Self-Assessment Report and Institutional Development Plan

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Self-Assessment Report and Institutional Development Plan


2. Self-assessment report for the previous 4 years

2.1. Administrative structure diagram of the institution

NIRD URBAN-INCERC has a specific situation, since it exists under this name only since the last part of 2009. According to the Romanian Government Decision 1398/18 November 2009 it was established the new institute „URBAN-INCERC” as THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN BUILDING, URBANISM AND SUSTAINABLE TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT – URBAN-INCERC.

This was done as a result of merging by fusion of the The National Institute for Research and Development in Constructions and Economy of Constructions - INCERC, with The National Institute for Research and Development in Urbanism and Territorial Development - URBAN- PROIECT and The National Center for Research, Development and Documenting for Constructions, Architecture, Urbanism and Territorial Planning – CDCAS, which are disolved. The R-D Institute URBAN-INCERC is a legal substitute of former entities (INCERC, URBANPROIECT and CDCAS) concerning all rights and obligations.

Later on, based on Romanian Government Ordinance No. 16 of July 21, 2010, The National Center for Seismic Risk Reduction-NCSSR (a project management and implementation unit of a JICA Project in Romania) was merged within INCD URBAN-INCERC.

Thus, in the period 2008-2009 the activity was separately done in former institutes, and only in 2010 the new structure was fully operational. In this respect, it is worth to mention that each of the basic institutes and centers, i.e. INCERC, URBAN-PROIECT and CDCAS, and later on also NCSRR represented prestigious brands of the Romanian R-D system, positively evaluated and accredited by ANCS in 2007.

INCERC was founded in 1950, URBAN-PROIECT in 1950s, CDCAS in 1960 s, and only NCSRR was a recent center, mainly under JICA Project financing.

On this background, the Romanian Government and MDRT decided to create NIRD URBAN-INCERC as a dedicated to a special type of research, integrative of many domains, since sustainable development requires this way of action, but according to national and EU requirements. The general data of the the first page of ANCS-RPC site must be understood after the presentation of legal constituency of URBAN-INCERC, within its organizational / administrative structure diagram.

1 2.2. General activity report of the institution – Institute N.I.R.D. „URBAN-INCERC” as a whole (maximum 5 pages)

The specific of research in constructions field and the place of N.I.R.D. „URBAN- INCERC”

Research in constructions shows certain peculiarities conferred by the fact that the final product is achieved at a given location by bringing more products, activities, technologies and environmental conditions and concerns on a case by case, the materials, components, parts or whole bodies in interaction with the adjacent environment. Environment in Romania is highly seismic and has a specific temperate continental climate. Construction field includes both buildings and some other specific public works such as bridges, dams, special engineering works (towers, industrial chimneys, tanks, utility works), which belong to transport, respectively spatial planning and urban.

Due to the specific features shown, construction products are not included in market regulations and trade sense and, due to peculiarities of their realization, in particular, should be considered two parts, which are distinct, of the applicable market area covered products: a) regulated area, of the construction products operating in the market, but the main objective of monitoring products market is not meeting the essential requirements, but requirements based on interpretative documents b) regulated field of construction, involving design-implementation and post-use constructions, for which there are also ways of monitoring for ensuring all the essential requirements, subject to specific regulations to construction field

The REGULATION (EU) No 305/2011 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 9 March 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing Council Directive 89/106/EEC, Official Journal of the European Union., 4.4.2011 has implications on the activitiy with materials producers and gives rules for declaration of performance and CE marking, harmonised standards, European Assessment Document, European Technical Assessment, classes of performance in relation to the essential characteristics of construction products, obligation for Member States, monitoring of notified bodies, procedure to deal at national level with construction products presenting a risk.

The National Research - Development of Construction, Urban Planning and Sustainable Territorial Development "URBAN-INCERC" is a part of national research-development system, which consists of all establishments and institutions of public law and private law legal person, which have in the object of activity the research and the development.

N.I.R.D. „URBAN-INCERC” is a national institute coordinated by MDRT, on its technical field, and in coordination of MECTS-ANCS on research on specific aspects. In relation to the MDRT, the institute is an important factor in national development strategy in the areas of expertise and competence, making research on the subject matters of construction, equipment and facilities, materials and technologies falling within the development strategy in the construction sector from Romania. In Romania, the elaboration of technical regulations in construction is coordinated by the Technical Department of Construction of the MDRT.

2 It is recognized the role of the scientific research in the elaboration of technical regulations in construction and the direct involvement of research institutes in this activity, as in the elaboration of technical approvals for construction.

The activity of N.T.R.D. URBAN-INCERC of grounding the state policy in the field contributes directly to strategies, policies, laws and regulations promoted by the MDRT in construction and regional development. For this reason, its strategy development and function are directly related to the strategy of construction field.

In relation to the MECTS-ANCS, the institute is integrated into the National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation for 2007-2013, which is the main instrument through which the National Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS) is implementing the National Strategy for RDI. URBAN-INCERC has aimed the achieving of the three strategic objectives of the National RDI system, namely: - Creating knowledge for the achievement of scientific results and technological, globally competitive in order to increase international visibility of Romanian research and subsequently transfer the results in practice socio-economic - Increasing the competitiveness of Romanian economy through innovation, economic impact and transfer the knowledge into economic - Improving the quality of social life, respectively finding technical and scientific solutions supporting social development and improve the human condition, including the safety aspects of disaster

Public policy in the research and construction sector - National Development Plan (NDP) 2007-2013 has stipulated in "Competitiveness and knowledge-based economy" the development strategy for the areas: scientific research, technological development and innovation.

The Government Programme 2009 - 2012 provides in Chapter 13 “Scientific research, development and innovation”, as Government's objectives, among others: - Increase the number of researchers with international scientific results - Increasing the attractiveness of scientific careers and promotion of young researchers - Integration of research in social and economic environment - Promoting science performance among the general public

In Chapter 16 “Regional development policies, the local public infrastructure and tourism”, section 2. Construction sector policy states:

Objectives of governance  Normalization market - construction quality - certification systems  Energy efficiency of multi-storey buildings  Certification of products, innovative systems Legal framework, institutional framework  Improving the system of regulations and standards in construction and urban (fields, number of standards etc.).  Improving the FIDIC contract system  Improving the warning and rapid intervention in case of seismic risk Action Programs  Program for to reduce seismic vulnerability of public buildings

3  Program for to consolidate multi-story buildings, based on technical expert report and ranked in class I of seismic risk, presenting public danger  Program for the first emergency interventions in vulnerable buildings, presenting public danger These programs are run by MDRT.

The national context From assessing of the situation of development research institutes in the construction and materials construction results that they were designed and operated for approx. 50-60 years in conjunction with design institutes in the fields, serving industries concerned.

Research institutions had a specific structure and equipment which have given them over many decades an important role in providing technical progress in autarchic conditions. This led both to a profitable monopoly for some time, as well as disadvantageous since 1990, when public order was drastically reduced and the construction market was stagnant. Because of this restructuring and adapting to the new research institutes was much more difficult and critical situations occurred, fluctuating periods and a general lack of perspective areas of research and technological obsolescence of equipment etc.

The European context There are public research institutes in the construction field, particularly for this area, and financed primarily from public funds to meet the European common strategic objectives: - CSTB in France - CEDEX in Spain - BRE in the UK - LNEC in Portugal - ISMES-Bergamo in Italy etc.

Ther is also a research activity in the private research centers, funded by patronates or construction companies, universities and construction, architecture and urbanism. The EC and EU level on building strategic research is concentrated in the Joint Research Centre (DG JRC- Joint Research Centre Directorate-General), with centers in several European countries.

In the construction sector, in all countries, the ministry coordination in construction, urban and regional planning, has an important role with technical collaboration of research institutions and universities.

THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN CONSTRUCTION, URBANISM AND SUSTAINABLE TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT "URBAN-INCERC" is a national institute, Romanian legal person, in coordination of MDRT şi MECS-ANCS. According to Government Decision No. 1398/2009 - Decision on the establishment, organization and functioning of the National Institute of Research and Development Building, Planning and Sustainable Territorial Development "URBAN- INCERC" and the organization and operation Regulation, published in Official Gazette 816 of 27 November 2009, NIRD URBAN-INCERC is to work in construction: basic and applied research of national public interest, providing the essential requirements concerning buildings and related facilities required by Law no. 10/1995 on construction quality, as amended, and The REGULATION (EU) No 305/2011 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 9 March 2011 (replacing the former Directive 89/106/EEC), the National Plan for Research-Development and Innovation.

4 INCD URBAN-INCERC has as activity domain the provision of public law and national interest services as it follows:

1. basic and fundamental research directed to development of science in mechanical construction especially construction, seismic engineering and physics building; 2. applied research to increase safety, functionality and comfort construction and the development and improvement of construction techniques and the implementation of specific technologies, including with stands, pilot plants, testing in situ refers to: a) strength, stability and durability of construction; b) seismic protection of buildings and structures; c) rehabilitation and modernization of the building fund; d) geotechnical and foundations; e) thermal protection and waterproofing of building construction; f) building protection against corrosion; g) fire protection of buildings; h) protection of construction against noise; i) closures and compartments, completion of construction; j) facilities and related equipment building; k) performance technologies for the implementation in construction; l) the behavior in time of construction; m) construction economy and prospective studies; 3. development of codes, regulations and documents concerning the design, composition, calculation and execution of construction and related facilities.

