Project Name: PPCS Differential Pressure Sensor Project

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Project Name: PPCS Differential Pressure Sensor Project

Timeline Adjustment Form

This form is for grantees who want to make significant changes to the submitted grant timeline.

Completed forms should be sent to Katherine Walsh at [email protected].

Project Name: PPCS Differential Pressure Sensor Project Submitted By: Karen Lobo Date Submitted: 10/24/2011 Adjustment Due Date (Optional):

Milestone Original Completion Date New Completion Date November 30, 2011 - Purchase Differential Pressure 4 Weeks 12/30/11 Switches, Data Loggers, Filters and Conduit for the project November 30, 2011– Place ad to hire intern, interview, 4-6 Weeks 1/15/12 and hire student intern February 1, 2012– Installation at LeConte and Cory halls 8 Weeks 3/1/2012 March 30, 2012 –Installation at California Hall 4 Weeks 4/30/2012 April 1, 2012 – Installation at Bechtel Hall 4 Weeks 5/1/2012 May & June 2012 --On-going monitoring of project & 8 Weeks 6/30/2012 reports

TGIF Project Update Project Title: Green Certification Program Date: 9/20/11

Task Dates Status Explanation/Notes Budget GreenCat Auditor Application 9/6/2011 Completed We are accepting applications for new GreenCAT auditors. N/A Interview and Select A number of interviews that were conducted inorder to GreenCAT members 9/9/2011 Completed select the new members of GreenCAT. N/A GreenCAT workshop 9/16/2011 Completed Introduction to the processes of the ASUC GCP. N/A Reading applications of groups applying to be a part of 9/21/11- ASUC GCP. We selected groups and invited them to an Select New Groups 10/7/11 Pending initial workshop. N/A Introductory Workshop for new groups 10/14/2011 Pending N/A July-August Internships 2011 Completed Logistics and planning for the upcoming school year $2,000.00 WHAT IS YOUR REMAINING BALANCE? $28,100.00 Metrics How many people has your project educated or reached? Since the program has not gathered data as of yet from our new groups and old groups we will not be able to provide metrics outside of the metrics provided with our final application as of last Spring. Our groups How much energy has been have not had any events or new pratices as of yet that would change the metrics. The metrics can be saved? founds in the second page of the excel document. How much water has been saved?

TGIF Project Update

Project Title: 2011 BERC Symposium (Money has been Date: 10/21/11 carried over from 2010 Innovation Expo) Task Dates Status Explanation/Notes Budget Please list whether this task is pending, is in progress, or What is the completed; if List out the costs timeframe for this project Is there any additional information you want to per line item Brief description of task. getting this task has not been tell TGIF about this task? If you are behind on (both spent Columns A & B should include done? Between completed, is your tasks, please provide information about your amounts and all tasks from your grant certain dates or it still on challenges. Is there any way that TGIF can help pending application timeline. by the week of? track? you? costs/estimates)

February-March Form a team to choose panel topics and recruit Form Symposium Team 2011 Done panelists. 0 Choose/Iterate Panel Topics March 2011 Done Panel topics chosen 0 Initial contacts have been soloicted and Solicit Panelists April 2011 Done Symposium team is reaching out to them 0 Jennifer Granholm, Arun Majumdar, Jigar Shah, Brook Porter, Daniel Nocera, Gavin Newsom, Solicit Keynote Speakers April 2011 Done confirmed 0 Build EventBrite Ticketing Site April 2011 Done Website in process 0 Create 2011 Logo and Program Estimated Cost Skeleton with Graphic Artists April 2011 Done Meeting on 4/21 2500 Estimated Cost 70000 - this was the total cost for last years Create Logistic Roles April 2011 Done Done Symposium Recruiting posters from Berkeley, Stanford, LBNL, Begin Inviting Poster NREL, etc for Innovation Expo. Innovation Expo Presenters April-June 2011 Done may be partially funded by ARPA-E 0 April- Updating website as different content becomes Sepetember available, migrating website to new BERC Update Website 2011 Done infrastructure Part of TGIf Grant - the day of use printers prevent us from having to print badges for no Purchase badge printers August 2011 Done shows at BERC Event 256 Solicit Electric Vechiles for Showcase September 2011 Done Tesla Roadster and Nissan Leaf done Part of TGIF Grant - Using recycled stock - Print Book Materials October 2011 Pending remainder from resuable printers 9000 Parking for panelists has been provided, public transportation has been encouraged for all bay Parking/Public Transportation September 2011 Done area attendees

WHAT IS YOUR REMAINING BALANCE? 0 Metrics Max Symposium Attendance (people) 260/700 700 Number of tickets sold VIP/Media Professionals Attending 0 250 VIP invites went out this week Recyclable Items used Between Day of printer and recycled material (nametags, programs, plates, used for books we believe the entire TGIF grant glassware) 5000 5000 dollars will have been allocated 12 of 80- posters have been accepted. An additional 19 undergraduate posters will be Poster Session Presenters 12 80 shown Financial Impact to BERC (Self sufficient + profit for 2012 16000 70000 16000 has been realized in ticket sales. All Relevant documents uploaded for 2012 NA Done Davis, Stanford, MIT, Northwestern, Carnegie Partner School Outreach 8 8 Mellon, etc all contacted

BicyCAL is moving along steadily. We've hired three mechanics, an operations manager and are seeking applicants for a fundraising, outreach and communications intern.

BicyCAL has an outreach challenge of getting 400 new contacts and incorporating them into our e-mail list. We're also collecting detailed data about the number of people we help each day and what they needed help with. This data will serve a number of uses, some of which I'll mention below. But briefly, these numbers will help us refine our service, know what to include in our repair inventory, help focus the training of new volunteer mechanics, and have a quantifiable sense of accomplishment! Also, I'm sure TGIF would like some data.

What else are we up to? We're making progress on applying for wholesale accounts for the shop so we can provide students, faculty and staff with basic repair merchandise instead of sending them to a bike shop in Berkeley to pick up the part.

We've gained a few new committed volunteers and we're excited about that.

BicyCAL is also looking ahead, we're trying to navigate our way into the lower Sproul redevelopment (we think we've got a good shot) and we're developing a budget proposal to present to P&T in hopes that we could be included on their annual budget starting next year.

