List of Secretary/ Principal Secretary (Agriculture) of States/Uts
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List of Secretary/ Principal Secretary (Agriculture) of States/UTs:
S. Name of the Contact No.& State Email & Mob. No. Address No. officer Fax 1 Andhra Shri B. Rajshekar 0863-23450356 brajsekhar@gmail. Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Principal Secy com Pradesh (Agri.) 0863-23450357 J-Block, 0965225255 A.P.Secretariat, 07032709403 Hyderabad (A.P)- 500022 2 Arunachal Shri Azimul Haque 0360-2213136 azimulhaque@hot Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh Secretary Pradesh Itanagar (Agriculture) 09436040022 3 Assam Smt. Juri Phukan 0361-2237277 agriculturedepartm Government of Assam Secretary(Agricult Telefax [email protected] Assam Sachivalaya, ure) om Dispur, Guwahati- 09854080000 781006 4 Bihar Shri Sudhir Kumar 0612-2215373 [email protected] Government of Bihar Pr.Secretary New Secretariat, Vikas (Agriculture) 0612-2217365 09473191440 Bhavan Patna-800015 5 Chhattisgarh Shri Ajay Singh 0771-2510962 [email protected] Govt. of Chhattisgarh Addl. Chief 0771-2510103 09630030405 Mahanadhi Bhavan, Secretary Mantralaya, (Agriculture) Naya Raipur, Chhattisgarh 6 Gujarat Shri Sanjay Prasad 079-23250803 [email protected] Government of Gujarat Principal Secretary New Sachivalaya (Agri) 079-23252365 09978406348 Complex, Block No.5/1, 1st Floor, Gandhi Nagar-382010 7 Goa Shri B.R.Singh 0832-2419423 secycs- Government of Goa Secretary 0832-2419649 [email protected] Secretariat, Porvorium- (Agriculture) 09075088399 403521 8 Haryana Dr. Abhilaksh 0172-2740669 acsagriharyana@g Room NO.202, Haryana Likhi Civil Secretariat, New Principal Secretary 0172-2770203 Building, (Agri.) 09417178929 Sector-17 Chandigarh-160017 Himachal Shri Arvind Mehta, 0177-2621894 [email protected] Government of HP 9 Pradesh Secretary 09650764515 Room No.222, HP (Agriculture) Secretariat, Shimla- 171002 10 Jammu & Sh. Sandeep 0194-2506114 [email protected] Civil Secretariat, J&K, Kashmir Kumar Naik 0194-2506222 m Srinagar Comn./ Principal Secretary (Agriculture) 11 Jharkhand Mrs. Puja Singhal 0651-2490578 jhagriculture@gmai Government of Secretary Jharkhand, Nepal (Agriculture) 0651-2490643 House, Doranda, i 09431114011 Ranchi-2 0651-2490578 12 Karnataka Shri Maheshwar 080- secretaryagri.gok@ Govt. of Karnataka, Rao 22250284/2203 Dr.Ambedkar Road, Secretary 2595 MS Building, 4th floor, (Agriculture) 09448067345 Gate No.3 080-22251420 Room No.403, Bangalore-560001 13 Kerala Shri Tika Ram 0471-2518398 [email protected] Government of Kerala Meena Room No.504-A, 5th Pr. Secretary 09400156199 floor, (Agriculture) Annexe I Secretariat, Main Building, Thiruvananthapuram 14 Madhya Shri Rajesh Rajora 0755-2559542 psagriculture@mp. Government of Pradesh Principal Secretary Madhya Pradesh (Agri) 0755-2551892 Room No.83 09425680111 Mantralaya, Ballabh Bhavan, Bhopal 15 Maharashtra Shri Vijay Kumar 022-22025357 acs.agri@maharash Govt. of Maharashtra, Principal Secretary Room No.509 (Agriculture) No fax Mantralaya Annexe 09987109898 Mumbai-400032 16 Manipur Dr. Suhel Akhtar 0385-2451916 9402414682 Government of Manipur Add. Chief Telefax 9402880264 Manipur Secretariat Secretary South Block, (Agriculture) Imphal -795001 17 Meghalaya Shri M. N. Nampui 0364-2226391 merilynnampui@ Government of Secretary 0364-2500019 Meghalaya (Agriculture) Meghalaya Secretariat, 9436107676 Addl. Building, Shillong-793001 Mizoram Shri 0389-2322252 hmingtea.ias@gmai Government of 18 B.Lalhmingthanga, Mizoram, Secretary 0389-2319233 Room No.217, 2nd floor, (Agriculture) 09436369867 New Capital Complex, Khatla, Aizwal-796001 Mizoram 19 Nagaland Shri L. Akato 0370-2270120 9436008164 Government of Sema 0370- Nagaland Secretary 2271019 Nagaland Civil (Agriculture) Secretariat, Kohima-797004 20 Orissa Shri Manoj Ahuja 0674-2391325 [email protected] Government of Odisha, Principal Secretary Odisha Secretariat 0674-2393948 09937210000 Rajeev Bhavan, Bhubaneswar 21 Punjab Shri M. P. Singh 0172-2742771 [email protected] Government of Punjab,