Other scientific research and technological development:

N.I.R.D. URBAN-INCERC out work to solve problems in its field of activity, research in construction and construction materials other than those listed in the National Plan for research-development and innovation, such as: a) studies and research to develop technical (agrement/approval)s; b) development of experimental techniques and measurements in both laboratory and in situ; c) studies and research to develop technical and economic regulations that underpin the work of designing, manufacturing and mining, and post construction use.

N.I.R.D. URBAN-INCERC capitalises the results from the field of rehabilitation for saving energy, increasing energy efficiency of buildings/construction, by performing experimental repair/maintenance, by the behavior in time of construction and application of technologies and materials, technical (agrement/approval) and environmentally friendly.

N.I.R.D. URBAN-INCERC runs specific activities conducted to support research and technological development fields.

To achieve sectoral plans and nucleus - core programs:

- N.I.R.D. URBAN-INCERC is participating in national development strategy in areas of specialty and expertise, develops programs and multi-annual core objectives including the construction, equipment and facilities, materials and technologies falling within the construction sector development strategy in Romania;

5 - N.I.R.D. URBAN-INCERC is developing fundamental research, sector and application of priority interest for the construction industry for technical and economic substantiation rules specific to this field;

- N.I.R.D. URBAN-INCERC is developing economic and technical regulations to ensure quality essential requirements on the construction and related facilities, including to ensure the construction of energy efficiency, technological development carried out specific activities and specific regulatory activities.

Within international research programs, development and innovation:

- N.I.R.D. URBAN-INCERC is participating in international partnership for the research, development and innovation in the European Research Area and works, through the European Network of Building Research Institutes - ENBRI with similar institutions in other states profile.

N.I.R.D. URBAN-INCERC out work to solve problems in its field of activity, research in construction and construction materials other than those listed in the National Plan for R & D and innovation, such as:  Participating in the construction strategy, planning, sustainable territorial development and housing;  Carry out consultancy and technical support specialist, for which purpose NIRD URBAN- INCERC out: - technical assistance and expert advice for the performance objectives and plant construction; - expertise on the technical condition of buildings and related facilities, and building design and execution; - technical assistance, scientific and methodological provision of services operators / beneficiaries interested in planning and execution of documents by planning a unique nature and importance; - computer programs; - technical solutions and methodologies for experimentation and execution of construction, laboratory equipment and the like; - opportunity studies, feasibility studies, surveys and assessments of assets, tender documentation for participation in the provision of services to contract design and execution of works, and others of this nature in the fields of activity; - other services in the fields.

Construction research activity is conducted in departments and laboratories of INCERC Bucharest Branch, and construction departments and laboratories specialized branches NIRD URBAN-INCERC of Iasi, Cluj-Napoca and Timisoara.

Areas of expertise

From the content of Government Decision No. 1398/2009 it results that the activity of the N.I.R.D. URBAN-INCERC on construction issues is vast and diverse, reflecting the prestige and expertise gained by INCERC Bucharest and regional branches. According to Government Decision No. 1398/2009, laboratories with specific construction from INCERC Bucharest branch and INCD URBAN-INCERC Iasi, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara, take credentials of the

6 National Institute for Research and Development in Construction and Construction Economics, to conduct fundamental and applied research in construction and also:  ensures support for the CTPC (Buildings Technical Permanent Council) secretariat;  provides information and dissemination of information/specific data activities, by organizing, operation and development of specialized information point on activities fields of the INCD URBAN-INCERC;  operates a specialized technical library of public law, including related activities of editing, printing and dissemination of information/specific data; - continuous profesional development activities/specialists training that carry out their activity in construction, urbanism, sustainable territorial development and housing; - periodically managing and updating of specialized databases in the specific activities of the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, for construction products; - activities arising from the quality of construction products certification body, management systems certification body and, respectively, from the inspection body in factory production. - URBAN-INCERC INCD ensures, if appropriate, functionality of the technical secretariats of specialized technical committees and special committees of technical and professional certification of specialists in construction activity, bodies whose establishment, organization and functionality is approved by the order of Coordinating Minister. - URBAN-INCERC INCD may develop, in secondary, trading and production activities, according to its own rules of organization and functioning,

URBAN-INCERC INCD carries out activities related to editing and printing of specialized publications in activity fields, mainly: a) newsletter on issues of architecture, urbanism and planning; b) Technical Information Bulletin (BIT); c) Construction Bulletin (CB); d) Collections "Buildings Regulations" and "Economic Issues for Buildings"; Supports this service free of charge and accesses the only incidents international gateway e) "Construction" Journal; f) current and public interest documentation required by the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, such as development and updating of technical guidance documents: guidelines for interpreting the essential requirements for buildings, guidelines on technical approval for construction products, regulations and/or official procedures;

N.I.R.D. URBAN-INCERC takes the international affiliations of INCERC at:  ENBRI - EUROPEAN NETWORK OF RESEARCH INSTITUTES IN CONSTRUCTIONS  UEAtc - EUROPEAN UNION FOR TECHNICAL APPROVALS IN CONSTRUCTION  EOTA - European Organization Technical Approval  WFTAO - World Federation Organization Technical Approval  Agreement EUR-OPA Major Hazards COUNCIL OF EUROPE - European Centre for Buildings Rehabilitation - ECBR)  ECI - ICE (European Cooperation for Information - International Certification Engineers)

7 The organizational / administrative structure diagram of URBAN-INCERC

The organizational / administrative structure diagram of URBAN-INCERC is presented separately, with the following comments, to be understood along with general data given in the first page of RPC site: - due to the short interval since URBAN-INCERC exist, and because of crisis context, there are some research divisions that were not yet made operational; - in all CONSTRUCTION Branches do exist labs with RENAR accreditation and / or ISC authorization, with new equipments, covering almost all fields of constructions science and the 60 years prestige of INCERC Brand and of territorial branches of Iasi, Cluj and Timisoara. - due to the compulsory legal content of Governement Decision 1398 / 2009 and other regulations, the structure includes specific comapartments. - each team has a specialty and zone of performance defined by topics and expertise; - researcher are hired based on competition.

Some remarks must be done concerning the data that are presented and downloaded as Excell tables:

Concerning the staff list by research teams

The critical mass in general terms can be considered as 2 researchers or graduates, but for accredited laboratories it is required some 4 graduated staff. Thus, in case of teams where the retirement made discomplete labs, a campaign of recruiting was re-started recently. Since all research staff is paid only if contracts exist, the planning and cash flow must be addressed accordingly, especially in recession times.

The average age is around 47 years for all institute, with variations, but each Branch and/or Division or laboratory present trends towards change. For instance in INCERC Bucharest Branch, the Lab. for Seismic Risk – ERSAC, Laboratory for Polymers, Laboratory for Building Equipments and Laboratory for Thermal Protection have an average of 42...43 years for researchers, as a result of new recruiting since 2007. The URBAN-PROIECT Branch has an average of 41...44 years, as a result of 2009....2011 new hirings.

Although the average age is an issue, the prestige of laboratories was gained by existing senior researchers with high experience, able to perform research, testing, agrementing etc. The capacity and possibility to have a research carrier for construction field and interdisciplinary applications in an institute of unique domain. Thus, we must keep a balance of ages and expertize, using senior researchers as tutors for freshmen in research. Attracting new generations of civil engineers coming as student trainees in institute under a dedicated recruiting policy is task for future.

The human resources recruiting for research is not that simple, since it is in general necessary to find graduated staff with Master Degree and/or registered for PhD Program. Examinations for getting the Assistant of Research Degree are compulsory.

8 Concerning the list of publications and patents:

FOR CONSTRUCTIONS – - a number of 9 patents, a number of 11 articles in ISI journals, 61 authored books and chapters within collective volumes and 523 relevant publications, numerous seminars for dissemination. The coverage of publications is rather extensive, but not on all types. Looking to the specific of URBAN-INCERC constitutive institutes / branches, the experience to date has shown that publication in ISI cited journals is a too long way forreporting novelties and implementing results of construction and urban planning in national territory and even in Europe. Indeed, puting in local regulations and development works of EU Directives and Eurocodes, with dedicated and domestically tailored solutions, requires work with MDRT and local authorities, with construction companies and producers of materials etc. - Patenting is more specific for industrial type processes, and nonetheless, the granting of national and/or a EU patent requies many years and money. - It is very important for CONSTRUCTION field that a large number of technical agrements were elaborated – 1.188 AT in 2007-2011. The effort to evaluate and write an Technical (agrement/approval) is more intense than for a paper, while its practical use is immediate. The Technical Agrements represent a very important way of introducing European products on the local market and it requires a specific capability of evaluation, testing and research. It is an application of European Directive 89/106 and of REGULATION (EU) No 305/2011 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 9 March 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing Council Directive 89/106/EEC, Official Journal of the European Union., 4.4.2011. - The spin-off and start-up implementation requires a risk fund of investment. But according to the legal framework for NIRD, the funds that may result from contracts cannot be easily kept as development fund for next years.