-Austin Andrews

TGIF Project Update Project Title: BYOM Date: October 20, 2011

Task Dates Status Explanation/Notes Budget What is the timeframe for Please list whether getting this this task is pending, List out the costs task done? is in progress, or Is there any additional information you want per line item Brief description of task. Between completed; if this to tell TGIF about this task? If you are (both spent Columns A & B should include certain dates project has not behind on your tasks, please provide amounts and all tasks from your grant or by the week been completed, is information about your challenges. Is there pending application timeline. of? it still on track? any way that TGIF can help you? costs/estimates) Cal Dining has agreed to partner with BYOM and assist by handling all purchasing of Partner with Cal Dining on Completed June mugs, assisting with distribution of mugs and BYOM project 2011 promotion. NA Completed August In August all committee members met and Choose mug for project Summer 2011 2011 agreed on a Klean Kanteen version mug. NA In progress. New target Date of We have been working with a student intern Choose logo for project Summer 2011 November 2011 to develop logo $1,000 - 2000 Delayed until November or Purchase mugs 8/1/2011 December 2011. Delayed due to logo delay In progress. This Hire GO! Team to conduct will be completed waste audits for campus cafes fall 2011 by the end of 2011.

WHAT IS YOUR REMAINING no money spent BALANCE? to date. Metrics None documented yet!

TGIF Project Update Project Title: Cal Habitat Restoration Student Leadership Project Date: 9/28/2011

Proposed Actual Task dates dates Status Explanation/Notes Budget Please list whether this task is What is the pending, is timeframe What are in progress, for getting the actual or this task dates or completed; List out the done? timeframe if this Is there any additional information costs per line Between s for the project has you want to tell TGIF about this task? item (both Brief description of task. certain completed not been If you are behind on your tasks, please spent amounts Columns A & B should dates or by or in- completed, provide information about your and pending include all tasks from your the week progress is it still on challenges. Is there any way that TGIF costs/estimates grant application timeline. of? tasks? track? can help you? )

Project start date-revise Opted to hire Tyler Grinberg as Lead $17,000.00 training materials (staff), Coordinator and expand paid total grant survey existing student coordinator roles to include three amount partner organizations for other students who served at the time potential intern hires and as de facto Coordinators trained summer availability. during previous SRL program (David Pon, Katherine Blair; and Courtney 5/1/2010 6/1/2010 Completed Hann at the Richmond Field Station) Hire student intern Proj. (see above; hire dates for all Coordinator (funds needed coordinators occurred 9/2010) (detailed July 1, 2010 or earlier) accounting provided in final report; receipts 8/1/2010 9/1/2010 Completed on file in EH&S) Purchase equipment and And intial purchase of tools from the install locking cabinets (next budgeted list in the SRL grant occurred to Nursery or centrally in the 12/2010; existing tools from previous Grinnell Natural Area; and CACS supported program make up the RFS, TBD) balance of needed equipment. A glove purchase is planned for 10/2011 Partially and tool box w/ installation Spring 9/18/2010 12/1/2010 completed 2012. Begin Fall 2010 student Outreach and recruitment occurred as leader outreach and part of the advertising for the SC recruitment. Restoration Program DeCal. The semester long DeCal replaced the former staff taught 2-day weekend workshop in Spring 2010 and surpasses the depth and breadth of 9/18/2010 9/18/2010 Completed the previous SRL training process. Project Coordinator to set Coordinators set the initial monthly calendar of trainings (1) and "open" events calendar and began restoration events (min. one scheduling group events each month) 9/18/2010 9/18/2010 Completed simultaneously. Collate event reports for Fall 2010 restoration season. ########## 4/1/2011 Completed See note regarding DeCal above. Advanced DeCal participants that complete the course effectively Begin Spring 2011 student become SRLs if they desire. Tyler leader outreach and Grinberg continued to fulfill Lead recruitment. 1/20/2011 1/15/2011 Completed Coordinator role. Project coordinator to set calendar of trainings (1) and restoration events (min. one each month). 1/20/2011 2/1/2011 Completed As above. Present project status at Tyler, David, Tim Pine and Karl Hans Sustainability Summit 4/20/2011 4/1/2011 Ongoing attended Summit. Poster submitted. Collate event reports for Spring 2011 restoration Not season. 5/11/2011 complete See attached report. Several donations from supporting individuals and organizations contribute approx. $500 to the SCRP via the Strawberry Creek Fund the Seek funds for program largest a donation from the UCB Hilel continuation Ongoing Ongoing organization. Depending upon the number of paid Coordinators (up to four), salaries will likely be the largest expenditure of the remianing grant money. The purchase of a tool storage box for the upper canyon area is still planned to Date funds completely est. occur some time in the next several expended 5/1/2012 12/15/2011 months.

est. Date for final report 5/1/2012 12/15/2011 $8,621.78 (remaining)

Campus Bicycle Initiative

TGIF Project Update Project Title: Campus Custodial Communications Project Date: 9/26/11

Task Dates Status Explanation/Notes Budget This project has spent $0.00 so far. The Hired new intern, intern in process of estimated training, will develop posters for buildings all tasks of project began a little late due to the costs for the shortly, will meet with custodial staff, their the project project leader's absence (graduated project for building managers and the site directors, are in in the spring) and new leader has the fall will begin planning a Christmas progress or had to find a replacement and train smester is appreciation dinner for the custodial staff pending that new intern. $5750.00

must meet with the building custodial staff profile posters 11/25/2011 In progress directors first $200 we have begun researching products that are suitable for Purchase eco-friendly products for some of custodial purposes and are working the buildings (as approved by Physical on a proposal for the usage of such Plant) 10/25/2011 pending products. $300 must arrange with custodial staff Christmas appreciation dinner for custodial tentative and select a restaurant to purchase staff 12/14- 12/19 Pending food from. $300 stipend student 1 December $1,500 stipend student 2 December $1,500 REMAINING BALANCE: Metrics $1950 How many people has your project educated or reached? N/A How much energy has been saved? N/A How much water has been saved? N/A How much waste has been diverted from the landfill? N/A How much has been recycled? N/A How much has been composted? N/A Emissions avoided? N/A Any additional metrics to show the effects of your project? N/A

The UC Berkeley Compost Alliance, in partnership with the CRRS and the Green Team of A&E, is proposing to bring composting services and waste diversion education to the A&E building for a one-year pilot in an effort to divert 92% of the building’s waste from landfills through composting and improved recycling. A&E will be one of several buildings on campus in the pilot program that will pave the path to establishing a campus-wide compost system.

