A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology s123
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from A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LITERARY THEORY, CRITICISM AND PHILOLOGY http://www.unizar.es/departamentos/filologia_inglesa/garciala/bibliography.html by José Ángel GARCÍA LANDA (University of Zaragoza, Spain)
Adam, Jean-Michel. Les textes: types et prototypes: Récit, description, argumentation, explication et dialogue. (Fac-Linguistique). Paris: Nathan, 1992. 4th ed. Paris: Nathan, 2001. Alvarez, Miriam. Tipos de escrito II: Exposición y argumentación. Madrid, 1994. Andújar Moreno, Gemma. "Traducir la argumentación en editoriales de prensa: De las estrategias argumentativas a las técnicas traductoras." Hermeneus 11 (2009): 51-80.* Anscombre, Jean-Claude, and Oswald Ducrot. L'Argumentation dans la langue. Brussels: Mardaga, 1983. Aristotle. (Aristóteles). Tópicos. In Aristóteles, Tratados de lógica. Introd., trans. and notes by Miguel Candel Sanmartín. (Biblioteca Gredos). Barcelona: RBA, 2007. 69-236.* (Dialectics, meaning, definitions, identity, argumentation). _____. Tópicos. In Aristóteles, Tratados de lógica. Introds., trans. and notes by Miguel Candel Sanmartín. Barcelona: RBA, 2015. 67- 234.* (Dialectics, Propositions, Predication, Accidents, Contraries, Similarities, Genera, Proper, Definition, Identity, Argumentation). _____. Posterior Analytics. _____. Analíticos segundos. In Aristóteles, Tratados de lógica. Introd., trans. and notes by Miguel Candel Sanmartín. (Biblioteca Gredos). Barcelona: RBA, 2007.* 489-590.* (Argumentation, demonstrations, definitions). _____. (Aristóteles). Sobre las refutaciones sofísticas. In Aristóteles, Tratados de lógica. Introds., trans. and notes by Miguel Candel Sanmartín. Barcelona: RBA, 2015. 235-90.* (Argumentation, Refutation, Sophistry, Paradoxes, Errors, Paralogisms, Fallacies). Baynham, M. "Narrative in Argument, Argument in Narrative." in Competing and Consensual Voices: The Theory and Practice of Argument. Ed. P. J. M. Costello and S. Mitchell. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1995. Bustos Tovar, José Jesús de. "La construcción del discurso argumentativo a principios del Renacimiento." In Estudios sobre el texto: Nuevos enfoques y propuestas. Ed. Azucena Penas and Rosario González. Frankfurt a/M: Peter Lang, 2009. 361-86.* Caminada, M. W. A. "For the Sake of the Argument: Explorations into Argument-based Reasoning." Ph.D. diss. Free University Amsterdam, 2004. _____. "On the Issue of Reinstatement in Argumentation." In Logics in Artificial Intelligence: 10th European Conference, JELIA 2006. Ed. M. Fischer, W. Van der Hoek, B. Konev and A. Lisitsa. Springer, 2006. 111-23. Carranza, Isolda E. "3. Narrating and Arguing: From Plausibility to Local Moves." In The Handbook of Narrative Analysis. Ed. Anna De Fina and Alexandra Georgakopoulou. Chichester: Wiley, 2015. 57-75.* Coaguila Valdivia, Jaime Francisco. "III.4. Narrativismo como método en la teoría del Derecho y modelo de la argumentación jurídica." In Implicación, Derecho, Literatura: Contribuciones a una Teoría literaria del Derecho. Ed. José Calvo González. Granada: Comares, 2008. Costello, P. J. M., and S. Mitchell, eds. Competing and Consensual Voices: The Theory and Practice of Argument. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1995. Cotteron, Jany. "¿Secuencias didácticas para enseñar a argumentar en la escuela primaria?" In Secuencias didácticas para aprender a escribir. Ed. A. Camps. Barcelona: Anagrama, 2003. de Moor, A., and L. Efimova. "An Argumentation Analysis of Weblog Conversations." In The 9th International Working Conference on the Language-Action Perspective on Communication Modelling (LAP 2004). 2004. Declercq, Gilles. "Politique du Paradigme: Argumentation et Fiction dans la Rhétorique d'Aristote." Études Françaises 36.1.* Domínguez García, Mª Noemí. "Herramientas teóricas para el análisis de conectores: La teoría de la argumentación." In Palabras, Norma, Discurso: En memoria de Fernando Lázaro Carreter. Ed. Luis Santos Río et al. Salamanca: Ediciones U de Salamanca, 2005. 