ii Addl. Chief 9872987254 Punjab Mini Secretary (Dev) (telefax) Civil Secretariat, Sector-9, Room No.219, Chandigarh 22 Rajasthan Smt. Neelkamal 0141-5116893 [email protected] Room No.5104, Darbari m Main Building Principal Secretary 0141-5103626 Secretariat, (Agriculture) 09971860444 Jaipur-302005 23 Sikkim Shri Puneet Kansal Telefax: agri.secretary.sikki Government of Sikkim Commissioner cum 03592-231892 Krishi Bhavan, Secretary 09475448463 Tadong-737102 (Agriculture) Uttarakhand Dr. Ranvir Singh 0135-2712057 ranvir0001@yahoo. Government of 24 Addl. Chief com Uttarakhand Secretary 0135-2712803 Uttarakhand (Agriculture) 09412992136 Sachivalaya, Subhash Marg, Dehradun Uttarakhand. 25 Tamil Nadu Shri Gagandeep 044-25674482 [email protected] Government of Tamil Singh Bedi Nadu, Pr. Seceretary 044-25674857 09940067508 Secretariat, Fort St. (Agri.) George, Chennai-600005 26 Telangana Shri C.Partha 040-23452269 prl.secy.agritelanga Govt. of Telangana, 1st Sarathi [email protected] Floor, APC & Secy 040-23457086 D-Block (Agriculture) 09440288188 Telangana Secretariat, Hyderabad 27 Tripura Dr.G.S.G.Ayyangar 0381-2416036 dr.gsgayyangar@g Government of Tripura, Civil Secretariat, Principal Secretary 0381-2418065 New Capital Complex, (Agriculture) 09436462735 Kunjvan-799006 28 Uttar Shri Rajneesh 0522-2237617 [email protected] Government of Pradesh Gupta UttarPradesh Principal Secretary 0522-2235488 09454410247 64, Sacheev Bhavan, (Agriculture) UP Civil Secretariat, Lucknow 29 West Shri Sanjeev 033-22145506 [email protected] Government of West Bengal Chopra, 033-22143045 Bengal th Addl. Chief 09868504041 Mayuk Bhavan, 4 Floor, Secretary Bidhan Nagar, Salt Lake City, (Agriculture) Kolkata-700 091 30 Delhi (UT) Smt. Manisha 011-23941773 [email protected] 5/9 Under Hill Road, Saxena Delhi-110054 Secretary cum 011-23957289 09825678400 Comm. (Dev) Andaman & Shri. Ramesh 03192-233345 secyagriahsy.and@ Secretariat of UT of 31 Nicobar Verma 03192-244201 Andaman & Nicobar Secretary Islands iii (Agriculture) 09434264477 Port Blair 32 Puducherry Shri D.Manikandan Telefax: 0413- [email protected] Govt. of Puducherry, Secretary 2338300 Chief Secretariat (Agriculture) 09597706680 Puducherry-605001
33 Daman & Shri Deepak 0260-2230088 secy-agri- UT of Daman & Diu, Diu Kumar [email protected] Daman Secretary 8146557002 (Agriculture)
34 Lakshadweep Dr.Tariq Thomas 04896-262235 [email protected] UT of Lakshadweep Secretary Secretariat, (Agriculture) 04896-263180 Kavaratti-682555 09447703001
iv List of Director (Agriculture) of States/UTs:
v S. Name of the Contact No. & Email & Mobile State Address N officer Fax No. 1. Andhra Shri Hari Jwahar 0863-2216461 [email protected] Director of Agriculture, Pradesh lal comagr.ap@gmail. Besides Rythu Bazar, 0863-2216463 com Old Mirchyard, 07702762347 Chuttuguntur, A.P.522004 2. Arunachal Shri Hage Kano 0360-2244252 rkvyita@rediffmail. D-Sector, Naharlagun, Pradesh com Arunachal Pradesh, 0360-2244252 09436252188 Itanagar-791110 3. Assam Smt. Juri Phukan 0361-2332215 [email protected] Krishi Bhawan, G.S. 0361-2333877 09435010653 Road, Khanapara, 0361-2332796 Guwahati-781022 4. Bihar Shri Himanshu 0612-2204245 [email protected] Vikas Bhawan, Kumar Rai 0612-2215895 diragri.bih@gmail. Patna- 800015 com 0612-2204245 09431818704 5. Chhattisgarh Shri M.S. 0771-2442015 [email protected] IGKVV Campus, Kerketta 0771-2442036 09425542364 Krishak Nagar, RAIPUR 6. Gujarat Shri. B.M. Modi 079-23256073 dir- Krishi Bhawan, 079-23256227 [email protected] sector 10-A, 079-23256159 n 09978405999 Gandhinagar- 382010. 