The UC Berkeley Compost Alliance

The Compost Alliance (CA) is a student group founded in Fall 2010 dedicated to implementing a campus-wide compost collection system. Student coordinators and volunteers work directly with campus stakeholders to progressively implement compost systems in each building across campus as well as help educate the campus community on waste reduction topics. Housed under Campus Recycling and Refuse Services (CRRS), the CA is funded primarily by grants from the Alameda County Waste Management Authority grant, the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Sustainability (CACS) Green Fund, and The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF). One of the major impediments to implementing a compost collection system at UC Berkeley is funding – currently composting services cost the campus more than sending compostable materials to the landfill. The Compost Alliance is currently in the first phase of system rollout: “Achieving Critical Mass.” The aim of this phase is to establish compost systems in enough buildings to prove its efficacy at reducing waste and to create enough demand that more cost-effective collection will be possible, such as collection of compostable waste by in-house services. By reducing the cost, other buildings will more easily be able to participate.

Composting at A&E Lacking a compost system, A&E building occupants send an estimated 1,232.5 lbs of compostable material to landfill per academic year, according to a waste audit conducted over 4 days in September 2011. The large majority of this compostable material is paper towel waste from the bathrooms although food waste also makes up a significant portion. Together, paper towel, food, and compostable coffee cup waste comprises 26% of A&E’s waste stream. With a compost system in place, A&E can increase diversion from landfill from 57% currently to 83% (and 92% with improved recycling and reusing), helping reduce A&E’s environmental footprint and helping UC Berkeley achieve its stated goals of 75% waste diversion by 2012 and zero-waste by 2020.

The One-Year Pilot Compost Plan

The Compost Alliance, in collaboration with A&E, would like to implement a compost program at A&E, which will eventually become a part of a campus-wide compost system. The Compost Alliance will provide four ‘Slim Jim’ compost bins for each floor’s restroom and one for the top floor’s kitchenette. The custodial staff will pick up the compost every day along with the trash and take it out to the compost cart. PPCS is donating compostable bags and custodial services. The ongoing cost to A&E will be a monthly pick-up charge of $22.96. The charge could be split among the three departments housed within A&E and will amount to about $7.65 per unit/month.

Pilot Financing (1 year) Item Price per item Quantit Extension CA/CRRS/PPCS A&E y Contribution/yea Contribution/year r 5 bins $25 5 $125 $125 $0 Bags $0.50 260 $130 $130 $0 Collection $22.96/month 12 $275.52 $0 $275.52 Custodial TBD TBD TBD TBD $0 Services Signage $4/sign 10 $40 $40 $0 Education & $12/hour 25 $300 $300 $0 Outreach Total $595 $275.52

Ongoing Costs (after first pilot year) Item Price per item Quantity Extension A&E Contribution

Bags* $0.50 260 $130 $130 Collection** $22.96/month 12 $275.52 $275.52 Custodial TBD TBD TBD TBD Services Total $405.52

* - Maximum price. With bulk purchasing for the campus, actual cost will be less. May also be covered by PPCS. ** - Maximum price based on current collection model. As campus takes collection services in-house, collection services will drop by as much as 50%

TGIF Project Update Project Title: Compost Alliance Date: 9/27/2011 Task Dates Status Explanation/Notes Budget Please list What is the whether this timeframe for task is pending, getting this is in progress, task done? or completed; if Is there any additional information you want List out the costs Brief description of task. Between this project has to tell TGIF about this task? If you are per line item (both Columns A & B should include certain dates not been behind on your tasks, please provide spent amounts all tasks from your grant or by the completed, is it information about your challenges. Is there and pending application timeline. week of? still on track? any way that TGIF can help you? costs/estimates) Design Signs have been designed and are currently completed- being printed and disributed in pilot distribution in buildings and emailed and edited for use Estimated: $300 in Campus-wide signage Summer 2011 progresss across other campus buildings student hours Estimated: $1,000 Phase 1 Buildings (A&E, First stage buildings are taking longer than expended (student University, Barrows, Eshleman, August- expected due to matched-funding and hours, bins, Sproul) October 2011 In progress approval prcessess signage) October- Phase 2 Buildings (Evans, November Stanley, Mulford, Giannini) 2011 In progress Meeting with buildings in coming weeks TBD November 2011-January Phase 3 Buildings (Haas, Boalt) 2012 Future Will contact with in next month TBD Ongoing- twice Meetings of all entities on campus that semesterly compost to coordinate signage, support Berkeley Composters Meetings Ongoing meetings group N/A Remaining Balance: $33,300 Metrics will increase How many people has your estimated: with more project educated or reached? 200-250 buildings How much energy has been saved? N/A How much water has been saved? N/A will increase substantially as other buildings come online (this is from just How much waste has been estimated: 1 month of diverted from the landfill? 1,564 lbs University Hall) will have a value as recycling education is paired with composting How much has been recycled? N/A education again, will How much has been estimated: increase composted? 1,564 lbs substantially estimated: again, will 114 kgs CO2E increase Emissions avoided? diverted substantially Any additional metrics to show the effects of your project?

