90 Minute Integrated Lesson

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90 Minute Integrated Lesson

90 Minute Integrated Lesson Facilitator: Jenn White Level: High Beginner Skills: Reading and Grammar Theme: Seasons Grammar focus: Future with ‘Will’ – positive, negative, and questions. Predictions.

Warm up (T-Ss) What is your favorite season? Why? What’s your favorite thing to do in that season? What’s your favorite food during that season?

Preview Activity (S-S) Match each picture with the season. There are three pictures for each season. Write the name of the season under the picture.

For example, I’d write fall under the pumpkin, since I know pumpkins are around in the fall.

Summer Fall Winter Spring






Vocabulary (T-Ss) Remember to elicit with cue/drill 3x/write on board/have students write/ask ccq. venue/s (n) (Visual) There is going to What are some venues in be a concert here in this Boston? park. What are locations where events are held? committee/s (n) I work with a group of What committees have people to help the you been on? homeless. We have to make decisions about how to spend money. What is this kind of group called? feedback (n) My friend made a speech. When have you given A lot of people sent her feedback? emails saying how interesting it was. What is the word for comments given about something you said or did?

2 operation/s (n) At a factory, there is an What do people do if they order of how things are are part of a military done. What is another operation? word for the way things work? host (v) My friend has decided to What have you hosted? have a summer party. When she invites people to her house and gives them food and drink, what is she doing? ceremony/ies (n) We are going to a wedding What ceremonies have this weekend. What is an you been part of? event that is a part of a social or religious occasion? relay/s (n) (Visual) Mike and his team Where might you see a are getting ready for a relay? race. Each person runs once round the track. What is this kind of race called? showcase (v) Someone has a new What would you showcase product. They spend in your home country? money taking great photos of it to put on a website. What are they doing to the product? countdown (n) (Visual) It is going to take When have you seen a off in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, countdown? 2, and 1. What is the word for numbers said backwards? prediction/s (n) When the weather What predictions have forecaster says “you can you made? expect rain tomorrow”, what is he making?

Prediction (T-Ss) Show picture of Olympic symbol and say, ‘who can tell me what this is’? Have you watched the Olympics? What is your favorite sport to watch? Why?

3 Today you are going to read how Sochi in Russia is preparing for their turn to hos the Olympics. While you read, please look for the answer to this question, “When is the Opening Ceremony?”

Focus Question (T-Ss) When is the Opening Ceremony?

Text: In the past, Sochi was known as one of Russia’s most popular summer vacation places. Now its look has been changed. Sochi is preparing for the Winter Olympics. There are new buildings, venues, and roads.

“Things are going well. Everybody is working hard to make sure that we reach all of our goals,” explained the President of the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee. “We are receiving good feedback about every new building,” said Chernyshenko.

That feedback is from many of the athletes who will compete at the 2014 Winter Games. "The mountain is first-class,” said Olympic champion Bode Miller, of the USA. "It's as nice as any of the places we ever go. (1) I think it will be amazing to have the Olympic games in Russia.”

The Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee is testing parts of its operations before the Games. “We are very pleased with results,” said Chernyshenko. “The test races have been successful. We had positive feedback from many athletes and coaches. We have fixed all the problems. We are ready to host the Games, even in difficult conditions.”

During the Games, events are going to be held in two areas. The “mountain area”, is going to host the skiing and sliding events as well as the Opening and Closing Ceremonies. The second venue, Sochi Olympic Park, can host around 75,000 visitors during the Games. For the first time in the history of the Winter Games, all ice

4 venues are close to each other. It’s believed that this year, (2) fans will not have to choose which sport to watch. They can go to many events on the same day.

All of Russia is going to have a chance to experience the excitement of the Winter Games thanks to the Sochi 2014 Olympic Torch Relay. This will begin on October 7th in Moscow. (3) Will this be the longest Torch Relay in Olympic Winter Games history? We’ll see! The Olympic Flame is going to travel over approximately 65,000km of Russian roads and visit more than 2,900 towns across the country. More than 14,000 athletes will carry the torch.