7. Goa Shri Ulhas Pai 0832-2465443 [email protected] Tonca Caranzelam, Goa Kakode 0832-2465840 09422457328 0832-2465441 8. Haryana Shri D.K. Behera 0172-2570662 [email protected] Krishi Bhawan, Sector 0172-2563242 m 21, 09468296051 Panchkula, Chandigarh 9. Himachal Shri Ved Prakash 0177-2830162 krishibhawan- Krishi Bhawan, Pradesh Sharma 0177-2830618 [email protected] Boileauganj, 0177-2830174 09418030704 Shimla-171005 0177-2830612 10. Jammu & Shri Altaf 0191-2505201 agrijammu@rediff Civil Secretariat, Kashmir Andravi 0191-2552145 Srinagar-190001 (Kashmir) 0194-2310675 09419138132 Shri H. L. 0194-2311569 diragrikmr@gmail. Razdhan com
11. Jharkhand Shri Rajiv 0651-6550124 directoragriculture Krishi Bhawan, Kanke Kumar 0651-2233549 Road, 09431106932 RANCHI-834002 12. Karnataka Shri B.Y. 080-22242746 [email protected] No.1,Seshadri Road, Srinivas 080-22212818 07259004007 BANGALORE-560001
13. Kerala Shri Sunil Kumar 0471-2304480 krishidirector@gm Vikas Bhawan, A. M. Thiruvananthapuram- 0471-2304230 9447165562 695033 14. Madhya Shri M.L. Meena 0755-2551336 [email protected]. Vindhyachal Bhawan, Pradesh 0755-2572468 in Second Floor, [email protected] Bhopal-462001 09425036356 15. Maharashtra Shri Ashok 020-26123648 commagricell@gm Central Building, 3rd Lokhande 020-26126150 Floor, 020-26127707 [email protected] Pune-411001 vi 16. Manipur Shri Louis 0385- 2452019 l.ngasainao@gmail. Sanjenthong, Ngasainao com Imphal – 795001 [email protected] 09436032021 17. Meghalaya Ms. D.Syiemiong 0364-2222460 directoratejdashillo Cleve colony
List of Managing Directors of State Seed Corporations
vii S.N State Name of the MD Contact No. & Mobile No. Email Fax 1. Andhra Shri S. Bala Krishna, 0866-2841792 - [email protected] Pradesh Andhra Pradesh State Seed Development Corporation, Vijaywada 2. Assam Shri Manash Nath, 0361-2330529 9435064841 [email protected] Assam State Seed Corporation, Guwahati 3. Bihar Shri Ravindar Nath Roy, 0612-2547066 9471002657 [email protected] (Special Secretary Agriculture), Bihar Rajya Beej Nigam Ltd., Patna 4. Madhya Shri Vinay Kumar 0755-2775048 9424790051 [email protected] Pradesh Berman, 0755-2775042 Madhya Pradesh Rajya Beej Farm Evam Vikas Nigam Ltd, Bhopal 5. Karnataka Dr. Shiv Moorthappa, 080-23410384 9480885985 [email protected] Karnataka State Seed 080-23415895 Corporation, Bangalore 6. Kerala Shri C.A.A Prasad, 0487-2360299 7558859444 [email protected] Additional Director of 0487-2365042 Agriculture, Kerala State Seed Development Authority, Thrissure 7. Telangana Dr. M. Jagan Mohan, 040-2323088 040-2323088 seedcelltelangana@gmail Telangana State Seed 040-23232867 040- .com Development 23234295 Corporation Ltd., Hyderabad 8. Odisha Shri Jyoti Ranjan Mishra, 0674-2340573 9438324305 [email protected] Odisha State Seed 0674-2340096 Corporation Ltd, Bhubneswar 9. Rajasthan Smt. Sushma Arora, 0141- 9829388383 [email protected] Rajasthan State Seed 2227514/5105069 Corporation Ltd.,Jaipur 01415105069 10. Gujarat Shri B.M. Modi, 079-23256688 9099916222 [email protected] Gujarat State Seed 079-23256718 Corporation Ltd., Gandhi Nagar 11. Uttarakhand Smt. Jyoti Neeraj Kherwal 05944-230233 9412088329 [email protected] Uttarakhand Seeds & 05944-230253 Tarai Development Corporation Ltd., Pant Nagar
12. Uttar Pradesh Shri Swaraj Singh, 0522-2335356 7570906001 [email protected] Uttar Pradesh State 0522-2329725 [email protected] Seed Development Corporation, Lucknow 13. Haryana Shri R.S. Solanki, 0172-2577582 9463881840 [email protected] Haryana Seed 0172-2577583 Development viii Corporation Ltd., Panchkula 14. NSC,Delhi Shri Vinod Kumar 011-25842093 011- [email protected] Gaur, National Seed 011-25848371 25842093 Corporation Ltd., New Delhi ****