TGIF Project Update Project Title: "End the Cycle" - Sustainable Laundry Campaign Date: 9/27/2011

Task Dates Status Explanation/Notes Budget Please list whether this task is pending, is in progress, or What is the completed; if List out the costs timeframe for this project Is there any additional information you per line item Brief description of task. getting this task has not been want to tell TGIF about this task? If you (both spent Columns A & B should include done? Between completed, is are behind on your tasks, please provide amounts and all tasks from your grant certain dates or it still on information about your challenges. Is pending application timeline. by the week of? track? there any way that TGIF can help you? costs/estimates)

Got approval for 2x6" static cling stickers placed on "dashboard" of machines, directly underneath cycle options. Approval for size and (Originally had planned for 4x5" sticker). placement of static cling 6/1/2010 and Got approval for new 4x7" stickers to be sticker 12/2011 Completed placed on the top of the new machines. N/A Design statick cling sticker After many drafts, we have settled on the and laundry room "Laudry graphic design of both the sticker and the Tips" poster July - Aug 2010 Completed laundry poster. N/A We were notified November that all the washing machines and dryers in all residential halls and family housing units are being replaced with different models, which means we have to change our static cling sticker design to match the new "control panel." We have an "almost-final" draft of our December- sticker, still editing colors and including February Pending updated calculations on sticker. N/A Receive final approval from RSSP for sticker and poster Waiting to hear back from RSSP (Carol design 9/1/2010 In Progress Tady, Marty Takimoto, Jeff Urdahl, etc.) N/A We will have to resubmit our new design 2/25/2011 Pending after it's done, to RSSP for approval. N/A Participated in "Greeks Go Green" event in early November in partnership with Green Campus and CalPIRG. Printed 18 Laundry Tips posters (18x24") and put up Look into expanding Laundry in 18 sorority and fraternity houses. In Project to Sororities and process of going to remaining houses to Fraternities Sept. 2010 In Progress put up posters. $246.98 Created pre-laundry survey online for Greek chapters to send to residents so we can collect pre-project implementation data about machine usage and settings, and are offering prizes as incentives for people to complete the survey. Sent surveys to all Greek house sustainability chairs to send to their residents - got 210 completed surveys! Chose 8 random raffle prize winners to Estimated $60 for receive a stainless steel water bottle / t- prizes, to include shirt, and the sustainability chair who got local restaurant the most residents to complete the survey gift cards and Nov. and Dec. (Gamma Phi Beta, 33 responses) will get a stainless steel 2010 In Progress $20 gift card. water bottles.

Contacted Vaska, sustainable laundry company in Berkeley, who were very supportive of our project and will be donating 600 samples of their detergent and 2 larger gift baskets to raffle off Solicit laundry giveaways or Picked up large boxes of samples, samples for tabling and 9/13/2010 and currently stored in Morwenna and outreach 2/28/2011 Completed Felicia's closet until tabling. N/A (Donations) Have contacted a company, will be getting a more accurate price quote once designs are finalized. Static-cling stickers are printed and delivered. Originally printed backwards but got free replacement order because of Order static cling stickers 5/1/2011 Completed their mistake. $479.59 To get a more accurate baseline of Pre- implementation habits of the new study population (dorm residents 2011-12), we will be redoing the pre-surveys in the dining commons in conjunction with $30.00 for black- Blackout Battles tabling in early October. and-white We will send out our online version of the printing of survey Collect pre-implementation survey to Je Nell from family housing to sheets (quarter- data (again) Early October Pending distribute to Albany Village etc. sheets) Some completed in November for Greeks, Res Hall We will be getting quotes from various Print 18x24" Laundry posters posters will print copy shops to find cheapest. Likely Vick's Very Rough for each laundry room in October Pending Copy on northside for $12.50 each. Estimate: $1,100 Will see if RSSP will allow us to put these up ourselves (and possibly with help from Residential Sustainability Program Put up posters and static cling members), or else will give materials to stickers Mid-October Pending them to put up. N/A $75 for additional tabling materials May table in conjunction with Blackout and raffle prizes, Battles, and give away free samples, laundry-related possibly collect pledges and raffle off giveaways plus Tabling at Dining Commons Mid-October Pending some prizes donated items Will conduct post-survey of residents $70 for tabling through same method we collected pre- giveaways or surveys - table in the dining commons to raffles to get responses from residents. Alternative encourage Collect post-survey of outreach to Family Housing and residents to fill residents February Pending sororities / fraternitites? out post-survey. Calculate energy savings March Pending Based on pre- and post-surveys $50 for tabling giveaways or Publicize savings and results, other outreach continue outreach March, April Pending events.

TGIF Project Update Project Title: Fight the Flow Date:

Task Dates Status Explanation/Notes Budget Please list whether this task is pending, What is the is in progress, or timeframe for completed; if Is there any additional information you want to Brief description of task. getting this task this project has tell TGIF about this task? If you are behind on List out the costs per Columns A & B should include all done? Between not been your tasks, please provide information about line item (both spent tasks from your grant certain dates or completed, is it your challenges. Is there any way that TGIF can amounts and pending application timeline. by the week of? still on track? help you? costs/estimates)

We still need to receive the valves to Completed complete the “how to” section of the Design of Posters Aug-Sep 11 (unprinted) poster, as well as put on the TGIF logo. ~$400

We’ve had some delays because the manufacturer hasn’t had enough in stock to fulfill our order and the Office of Sustainability is wanting more detailed permission information before placing the order; we’re arranging this through Facilities (there was some restructuring of RSSP over $2500 construction the last year). ALSO, the price of the valves plans review Order valves Aug-Sep 11 In progress has increased by $1. (pending)

With funds from playGREEN we ordered Under $500 (Non- Order Giveaways Sept 2011 Completed some giveaways for our tabling events. TGIF)

Once the valves are cleared and ordered, facilities staff members will carry out the Construction ASAP Pending construction. n/a WHAT IS YOUR REMAINING BALANCE? Still the original value; we have not used any TGIF funds to date. TGIF Project Update Project Title: Greening Kroeber Date: Sep 27th

Task Dates Status Explanation/Notes Budget What is the timeframe Please list whether for getting this task is List out the this task pending, is in Is there any additional information you costs per line done? progress, or want to tell TGIF about this task? If item (both Brief description of task. Columns Between completed; if this you are behind on your tasks, please spent amounts A & B should include all tasks certain dates project has not provide information about your and pending from your grant application or by the been completed, is challenges. Is there any way that TGIF costs/estimates timeline. week of? it still on track? can help you? )

