Pastors Message Page 1 Birthdays/Anniversaries Page 4

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Pastors Message Page 1 Birthdays/Anniversaries Page 4

2014 EPISTLE Page 2

Pastors Message Page 1 Birthdays/Anniversaries Page 4 WELCA Page 2 Volunteers Page 5 Education News Page 2 Calendar Page 6 Council Minutes Page 3

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, when you participate in our mission projects or when It is stewardship season again! The time you support world missions. of year when we reflect on the gifts that In the five years that I have been your pastor, I have we give to God, both financial and our time witnessed so many ways our congregation blesses our and talents. Our theme verse this year comes from the members, our neighbors and the world. I hope it’s the book of 1 Corinthians, “Now it is required that those who same for you. I hope that you respond to God’s call by have been given a trust must prove faithful.” (1 giving with joy because you know your gifts will make a Corinthians 4:2). We are using the acronym “COW”— difference in our community. Called to Offer and Worship. This year we are reminding you that since God has given I’m sure you’ve noticed the cows around church! This us the world, we must respond by faithfully answering stewardship season we are talking all about our God’s call. We are called to offer and worship! motivation for giving. We aren’t talking about amounts, Blessings, Pastor Erin we are talking about attitudes. Giving is not just about P.S. Keep sending in your favorite hymns! They will be money, but also attitude. It's not about wealth, but shared next month! willingness to give. It's not about financial obligations as it is about the opportunity to share. It's not about giving SEPTEMBER PASTORAL ACTS money, but the Lordship of Jesus in every aspect of our Wedding lives.  Molli Saxe and Jordan Doornink were married on Ultimately, our theme verse reminds us that God has September 6,2014 given us great gifts in this world and the gifts of God are PRAYER PARTNER REMINDER given with a calling. As children of God we are called to Please remember to pray and send cards all year to your love God faithfully; we are called to offer and worship. secret prayer partner. We are called to offer to God our whole hearts and our 2015 STEWARDSHIP DRIVE whole lives. This means worshipping God with our body, Our Stewardship theme this year is soul and mind. It also means offering God a part of “ Now it is required that those who everything, our money and our time. have been given a trust must prove This Stewardship season we prayerfully ask you to give faithful.” (1 Corinthians 4:2). We are also using the generously and faithfully, remembering the gifts our God acronym C.O.W. which stands for “Called to Offer and has given us. Please turn in your pledge cards and Worship”. celebrate the ministry that St. John’s does by pledging The Stewardship Committee is hosting St. John's your giving for the 2015 year. Stewardship Autumn Celebration on October 19th, Our gifts are not just our monetary blessings, but also following our service. Each member of St. John's is our time and talents. We are challenging everyone to be invited to join us for fellowship, fun, hot apple cider, involved in St. John’s in some way beyond attending apple crisp, fall games, piñata, and a pumpkin patch! worship. If you are not involved, consider joining a C.O.W. church committee, teaching Sunday School or signing up to greet! Most of these are small commitments of just an Called to Offer and Worship hour a month! BIBLE PUNS I hope each one of you has been touched by the work of Q: Where is baseball mentioned in the bible? St. John’s in some way. I hope you have been energized A: In the big inning (Genesis 1:1) or uplifted by worship. I hope your children’s faith has - Genesis 3:6- Eve stole first and Adam stole second grown through Sunday School, confirmation or Bible - Rebekah went to the well with a "pitcher" Camp. I hope your kids have found friends, fellowship - Exodus 4:4 "And he put out his hand, and caught it" and place to belong through youth group activities and - Numbers 11:32 "Ten homers" high school Bible studies. I hope you feel like you have a - Proverbs 18:10 "The righteous run into it, and is safe community to rely on when your life gets tough. I hope - Ezekiel 36:12 "Yea, I will cause men to walk" you feel like your hands are accomplishing God’s work 2014 EPISTLE Page 3 CONFIRMATION AT ST. JOHN’S Confirmation service will be held on Sunday, October 26. St. John’s will have 4 students reaffirming their baptismal promises. They are: Craigen Anderson, Michaela Borup, Samantha Brown and Zacc Larson. Fellowship hour will be in honor of all the confirmands. Coffee and cake will be served. Everyone is invited! YOUTH EVENT There will be a confirmation youth event held on Saturday, October 18 for Jr./Sr. High Youth (7-9th grades). We will have hay rides and s’mores. Watch the Sunday bulletins for more information. WITH MUCH THANKS AND APPRECIATION…  A Big Thank you to Heidi Jacobson and Terri Trealoff for decorating our entryways. It makes for a welcome church. SPRING VALLEY MINISTERIAL FUND This fund provides financial help to members of the community for issues that the Food Pantry does not cover, such as home repairs, car repairs, heating, gas, utility bills, medication, etc. Our fund is extremely depleted right now. Any contributions would be greatly appreciated. Checks may be made out to Spring Valley Ministerial Fund. 1ST ANNUAL CHEESE GRATER TRIATHLON FOR SUICIDE AWARENESS Saturday, October 4th, 2014 Spring Valley Golf Course Run - Golf - Bean Bags Silent Auction, Raffles, Food and Music Join the 1st Annual Cheese Grater Triathlon for Suicide Awareness. You may participate in any or all events: 1. 5K Run & 2 mile Walk/Run, begins at 9am 2. 9 Hole golf scramble, begins at 11am 3. Bean Bag tourney, begins at 4pm There will be a silent auction, raffles, food and music throughout the day. To register or for more information on events and fees, go online at:

Welcome to the 2014-2015 Sunday School Year! We are off to a great start! Thank you to everyone for making this a great year! Confirmation of 9th grade students will be on Sunday, October 26. If you have questions at any time please contact Kate Crogan at 715-778-4707, Dana Benson at 715-772-4977, Stacy Burr at 715-778-4547 or Lisa Smith at 715-772-4655 (leave a detailed message). 2014 EPISTLE Page 4 LIBRARY REVIEW “Mail Order Marriages” By Debbie Macomber Hard Luck, Alaska is a beautiful place to live, but it has one big drawback – very few women. In an effort to keep their pilots from leaving, Midnight Sons, a plane charter service, has launched a campaign to bring single women to town. Lynda Johnson, Librarian WOMEN OF ST. JOHN’S Submitted by Nina Larson We are back to our regular schedule with our Women’s activities. We hope many of you will join us.  CIRCLE/BIBLE STUDY will meet at the Health Care Center in the Assisted Living Dining room on October 9, at 2:00 p.m. Lynda Johnson and Mary Hampton will be our hostesses and Nina Larson will have devotions. Pastor Erin will lead our Bible Study on II Samuel chapters 14 and 15.  Welcome Gifts - We are gathering ingredients to make more Welcome Gifts of soup mixes. We only have two left.  BINGO will be on Tuesday, October 7, at 2:00 at the Health Care Center.  QUILTING takes place on the first and third Thursdays from 9 to 12 in the Fellowship Hall. We would welcome more workers. All you need to know is how to tie a knot. Coffee is on at 10:00. TIME & TALENT SHEETS It’s that time of year again. All active members of St. John’s should have received their new Time & Talent Sheets. Please take the time to fill out a new form and return it as soon as possible. Anyone who does not fill out a new form will remain on the list of the volunteer areas from the last Time & Talent Sheet turned in. If you wish to be removed from an area, you must fill out a new form designating your new areas of interest, if any. Your assistance with this is greatly appreciated. WOMEN OF FAITH CONFERENCE Ladies, be blessed and revived! Gather a couple of good friends, and join 8000-9000 other women at this year’s “Women of Faith Conference” at the Riverfront Center in St. Paul on Friday evening, October 17th and all day Saturday, October 18th. See the lineup of inspirational speakers, comedy, and music on the poster, or go to for more specifics on the gifted participants for this year’s event. Information and great seat tickets are available at a reduced price of $81 by calling Kathy Johansen at 715-778-4654. 2014 EPISTLE Page 5 St. John’s Lutheran Church voiced concerns about the council’s vote regarding Council Meeting same sex marriages, as reported in the July 8th 2014 September 19, 2014 minutes. A lengthy discussion followed. It was th Belonging to Christ, we are a family of faith, decided to table the discussion until the October 14 Encouraging spiritual growth and Connecting others meeting when all council members can be present. to lasting hope. New Business: Those Present: Pastor Erin Nelson, Bob Kinsman  Open discussion regarding the salaries for (President), Jim Green (Vice President), Kelly Schreiber maintenance and office assistants. (Secretary), Ross Keehr (Treasurer), Marsha Brunkhorst Next Meeting (Financial Secretary), Minda Matthys (Stewardship), Jay Adjourn: @ 9:30PM, Jim Green moved, Katie Manor Arneson (Trustees), Nancy Cleveland (Worship), Kate seconded, motion carried. Crogan, (Education), Missy Mathieson (Deacons), Katie Respectfully submitted: Kelly Schreiber, Secretary Manor (Social Concerns) Call to Order: by Bob Kinsman @ 7:07pm STATISTICAL INFORMATION Opening Prayer: Pastor Erin read from the book, Attendance: 2014 2013 “Called to Lead” Sept 7 147 135 Rally Day Approval of Agenda: Agenda was amended: the item Sept 14 126 136 regarding a new projector was removed from the Sept 21 98 139 Dam Days agenda until Minda Matthys could attend. The vote on Giving: General Open the new Head of Deacons was moved up in the agenda Simply from new business. Nancy Cleveland made a motion to Plate Giving approve the amended agenda, Jim Green seconded, motion carried. Sept 7 $1,131 $117 $570 Sept 14 $2,462 $29 President’s Report: Nothing to Report $665 Secretary’s Report: Approved as Presented Sept 21 $2,237 $62 Treasurer’s Report: Budget items discussed. Luther $15 Point Fundraising was successful and is completed. Needed/week: $2,812.84 (2014) Approval of Bills: Jim Green moved, Katie Manor Total needed to date this month: $106,887.92 seconded, motion carried. Total received to date this month: $99,259.08 Committee Reports: Total budget: (2014) $146,267.27  Social Concerns: Planning is in progress for the Shoe Box and West Cap giving events. SUNDAY SCHOOL MISSION PROJECT  Stewardship: Movie night planned for Saturday, St. John’s Sunday School will continue to support September 13. Yohannes Seyoum through the Compassion International  Worship: Planned through end of November. program. Yohannes is a 10 year old boy from Ethiopia.  Education: Rally Sunday went very well; the Yohannes makes his home with his mother and 1 sibling. Sunday School had a great kick-off. He and his mother sometimes work by selling items in  Deacon: Leslie Jackson resigned as Head of the the marketplace. For fun, Yohannes enjoys soccer and Deacons. Jim Green made a motion for Missy art. He attends church activities regularly at the Saris Mathieson to fulfill the term of Head of Deacons and Kaliti Guenet Church Student Center and is in through February 2015. Katie Manor seconded, primary school where his performance is average. motion carried. Please remember Yohannes in your prayers. Our  Trustee: Continue to meet Thursday mornings. A support will help provide him with food, water, schooling huge “Thank you” to John, Keith and Jay, for all and medical attention. Donations to Yohannes can be your hard work and attentiveness to the issues and placed in the jar on the oak cabinet in the Narthex. In needs of our facilities! order to sponsor him, St. John’s needs to donate $38 per month. Old Business:  Discussion regarding the hand-held microphone and STAYING PUT! the need for a new transmitter. Costs will be built It Takes a Village into the budget for 2015. Do you need help with yard work, household chores,  Jon Anderson attended the council meeting to errands, transportation to appointments, library book represent some members of the congregation who deliveries, simple electrical work, etc.? 2014 EPISTLE Page 6 Can you be a volunteer who is willing to provide these services which will help people remain in their homes? Staying Put is a local organization whose goal is to support people by finding resources they need to stay in their home – the place where they are most comfortable. Friends Helping Friends A community coming together. To request services or to volunteer, call Pierce County ADRC at (715)273-6780. Someone from Staying Put will contact you. Free will donations gratefully accepted. Page 7