FOR URBAN PLANNING AND SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT - There is a particularity of urban and spatial planning, as it requires a multidisciplinary participation of specialists with different backgrounds; in addition to people with a background in architecture or urbanism, engineers, sociologists, economists, ecologists and geographers contribute to writing specific chapters. Their presence as researchers in NR&DI URBAN-INCERC results in adding their individual contributions, which might be different – books and chapters (as in social sciences), conferences (other than those indexed by the Australian Research Council) etc. - The institutional list of publications and presentations illustrates this statement, as about 50 people published or presented in conferences in 5 years nearly 250 contributions (1 book published by international publishers, 17 books published by national publishers, 4 chapters in books published by national publishers, 6 scientific papers published in journals with non-zero relative Article Influence Score, 5 scientific papers published in ISI journals with zero or no relative Article Influence Score; - There are 58 scientific papers published in journals indexed in relevant international databases or indexed B+ by CNCSIS, 4 scientific papers published in journals indexed B, C or D by CNCSIS, 1 scientific paper published in international journals, other than ISI or indexed in relevant international databases, 23 scientific papers published in conference proceedings or volumes of abstracts, 18 scientific papers published in

9 national journals with ISSN not indexed by CNCSIS, 5 unpublished research reports, and 102 participations in national and international conferences, not indexed by the Australian Research Council, with a poster or oral presentation).

Concerning the list of 2007-2011 projects / contracts

The list of research projects and research and testing contracts is very large and some branches numbered hundreds per year. However, the value per contract with SME or other dealerr or producers is rather small, but they cannot be refused. This situation is a consequence of the crisis, as well as of the reduced economic power. The work on so many contracts is a source of routine approaches as well as of busy schedule for test apparata and for staff. On the other hand, there is less opportunity for detailed or comprehensive research. A positive result is, however, the very large number of resulting Technical Agrements, i.e. 1.188 AT in 2007-2011, which is increases the visibility of URBAN-INCERC.

The structure of income for various financing sources for 2009 and 2010 is presented below: 2009 Income

1. Income from international R-D activity - structural funds 1.042.000,00 2. Income from international R-D activity - foreign beneficiaries 188.120,00 3. Income from national R-D activity - NP2 3.629.559,00 4. Income from national R-D activity - NUCLEUS 4.487.000,00 5. Income from national R-D activity - other sources 3.784.095,00 6. Income from national R-D activity - Romanian beneficiaries 4.742.020,00 TOTAL INCOME FROM R-D ACTIVITY / 2009 (RON) 17.872.794,00

10 2009 Income


NP2 Other sources 20% 21%

Foreign beneficiaries 1% Romanian Structural funds beneficiaries 6% 27%

Income from international R-D activity - structural funds Income from international R-D activity - foreign beneficiaries Income from national R-D activity - NP2 Income from national R-D activity - NUCLEUS Income from national R-D activity - other sources Income from national R-D activity - Romanian beneficiaries

2010 Income

1. Income from international R-D activity - structural funds 559.000,00 2. Income from international R-D activity - foreign beneficiaries 1.435.000,00 3. Income from national R-D activity - NP2 2.347.000,00 4. Income from national R-D activity - NUCLEUS 4.687.000,00 5. Income from national R-D activity - local contracts 1.079.000,00 6. Income from national R-D activity - other sources 5.067.000,00 7. Income from national R-D activity - Romanian beneficiaries 2.201.630,00 TOTAL INCOME FROM R-D ACTIVITY / 2010 (RON) 11.229.630,00

11 2010 Income

NUCLEUS 27% Local contracts 6% NP2 14%

Foreign beneficiaries Other sources 8% 29% Structural funds Romanian 3% beneficiaries 13% Income from international R-D activity - structural funds Income from international R-D activity - foreign beneficiaries Income from national R-D activity - NP2 Income from national R-D activity - NUCLEUS Income from national R-D activity - local contracts Income from national R-D activity - other sources Income from national R-D activity - Romanian beneficiaries

The structure of financing sources for 2007-2011 has some paterns that are very important in securing a steady cash-flow. There are at least four main sources, i.e. MECTS-ANCS, MDRT and private local companies, but also structural funds and foreign beneficiaries.

2009 and 2010 Income

Income from national R-D activity - 18.000.000 local contracts Income from national R-D activity - 16.000.000 Romanian beneficiaries

14.000.000 Income from national R-D activity - other sources 12.000.000 Income from national R-D activity - 10.000.000 NUCLEUS

8.000.000 Income from national R-D activity - NP2 6.000.000 Income from international R-D activity - foreign beneficiaries 4.000.000 Income from international R-D 2.000.000 activity - structural funds 0 2009 2010


12 The activity in the last 4 years is presented on each branch of URBAN-INCERC and on each field, division or laboratory, which includes a research team.


INCERC Bucharest Branch

Data about INCERC Bucharest evolution in 1950-2009 INCERC Bucharest Branch has its origins in the former institute INCERC, created through the years 1950-1959, and becoming along of over 60 years a brand of highest level of scientific research in construction of Romania. The evolution of INCERC was as follows: - 1950 - establishing of ICI: Research and Testing Institute, with emphasis on study, research and testing concrete, mortar and building materials based on cement - 1953 - establishing the Concrete Laboratory - 1954 - establishing the Prestressed Concrete Laboratory - 1955 - establishing Steel Constructions and Protection against Corrosion Laboratories in Bucharest and INCERC Timisoara Branch - 1956 - this year coincides with the establishing of INCERC Iasi Branch and of laboratories of research in many fields such as mechanical of constructions, photoelasticity, earthquake engineering, mechanization, wood, steel; - 1956 - ICI merges with ICSC- Scientific Research for Constructions Institute - 1957 - all laboratories were combined within ICML- Research Institute for Constructions, Materials and Wood Industry - 1959 - a new organizational structure appears, IPCMC- Design and Research Institute for Constructions and Materials, which later on became INCERC, institute recognized both at the national and international level - 1962 - INCERC Cluj Branch appears, with research profile in concrete, reinforced concrete and compressed concrete fields, focusing on closing building elements from lightweight concrete - 1965 – new laboratories appear within INCERC: o Laboratory for Research and testing of fire protection of buildings o Laboratory for Research in Acoustic of constructions o Laboratory for Research and testing of construction equipment o Laboratory for enclosures, finishing and protection of buildings o Laboratory on physical construction for thermal insulation, hygrothermal control, waterproofing coatings o Laboratory for Research and study of construction technology o Laboratory for Research and testing in the foundations and soil mechanics - geotechnics o Laboratory of construction economy o Laboratory of nondestructive testing - 1976- with the establishment of ICCPDC - Central Institute of Research, design, construction directives, INCERC has entered in the organizational structure as pivot unit, activity being subordinate to CNST and Ministry of Industrial Construction. - In the period 1989-1990 ICCPDC was disolved, INCERC remains with the object of scientific research in construction under coordination of the Ministry of Research and to the Ministry of Construction and Transport, and then MLPAT, MLPTL, MTCT, MDRL, MDRT, already operating with outstanding achievements, leading to accreditation as

13 N.I.R.D. - National Institute for Research and Development in Building and Construction Economy- INCERC Bucharest, since 1996, with renewal in 2007.

Regulations developed by INCERC Although general and specific effects of the transition period, especially fluctuations in the funding and retirement of some researchers, have strongly influenced the effective capacity of laboratories to meet current national and European situation, it should be noted that synthesis of the technical regulations applicable to construction on 31/03/2010 confirms that INCERC is elaborator on a large number of key areas, and in some domains has developed most or all regulations (Table 1).

Table 1- Synthesis situation with valid technical regulations on construction at 31.03.2010

Chapter Domain Number of Number of Percentage in regulations per regulations covered by MDRT domain made by INCERC catalog INCERC of regulatio ns I Calculation of 24 9 38% constructions II Embankment works 10 4 40% III Foundations 28 12 43% IV Concrete 45 33 73% V Masonry 8 6 75% VI Steel constructions 18 10 56% VII Wood Constructions 6 1 20% VIII Covers 5 5 100% IX Insulations 26 21 81% X Plasterings, tackles… 10 10 100% XI Floors, plinths… 4 3 75% XII Electrical installations 10 - 0 XIII Water, sewage 41 3 7% XIV Thermal plants 78 26 33% XV Constructions and 26 18 69% installations protection against agents XVI Geodetics 3 1 33% XVII Designing and construction 29 3 1% of housing and socio- cultural buildings XVIII Design and execution of 5 - 0 agrozootechnical constructions and for irrigation XIX Designing and execution of 18 - 0 hydraulic constructions…. XX Organization design and 7 3 43%

14 execution of construction assembly XXI Quality and reception 24 15 63% constructions and installations XXII Repairs, maintenance 23 7 30% constructions XXIII Use and repair of 20 8 4% equipment for assembly constructions XXIV Requirements established 73 9 1% by Law no.10/1995 XXV Economic, technical and 48 7 2% methodological regulations XXVI Design and performance 102 - 0 constructions for transport Total 691 - - Total, without XII, XVIII, 556 214 38,5 % XIX, XXVI

2.3. Activity report by team (maximum 3 pages per team)



ERSAC Laboratory

2.3. Activity report by team (maximum 3 pages per team) For each team, a concise quantitative and qualitative presentation will be provided of the activity for the previous 4 years, especially the most important achievements, the dynamic of the research subjects and directions, interdisciplinary or entrepreneurial initiatives, the evolution of the human resources, and any other aspects considered significant for the scientific development of the research team.

The ERSAC team has carried on, during the past 4 years, various activities in the fields of seismic hazard and seismic risk assessment, advanced analysis of the seismic response of building structures, characterization of strong ground motions recorded during significant earthquakes originating from seismogenic zones in Romania, seismic risk mitigation and preparedness. The research was performed in the framework of national and international projects, lead by URBAN-INCERC or in which the institute has participated as a partner.