Postcards for Campus Sustainability Theme Aug-Sep Completed Postcards printed by Bacchus Press $81.56 Posters for Campus Sustainability Theme Aug-Sep Completed Printed by UC Printing $36 Created Campus Sustainability Theme board Aug-Sep Completed Posted and received permission 0 I'm not sure how to pay the intern Intern Design Work Aug-Sep In Progress work hours. TBD Postcards for Energy Theme Oct In Progress To be sent to Bacchus - Posters for Energy Theme Oct In progress Contacting all art professors andfacilities services staff to get WHAT IS YOUR REMAINING their approvals Sep In Progress BALANCE? 4882.44 TGIF Project Update Project Title: Retrofitting the RSF into a Human Powered Gym Date: 10/03/2011

Task Dates Status Explanation/Notes Budget Please list whether this task is pending, What is the is in progress, or Is there any additional information timeframe for completed; if you want to tell TGIF about this Brief description of task. getting this task this project has task? If you are behind on your List out the costs per Columns A & B should include done? Between not been tasks, please provide information line item (both spent all tasks from your grant certain dates or completed, is it about your challenges. Is there any amounts and pending application timeline. by the week of? still on track? way that TGIF can help you? costs/estimates) Project begins July 15, 2009 Completed Feasibility study on installaing a human power generation system at the RSF June-July 2009 Completed Conduct cost-benefit analysis and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of porposed human July 13, 2009 - power generation system August 3, 2009 Completed Obtain stationary recumbent bicycle to begin prototyping educational kiosk (pedal $ 0 - In-Kind donation powered laptop) August 26, 2009 Completed from the RSF Prepare user survey to determine social reaction to September 2 -16, installation 2009 Completed Send out user survey to September 19, members of the RSF 2009 Completed Collect and analyze data from September 20 - user survey October 30, 2009 Completed Obtain webspace, design and publish project website (to increase publicity) - November 1-27, 2009 Completed Prototype simple energy harnessing system using a February 3-24, conventional bicycle 2010 Completed Present project at the RSF's PLAYgreen festival to increase publicity and recruit more team members February 26, 2010 Completed Present project paper at Team mates Maha Haji and Kimberly ASME 2010 4th International Lau presented a paper regarding Conference on Energy harnessing human power in fitness Sustainbility May 17-22, 2010 Completed facilities One of our team members, Maha Haji, was conducting an internship with Oregon State University over the summer and got a chance to look at the human power generation installation in their Dixon Recreational Facility. We noted that not only did the installation not harness energy efficiently, it also was not well publicized and therefore was not accomplishing the primary goal of educating users Investigating similar human about their daily energy powered gym set-up at consumption and and the potential Oregon State University July 1, 2010 Completed of human power generation. Our team is now comprised of nearly 20 undergraduates from a variety of majors. They have broken Assemble larger team to up into sub-teams to complete the prototype energy harnessing various project tasks are plan to system on elliptical machine September 20- meet over winter break to and education kiosk October 15, 2010 Completed accomplish some items. Team members Maha Haji and Kimberly Lau will be attending the AASHE 2010 Conference in Denver, CO to present the current work of Presentation at Association the team as well as make for the Advancement of connections at other university Sustainability in Higher campuses regarding energy Education (AASHE) 2010 October 10-12, sustainability and educating users on $200 for registration Conference 2010 Completed their daily energy consumption. and airfare Unfortunately, the RSF has not had to retire any elliptical machines over the past year or two therefore they have none to donate to our project. We have begun looking at spare Obtain elliptical trainer to elliptical machines we have found begin prototyping mass on campus and possibly purchasing $ 0 - In-Kind donation human harnessing system January 1, 2011 Pending a used machine. from the RSF Convert staiotnary recumbent Protoype educational kiosk bicycle into a pedal powered laptop $710 (budget detail (pedal powered laptop) January 1, 2011 Pending station submitted previously) Prototype human power Convert elliptical machine into harnessing system Spring - Fall 2011 Pending energy harnessing system approximately $1000 Test prototyped energy harnessing system and try to improve energy efficiency Fall 2011 Pending Prepare to retrofit 14 elliptical machines at the RSF with approximately protoyped technology Fall 2011 Pending $14000 Work on energy education Fall 2011 Pending We have recruited a new student to campaign for the RSF and the head the energy education human power gym installation campaign of this portion of the project, however we are eager to recruit more to have an interdisciplinary team working on this project. Retrofit 14 elliptical machines, install educational osk (pedal powered laptop) at the RSF, and install other energy approximately education materials (posters, $14000 (budget detail energy consumption of each submitted previously, machine, interactive "Daily including labor and Energy Generated" display) Spring 2012 Pending educational publicity) Collect energy generation Spring-Summer data 2012 Pending Project completion date Summer 2012 Pending

NOTE: We were unable to complete much work on ths project over the summer as previously planned due to previous committements from most of our teammates and others graduating. We have since recruited over 10 new students to the project on 3 teams to tackle finish the project. Our team seems extremely motivated and knowledgable so we are very enthusiastic about the progress we will make this semester. :)

TGIF Project Update Project Title: Installation of Water Bottle Refill Stations Date:

Task Dates Status Explanation/Notes Budget What is the Please list timeframe for whether this task List out the getting this is pending, is in costs per line task done? progress, or Is there any additional information you want item (both Brief description of task. Between completed; if this to tell TGIF about this task? If you are behind spent amounts Columns A & B should certain dates project has not on your tasks, please provide information and pending include all tasks from your or by the been completed, about your challenges. Is there any way that costs/estimates grant application timeline. week of? is it still on track? TGIF can help you? ) Installation of 4 refill stations: Evans Hall, Stanley The installation of the 4 refill stations went Hall, Boalt, University Hall 12 weeks Completed smoothly and came in on budget. 17, 314.68 Next steps: explore the The initial step is to determine the specs on bottle filler retrofits 8 weeks in progress the types of fountains and costs. Inventory of water fountains being completed as a class project in preparation for identifying locations of water fountains that can be retrofitted with bottle filler, or replaced with a refill station. We think Barrows or VLSB would be potential Add another refill station 6 weeks in progress locations for a refill station. WHAT IS YOUR REMAINING BALANCE? 9,685.32 Metrics

The I Heart Tap Water website has the google Survey in map of locations of the refill stations. The NST progress. Will 166 class is surveying about 800 students and How many people has your have data at the the survey includes questions about tap project educated or end of the water, use of refillable containers, knowledge reached? semester. of the refill stations, use of the refill stations. How much energy has been saved? How much water has been saved?