397-405.* (Discourse markers). Doury, Marianne, and Sophie Moirand, eds. L'argumentation aujourd'hui: positions théoriques en confrontation. Paris: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2004. Dung, P. M. "On the Acceptability of Arguments and its Fundamental Role in Non-monotonic Reasoning, Logic Programming and n- person games." Artificial Intelligence 77 (1995): 321–357. Eemeren, Frans H. van, R. Grootendorst and Francisca Snoeck Henkemans, eds. Fundamentals of Argumentation Theory: A Handbook of Historical Backgrounds and Contemporary Developments. Mahwah (NJ): Lawrence Erlbaum, 1996. Eemeren, H. van, and R. Grootendorst. Speech Acts in Argumentative Discussions: A Theoretical Model for the Analysis of Discussions Directed towards Solving Conflicts of Opinion. Dordrecht: Foris, 1984. García Landa, José Ángel. "Vencer, convencer." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 9 June 2007. http://garciala.blogia.com/2007/060902-vencer-convencer.php 2007-07-04 Göttert, K. H. Argumentation: Grundzüge iherer Theorie im Bereich theoretischen Wissens und praktischen Handelns. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1978. Hatim, Basil. "5. Argumentation in Arabic Rhetoric." In Hatim, Communication Across Cultures: Translation Theory and Contrastive Text Linguistics. Exeter: U of Exeter P, 1997. Rpt. 2000. 47-53.* Holbo, John. "The End of Argument." The Valve 25 April 2008 http://www.thevalve.org/go/valve/article/the_end_of_argument/ 2008 Ellis, John M. Against Decontruction. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1989.* Escandell Vidal, M. Victoria. "Anscombre y Ducrot y la teoría de la argumentación." In Escandell, Introducción a la pragmática. Barcelona: UNED / Anthropos, 1993. 108-28.* Frank, M. Selbstbewusstsein und Argumentation. Amsterdam: Van Gorcum, 1997. Godó, Ágnes M. "Cross-Cultural Aspects of Academic Writing: A Study of Hungarian and North American College Students L1 Argumentative Essays." In Academic Writing: The Role of Different Rhetorical Traditions. Ed. Rafael Monroy-Casas. Monograph issue of IJES 8.2 (2008): 65-111.* (Rhetorical structure, nucleus, satellite, hierarchical text organisation, plausibility judgment, inductive/deductive argumentation, opposing/supporting argument, listing/alternating/elaborating argument structure). Hatim, Basil. "4. Argumentation across Cultures." In Hatim, Communication Across Cultures: Translation Theory and Contrastive Text Linguistics. Exeter: U of Exeter P, 1997. Rpt. 2000. 34-46.* Hoogaert, C. Argumentation et questionnement. Paris: PUF, 1996. Hunston, Susan. "Evaluation and the Planes of Discourse: Status and Value in Persuasive Texts." In Evaluation in Text: Authorial Stance and the Construction of Discourse. Ed. Susan Hunston and Geoffrey Thompson. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000. Pbk. 2001. 176-207.* Lunsford, Andrea, and John Ruszkiewicz. Everything's an Argument. Bedford Books, 1998. Lo Cascio, V. Grammatica dell'Argomentare: Strategie e Strutture. Firenze: La Nuova Italia, 1991. Moreno, Ana I. "How Do Spanish and English Academics Reduce the Force of Their Conclusions?" In AEDEAN: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference (León, 16-18 de diciembre, 1999). CD-ROM. León: AEDEAN, 2003.* Naess, A. Kommunikation und Argumentation. Kronberg: Skriptor, 1975. Perelman, C. Il Campo dell'Argomentazione. Nuova Retorica e Scienze Umane. Parma: Pratiche, 1979. Perelman, Chaïm, and Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca. "Act and Person in Argument." Ethics 61 (1951): 251-69. _____. Rhétorique et philosophie: Pour une théorie de l'argumentation en philosophie. Paris: PUF, 1952. _____. La Nouvelle rhétorique: Traité de l'argumentation. 2 vols. Paris: PUF, 1958. _____. The New Rhetoric: A Treatise on Argumentation. Trans. John Wilkinson and Purcell Weaver. Notre Dame: U of Notre Dame P, 1969. _____. Trattato dell'Argomentazione: La Nuova Retorica. Torino: Einaudi, 1966. _____. Tratado de la argumentación. Madrid: Gredos, 1989. Phelan, Peter J., and Peter J. Reynolds. Argument and Evidence: Critical Analysis for the Social Sciences. London: Routledge, 1995. Plantin, C. Essais sur l'Argumentation. Paris: Kimé, 1990. _____. L'Argumentation. Paris: Seuil, 1996. _____. L'Argumentation: Historie, Théories et Perspectives. Paris: PUF, 2005. Prakken, H., and G. Sartor. "Argument-based Extended Logic Programming with Defeasible Priorities." Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 7 (1997): 25–75. Rabatel, Alain. Argumenter en racontant: (Re)lire et (ré)écrire les textes littéraires. Bruxelles: De Boeck, 2004. _____. "Chapitre 3: Valeurs énonciative et représentative des 'présentatifs' c'est, il y a, voici/voilà: effet de point de vue et argumentativité indirecte du récit." In Rabatel, Homo narrans: Pour une analyse énonciative et interactionnelle du récit. Tome 1: Les points de vue et la logique de la narration. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas, 2009. 117-50.* _____. "Introduction (III. Effacement énonciatif et argumentation indirecte)." In Rabatel, Homo narrans: Pour une analyse énonciative et interactionnelle du récit. Tome 2: Dialogisme et Polyphonie dans le récit. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas, 2009. 577- 82.* _____. "Chapitre 12: Évidences perceptuelles et argumentation indirecte." In Rabatel, Homo narrans: Pour une analyse énonciative et interactionnelle du récit. Tome 2: Dialogisme et Polyphonie dans le récit. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas, 2009. 613- 32.* Robrieux, Jean-Jacques. Elements de rhétorique de l'argumentation. Paris, 1993. Rosenberg, Martin. "Prigogine, HyperCard, and the Dialectic of Stasis and Process in the Teaching of Argument." In Hypertext in the Classroom: Theory and Practice. Ed. William Condon. Houghton (Michigan): Computers and Composition Press, forthcoming 1994. Shand, John. Arguing Well. London: Routledge, 2000. Spence, Gerry. How to Argue and Win Every Time. London: Pan, 1997. Stati, S. "Il Lessico dell'Argomentazione." In Forms of Argumentative Discourse: Per un'analisi lingüística dell'argomentazione. Ed. Marina Bondi. Bologna: CLUEB, 1998. 51-56. _____. Principi di Analisi Argomentativa. Bologna: Pàtron, 2002. Vignaux, Georges. Du discours à la pensée. Paris: Hatier, 1999. Vives, Juan Luis. De discipliniis. 1531. (Disciplines, Arts, Letters, Grammar, Dialectic, Rhetoric, Natural philosophy, Medicine, Mathematics, Moral Philosophy, Civil Law, Metaphysics, Probability, Truth, Argumentation, Logic). _____. Las disciplinas. Trans. Lorenzo Riber (Real Academia Española). Introd. Francisco José Fortuny. Madrid: Aguilar, 1948. _____. Las disciplinas. Trans. Lorenzo Riber. Introd. Francisco José Fortuny. 2 vols. (Historia del Pensamiento, 83, 84). Barcelona: Orbis, 1985.* Vreeswijk, G. A. W., and H. Prakken. "Credulous and Sceptical Argument Games for Preferred Semantics." In Proceedings of the 7th European Workshop on Logic for Artificial Intelligence (JELIA-00). (Springer Lecture Notes in AI, 1919). Berlin: Springer, 239–253. Toulmin, Stephen. The Uses of Argument. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1958. _____. The Uses of Argument. (Spanish trans. ed. Península, c. 2001). Yanoshevsky, Galia. Rev. of L'argumentation aujourd'hui: Positions théoriques en confrontation. Ed. Marianne Doury and Sophie Moirand. Poetics Today 27.4 (2006): 723-726.*
Teira, David, et al. "Nuevas perspectivas sobre la argumentación." YouTube (UNEDradio) 28 Feb. 2014.* http://youtu.be/OYFzn4Jfuag 2014
Diarios: Blog de Arcadi Espada http://arcadi.espasa.com/ 2006-11-17
Think Again. Blog in The New York Times. (Stanley Fish). http://fish.blogs.nytimes.com/ 2008
Argumentation Literature
Goldstein, Rebecca. 36 Arguments for the Existence of God: A Work of Fiction. New York: Random House-Pantheon, 2010. _____. 36 Arguments for the Existence of God: A Work of Fiction. London: Atlantic Books, 2011.*
Carel, Marion. "L'argumentation intérieure." Video lecture. YouTube (CRAL) 27 Feb. 2015.* https://youtu.be/wcnzxW2_HqU 2015 Cohen, Daniel H. "For Argument's Sake." Video lecture. TED (August 2013).*
http://www.ted.com/talks/daniel_h_cohen_for_argument_s_sake. html 2013
See also Evaluation; Stance; Intention.