Due Date: Week 10 Term 3

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Due Date: Week 10 Term 3

Year 9 IST 200 HOUR Assessment Task 3 Database Design

Title: My Business Due Date: Week 10 Term 3 Weighting: 25% Outcomes Assessed: 5.2.1 Describes and applies problem-solving processes when creating solutions 5.2.2 Designs, produces and evaluates appropriate solutions to a range of challenging problems 5.2.3 Critically analyses decision-making processes in a range of information and software solutions 5.5.2 Communicates ideas, processes and solutions to a targeted audience

Task Description: Design an Information System for a business of your choice. You are required to implement software solutions that will allow you to communicate, track and promote the activities of your business to your clients and employees.

Description: For this task each student is required to complete the following sections and submit it in an A4 folio: 1. Select a business of your choice and create a suitable and original name.

2. The database must include a splash screen as follows: -It must appear on the screen for 5 seconds then automatically disappear -Name of your business with logo -Owner of the business

3. Design an invitation to the official opening of your business. Incorporate your name and relevant information about your business on this invitation.

4. The database must have a custom front screen with at least 4 custom form buttons which successfully transport the user to specific areas within the database eg: “Enter a new record” or “Exit a database”

5. Create: o A Database of Customers (Database 1) -Select appropriate field names for your database (at least 6) -You must include Surname, Postcode and Suburb. One student must live in San Remo -List at least 10 different records (make them up) -Create a report that lists the customers in alphabetical order -Create a report that lists customers by postcode in descending order. -Create a query and a report on students to determine customers who live in San Remo. o A Database of Employees (Database 2) -You need to identify the information (at least 6 field names) that would be needed. -Create a database for this information. -List at least 6 different employees (both genders) -Create a report that sorts the employees in descending order -Create a report that lists the number of male employees. -Print reports and place in folio.

o A Business Inventory Database (Database 3) -Develop a database which monitors the inventory of the business equipment. -List at least 12 different records with at least 6 field names. -Create a report of your choice. -Complete 2 queries and present them in report form. -Print reports.

6. Using information from your Customer Database create a mail merge to invite your customers.

All reports must be presented with the name of your business and appropriate headings.

Criteria for evaluation: Students will be assessed on:  Successfully incorporating a mail merge into a Word Document.  Applying knowledge and skills to develop a range of databases for the business, creating data dictionaries, tables and reports which address the type of databases provided.  Demonstrates problem solving processes to complete sorts and queries on each database.  Presents work in a clear, concise manner using computer-based technology.  Incorporating buttons, which automate movement from one area of the database to another.  Successfully incorporating a splash screen to promote the business program.

Marking guideline: TASK MARK Splash screen with name of business, owner and /20 appropriate logo Invitation including logo, business name and working mail /10 merge Main screen with business logo and custom buttons with /20 functions for specific tasks Database 1 /15 Database 2 /15 Database 3 /15 Reports presented with headings in a folio /5 Feedback Assessement Task 3 Name: TASK MARK Splash screen with name of business, owner and /20 appropriate logo Invitation including logo, business name and working mail /10 merge Main screen with business logo and custom buttons with /20 functions for specific tasks Database 1 /15 Database 2 /15 Database 3 /15 Reports presented with headings in a folio /5


Feedback Assessement Task 3 Name: TASK MARK Splash screen with name of business, owner and /20 appropriate logo Invitation including logo, business name and working mail /10 merge Main screen with business logo and custom buttons with /20 functions for specific tasks Database 1 /15 Database 2 /15 Database 3 /15 Reports presented with headings in a folio /5 Comment: Marking Criteria Marks Presentation /5 -All sections of the task are presented to a high standard 3-5 -All queries and reports included with appropriate headings and business name -Information is presented in a clear and concise manner, either in a plastic sleeve or folder -Demonstrates a high standard of literacy throughout the project, including spelling and grammar -All sections of the task are presented to a good standard 0-2 -Some queries and reports include business name and headings -Information is presented in a logical manner -Demonstrates a basic standard of literacy throughout the project, including spelling and grammar Splash Screen /20 -Creates a business name that is original and apt 15-20 -Develops a creative and innovative design logo -Advanced graphical skills are applied to the logo creation -Splash screen appears for 5 seconds and disappears -Image is saved as a bmp -Designs a suitable name that is appropriate 10-14 -Develops an appropriate logo -Sound graphical skills are applied to the logo creation -Splash screen appears for 5 seconds and disappears -Image is saved as a bmp -Names the business 0-9 -Develops a simple design logo -Basic graphical skills are applied to the logo creation -Splash screen does not work Mail Merge and Invitation /10 -Provides evidence of a well constructed invitation which includes all necessary 8-10 information eg: time, place, date etc -Literacy and grammar are of a high standard -Demonstrates the ability to successfully complete a mail merge, printing a sample copy -Advanced formatting skills are applied to the document -Provides evidence of an invitation which includes most of the necessary 5-7 information eg: time, place, date etc -Literacy and grammar are of a sound standard -Demonstrates the ability to complete a mail merge -Some formatting skills are applied to the document -Provides evidence of an invitation which includes some of the necessary 0-4 information eg: time, place, date etc -Literacy and grammar are of a basic standard -Has difficulty completing a mail merge with no printed sample -Basic formatting skills are applied to the document Databases /45 -Designs and creates 3 databases which are thorough and well presented 36-45 -Records are complete and demonstrate high literacy skills -Reports are generated that show a high level of understanding and relate to the questions -Successfully completing Queries which are appropriate to the question -Reports are generated to demonstrate formatting skills of a high level with appropriate headings -Data is appropriate for end use and shows an excellent level of knowledge and understanding of the databases -Designs and creates 3 databases which include all necessary information 23-35 -Records are complete and demonstrate good literacy skills -Reports are generated that show a sound level of understanding and relate to the questions -Satisfactorily completes Queries which address the question -Reports are generated to demonstrate formatting skills of a sound level with appropriate headings -Data is appropriate for end use and shows sound knowledge and understanding of the databases -Designs and creates 1-3 databases which may not be complete 1-22 -Records are complete and demonstrate basic literacy skills -Reports generated are simply set out and include some of the questions -Queries show little evidence to the question -Reports are generated to demonstrate formatting skills of a simple level -Data is inappropriate for end use and shows a basic level of knowledge and understanding of the databases Main Navigation Screen /20 -Creates a main navigation screen which is original and apt 15-20 -Incorporates business logo and name -Advanced design skills are applied to the main screen -4 navigation buttons are used for an intended use -Demonstrates a high level of literacy and grammar -Main screen meets the intended end use -Creates a main navigation screen 10-14 -Incorporates only the business logo or business name -Sound design skills are applied to the main screen -2-4 buttons are used for an intended use -Demonstrates a sound level of literacy and grammar -Main screen attempts to meet the intended end use -Incomplete main navigation screen 0-9 -No business logo or business name on main screen -Basic design skills are applied to the main screen -Demonstrates a basic level of literacy and grammar -Main screen does not meet the intended end use

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