15 Modern analysis instruments and methods were used in research, such as: advanced seismic signal processing methods, GIS mapping, software development platforms (Visual Basic.NET, Visual Basic for Applications), state-of-the-art structural analysis software, web technologies for dissemination etc.

The R&D activity was directed to the accomplishment of a number of scientific objectives, such as: development of new, sustainable technological solutions for building structures resilience to natural and man-made hazards, advancing knowledge in the quantification of earthquake hazards which affect the territory of Romania, increasing awareness and preparedness for future destructive earthquakes, by providing adequate strategies for seismic risk mitigation, post-seismic reaction and communication and for the seismic risk education of Romanian citizens, improvement of the national regulatory system for seismic design of building structures and for the seismic rehabilitation of the building stock. These objectives are subsumed to major research directions and areas of interest specified by the Romanian National Program for Research, Development and Innovation (PNCDI), and to the European Research Area Vision 2020, of meeting the major challenges of the present period in terms of society, sustainability and technological development.

The collaborative and the interdisciplinary dimensions of the R&D activity of the ERSAC research team are reflected by the following figures: of 11 projects finalized in the analyzed period, 6 involved interdisciplinary collaboration with seismologists, geophysicists, architects and software engineers, and 7 involved the participation in collaborative consortiums.

The ERSAC research team participated recently in a NATO Science for Peace research project, finalized in 2010, with partners from Moldova, Bulgaria and Turkey. The project, aiming to the harmonization of seismic hazard and seismic risk in countries affected by Romanian Vrancea earthquakes, has involved complex collaboration between national teams, annual project meetings and workshops, training of young researchers in participating institutions (including a young researcher from URBAN-INCERC), joint publications, development of research infrastructures etc. The project had, as major outcomes, the publication of a joint volume with scientific contributions in a renowned international publishing house (Springer) and also of several scientific papers in national and international journals and conferences, concerning the assessment of seismic hazard and seismic risk from Vrancea source. The seismic research infrastructure of URBAN-INCERC was developed, by using NATO funding of about 30000 EUR, with modern strong ground motion recording equipment (4 Kinemetrics triaxial episensors), state-of-the-art software for seismic analysis of building structures (SAP2000 Advanced, ETABS Nonlinear, SAFE, CSiCOL, Perform3D) and several computing equipments and peripherals.

Another significant R&D project led by the ERSAC team concerned the development of a software platform (ROSERIS) for the seismic risk assessment in Romania, based on the use of GIS technologies. The project, finalized in 2008, was carried on in collaboration with the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest and the Institute for Computers, ITC S.A. in Bucharest. The project was co-financed by ITC S.A., as a privately held entity (SME) which also participated in the R&D activities. The scientific results of the project were published in several national and international journals and proceedings. One of the papers describing the platform and its future development perspectives was awarded in 2011 with the Best Romanian Paper Award at the 18th Annual Conference of the International Emergency Management Agency. The project also contributed to the development of the research infrastructure of URBAN-INCERC, by the purchase of state-of-the-art software (ESRI

16 ArcView and extensions (GIS software), Microsoft Visual Basic.NET software development platform) and of computing equipments and peripherals, required for performing the R&D activities in the framework of the project.

As a seismically-prone country, Romania needs the permanent education of citizens for seismic risk awareness and mitigation. A component of this activity was achieved by the project “INFORISX”, finalized in 2007, in which the first website with information on seismic risk and preparedness in Romania, with content entirely provided by scientific professionals in the field, was developed. The website, which is presently online and well- received by the public, is planned to be extended, revised and improved in the near future. An English version of the website will be developed, in the framework of the activities of the European Center for Building Rehabilitation, located in the premises of URBAN-INCERC, and which is operated in the framework of the EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement network of European centers.

The staff of the ERSAC team was completed, in the past 4 years, with 3 young researchers, of which one post-doc, one MSc graduate (female) and one BSc engineer (which worked in ERSAC team as a practicing student during her last faculty year). At present time, the post- doc is a member of the Scientific Council of URBAN-INCERC and a deputy head of laboratory, the MSc is a PhD candidate, and the BSc is completing a Master stage at the University of Tokyo. The evolution of the young members of the ERSAC team confirms the expectations and also shows the support of the team for their personal development. During this past 4 years, the young researchers have also applied and have been admitted for superior research positions.

The activity of the ERSAC team is synthesized by the following charts.

Published books: 6 Books in Libraries

2 2 77 2 80


1 1 40 1


0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 Book6 Book5 Book4 Book3 Book2 Book1 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 (2007) (2007) (2008) (2008) (2010) (2011) No.of Books 2 2 0 1 1 Libraries 0 2 77 0 1 0 Fig. 1 Fig. 2

Book Chapters: 8 Book Chapters in Libraries

5 80 77 77 77 77 5

4 60

3 40 27 2 20 1 1 1 14 1 1 1 0 0 0 BC8 BC7 BC6 BC5 BC4 BC3 BC2 BC1 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 (2008) (2008) (2008) (2008) (2008) (2009) (2010) (2011) No.of Chapters 0 5 1 1 1 Libraries 1 77 77 77 77 1 27 14

17 Fig. 3 Fig. 4

Other relevant publications: 48 Staff (persons)

10 10 10 14 13 10 9 12 11 10 8 7 10 8 7 7 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Relev.publ. 7 13 7 11 10 Staff (persons) 7 9 10 10 10 Fig. 5 Fig. 6

Finalized Projects: 11 4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 National 1 3 1 2 4 International 0 0 0 1 0 Fig. 7


RNSC Laboratory

The INCERC Seismic Network RNSC, the largest in the country, consists of about 130 accelerometers, out of which about 50% are digital, distributed all over the country and in Bucharest. The INCERC Seismic Network works includes the National Research and Development Centre for Protection of Buildings against Seismic Motionand Landslides – CNRRS (the former National Centre for Seismic Risk Mitigation)

1.SEISMIC NETWORK SYSTEM: -Processing the seismic records supplied by the URBAN-INCERC Seismic Network on the seismic motions or from other sources in free field conditions and in instrumented buildings - pre-regulatory research; -Seismic record processing; -Installation of seismic instruments in buildings; -Records of vibration from ground motions or other sources (urban traffic, explosions, demolitions etc.); -Vibration monitoring of structures; -Public database.

18 2.National disasters which are monitorized by the INCERC network

ON EXTENSIVE AREA -SEISMS (20-100 years) ( on national level) -ACIDENTS (nuclear, others) (2)ON RESTRAINED AREA -CLIMATIC (high frequency) (local) -LAND SLIDES OTHERS (explosions, accidents) Other vibrations -Hard traffic, demolitions by explosions, subway traffic

3.RNSC HISTORY: After the 1977 earthquake - support provided by USAID: 75 SMA-1 analog strong-motion accelerographs, together with other equipments (totaling US$ 60 M) 1996-1998 - major upgrade of INCERC seismic network : 26 ADS digital accelerometers and 4 SSS8 digital stations for continuous real-time monitoring 2002-2005 – 31 Kinemetrics Etna accelerometers installed in the INCERC-ISC network (instruments provided by the State Inspectorate for Construction, ISC) 2005 – 2009 – other equipments (K2 station, Dolomite Full-featured Central Recording System, Kinemetrics triaxial force balance accelerometers, ,GEODAS, GURALP, servers, workstations, network and communication equipment,, etc.) 2010- GEOSIG GSM-18 , 31 accelerometers; > 120 DIGITAL ACCELEROMETERS

Nr Tip

1 Kinemetrics ETNA 30

2 Kinemetrics K2 15

3 Kinemetrics MALAKIT 1

4 Kinemetrics BASALT 2

5 Kinemetrics GRANITE 6






4.Components of the referential point URBAN-INCERC (free field): The referential system on the ground level: INCERC Bucharest, Timisoara, Iassi,

19 Real time SSS8 continuous 24h/24h with stocked data in a local server (3 stations) or Kinemetrics, - INCERC Bucharest : 3 boreholes of 30, 100, 150m depth; K2 Kinemetrics 2 boreholes of 10m depth (for phreatic water level) 7 uniaxial/triaxial FBA on the ground SSS8 24h/24h, 1 Etna Kinemetrics - INCERC Timisoara : 1 borehole of 30m depth; SSS8, 24h/24h 1 triaxial FBA on the ground SSS8, 24h/24h 1Kinemetrics Dolomite Full-featured Central Recording - INCERC Iassi : 1 triaxial FBA on the ground SSS8, 24h/24h 2 ETNA Kinemetrics Strong Motion Accelerometers


-120 points of measurement.

5.Subject of current activities: -network maintenance (twice a year); -data collection, (twice a year and the local acceleration over 5-10mg); -data processing, (if data collected); -monitoring in real time references;

6. Subject of future activities: -network maintenance (quarterly); -data collection, (twice a year and the local acceleration over 5-10mg); -data processing, (if data collected); -monitoring in real time references; -network infrastructure development (handling more than 50 building, or buildings with special character) -network conection; -web development, (, ); -public acces database developement.



