out of an airplane 40, going to Paris 45) Include the website link(s) that you found good career resources. Comment on 2 classmates. DUE DATE: TUESDAY, MAY 6TH

Entry 8: “Children and Parenting” What are your thoughts about parenting? Do you want to be a parent, why or why not? What kind of parent would you be? Analyze the factors indicating readiness for parenting to include physical, social, emotional, financial, and legal responsibilities. Include your findings in your post. Assess the impact of pregnancy on life goals – how does having a baby change your life? How would you answer the following scenarios: 1. Your child was being bullied by another 2nd grader on the play ground. 2. You found out your 6 year old child was not telling the truth about what they were doing 3. Your 3 year old ran from you in the parking lot. 4. Your 13 year old teenager was talking to a boy you didn’t know online. Comment on 3 classmates. DUE DATE: FRIDAY, MAY 9TH

Entry 9: “7 Habits” What have you learned from 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens? What will you take with you and apply to your everyday life? How will you sharpen your saw to focus? Why do you think 7 Habits is good to read? Should Mrs. Gibbs’ continue to teach out of it? Do you feel that you have already applied so of it’s advise to your life? What? Rate the book 5 being best – 1 being the least. Explain why. Comment on 4 classmates. DUE DATE: TUESDAY, MAY 13TH

REMEMBER: Final entries will come soon…be looking… Also, this is a graded blog so grammar and spelling will be considered! If you have questions, please post on my blog site. http://maryheathergibbs.edublogs.org


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