Zuehlke Chemistry 3/20 to 3/24/17 GPS Standards – SCSh1-7, SC2 c Zuehlke Chemistry 3/20 to 3/24/17 Monday – many students out – make sure I pair them with students Progress who were in class today and on Friday for lab. Materials 1st –

Content & Methods 2nd – Introduction to hydrates Pre-lab – Ch. 10.5 – Formulas of a Hydrate (Hydrates are special versions 3rd – of empirical formulas – do this first, then come back to Ch. 10.4 empirical formulas) 4th – Assign lab partners – students write their own procedures for the lab (the lab handout provides guidelines for determining what data to collect.) 5th –

Evaluation – observation of lab, lab report, homework

Tuesday Progress Materials copper(II) sulfate, hot-plates, crucibles, stirring rods, tongs, balances 1st –

Content & Methods 2nd –

 WU – review how to weight out desired amounts of chemical 3rd –  Have students use varying amounts of copper(II) sulfate (1.5 to 3 g).  Students collect data using the procedures they wrote yesterday. 4th –

Evaluation – observation of lab, lab report, homework 5th – HW for Ch. 10  Due 3/23 Ch. 10.5 Hydrates: Read Ch. 10.5 p. 351-354, p. 353 #74, 75, 77, 81 p. 361-3 #181, 185-187, p. 364-5 #9, 10, 14, p. 555 #116  Due 3.24 – Hydrate lab report (purpose, hypotheses with citation, procedures, data including graph, analysis (Analysis questions are on the front of the handout – students tend to forget to do these.)  Due 3/27 Ch. 10.4 Empirical & Molecular Formulas: Read Ch. 10.4 p. 341-350, p. 346 #60 p. 350 #62, p. 360-1 #167, 184, 196, 197  Due 3/28 Ch. 10.4 % Composition: Read Ch. 10.4 p. 341-350, p. 344-6 #54, p. 360-3 #162, 169, 180, p. 555 #114-115 Wednesday Progress Materials Content & Methods 1st –

Students will probably need more practice solving hydrate problems before 2nd – completing the lab analysis. Having done the experiment gives them a better sense of what hydrates are. Now they work on the conceptual 3rd – understanding before finishing the lab on Thursday 3/23. 4th – Evaluation - class participation, lab report, quiz – date TBA 5th –  (Teaching note – Observe students and assess potential quality of data. The lab is more valuable if students compile class data construct a graph of moles water evaporated vs moles anhydrous copper(II) sulfate in their samples and then to determine the slope of

the line. The slope = x in CuSO4xH2O. Consider combining data from all 5 classes? Zuehlke Chemistry 3/20 to 3/24/17 Better outcome?  Data quality is frequently too poor to draw a reasonable graph and determine the slope (data frequently looks like a scatter plot). Some students drew a regression line on their calculators and I used Excel. We then discussed reasons that x could be too high or too low. Evaluation - lab report, homework

Thursday Materials

Content & Methods

 Students finish working on analysis for hydrates lab. – See Wednesday’s teaching note regarding lab data. Evaluation - lab report, homework

Friday Content & Methods Introduction to empirical and molecular formulas – relate to determining formulas of hydrates (convert mass to moles, find mole ratios. To find molecular formulas, determine how many times the empirical formula is repeated in the molecule.)

Discuss the meaning of the word “empirical” – use hanging a picture example Evaluation - class participation, homework