How much waste has been The refill stations are saving thousands of diverted from the landfill? single use, plastic bottles from the landfill.

Budget Reallocation Form

This form is for grantees who want to make significant changes to the allocation of their TGIF grants. Budget reallocations must be approved by the TGIF grant-making committee.

Completed forms should be sent to Katherine Walsh at [email protected].

Project Name: Installation of Water Bottle Refill Stations Submitted By: Trish Ratto Due Date: Oct, 2011

Original Budget Allocation Item Budget Line Amount Already Spent Cost of the 4 Bottle Refill Stations, plus installation 22,000 18, 312 An additional installation of refill stations, bottle filler retrofits 5,000 7,836 on fountains, permanent sign holders and/or contingency fund for unforeseen problems

Total 27,000 26, 148

Proposed Budget Reallocation Item Amount Per original proposal, an additional installation of a 5th refill station in Barrows Hall, Est another high traffic classroom building. $3, 336 Per original proposal, bottle filler retrofits on several different styles of water fountains Est 2,500 New request, buy a supply of filters for replacement in the Elkay model refill Est stations. Brian Joseph of L&S Facilities will have his team install the filters at no $2000 cost and they will store the filters. This amount is for a 24-pack.

Total 7,836

Please describe the purpose of this budget reallocation.

Our proposal was if the installation of the 4 refill stations did not use all of the budget, then we would consider installation of a 5th refill station and explore a whole new option of retrofitting certain water fountains with bottle fillers. This is an alternative for some buildings that don’t meet the Design Guidelines criteria.

We believe we can do both with the remaining funds in the budget (app $8,685).

We also had not planned for the issue of filter replacement but after discussions with L&S Facilities team that has been installing the refill stations, they prefer we keep the filters in the refill stations and have committed to replacing them at no charge for their labor. They would like a supply to have on hand. We have estimated a 24-pack should last for about two years.

How does this reallocation continue to meet the goals of your project? How will it change the sustainability impact?

This is all within the original proposal.

Budget Reallocation Form

This form is for grantees who want to make significant changes to the allocation of their TGIF grants. Budget reallocations must be approved by the TGIF grant-making committee.

Completed forms should be sent to Katherine Walsh at [email protected].

Project Name: I Heart Tap Water campaign Submitted By: Kim LaPean Due Date: 9/1/11

Original Budget Allocation Item Budget Line Amount Already Spent Publicity and Communication $1500 $1880.27 Personnel and Wages $3000 $2483.24

Total $136.49

Proposed Budget Reallocation Item Amount Continuation of I Heart Tap Water intern $2000.00

Total $2000.00

Please describe the purpose of this budget reallocation. The I Heart Tap Water campaign has proven to be an effective and popular campaign that garners support from students, staff, departments and student organizations. We proposed continuing the support for a dedicated student intern to manage the many working parts of this campaign for 2011-12.

How does this reallocation continue to meet the goals of your project? How will it change the sustainability impact? Having a dedicated student intern to partner directly with students and departments, and maintain visibility at multiple campus events made a significant difference in the visibility and continued success of our campaign. Currently University Health Services manages the campaign, and while staff are dedicated to keeping the campaign strong, we found that having a passionate student focused on publicizing the campaign and working with campus partners increased the impact and success of the campaign. Every year since the campaign was launched, the campus has seen a reduction of bottled water sales, and we continue to get more visibility and interest in our efforts. The continuation of the student intern position will ensure that we build on past successes. With the current initiatives to end the sale of bottled water, it will be even more important to have someone managing the campaign and keeping the campus focused on why it’s important to increase access to tap water, and work towards reducing plastic bottles of all types at Cal.

TGIF Project Update Project Title: UC BERKELEY LOW WATER IRRIGATION Date: SEPTEMBER 27, 2011

Task Dates Status Explanation/Notes Budget Please list whether this What is the task is timeframe pending, is in for getting progress, or this task completed; if done? this project Is there any additional information you List out the costs Brief description of task. Between has not been want to tell TGIF about this task? If you per line item (both Columns A & B should certain dates completed, is are behind on your tasks, please provide spent amounts include all tasks from your or by the it still on information about your challenges. Is and pending grant application timeline. week of? track? there any way that TGIF can help you? costs/estimates)

Unable to order until funds are transferred FUNDING OF PROJECT July-11 Completed into account $38,072 ORDERING OF Field controlllers are built to our HYDROMETERS, WEATHER specifications for each location for field STATION, AND FIELD operations & connectivity to the central CONTROLLERS July-11 Completed irrigation command center $28,984 Because this project is designated as a high priority for PP-CS, additional support in the tune of 280.5 hours were provided by other departments of PP-CS ($28330.77). INSTALLATION OF Grounds Services has spent 78 hours $4928(SPENT) / HYDROMETERS July - Aug 11 Completed ($5304.10) and $898 in materials to date. $4988(ESTIMATE) Delayed; delay with imported components INSTALLATION OF WEATHER from Europe; components needed for STATION July - Aug 11 Pending assembly of field units $6,873 Delayed; delay with imported components INSTALLATION OF FIELD from Europe (components needed for CONTROLLERS July - Aug 11 Pending assembly of field units) $18,140 PLACE ORDER FROM CNS FOR ETHERNET Delayed; delay with imported components CONNECTION & IP ADDRESS, from Europe (components needed for VENDOR SUPPORT July - Aug 11 Pending assembly of field units) $1,375 TESTING OF ALL Delayed; delay with imported components EQUIPMENT, SOFTWARE from Europe (components needed for ADJUSTMENTS, ETC. July - Aug 11 Pending assembly of field units) September- HIRING OF STUDENT INTERN 11 Pending Pushed back to October 2011 $6,144 WHAT IS YOUR REMAINING BALANCE? $33,144 Metrics How much water has been Alarms from the hydrometers have saved? TBD triggered repairs How much waste has been diverted from the landfill? How much has been recycled? How much has been composted? Emissions avoided? Any additional metrics to show the effects of your project? TGIF Project Update Project Title: Recycling at Cal Date:

Task Dates Status Explanation/Notes Budget Earth week preparation (outreach materials, survey) and tabling completed completed submitted previously $0 Meet to discuss bin We made some changes to the prototype that design came in and are waiting for a second prototype to arrive. We currently debating the final colors of the bin labels but have decided on the font (Gil Sans) and size (7/8' high. We are currently debating the label wording (Waste vs. Garbage vs Landfill). The bin design was approved by the Facilities Service Committee and this committee recomended that it become the campus standard. This would mean any new building built on campus would have to use this bin design (but could vary the matierials) and it will be place in the campus master landscape plan. The new prototype (part II) should arrive in the next few weeks. I could send you the most recent construction drawings of the updated June-Dec in progress prototype if you want. $0 Order bin prototypes We have a second round of protype on order (or it will be ordered this week, Theron is in Spring 2011 in progress charge of that). Get bids from companies We will get bids of the final design after we assess the full-scale prototypes. Theron from Spring 2011 pending facilities will coordinate the bidding process. Order bins and make Order placed payment Fall 2011 pending Bins are on order! 53,777.66 Receive bins Should arrive by Jan 1st we are hoping this will happen sometime in 2012 pending spring 2012. $0 Install bins dependent on when they we are hoping this will happen sometime in arrive pending spring 2012. $0 Prepare survey and outreach to evaluate dependent on when they we are hoping this will happen sometime in impact of new bins arrive pending spring 2012. $0

Collect waste diversion we are hoping this will happen sometime in data Spring 2012 pending spring 2012. $0 Prepare final project dependent on report to TGIF when they we are hoping this will happen sometime in arrive pending spring 2012. $0 WHAT IS YOUR REMAINING BALANCE? 722

Recycling at Cal Meeting October 28, 2011 10am Katherine Walsh, Theron Klos, Michal Shulman

Bin approved by Facilities Services Committee  Ergonomically friendly  TGIF funding providing half the order; grant from Worker’s Compensation Fund providing the other half  Landfill, bottle & can, paper; potential for composting  Over 200 bins in the initial order  Waiting for a correction on the blue color

Ask Jim Horner  About plaques saying “Funded by The Green Initiative Fund” for the doors of the grant bins o Have plaques ready by January 15th  Laminated signage for the tops of the recycling bins  If the bins is now the new permanent standard for all future outdoor bins and new construction- is it in the Campus Master Landscape Plan

Manufacturer will have 30 extra on-hand for replacements; we have the design standards so bins could be made by other manufacturing companies in the future

After placement of the bins, we will create a map/list of locations and put out press releases in the Daily Cal, TGIF newsletter, Berkeleyan/Berkeley News Center, and Bright Green News

Roughly $700-800 remaining in the budget  Use money for hiring Greening Operations Team to conduct pre and post-implementation waste audits  Use money for signage and educational purposes

TGIF Project Update Project Title: Strawberry Creek Native Plant Nursery Date: 9/28/2011

Proposed Actual Task dates dates Status Explanation/Notes Budget Please list whether What is this task is the pending, is timeframe What are in progress, for getting the actual or this task dates or completed; List out the done? timeframe if this Is there any additional information costs per line Between s for the project has you want to tell TGIF about this task? item (both Brief description of task. certain completed not been If you are behind on your tasks, spent amounts Columns A & B should include dates or or in- completed, please provide information about and pending all tasks from your grant by the progress is it still on your challenges. Is there any way costs/estimates application timeline. week of? tasks? track? that TGIF can help you? )

$12,865 total Project start date 4/1/2008 4/25/2008 Completed Our first group meeting after award. grant amount (detailed accounting provided in final Advertised using list serve and emails report; receipts Advertise a work study position 4/11/2008 5/1/2008 Completed to CNR/IB advisers. on file in EH&S) This student was initially Emily Hire work study student 4/21/2008 6/30/2008 Completed McGuire. Date to receive first installment Received first installment around the of funds 5/1/2008 5/1/2008? Completed end of May? Needed multiple approvals and reviews by Jim Horner, Landscape Arch., Joel Wishnoff, Head Const. Design plans for Nursery and Insp., and Brian Joseph, MCB Shop Garden 5/1/2008 11/1/2008 Completed Supt. (const. supervisor) Commencing in April of 2009 with site survey work and nearly completed as Purchase equipment and of Nov. 2010 purchasing occurred on materials for construction 5/8/2008 4/1/2009 Completed an as needed basis. Construction is 95 percent complete as of 9/28/2011. One final scope 4/1/2009- relating to irrigation remains (to Construction of Nursery 5/20/2008 11/1/2010 Completed contracted to Campus personnel). Work on the demonstration garden Establishment of Garden was severely delayed by exterior (creation of paths and beds) 5/20/2008 2/1/2011 Completed repair work to Giannini Hall. Full planting of native species will occur this coming rainy season Garden planting 5/20/2008 4/1/2011 Ongoing (Winter 2011-2012) Not Considering purchase of labeler or Labeling botanical specimens 9/30/2008 complete contracting with Bot. Garden Indicator measurement Ongoing Ongoing Date funds completely est. expended 4/1/2009 12/15/2011 est. Date for final report 4/1/2009 12/15/2011 $3326.31 (remaining) Metrics

SCNPN Metrics- May through September 2011 Summary of activities: This summer was the first “official” summer season of operation of the Nursery and Garden as the grand opening occurred on May 4th, 2011. The event was well attended (approx. 50 guests including the Dean of CNR and the Director of Friends of Five Creeks, Susan Schwartz) and rather well covered by Campus media (the Berkeleyan) and the Berkeley Daily Planet. Preparations for the opening included a flurry of activity to ready the nursery and grounds for the big day including the delivery and spreading of mulch over the surrounding bare ground and the installation of the official sign. Many positive comments were received from visitors. Propagation activities were minimal this summer due to David Pon’s (Student Coordinator) decision to take an employment opportunity with San Francisco Parks for the bulk of the summer break. UCB staff member Tim Pine visited the site approximately weekly to attend to hand watering and garden maintenance. The SCNPN hosted Kids for the Bay Summer Camp this year after several years of working primarily on ivy removal with the kids (aged 5 to 9). The campers planted cow parsnip seeds in containers and learned about native plant propagation. Germination success is about 25 percent due to possibly old seed stock and squirrel predation. The organization will be back in the winter to plant out the seedling they started. A photo of Tim Pine working with a group of campers and a counselor in the Nursery is below. Recently installed is a timer controlled overhead mist emitter system that operates twice a day to ensure moisture for the seeds and seedlings. System is functioning well.