7.Project List/activities: -Seismic data processing and analysis of seismic records obtained in free field conditions or from buildings where seismic instruments have been installed; -Studies Based on Recorded Ground Motion Data; -Online System for Recording and Generation of Data for Vibration Sources or Seisms with Impact in the Constructions Degradation

8.New research subjects and directions: -Studies and experimental research on the vibration generated by sources nonseismice impact on construction (with functions essential to national heritage, etc.) in terms of consequences associated with collapse or serious damage. Assessment of structural safety, functionality and comfort; -Environmental and cultural history of the human habitat through research and experiments on the influence of vibration sources and landslides nonseismice, sent their. - Study on the current locations of analog equipment and the possibility of using their network RNSC continue or establish other locations, check and calibration equipment for mounting in RNSC network. Establish buildings RNSC monitored by network systems, installation and commissioning of equipment purchased RNSC network, in situ experiments to establish optimum operating parameters.

9.Human resources: -current: 3 people (2 engineer, specialist in data acquisition, 1 technician) -future : 6 people (2 engineer, specialist in data acquisition, 4 technician)


2.3 Activity report for the period 2007-2011

21 The laboratory has been authorized in 2011 as 1st degree Testing Laboratory by the National Construction Inspectorate (Authorization no. 2134/13.09.2010). In the 46 years of activity, in the laboratory, the high scientific standard research group developed numerous fundamental works and experiments having as a objectives understanding and study the behavior against fire of the construction materials and elements like: 1. Methods and apparatus for non-damaging investigation of construction works, new or retrofitted; 2. Research regarding the way of fire spreading and the effect of fire smoke on the constructions; 3. The behavior of cable crossings and ducts against fire action and the Calculus techniques to fire of reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete structures; 4. Embedding the test methodologies to fire testing of construction materials, elements and structures in Romania with the ISO and European standards; 5. Studies regarding improvement of the performance criteria in the field of appreciating the risk of fire starting and explosions in the construction assembly. 6. Increasing the degree of security of constructions to fire; 7. Study of the damaging effect of the joint effect of earthquakes and fire; 8. Theoretical and experimental studies for improving the calculation methods of the fire resistance of the steel structures; 9. Theoretical and experimental studies for establishing the fundament of the constructions fire security code. 10. Establishing the principles for determining the algorithm of ire risk analysis.

Main fields of activity: a. Fundamental and applied research in the construction field; b. Technological development; c. Establishing the technical regulations of public and national interest which regards the assurance on the fundamental requirements for the construction; d. Research for embedding the national regulation with the EU norms; e. Establishing the technical (agrement/approval)s – checking and establishing of documents regarding the quality of construction works according to Law no. 10/1995; f. Tests regarding the technical characteristics of constructions, elements and construction materials to fire g. Research regarding the evaluation of fire hazard: after-quake or other natural hazards, terrorists attacks; h. Activity in the joint venture UEATc, of technical comities ASRO etc.

Services provided:  Establishing technical (agrement/approval)s  Tests for determining the identifying and use characteristics specific to each product depending on the field of use and on the performance concept;  Fire testing of the construction elements on reduced scale or real scale;  Experimental uses of the products using the defined laboratory technology (in-situ use)  Establishing guides for (agrement/approval)s and execution, for norms and national norms;  Consulting for new products and technologies for using them in construction works.

Tests provided:

22  Tests for determining the fire resistance for classifying according to SR EN 135012:2008  Furnace for determining the fire resistance of vertical construction elements, at real scale fully automated  Furnace for determining the fire resistance of horizontal construction elements, at real scale fully automated  Tests for determining the fire behavior for classifying according to SR EN13501- 1:2007 (available soon)  SR EN ISO 1182:2002 – Response trials of construction products to fire. Incombustibility trial.  SR EN ISO 1716:2002 – Response trials of construction products to fire. Determining the heat at burning.  SR EN 13823:2004 – Response trials of construction products to fire. Construction products excepting the flooring products exposed to thermal action of a single burning object  SR EN ISO 11925-2:2002 – Response trials to fire. Flammability of construction products in direct contact with the flame. Part II: Tests with a source from a single flame. The present activity report shows the most important research results over the last 4 years, considered to have an increased importance in the development of the scientific research team:  Laboratory research for establishing the technical (agrement/approval) for Thermo- foam pain;  Laboratory research for establishing the technical (agrement/approval) for the load- bearing reinforced concrete walls with non-reusable polystyrene formwork; (ICF - insulated concrete form);  Laboratory research for obtaining the informative results for the fire resistance of the steel profiles at a smaller scale protected by thermo-foam paint;  Laboratory research for modern compositions for partitioning and interior covering with high performances in fire-resistance and noise cancelling;  Laboratory research based for determining the fire protection of the ecological materials for sectional and inter-sectional uses;  Laboratory research for determining the compliance solutions for the construction elements with high performances against fire (Nucleu);  Facade with ventilated composition from the point of view of security against fire- experimental results;  Facade with ventilated composition from the point of view of the thermal insulation and energetic performance.


2.3. Activity report by team

Concerning the effective management inside the team, there is important to mention that are used suitable methods or have they been developed to conjoin contributions of knowledge from the participating scientific fields and from practice. As a general view

23 regarding the research activities, there is noticeable that all the scientific goals, planned procedures and quality assurance have been achieved. The most important achievements of the team consist of: - expanding laboratory infrastructure to increase quality of laboratory test results; - laboratory accreditation by Romanian Association Accreditation (RENAR) and certification as a rank 1 Testing Laboratory by State Inspectorate in Construction in accordance to the Romanian Standards; - contributions to scientific research based on experimental and analytical calculation for the completion of the National Annex SR EN 1998-5: 2004 "Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance -Part 5: Foundations, retaining structures and geotechnical aspects”, with relevant and specific additional provisions due to national particularities of geotechnical aspects, retaining structures and foundations under the action of dynamic loads, especially seismic action; - coordination and participation in the development of several normative of national interest with regard to the foundation design of construction on instable soil categories, widespread in Romania; - scientific contributions to increase safety and comfort at European level for construction, through the development of research papers; - coordination of technical execution projects regarding the consolidation of the soils affected by massive landslides and bridges works. The dynamic of the research subjects and directions is revealed by pre-normative research, normative research, research projects in the programs (EUCONS, CONSRO, CONSUS) in geotechnical engineering and foundations field, research project at the Research Excellence program CEEX - Module 4 for developing infrastructure. Our specialists are involved in theoretical and applied research in the field of soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering as well as in consultancy projects with the industry. Our field of expertise includes: physical characterization of soils, assessment of mechanical properties of soils under static and dynamic loading, soils characterization by field surveys, surveys of the time history behavior of buildings, soil improvement solutions, earthworks quality control, slope stability assessment, new foundations techniques design and testing, new testing methods design. The team is also involved in producing technical (agrement/approval)s for the new products or technologies for Romanian or foreign Companies that are going to use the products in our country. The research directions approached by the team were: - research of the actions and effects of natural hazards (earthquakes, landslides) and human ones from a multidisciplinary perspective that integrates information from related geosciences fields and engineering sciences (geology, tectonics, geotechnics, seismology, earthquake engineering, civil engineering etc.), in order to mitigate their effects on life and environment; - research on the risk factors assessment in areas with high vulnerability to earthquakes and landslides, through a comprehensive approach, for developing technical solutions and creating implementation mechanisms in order to establish appropriate strategies for sustainable planning; - to improve the methodologies regarding the analysis of soil massive instability phenomena by using the results of measurements and in situ and laboratory experiments; - research on the soil assessment and building structures on seismic action, based on the correlation of results with those obtained by synthetic experiments in situ; - research based on the effects of structure-foundation-soil interaction phenomenon on the dynamic characteristics and seismic damage mechanisms of buildings in order to

24 evaluate the appropriate parameters based on rigorous analysis for reducing the negative impact on the environment and quality of life; - research on systematic evaluation of the soil behavior with unstable structure under static and dynamic action and systematization of geotechnical parameters used in design; - research based on the implementation of effective methods and techniques for consolidation, rehabilitation of infrastructure buildings for safe and normal function; - research on the foundation systems safety assessment by taking into account the seismic effects on the soil categories, with direct consequences in reducing major risk due to these phenomenons. The research activity of the team in the last four years is reflected quantitatively by: 7 major research projects, 7 major experimental research projects, 4 design contracts, 3 technical studies. The team covers necesary human resources needs, from highly trained staff and work experience (2 PhD in civil engineering) to young scientist preparing for PhD in earthquake engineering (1 PhD student), and technical personnel (2 persons) and benefits from a modern research infrastructure. The researchers are members of professional associations in the field of geotechnical engineering, being always in touch with the research news in the field, in order to be able to achieve quality works, at a high scientific level. Recovery scientific research has been determining the number of original publications, papers presented at national scientific meetings (publication of 17 articles and 8 oral presentations). Staff with higher education in the laboratory also participated in training courses on quality management system. Technical staff of the laboratory is permanently trained in order to implement the rules from the Romanian standards in the field activity for raising the quality level of training and skills development. The modern infrastructure will allow the development of the research capacity and the quality increase of the project results The infrastructure equipments consists in advanced equipment used to laboratory testing: Tecnotest sieve shakers and Casagrande hydrometer for grain size analysis, Casagrande automatic apparatus and cone penetrometer for determination of liquid limits, permeameter with variable head for determination the permeability, pycnometers for determination of specific gravity, Controls oedemeter with three cells for determination of compressibility and consolidation, Controls direct shear equipment for the determination of shear strength, automatic static triaxial equipment for the determination of shear strength: UU, CU, CD, Seikensha cyclic triaxial equipment, unconfined compression strength (UCS), equipment for the determination of Californian Bearing Ratio, Proctor equipment for the determination of compaction characteristics, electronic balances, ovens, extruder. Regarding the entrepreneurial initiatives, we have to mention that the team has been involved in related activities: coordination of design works (for the technical issues of feasibility studies, technical expertise for setting design solutions, track execution phases of the works). A collaboration of companies with multidisciplinary research, which aims at solving problems relevant for society, might be fruitful and essential for the team activity and experience. The perspectives and the cooperation of experts from various disciplines and practitioners from the field in question are required to find new solutions. We believe that research should be combined with consulting activities. This would provide the basis that multidisciplinary projects do not only serve the scientific interests, but also ensures benefit and stimulation for the practice. In this way, the team was participated as a partner al the Partnership Research Program from 2011.


