Poultry Career Development Event s1

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Poultry Career Development Event s1

Poultry Career Development Event The poultry contest will consist of the following parts: Class 1. Market broilers 50 Class 2. Egg-type hens 50 Class 4. Ten chicken and/or turkey carcasses and/or parts for quality grading 50 Class 5. Four ready-to-cook carcasses for placing 50 Class 6. Oral reasons 50 Class 7. Ten white or white-tint shell eggs for interior quality grading 50 Class 8. Fifteen shell eggs for exterior quality grading 50 Class 9. Evaluative criteria for Class 8 50 Class 10. Boneless further-processed poultry meat products 50 Class 11. Bone-in further processed poultry meat products 50 Class 12. Ten chicken carcass parts for identification 50 Class 13. Written examination 150

Event Descriptions: 1. Humane treatment of Live Animals: All live animals must be treated with the utmost care and respect. Violation of this rule will automatically disqualify an offending team member from the event. The supervision, interpretation, and enforcement of this rule will be the responsibility of the Event Superintendent and/or designee.

2. Each team will receive computer scan sheets during the Poultry Career Development Event orientation meeting.

3. The written examination will be administered and appropriate amount of time as determined by the event officials will be provided to participants.

4. Each participant will have ten minutes per class to complete Class 1 through Class 12. A timekeeper will signal when time expires for each class. The participants will have one minute to move from class to class.

5. A reliable technique will be used to identify the poultry and poultry products within the placing, selection, grading, and identification classes. Each class will be identified by number and name.

6. Each participant will place a class of four market broilers. The participant will be permitted to “handle” the birds, as long as the birds are inspected in a professional and humane manner. Participants may not remove the broilers from the holding unit.

7. Each participant will place a class of four egg-type hens. Birds will be Single-Comb White Leghorns or commercial strains of Leghorn-type (inbred cross). Birds may have trimmed beaks. The participant will be permitted to “handle” the birds as long as the birds are inspected in a professional and humane manner.

8. Each participant will grade a class of ten ready-to-cook chicken and/or turkey carcasses and/or parts. Criteria for grading will be derived from USDA standards for chicken

1 carcasses weighing two pounds to six pounds and for turkey carcasses weighing six pounds to sixteen pounds or carcasses weighing greater than sixteen pounds. Four categories may be used, including the USDA quality grades A, B, C and the category NG (nongradeable). Participants may not touch any carcass or part; doing so will result in disqualification. If used, the shackle holding a carcass may be rotated to show the entire carcass.

9. Each participant will place a class of four ready-to-cook chicken or turkey carcasses. Criteria will be derived from USDA standards relative to poultry weight classes. Participants may not touch any carcass; doing so will result in disqualification. If used, the shackle holding a carcass may be rotated to show the entire carcass.

10. Each participant will present oral reasons for either the placing class of market broilers, egg-type hens, or ready-to-cook chicken or turkey carcasses. The class for which participants should develop oral reasons for presentation will be clearly identified during the event. Participants will have ten minuets to prepare and two minutes to present their oral reasons. Reasons should include current USDA and poultry industry terminology and standards.

11. Each participant will grade a class of ten white (or white-tint) shell eggs. Criteria for grading will be derived from USDA standards for interior quality of market eggs. Four categories may be used, including the USDA quality grades AA, A, B, and Loss. Participants must candle the eggs to determine the appropriate USDA quality grade, but improper handling of eggs will result in disqualification.

12. Each participant will grade a class of fifteen shell eggs. Shell color may be the same or vary among the eggs. Criteria for grading eggs will be from USDA standards for exterior quality of market eggs. Three categories may be used, including the USDA quality grades AA/A, B, and NG (nongradeable). Criteria for grading may include decisions related to the following quality factors: egg shell soundness (unbroken, checked, dented check, leaker); stains (slight/moderate stain or prominent stain); adhering dirt or foreign material; egg shape (approximate normal shape, unusual, or decidedly misshapen); shell texture (large calcium deposits, body check or pronounced ridges); shell thickness (pronounced thin spots); no defect.

13. Each participant will determine written factors for grading the class of the exterior chicken eggs. The written factors will relate to the criteria used for grading exterior quality of eggs.

14. Each participant will determine evaluative criteria for a class of ten further-processed poultry meat products (e.g. precooked, coated chicken meat patties, tenders, nuggets, and wings). Evaluative criteria will include coating coverage, coating color, shape and size, completeness, and foreign material. The participant may not touch any product; doing so will result in disqualification.

2 15. Each participant will identify ten chicken carcass parts. Poultry parts to be identified will be randomly selected and consistent with those used in the chicken processing and merchandising industries. The participant may not touch any part; doing so will result in disqualification.

16. Each participant will complete a thirty-item written examination on poultry production, management, anatomy/physiology, and embryology. Five or more items will require mathematical calculations. Examination items will be developed from information in the following references (see below).

17. If ties occur among total scores for teams or participants, the written examination and then the evaluation of live birds will be used to determine the ranking of award recipients.

Reference materials:  Poultry Science Manual for National FFA Contests, 6th edition, IMS Catalog #0418-6 o Specific chapters to be covered each year are the following:  Poultry Grading Manual – Agriculture Handbook Number 31 (USDA edition) – IMS

Catalog #0414  Egg Grading Manual – Agriculture Handbook Number 75 (USDA edition) – IMS Catalog #0417  Evaluation of Further-Processed Poultry Meat Products (color photographs & script on CD) (IMS Catalog #9333NC)


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