The Olympic Torch Relay is one of the most important things in the Olympics. “I am sure that (4) the Olympic Torch Relay will be welcomed by wonderful celebrations in every city. For one day during the Relay, each town that the Olympic Flame visits becomes the center of attention. They have a chance to showcase themselves to the whole world," said Chernyshenko.

Once the Flame enters the stadium during the Opening Ceremony on February 7th, Chernyshenko believes (5) the eyes of the world will be on the Russian city for the 2014 Olympic Winter Games. For the Organizing Committee and the athletes competing, the final countdown is on.

Answer FQ: Who has the answer to our question? Answer: February 7th

Control Practice One: I have a sheet here with questions about the text. Working by yourself, write a short answer to each question. For example, the first question asks, ‘in the past, what was Sochi known as’? In the text is says that in the past, Sochi was known as one of Russia’s most popular summer holiday spots. So I write that answer under number one.

5 1. In the past, what was Sochi known as? One of Russia’s most popular summer vacation places

2. What kind of feedback is the committee receiving? It is receiving good feedback about every new building

3. What is the committee doing before the games? Testing part of its operations

4. What is the mountain area going to host during the Olympic games? The “mountain area”, is going to host the skiing and sliding events as well as the Opening and Closing Ceremonies

5. What is one of the most important things in the Olympics? The Olympic Torch Relay

6. According to Chernyshenko, what does each town that the torch visits have the chance to do? Showcase themselves to the whole world

Control Practice Two: I have another worksheet that has questions on it from the text. Work individually to fill in the blanks with the answers. For example, number one says, ‘Sochi is preparing for the Winter Olympics and has new BLANK. The correct answer is C, new buildings, venues, and roads. So I would put ‘C’ next to number one.

1. What new things does Sochi have for the Olympic Games? A. Flag colors B. Leadership C. Buildings, venues, and roads D. Flag design

2. Who is the President of the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee? A. Obama B. Erickson C. Gorbachev

6 D. Chernyshenko

3. How many visitors can the second venue, Sochi Olympic Park, host during the Games? A. 70,000 B. 75,000 C. 68,000 D. 76,000

4. When does the Sochi 2014 Olympic Torch Relay begin? A. September 7th B. October 1st C. October 7th D. October 4th

5. How far approximately is the Olympic Flame going to travel? A. 65,000km B. 65,000miles C. 54,000km D. 72,000km

6. How many towns across Russia is the Olympic Torch going to visit? A. 2,399 B. 2,900 C. 3,100 D. 22,000

Critical Thinking (S-S) Working with your partner, choose two or three questions to answer. For example, I chose number one, ‘in your native country, what are the most popular summer vacation places?’ I believe California and South Carolina are the most popular summer holiday spots. 1. In your native country, what are the most popular summer vacation places?

2. Have you had to host an event in difficult conditions? What was the event? What were the difficult conditions? How did it go?

3. Has your home country ever hosted the Olympics? What season did they host the Olympics? Where any changes made or building done to prepare for the Olympics? Did you go to watch the games?

7 4. If you were an athlete, what sport would you do? Would you want to carry the Olympic Torch in the relay? Why or why not?

5. What are ways cities can showcase themselves for visitors?

6. What possible problems do you think the Olympic committee has to think about when it is preparing for the games?

Grammar Presentation A. Identify Target Language What do you notice in all of the underlined sections? Right, the word will is used.

Do you know which verb tense ‘will’ is used for? The future



Now we’re going to look at future situations where we use ‘will’.

Would someone please read the bold part of number one? “I think it will be amazing to have the Olympic games in Russia.”

Is Bode Miller excited about the Games? Yes

Why? The mountain is first class and Sochi is as nice as other Olympic venues he’s been to

So what is he meaning when he says he expects the games to be amazing? A prediction

Good, now would someone please read the bold part of number two? It’s believed that this year, fans will not have to choose which sport to watch.

Is it certain that this year fans will not have to choose which sport to watch? No.

8 Is it likely that fans will not have to choose which sport to watch this year? Yes.

How do we know that? ***If students are uncertain, draw their attention to previous sentence**** People believe it because all the venues are close to each other.

