Call for International Conference on Arabidopsis Research Travel Supplement Applications

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Call for International Conference on Arabidopsis Research Travel Supplement Applications

Childcare Support for the 28th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research June 19 - 23, 2017, Saint Louis, MO For Applicants working in the US and Canada ONLY Deadline for Applications: March 10, 2017

Objective: To encourage and enable plant scientists with small children to attend this meeting, and remove as many barriers to their participation as possible, the North American Arabidopsis Steering Committee (NAASC) has applied for funding to help partially defray childcare costs for a limited number of US early career plant scientists (we hope to provide one or more awards to Canadian applicants.) Depending on funding we hope to provide up to 10 awards of approximately $500 each for US and Canadian conference attendees. Applicants must be plant biology researchers or students who work at accredited universities or institutions in the US or Canada (see eligibility below). Awards are given as reimbursements after the conference. Since these awards by themselves will be insufficient to pay for the entire meeting other funds must be available to applicants to cover the additional costs. Award notification will be emailed to all applicants by March 25, before the early/reduced fee registration deadline of March 31, 2017. Additional Deadlines for Research Abstracts: Oral presentation consideration: March 31, 2017; Poster only presentation: May 12, 2017 (this is the latest date to submit an abstract to ICAR 2017) Eligibility: (1) Applicants must be full-time plant biology researchers in accredited American or Canadian universities or institutions. (2) Funding priorities are outlined in ‘Selection Criteria’ below. (3) Awardees must submit an abstract to the meeting no later than May 12 AND present a poster or oral presentation. You do not have to submit an abstract to the conference before award notifications are given but if selected, you must submit an abstract before final deadlines (March 31 for oral consideration; May 12 for posters.) You must present your abstract to receive funding. Citizenship Requirements: The majority of funding for US researchers will be restricted to US citizens or permanent residents (a requirement of the US NSF.) However, NAASC is pursuing additional funding sources to provide some awards to international researchers working in US labs. Selection Criteria (in no particular order of importance): (1) Career stage (2) Applicants from PUIs (Primarily Undergraduate Institutions); have limited grant funding; or are from groups underrepresented in science in the US (Native Americans (American Indians and Alaskan Natives), African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans (specifically of Central or South American descent), and Native Pacific Islanders) (3) Demonstration of life and/or educational barriers and challenges overcome: e.g. single parent; first generation college graduate; later in life return to college/research; veteran (4) Clear articulation of the value of attending ICAR to their career and what they hope to achieve by participating.

Important Notes  Complete applications must be received by March 10 by Dr. Friesner ([email protected])  Applicants will receive a confirmation email upon receipt of application, if you don’t receive one, email again). Applicants will be notified of the award committee’s decisions by March 25.  Notifications will be sent to all applicants (including those NOT selected) before the reduced registration fee deadline to allow lower registration even if your application is not selected for funding.  Award recipients must register for the conference before submitting their research abstract. You may present a poster or be considered for an oral presentation (March 31 deadline for oral consideration; May 12 deadline for poster presentation. If you aren’t chosen to give an oral presentation, your abstract will convert to a poster presentation.)  Awardees must submit a research abstract online no later than May 12 for funding purposes. Contact and submit applications by email to Joanna Friesner, [email protected] 1 Application Directions, Cover Sheet, and List of Required Items

Completed applications must be received by March 10, 2017 in one PDF or. docx or .doc file (not separate files) by Dr. Joanna Friesner, NAASC/ICAR 2017 Coordinator ([email protected]). *Incomplete or incorrect applications will not be considered

*IF YOU DON’T RECEIVE A CONFIRMATION EMAIL WITHIN 2 DAYS OF SENDING YOUR APPLICATION, YOU SHOULD RE-SEND IT TO BE SURE IT DIDN’T GET LOST IN TRANSIT. 1. Fully completed Child Care Award Cover Letter (see below) 2. Brief research abstract that you will present at ICAR if you are selected (up to 300 words) 3. Curriculum vitae (1-3 pages maximum) which must include undergraduate, graduate education and degree attainment, and professional appointments (as applicable); and should include awards/fellowships, scientific presentations given, relevant activities, & up to 5 recent publications 4. Brief paragraph (up to 250 words) explaining how receiving a childcare subsidy would enable your participation, including your specific need and how you plan to use the subsidy, if selected. 5. Brief paragraph (up to 250 words) describing how attending the ICAR will impact your research and/or career, and what you hope to gain from participating in the conference.

28th ICAR Child Care Award Cover Letter For Applicants working in the US and Canada ONLY Deadline for Applications: March 10, 2017 Award Notification: March 25, 2017 Reduced registration fee/abstract submission for oral presentation consideration: March 31, 2017 Final deadline for abstract submission for poster presentations: May 12, 2017

Applicant Name (First, Last): Applicant’s Institution: Street Address: City: State: Zip Code: Country: US or Canada Only Check one: Undergraduate Student Graduate Student Postdoctoral scholar Faculty Applicant’s Telephone: Applicant’s Email address: Advisor/PI’s Name (faculty, write ‘n/a’): Advisor/PI’s email address: Have you previously received any support from the NAASC to attend an ICAR? Yes (if yes, what year/location?) No Please note: Gender: Male Female Other (explain further); Ethnicity: ; Race:

List your country of legal citizenship:

Send complete applications (cover letter + supporting documentation) by March 10, 2017 via email (in one Word or PDF file) to Joanna Friesner, ICAR 2017 Organizer and NAASC Coordinator ([email protected]). Contact and submit applications by email to Joanna Friesner, [email protected] 2

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