Who are we? Research and Testing Laboratory for Construction Materials, Elements and Structures - ESC that is part of the Section "Sustainable performance - safety to extreme natural and anthropic actions and fire safety of buildings" in Bucharest INCERC Branch consists, since 2006, in the union of three laboratories founded in 1959, namely: prestressed concrete (BAP), Metal and wood (MEL) and Masonry structures (ZIP) laboratories. Since 2004, the laboratory has been authorized as a first degree testing laboratory by the State Construction Inspection (now State Construction Inspectorate), currently holding license no. 2214 of 10.06.2011. Since 2009, the laboratory is accredited by RENAR, currently holding license no. LI 320 of 05.09.2011.

What do we do? - Studies and research for materials, components and structures of reinforced and prestressed concrete, metal, wood and masonry construction; - Issuing of technical regulations regarding structural elements and reinforced and prestressed concrete, metal, wood and masonry structures; - Laboratory tests on structural elements and reinforced and prestressed concrete, metal, wood and masonry structures; - Issuing of technical (agrement/approval)s for products made of reinforced and prestressed concrete, metal, wood and masonry.

Major achievements in the past four years - disseminating the research results in international conferences and international journals; - issuing of technical regulations of major importance for Romania; - theoretical and experimental research on curtain walls, precast concrete constructions, masonry construction, carpentry elements made of PVC, aluminum and wood; - equipment acquisition

Ultrasounds testing machine Hydrometer Corrosion determining machine

Dynamic of research subjects and directions Since 11N/2006 Nucleu project, in which modern methods have been studied to execute and design new buildings and rehabilitation of existing prefabricated buildings, the research trend led to another study which is very important at national and international level. Knowing the spread of large precast panels building (internationally known as "Soviet-style") and considering the successive changes of design codes, rehabilitation methods have been studied for this type of building to meet the imposed requirements by performance concept insurance

26 and compliance with European performance concepts required in seismic areas by current design codes. Research directions were based on the prefabricated buildings’ retrofitting, because Romanian building fund include a significant percentage of buildings of this type and it is necessary to develop application methodologies of appropriate retrofitting solutions. Curtain walls use is a very popular method of aesthetic solving of building’s facades, therefore the study of possible adaptability to climate and seismic conditions in Romania has a major importance. Research regarding masonry construction was carried out in the context of more frequent use of the Porotherm type ceramic element. Thus, experimental research was conducted on masonry specimens to determine the bending, initial shear and compression resistances.

Interdisciplinary and entrepreneurial initiatives Within research projects studies were carried out in collaboration with specialists from different fields, interdisciplinary research being the key to success in building materials and structures study, so their use by the beneficiaries to be safe and in compliance with the national standards. At the request of manufacturers experimental campaigns were carried out to verify the characteristics of products used for constructions in order to improve their behavior in seismic and environmental conditions in Romania.

Masonry elements Electronic weight measuring machine Oven and refrigerator testing machine

Evolution of human resources Within our laboratory team young researchers were hired in order to bring new visions and opinions and to pass forward the knowledge accumulated over the years and generations that have participated in the development of this team. In the last 4 years two doctoral students worked in our team and one of them concluded the doctoral thesis in September 2011. Evolution of the research team members was encouraged by international research stages following international collaboration, participation at international and national conferences, publishing the research results in international and national journals, all these contributing to the international visibility of our research team.

Other important aspects for scientific development of the research team Human resources development is considered to be successful, considering the results and international collaborations resulted from the research carried out, meaning conference awards, ISI Journal articles, international organizations memberships, etc.

27 Windows and doors testing Compression test machine Rebars testing machine machine


2.3. Activity report by team

The laboratory has been authorized in 2011 as 1st degree Testing Laboratory by the National Construction Inspectorate (Authorization no. 2220/10.06.2011). The European Commission authorized the laboratory, having the identification number: 1841. In 2009 RENAR accredited the laboratory with the Certificate LI 358/19.10.2009.

BET has as main fields of activity:

 Establishing the technical regulations (technical specification, norms, guides, design books and methodologies, execution operation and interventions in constructions) for: o Materials which are in the composition of concrete (aggregates, cement, additives, etc.) o Concrete, determining the composition of normal and special concrete o Execution of works with concrete and reinforced concrete o Retrofitting of reinforced concrete elements o Special technologies for works involving the use of concrete

 Laboratory research in the specific field of chemistry and technology of concrete: o Materials used for making the concrete (cement, additives, etc.) o The stability of the concrete mix for special concretes (high strength concretes, concrete resistant to chemical actions, water, freezing-thawing cycles, wear and tear cycles) o Preparation and fields of use for the additives in the concrete mix o Using the physical-chemical methods for determining the strength and durability of the concrete in the existing buildings o Retrofitting of concrete elements o Ensuring an external verification system in case of concrete elements and structures  Laboratory tests in the field of the laboratory

28  Establishing technical (agrement/approval)s for materials of the concrete mix as well as of types of concrete elements.

Technical (agrement/approval)s of the BET:  Cement  Additives  Special materials for retrofitting  Materials for concrete design

For the previous 4 years the most important achievements are:  PROMED: Multidisciplinary laboratory research for establishing local and global solutions for reducing the impact of refurbished constructions and the post-utilization of them over the environment.  Laboratory research for determining the composition and the fields of use for mortars for construction works.  Laboratory research experiments for utilizing polymeric materials for disperse reinforcing of concrete.  Laboratory research for applying the National Document of the Standard 13670- 1:2002. Part 1: General Conditions  Laboratory research for developing European modern methods of design; Developing new construction and refurbishment of existing ones made from precast elements.  CEPROCIM CEEX Module I: o Laboratory research for determining the scientific recipe for development of the multifunctional materials for constriction, based on knowledge – MULTIMATCON o Laboratory research for generating new facts regarding high performance cement based materials, with chalk addition, ecologic and economic -RELANSIN o Laboratory research for integrating the knowledge and advanced processing methods for refurbishment works, geotechnical works and environmental works using grouting techniques with cement based systems - CONSINJECT

The laboratory performs tests and laboratory verifications specific to cement and mortars:  Cement o Determining the settlement time o Determining the stability o Determining the mechanical strength  Aggregates o Determining the granulosity  Fresh Concrete o Settlement testing o Determining the density o Determining the content of air

 Concrete o Determining the compression strength of the samples o Determining the bending strength of the specimens

29 o Determining the strength through splitting of the specimens o Determining the density o Determining the penetration of the under pressure water o Determining the axial contraction o Determining the freezing-thawing cycle strength  Mortars used for masonry o Determining the apparent density o Determining the compression strength


The Division of Energy and Environmental Performances of Sustainable Buildings (SPEMCD), as part of the INCERC Bucharest branch, has a prolific activity in the areas of thermal processes engineering, building thermal energy analysis, district heating, simulation and testing of building systems and insulating materials, energy performances of new and existing buildings, training and certification of energy auditors for buildings, national database of energy performance certificates of buildings, renewable energy integration in buildings, intelligent building envelopes. As engineering experts for building physics and building systems we have a background of more than 30 years in energy use in the built environment, energy performance evaluation, façade and systems performance improvement and efficient/low-energy buildings.

As technical advice to the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism (MDRT), we are continuously supporting the implementation of the Directive 2002/91/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, on the energy performance of buildings (EPBD) and the Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings (recast EPBD) as well as of the Directive 2006/32/EC on energy end-use efficiency and energy services and repealing Council Directive 93/76/EEC (ESD). SPEMCD has contributed to the National strategy on energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources in buildings, by developing many pre-normative research studies and the main technical regulation in the field of energy performance of buildings. SPEMCD is currently responsible for the Central Database for Energy Performance Certificates in buildings and for the technical secretariats for the examination and certification of energy auditors for buildings, and is providing training for specialists in the building sector. SPEMCD is currently coordinating the project Build Up Skills Romania: Qualification platform and roadmap for the building workforce on energy-efficiency and renewable energy to meet 2020 Targets (ROBUST), under the Building Workforce Initiative of the Intelligent Energy Europe Program of the European Union, supporting also the implementation of Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and (RESD). In particular, the SPEMCD specialists have applied and acquired through competitions a series of national research projects, listed below:

 Research projects under the second National Research Development and Innovation Plan (Partnerships in Priority Domains): o Intelligent envelopes with environment exergy use for high comfort and low energy consumption buildings– ANVINTEX,

30 o Innovative computer system for monitoring and regulation of heat supply and correct distribution of heating costs in condominium type buildings – COSTREMON, o Building Elements Made of Nano-composites Based on Epoxy-Type Phase Change Materials (PCM) for Solar or Residual Energy Storage Used in Buildings with Low Energy Consumption – NANOSTOC.