When people use the word ‘believe’ about the future, what are they making about the future? A prediction

WRITE ON BOARD after ‘Future’: “Predictions”

Form: Now we’re going to look at how we make sentences with these words. Can someone please read the underlined part of sentence four? the Olympic Torch Relay will be

What does the sentence start with? The Olympic Torch Relay

And what part of speech is this? Subject + – WRITE ON BOARD Subject +

And next? Will + - WRITE ON BOARD Subject + will +

After that? be

And part of speech is ‘be’? A base form verb – WRITE ON BOARD Subject + will + Base form Verb


Now will someone please read the underlined part of number two? fans will not have

What does the sentence start with? Fans

9 And what part of speech is fans? The subject – WRITE ON BOARD – Subject +

And what comes next? Will – WRITE ON BOARD – Subject + will not+

Do you know a shorter way to say, “will not”? Won’t – WRITE ON BOARD

And after will not, what’s next? Have

And what part of speech is have? A base form verb – WRITE ON BOARD - Subject + will not (won’t) + Base form verb

And finally, can someone please read the underlined part of sentence three? Will this be

What does the sentence start with? Will + - WRITE ON BOARD

And what comes next? This +

And what is this? Will + subject – WRITE ON BOARD

And next? Be

And what form of the verb is that? Base form verb – WRITE ON BOARD Will + subject + base form verb

How does the sentence end? With a question mark Correct. Good job.

WRITE ON BOARD Will + subject + base form verb + ?

Grammar Control Practice 1

10 Say: Complete the dialogues by making a prediction by using will, will not, or won’t. For example, number one says, The Superbowl is on TV tonight. I would say, a lot of people will watch the game.

1. The Superbowl is on TV tonight. A lot of people will watch the game

2. Look at those black clouds. It will rain

3. My son has a test tomorrow. He hasn’t studied. He (won’t or will not) pass the test – Or - he will fail.

4. I planted some seeds and now it’s raining. The flowers will grow

5. She is going to a party, but she hates to dance. She (will not or won’t) dance.

6. Our friend caught four lobsters today and he has invited us to dinner. We will eat lobster tonight

7. My son is going to run his first marathon. He will be tired at the end

Grammar Control Practice 2

Find the errors in the text and make the correction. For example, number one says, I will going to the movies. It should read, I will go to the movies.

1. I will going to the movies. I will go to the movies.

2. Will study she hard for this test? Will she study hard for this test?

3. “When she sees this mess, your mother will mad at you be.” “When she sees this mess, your mother will be mad at you.”

4. They wont get here in time unless they leave earlier. They won’t get here in time unless they leave earlier.

11 5. He will to become a farmer. He will become a farmer.

6. Let’s do this right now, or it will get done. Let’s do this right now, or it (will not or won’t) get done.

7. She doesn’t have money for Christmas gifts. Will the children disappointed? She doesn’t have money for Christmas gifts. Will the children be disappointed?

Free Practice 1 (THEME) Working with your partner, select two seasonal jobs from the list. Decide who will do what job. Partner one answers questions that partner two asks about their job and how they think their work will go. Try to use questions and answers with “will”, “will not”, or “won’t” to make predictions. For example, if I chose a Farmer as my job, my partner might ask me, “what will grow well this year?” And I would answer, “it’s sunny so I think that beans will grow well this year.”

Seasonal Jobs: Snow Removal, Lawn Work, Fisherman, Farmer, or Weather Forecaster

Wrap-up (THEME)

What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow?

Extension (THEME)

Pretend you are going to take your ideal vacation. You need to choose a season for your trip, where you’ll go, and decide what it will be like when you go there. Using “will”, “will not”, or “won’t”, make some predictions.

For example, I have decided to take a trip to Bali this winter. I believe it will be at least 70 degrees each day, and perhaps 80 degrees. With this kind of weather, I won’t need to stay in the hotel room! Every day I will spend time on the beach, playing beach volleyball. And I will swim in the ocean each morning.

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