Dominion Over Familiar Spirits

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Dominion Over Familiar Spirits


Occultism has many branches and they are interwoven, inter-related and they overlap. Workers with familiar spirits who are often times referred to as familiar spirits themselves are specifically mediums and sorcerers (2 Chronicles 33:6; Leviticus 20:6,27). However witches and wizards do often times make use of the services of familiar spirits to find out facts that are needful for their deadly operations. Familiar spirits are responsible for genealogical and generational problems that have no organic traces. They engineer bondages across generations. Since spirits don’t die, they stay with a family line and ensue that new generations inherit the captivity of the passing generation. Untimely deaths in the family, recurrent barrenness in the family, unexplainable fibroids, oppressions that take similar patterns in the family, afflictions that are replicated in every male in the family, etc. However we can have dominion over the activities of familiar spirits and escape the manipulations and monitoring control of the workers with familiar spirits (2 Kings 23:24).

IDENTITY AND DESCRIPTION Deuteronomy 18:10-12; Leviticus 20:6,27; 19:31; 1 Samuel 28:8; Acts 16:16-19; Isaiah 8:19,20; 29:4; 2 Chronicles 33:6.

The Hebrew word translated “familiar spirit” in our English Bible is the word “Ob” which properly means a leathern bottle; for sorcerers were regarded as vessels containing the inspiring demon. The word “familiar spirit” is often used in the Bible to denote both the person and the spirit which possessed the individual (2 Chronicles 33:6; Leviticus 20:6,27; 1 Samuel 28:8; 2 Kings 23:24; 21:6; Acts 16:16). The word “familiar” is from the Latin “familiaris” meaning “belonging to one’s family”, and hence ready to serve one as a household servant. The word was intended to express the idea that sorcerers had spirits as their servants ready to obey their commands. Familiar spirit is used to refer to the spirit of a dead person that mediums claimed they could summon for consultation. Sorcerers and necromancers especially usually operate with familiar spirits although others like witches and wizards also employ their services (Deuteronomy 18:11). There are demons that were invited and have legally stayed in some families for decades and centuries. When a person dies, the demon attaches himself to another person in the family or there is a deliberate transfer. This demon will know all the characteristics, traits and lifestyle of members of the family. He will have an accurate knowledge of the family history and this he can deposit in Satan’s information bank. If a medium desiring to know something about this family conjures this demon, he will surely get information about the family. This is the way familiar spirits work. Familiar spirits are spirits that are familiar to a person, a place or a thing and therefore possess some knowledge of the person, place or thing.

IMPERSONATION AND DECEPTION 1 Samuel 28:7-20; 1 Chronicles 10:13; Isaiah 8:19; Acts 16:16-19; 8:9-13; 2 Corinthians 11:13-15; John 8:44.

Familiar spirits are though to be able to reveal the future (1 Samuel 28:7; 1 Chronicles 10:13; Isaiah 8:19; Acts 16:16-19) or reveal secrets very dear to a person. Familiar spirits operate through impersonation and deception. When a medium summons the spirit of the dead, a demon, the familiar spirit responds and impersonates the dead person. Since the demon is familiar with that family and that particular individual, the demon gives the knowledge he has stored concerning the individual – what killed the person, unknown squabbles between him and others, those who threatened to kill or poison him, who has control of his assets, etc. (1 Samuel 28:7-20). A familiar spirit impersonated Samuel the prophet, gave Saul a breakdown of his former disobedience and told him what lay ahead of him (1 Samuel 28:7-20). The familiar spirit was not Samuel but a deception of the devil to satisfy Saul’s curiosity and hunger for spiritual guidance (1 Samuel 28:6,7). We know that the demon is not Samuel for the following reasons:

(1) God will not allow Samuel to be disturbed from his eternal rest (Luke 16:24-31). (2) Samuel was in Abraham’s bosom, Saul died and went to hell. So Saul could not be with Samuel after death (1 Samuel 28:19). (3) God abhorred necromancy. He could not have contributed to making it a reality and success (Leviticus 20:6,27). (4) It was Saul that perceived the old man with a mantle among the gods to be Samuel. He declared what he wanted to see and hear (1 Samuel 28:11-14). Since the declaration of the past by the familiar spirit was accurate, Saul’s tendency was to believe the prediction of the future. And then it will be to him according to his faith (1 Samuel 28:16-20; 31:1-6). The power that familiar spirits have over man is impersonation and deception. This should not surprise us because Satan can transform himself to be like an angel of light. Impersonation is Satan’s stock in trade (2 Corinthians 11:13-15). If we don’t believe their deception, they can never affect our lives negatively.

INSIGHT AND DOMINION 1 Samuel 28:7-20; Acts 16:16-19; 19:13-15; 1 John 5:21,18; Jude 20,21; Mark 5:7,8; 2 Corinthians 2:11; John 8:32; Colossians 3:3.

Knowledge is half the battle won. Ignorance fetters a person in bondage but truth has the capacity to set free. The more insight we have into the activities of familiar spirits and how to overcome them, the easier for us to live in victory (2 Corinthians 2:11; John 8:32; Hosea 4:6; Isaiah 5:13). Familiar spirits always want to rule and control a person. They use their knowledge of the person to make utterances about him that only him could possibly know. Most people are stunned by such revelations and therefore believe the spirit. From then on, the familiar spirit can control their future by making predictions that they will believe and will therefore come to pass. The way into dominion over familiar spirits is as follows:

(1) Reject their utterance and revelation even if seemingly true and accurate (1 Samuel 28:7-20; Acts 16:16-19) Satan’s ministry of information contains information and knowledge held by familiar spirits. Mediums know Satan’s department to go to in order to obtain such information about people. Even if the satanic revelation is true, reject them because of the satanic source. Satan can never tell the truth because Christ says there is no truth in him (John 8:44). If Satan ever tells the truth, it will be because there is a hidden agenda. He will use it to trap you!

(2) Bind them and cast them out (Mark 5:7,8) The only thing we can do to familiar spirits is to resist them and reject them from their hiding places from where they implement their dirty and wicked missions. Paul did not spare the demon in the fortune telling lady in Philippi (Acts 16:16-18). Jesus did not spare the demons that declared the truth about Him (Mark 5:7,8; Acts 19:13,15).

(3) Break their legal hold upon your life and family The life of the true believer is hid with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3). No demon has any right to monitor your life and deposit information about you in Satan’s information bank. Break the legal hold of any familiar spirit upon your life and that of your family. Destroy whatever beachheads they have erected and dismantle their network in your family.

(4) Keep yourself from idols, occultism and keep yourself in the love of God The believer that stays away from idolatry and occultism and keeps himself in the love of God will be far from the influence of familiar spirits (1 John 5:21,18; Jude 21). Build up your faith and receive whatever guidance and power you need from the Lord through prayer (Jude 20).

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