 Pre-normative research programme (MDRT) for elaboration, validation and upgrading of calculation methodology for energy performance of new and existing buildings: o Centre for training and certification of the experts and software products in the field of energy performance of buildings, o Centre for energy performance of buildings – database and reporting, o Ensuring of thermal and physiological comfort in the conditions of reduced energy consumption in occupied spaces, o Determination of the representative climatic year necessary for installations sizing and evaluation of buildings energy performance, o Diversification of energetic reference values (referential) for the energy performance certification system, o Calculation methods for determination of heat and cold demand calculation for heating / cooling of occupied spaces o Method of determination and procedure for calculate the energy performance of buildings equipped with heating systems for occupied space o Method of determination and procedure for calculate the energy performance of buildings equipped with facilities for DHW preparation and consumption, o Method of determination and procedure for calculate the energy performance of buildings equipped with cooling, ventilation or air-conditioning systems for occupied spaces, o Method of determination and procedure for calculate the energy performance of buildings equipped with lighting systems. o Alternative methods for calculating the energy performance of buildings

 Research projects under the National Nucleus Programme (National Authority for Scientific Research): o Energy and environmental design of new buildings and modernization solutions of the existing building stock - priority in national and European context (Directive 32 / 2006 / EC), o Energy and functional performance of solar collectors, conversion systems and thermal use of solar energy in Romania, o Energy consumption management system for residential buildings, applying the requirements of 32/2006/CE Directive on energy end-use efficiency and energy services.

 Research projects under the first National Research Development and Innovation Plan and Research of Excellence Programme: o Dynamic energetic processes modelling in buildings and in the energy supply systems (Research of Excellence Programme – AMTRANS), o Researches on the increasing of efficiency of combined energy production of small and medium co-generation and tri-generation systems (Research of Excellence Programme – RELANSIN),

31 o Functional assessment of the systems for thermal energy producing and use in buildings (Research of Excellence Programme – MENER), o Extension of the accreditation domain of the testing laboratory for installation for the conformity assessment of radiators, convectors and ceiling mounted radiant panels supplied with water (Research of Excellence Programme – INFRAS),


2.3. Activity report by team

The Research Laboratory for Building Thermal Protection and Building Energy Economy – TEE, which takes part of the Energy Performance of Sustainable Buildings Division from INCERC Bucharest, was founded in 1965, under the name „Thermal Insulations in Buildings Laboratory”. Since 1999, the laboratory was authorized as a grade I testing laboratory by ISC (Constructions State Inspectorate) and now it holds authorization no. 2237/10.06.2011. Since 2005, the laboartory is accredited by RENAR holding, in the present days, certificate no. LI 361/07.12.2009. The research and activity area of the laboratory is focused on the following directions: • Theoretical and experimental research for the introduction of modern solutions regarding the improvement of buildings’ thermal protection and rehabilitation of existing ones, on behalf of the reduction of energy consumption and the growth of both hygiene and comfort levels • Studies and research activities for the implementation of new thermo-insulating materials and the improvement of their performances • Expertises regarding the hygro-thermal analysis of buildings and thermal comfort • Elaboration of technical solutions for the implementation of thermo-insulating materials and the thermal insulation procedures • Technical assistance regarding the thermal-energy rehabilitation of buildings • Technical regulations in the area of thermal insulation of buildings and the ensuring of a proper thermal comfort level • Technical approvals for the thermo-insulating products and the thermal insulation procedures • In situ laboratory testing methods for thermo-insulating products and thermal insulation systems for buildings and pipelines (for the research, design and execution activity, and also for the activities regarding the technical approval of products, examination and certification of products and procedures) The scientific directions related above practically represented the laboratory’s main activity during the last 4 years, more exactly during the period 2007-2011. In 2007, laboratory’s most important accomplishment regarded the acquisition of a series of high-tech equipments and with their aid, a siginificant number of laboratory tests were made concluding in satisfactory results. Because of the equipments accuracy, the experimental data obtained was always as expected. Through the acquisitions mentioned before there are: ANGELANTONI Humidity and temperature test chamber, UNITHERM 6000 Guarded Hot Plate Thermal Conductivity Measuring System, TESTOMETRIC Universal materials testing machine and others not mentioned here. During the period 2008-2010, it was conducted contract no. 343/2008 – „Determination of the representative climatic year necessary for installations sizing and evaluation of buildings energy performance”, financed by MDRT (Ministry of Regional

32 Development and Teritory) and had a significant impact regarding the elaboration of future standards in this area. During the period 2007-2010, it was conducted the project “Building elements made of nanocomposites based on epoxy-type Phase Change Materials (PCM) for solar or residual energy storage used in buildings with low energy consumption”, according to contract no. 31- 049/2007 financed by The National Centre of Programme Management and during which INCD-URBAN INCERC was one of the coassociates. Project abstract The conservation and usage of renewable energy grants an important potential regarding the reduction of fossil fuel consumption and accordingly the reduction of CO2 emissions. The manufacturing of nanocomposite phase change materials, which remain dimension-steady during the phase change process and also conserve their technical performances represented one of the objectives of the present project. During a judicios process of selection, based on a proper physico-chemical fundamentation, it will be chosen the optimal candidates, PCM and epoxy-type, for different applications. The laboratory tests will reflect the parameters necessary for manufacturing nanocomposite materials. The mathematical models for simulating the phase change process and heat transfer for various geometries and also the modeling of thermal loading-unloading process of PCM and epoxy-type elements have permitted the dimensioning and manufacturing of a real storage unit. Physical models were made along with proper laboratory equipment and the results obtained were disseminated in Romania and abroad having a significant impact in this area. Most of the laboratory’s infrastructure was used with success during this project, concluding with very satisfactory experimental results. At this moment, from a human resource point of view, the laboratory staff consists in 4 persons, 2 researchers (of which one is PhD and the other is a doctoral student), a technician and a PC operator. The staff number remained, practically, constant during the last 4 years of activity, but, in exchange of that, a significant lowering of the average age took place and also a rising in the percentage of higher education personnel.


2.3. Activity report by team

The Research and Testing Laboratory for Building Equipment and Materials – LII within the Energy Performance of Sustainable Buildings Division of INCERC-Bucharest Branch has been established in 1965 under the name of Laboratory for heating installations in buildings. Today, the laboratory staff is composed by three CS III, one ACS, one IDT II, one engineer, three technicians, one computer operator and one installer. The changes in staff structure in recent years have consisted in the retirement of one CS I (in 2011) and relocation (in 2010) of one CS III and one ACS la Research and Testing Laboratory for Thermal Protection of Buildings and Energy Saving in Buildings - TEE within the same division, to complete the team due to staff changes of this (the head of the laboratory has retired and one sub-engineer has left the team). The Building Equipment Laboratory has the following main areas of activity: - Theoretical and experimental research on heat and mass transfer, characteristic of enclosed spaces with controlled temperature, and their related heating/cooling systems,

33 Utilization of environmental exergy for increase of the thermal comfort and reduction of the energy consumption (solar spaces, ventilation systems, solar collectors); - Development of technical regulations for installations and efficient energy use in buildings - Providing of technical assistance in the assessment of the operational characteristics of the heating plant equipment and the system district heating plant - heating network - buildings, development of technical solutions for energetic upgrading of existing buildings and their related heating systems, rehabilitation of plumbing and sewer systems; - Theoretical and experimental studies on the technical performances of the systems in buildings; - Research and testing laboratory in order to issue the technical approvals for products, processes and equipment used in building systems; - Laboratory and in-situ tests on installations and efficient energy use in buildings (for research, design and execution purposes, and for activities related to technical approvals of products, control and certification of products, processes and equipment); - Energy auditors for buildings, 1st degree, for systems in buildings and building envelope; - Work in technical committees of Romanian Standards Association - technical committees CT 302 and CT 281. The lately research activity conducted by the team mainly followed the existing European and National concerns for reduction of energy consumption in buildings and therefore of emissions with greenhouse effect, in accordance with European Directives 91/2002/CE on the Energy Performance of Buildings (and recast EPBD 31/2010/EU) and 32/2006/CE on Energy end-use efficiency and energy services. Thus, in the project ”Intelligent envelopes with environment exergy use for high comfort and low energy consumption buildings – ANVINTEX” several types of envelopes using efficiently exergy of natural and built environment were studied (theoretically and experimentally). There systems significantly reduce energy consumption of residential and public buildings while increasing thermal and physiological comfort: ventilated solar space attached to a building housing type, envelope with variable thermal resistance wall type with parieto-dynamic effect for vitiated air evacuation from occupied space, endothermic type envelope for efficient use of solar energy and outdoor air exergy, fully glazed envelope as curtain wall. The project has also paid special attention to the behavior of public buildings, office buildings type with completely glazed façade, that populate the landscape of urban settlements with increased frequency, due to problems related to their characteristic excessive energy consumption, aiming to improving the energy behavior of this type of building. The partners in the ANVINTEX project were "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest and Prosys PC Bucharest. The project ”Functional assessment of the systems for thermal energy producing and use in buildings - ESSET” (project leader being Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest), was aimed the determination of simple methods used to assess functional status of systems for heating and hot water preparations, to improve their overall energy performance and to develop methodologies for regular inspection of these systems. A guide of solutions for design and energetically and functional rehabilitation of heating and hot water preparation systems, based on functional performance evaluation and of solutions developed to optimize the composition and management of complex systems has been developed. Through the project ”Innovative computer system for monitoring and regulation of heat supply and correct distribution of heating costs in condominium type buildings –