11 – Kaden Lansing 2 – Taylor Bille Megan Manor 23 – Sara Anderson Ruth Hennemann 14 – Jack Brown Claire Anderson Jason Stoiber Diego Schmitt Tyler Larson 3 – Quinn Anderson 15 – Joy Olson 24 – Trace Anderson Steve Brorson 17 - Katherine Anderson 25 – Jacob Benson John Larson 19 – Madelyn Thompson 26 – Ryan Anderson 4 - Don Gavic 20 –Jameson Bauer Kemri Schlegel 7 - Betty Breitinger Christopher Davis 28 - Cathy Utecht 8 - Linda Anderson LeRoy Nelson 29 - Hunter Schutz Tyler Mathiesen 21 - Duane Miller 30 – Alyssa Blackbird 9 – Gabe Larson 22 – Xen Larson Lloyd Larrieu Virgil Lueth Virginia Overland

The Spring Valley Community 2 – Peter & Barb Esanbock Food Pantry 5 – Randy & Shelby Ellefson The Spring Valley Community Food pantry is 8 – Mark & Jennifer Bille available to help anyone in need of food in our 10 – James & Ann Green area. Jim & Michelle Johnson nd th 16 – Jeff & Kayla Thompson The Food Pantry is open the 2 and 4 18 – Duane & Kathy Miller Wednesday of each month from 10 – 11:30 am 23 – Jeff & Amy Cady and from 4:30 – 6 pm. James & Leslie Jackson The phone number for the Spring Valley 24 – William & Jennifer O’Keefe Community Food Pantry is 778-5988. For Larry & Linda Traynor immediate need, please call the Pierce County 31 – Robert & Margie Brooke Food Pantry in Ellsworth at 715-273-2070. They are open Monday thru Friday from 9:30 am to noon and Wednesday from 4-6 pm. For those who are able, donations (food items or monetary) are welcomed and appreciated. Need A Prayer? Call Beulah Thompson at Food Pantry Donations 778-5542 and our Prayer Chain will go into action! The Food Pantry has special needs for the fall. Donations can be dropped off in the Narthex. They are looking for:  cans of chili  cans of beef stew  apple juice  cans of soup  cleaning supplies (especially Clorox Wipes, toilet bowl cleaner), toiletries Page 8  winter gear (new or gently used) for all ages (hats, coats, boots, snow pants, gloves, mittens and scarves). Page 9

VOLUNTEERS If this schedule does not work for you or you are able to help fill an opening, please notify the church office of changes. Thank you!

OCTOBER November Ushers Ushers 5 – Dana & Hawken Benson 2 – Greg & Terri Trealoff 12 – 9 – Phil Hennemann & Max Matthys 19 – Mike & Heidi Jacobson 16 – Jake & Sam Benson 26 – Mitch Nelson & Maddy Matthys 23 – Ron, Patrick & Tessa Cipriano 30 – Jon Anderson & Gerald Hueftle Head Ushers 5 – Bob Kinsman Head Ushers 12 – Bob Hanson 2 – Bob Hanson 19 – Craigen Anderson 9 – Craigen Anderson 26 – Bob Kinsman 16 – Bob Kinsman 23 – Bob Hanson Greeters 30 – Craigen Anderson 5 – Joyce Brooke & Kim Brooke Greeters 12 – Ary & Elsie Arneson 2 – Judy Larrieu & Mary Hampton 19 – Scott & Kathy Klug 9 – Mel Wentlandt & Althea Wood 26 – Terry & Wanda Blaedorn 16 – Katie & Megan Manor Communion Assistants 23 – Reese & Laurie Keehr 5 – Kevin Anderson & Pearl Ducklow 30 – Bob & Nancy Kinsman 19 – Kelly Schreiber & Mel Wentlandt Communion Assistants 26 – (Confirmation) Kristin Larson & Kathy Miller 2 – Bob & Nancy Kinsman Readers 16 – Shelby Crow & Lynda Johnson 5 – Patrick Cipriano Readers 12 – Beulah Thompson 2 – Lori Peterson 19 – Esther Gland 9 – Jeanne Niccum 26 – 16 – Dana Benson 23 – Tessa Cipriano Acolytes 30 – Nancy Kinsman 5 – Madison Maier & Kayla Lynum 12 – Samantha Brown & Zacc Larson Acolytes 19 – Matthew Bauer & Clara Gland 2 – Pierce Burr & Emma Esanbock 26 – Michaela Borup & Craigen Anderson 9 – Erin Stans & Nolan Stans 16 – Larissa Stark & Maddy Matthys Coffee Servers 23 – Jenna Wildner & Jessica Wildner 5 – Jeanne Niccum 30 – Jack Brown & Ben Anderson 12 – Reece & Laurie Keehr Coffee Servers 19 – Richard & Lynda Johnson 2 – Pete & Barb Esanbock 26 – Education Committee 9 – Joyce Brooke & Gwynn Lacy Nursery Workers 16 – Larry & Laurie Kreibich 5 – 23 – Jeremy & Stacey Wildner 12 – 30 – Phil & Laura Hennemann 19 – Nursery Workers 26 – 2 – 9 – Bread Baking 16 – Pastor Erin 23 – Communion Set-Up/Clean up 30 - Virginia Overland and Marsha Brunkhorst Bread Baking Laura Hennemann Communion Set-Up/Clean up Julie Finch & Susan Gregg Page 10 4 1 8 5 y


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