Nursery Log (Tyler Grinberg replaces David Pon as this semester’s Nursery Coordinator) 8/31/11 09:10-11:00 Tyler Weeded in nursery. Watered. Seeded 2 flats with oat grass. Seeded 2 flats with brome grass. Seeded 56 pots with Douglas Fir.

9/2/11 9:00-11:15 Tyler Weeded in nursery. Watered. Seeded 2 flats with blue wildrye (Elymus glaucus) Talked to Patrick (potential SCRP team member) Mapped out new proposed layout of nursery.

9/5/11 3:45-4:15 Tyler Watered. Talked to potential nursery coordinator.

9/7/11 9:00-11:00 Tyler Walked around creek with Patrick. Sorted seeds. Seeded 27 pots with Heracleum maximum

Current inventory: Heracleum 37 in pots Scroffularia 44 in pots Redwood sorrel 4 potted Baccharis 29 pots Quercus 1 pot Umbellularia 1 pot Chlorogallum 1 flat, 4 pots Various grasses, flats and pots, ~100 TGIF Project Update Project Title: Sustainability Map Date: Sept. 27, 2011

Task Dates Status Explanation/Notes Budget Gain Access to Wurster Somewhat delayed due to the complications Computer Labs: the software of needing Capital Projects yo pay for only runs on PCs, and I (Brendan Sept. 10- In computer access; should be completed in Cronshaw) have a Mac. Oct. 1, '11 Progress next week or 2 $33 Al Vera and I (Brendan Cronshaw) made major progress over the summer getting the Get map on the server and Complete map online; got it online months ahead of online July '11 d schedule $44

Sept.-Dec. In This portion will begin as soon as I gain Edit and add new features '11 progress access to the computer labs and software $165 Work with BS@C, TGIF, and others to Market and promote the map Oct.-Dec '11 Planned promote and market the map to students $220 It is currently on the server but not linked to Integrate the map into the the website; Al and I will be working on this Facilities Services website Oct.-Dec '11 Planned over the course of the semester $110

Metrics How many people has your project educated or reached? N/A $2,919.35 (represents current funds) How much energy has been saved? N/A Other notes: we have revised the budget-- this has reduced the number of hours we plan to work with Vestra, the GIS consultant, and we also do not plan to do a mobile app How much water has been as the cost for that project far exceeds our saved? N/A current budget.

TGIF 2011-2012 Project Update for July & August 2011 Submission Date: September 28, Project Title: Next Generation 2011 (Talking Louder About Sustainbility); Submitted By: Kira Stoll Expenditures (July- Expediture Total Task Dates Status Explanation/Notes Budget Aug.2011) s to Date Remaining Is there any additional information you want to tell TGIF List about this task? If Brief description whether you are behind on List out the of task. Columns What is this task is your tasks, please costs per line A & B should the pending, provide item (both include all tasks timeframe is in information about spent amounts from your grant for getting progress, your challenges. Is and pending application this task or there any way that costs/estimates timeline. done? completed TGIF can help you? )

Recruited and Next Generation: hired three new Student communcation $6,000 Communications July '11 - In associates for the personnel costs $ Associates June '13 Progress Next Generation. and wages $ 372 $ 372 5,628 The Next Generation team started work in late August. They attended a three- hour training and submitted articles for the August Execute the July '11 - In issue of Bright $500 for $ Campaign June '13 Progress Green News. supplies $ 16 $ 16 484

$ Total $ 6,500 $ 388 $ 388 6,112

TGIF 2009-2010 Project Update for May - August

2011 Date: September Project Title: Teaching, Learning & 28, 2011 Change (Office of Sustainability); Submitted By: Kira Stoll

Expenditures (May-August Expenditure Total Task Dates Status Explanation/Notes Budget 2011) s to Date Remaining List Brief whether Is there any additional description of this task information you want task. Columns is to tell TGIF about this List out the A & B should What is pending, task? If you are behind costs per line include all the is in on your tasks, please item (both tasks from timeframe progress, provide information spent amounts your grant for getting or about your challenges. and pending application this task complete Is there any way that costs/estimates timeline. done? d TGIF can help you? )

$14,250 personnel costs and wages. We have re- allocated funds for professional services for the multi-media project to student The Office currently has salaries; Hire & Employ six student interns students have Student July 2010- In working on various been able to $ Interns May 2012 Progress aspects of this project. fulfill this role. $ 3,485 $ 9,530 4,720 UC Bee Sustainable to date has had 448 views (up from 343 in April) and continues to be promoted. The transportation alternative video has been completed and will be posted and marketed this fall. The final project - a sustainable fashion blog Multi-Media September and photo display is in project 2010 - post-production and $500 for materials and December In will be completed and services and $ services 2011 Progress marketed this fall. supplies $ 25 $ 280 220 Kaya Allan Sugarman has started researching options for the training curriculum and the job shadowing programs. In Staff Training March September the training project 2011 - marketing will begin; $1,400 for materials and January In training will start in services and $ services 2012 Progress November 2011. supplies $ - $ - 1,400 Office September In Taylor Zhou provided Internships 2010 - Progress analysis for campus May 2012 energy savings on printing equipment for an OE initiative and continued a building GHG assessment as part of the CalCAP program; Joanna Young continued to produce the Bright Green News and coordinated the recruitment process for the Next Generation of communications associates. Kaya Allan Sugerman researched and completed the 2011 Sustainability Report, serving as its primary author. Insurance and benefit/retirement July 2010- expenses associated $500 for 2 years $ Miscellaneous June 2012 with employees. of expenses $ 248 $ 248 252 $ Total $ 16,650 $ 3,758 $ 10,058 6,592

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