34 COSTREMON” a flexible system for heat supply of new or existing buildings, with corresponding condominiums features and located in the urban area, has been developed. The approach was on the computerization of thermal building systems and achievement of functional adaptations to variable thermal response of structures and behavioral characteristics of the occupants and their access to information concerning the quality of housing and heating cost depending on the complexity of heat transfer processes from condominium type buildings. The project was developed in partnership with the Installation Chair of Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest and Companies IPA Bucharest (Research Development, Engineering and Manufacturing for Automation Equipment and Systems) and Prosys PC Bucharest (solutions provider in automation and industrial control, data acquisition and integration) A derivative purpose of the research activities within the Laboratory was to promote on the internal and external market of the products and equipment for construction, of the innovative elements, namely: - wall with parieto dynamic effect at vitiated air evacuation and variable thermal resistance - endothermic facade; - ceiling with controlled radiant-convective effect; - ventilated solar space; - computerized system for monitoring and predictive-corrective control. The research have resulted in a number of patent requests: Envelope with adjustable thermal resistance and parieto-dynamic effect on air exhaust; System for monitoring, allocation of actual heating costs and users information on building energy performance; Computerized system for monitoring and control of the heating system; System for heating/cooling of spaces with endothermic envelope, heat pump and radiant-convective panels. In order to achieve laboratory testing and verification, the Building Equipment Laboratory has obtained in November 2010 the extension of the operating license as a first degree laboratory for testing in construction (initial authorization since 1999) by the State Construction Inspectorate (certificate of approval ISC L01 No. 2201/12.11.2010), while in February 2011 has obtained re-accreditation RENAR – Romanian Accreditation Association (initial accreditation since 2004) by the Accreditation Certificate no. LI 320, updated in 05.09.2011. Since 2008 has been given in operation the test booth for heating appliances according to the provisions of standard EN 442, and ceiling mounted radiant panels supplied with water, according to the standard EN 14037, which replaces the old testing facility for determination of the thermal output of the heating appliance in comply with ISO 3148, which was operating since 1968. This new "thermal cell" was recognized in 2009 by HLK Stuttgart Laboratory, one of the four reference laboratories (according EN 442-2), being the only in the country with this type of approval and which effectively comply to the requirements of EN 442. Within the Building Equipment Laboratory were made testing for heating appliances (radiators, convectors), ventilation ducts, valves (from brass, iron), mixers, safety valves, flexible connectors, hoses, fittings (from brass, iron, steel, polypropylene), pipes (from PEX- Al, PP, PVC, steel, iron), water filters etc. In order to develop technical approvals for various products and related installations equipment a series of theoretical and experimental research was carried out: water treatment equipment, wastewater treatment plants, pre-insulated piping systems, equipment for capture and drainage of rain water, equipment for cooling towers, water and heat meters, lightning

35 protection equipment, valves, mixers, ventilation ducts, pumps, thermostatic heads for radiators, pipes and fittings of steel/ cast iron/polypropylene, sewer ducts, water filters etc. The Laboratory holds from 2010 the Secretariat of the Commission for validation of computer programs used to calculate the energy performance and elaboration of energy performance certificate for apartments from apartment buildings. So far have been validated four such programs: Certificat-energetic; Allplan; DOSET-PEC; AllEnergy-Apartamente, and one is under validation: TermoExpert 3.0. Also, the Laboratory dealt with implementation of a central database on the energy performance of buildings in Romania, by collecting energy performance certificates issued and their introduction in the "data bank".



2.3. Activity report by team

Finishes and Polymer Products Laboratory, within Physics and Chemistry of Construction Department, has been established in 1965 as Laboratory of Plastics in Construction. In 1999, the Laboratory has been authorized as first degree Testing Laboratory by the State Inspection in Construction (present State Inspectorate in Construction). The permit number is 2172 and has been issued on 21.10.2010. In 2005, the Laboratory was accredited by RENAR with the Certificate LI 345 issued on 23.05.2005. In the present, the Certificate is LI 320 issued on 05.09.2011.

LPPF has as main fields of activity: - applied research in finishes and polymers products for construction field; - preparing technical regulations of public and national interest aiming to meet fundamental requirements imposed to constructions; - verifying and issuing documents referring to the quality of constructions and building materials; - tests ascertaining the quality of constructions, members and building materials; - research concerning health preservation and environment protection.

The scientific activity of the Laboratory mainly consisted in the participation in national research programmes: Horizon 2000, RELANSIN, AMTRANS 2003-2006, National Research Programme, Core Programme. The team of the Laboratory includes six certified scientific researchers (3rd grade), an engineer, three technicians, an analyst and a labourer.

For the previous 4 years, the most important achievements are: - development of interdisciplinary research projects with the following topics:  with PCC - sustainable protection of buildings by using advanced coating products with environmental characteristics, subject to complex long-term actions(urban- industrial, marine, alpine)  with GFC - performance polymer products use to increase durability and resistance of construction infrastructure to impact of instability phenomena  with HIT - concepts of realization of “green” buildings, in structures and with environmentally friendly materials in composition, with low power consumption

36  with HIT - sealing systems to water with the duration of utilization extended, resistant to environmental impact on constructions - development of a experimental researches for :  evaluation of photochemical degradation of the finishes in order to establish design principles of rehabilitation works  revision GE guide "Guide for the execution protections by hydrophobisation apparent construction materials (wood, concrete, brick, natural and artificial stone).  elaboration of guide for use of finishing products from polimeric materials in construction: wallpaper, step edge defender profile, hand rail profile

The Laboratory performs tests and laboratory verifications of:  Polymers used in construction - specific tests on composite materials used in construction; - specific tests on membranes, geo-textiles, geo-composites on polymer base.  Water proofing, heat insulation, noise attenuation: - specific tests on waterproofing membranes manufactured of polymers or with polymer admixture (PVC, HDPE waterproofing membranes); - “in situ” manufactured waterproofing membranes on polymer base; - foam type products used for waterproofing, thermal and noise insulation manufactured of and/or with polymers.  Finishes - specific tests on cover materials for protection and finishing (paints, varnishes, primers, etc.); - specific tests on floor covers on polymer base (PVC or rubber carpets, etc); - specific tests on synthetic glues for constructions; - specific tests for natural and artificial stone and ceramic tiles; - specific tests on different type of sealants(silicone, acrylic, PUR)  Materials used in concretes and mortars:specific tests on mortars with polymer admixtures;  Masonry and walls: specific tests on masonry, walls and compartment panels for interiors and exterior closures manufactured by using polymer products (including window profiles, lighting apertures);  Sanitary and natural gas fuel installations: specific tests on polymer materials (PE, PVC, PP), used in sanitary and in natural gas fuel installations;

Recently, The Laboratory turned to the indoor air quality and for this has been equipped with specific advanced equipments, for monitoring of VOCs, formaldehyde, particles. The research results of the Laboratory are published as follows: - Cora Stamate, Mihaela Ion, Vasilica Vasile - Reusable technology of PVC waste in construction - Buildings Jurnal, no.1, 34, 2008 - Vasilica Vasile, Mihaela Ion, Alina Cioacă - Methods of simulating the operating conditions in the context of climate change for the constituent materials of polymeric closing elements in order to estimate the lifetime. - Buildings, no.1, 61, 2009 - Vasilica Vasile, Mihaela Ion, Alina Cioacă - Comparative study on the behavior of the closing elements made of polymeric materials exposed to natural and laboratory environment.- Buildings, no.2, 17, 2009 - Vasilica Vasile, Alina Cioacă - Methods and experimental techniques for determining emissions from materials is included in construction systems and plumbing - Urbanism, Architecture, Construction Jurnal, vol.2, no.1, 78, 2011

37 - Vasilica Vasile, Alina Cioacă - Methods and experimental techniques for determining building materials emissions - Urbanism, Architecture, Construction Jurnal, vol.2, no.2, 63, 2011 Vasilica Vasile, Alina Cioacă - The effects of emissions of building materials on occupants health - Urbanism, Architecture, Construction Jurnal, vol.2, no.3, 94, 2011 (Abstract)


2.3. Activity report by team

The research team of the "Laboratory of research and tests on protection of buildings against corrosion and biochemical attack" is RENAR accredited (Accreditation Certificate LI 373/06.01.2010), First rank Laboratory (Permit by the State Inspectorate in Construction – ISC, 2202/12.11.2010) and is operating in INCD URBAN-INCERC, INCERC Branch, Bucharest, by the following main activity directions:  Documentary surveys, experimental and pre-regulatory research on subjects of national interest in corrosion of steel, concrete, reinforced concrete structures and corrosion protection materials;  Investigations on corrosion damaged structures, rehabilitation solutions for structures located in natural and industrial aggressive environments;  Physical and mechanical, accelerated weathering and chemical laboratory tests on corrosion protection materials and finishes;  “In-situ” tests on corrosion damaged concrete/steel structures;  Laboratory tests and analyses for determining the concentration of the aggressive ions in concrete;  Evaluation of the corrosion behaviour of building and corrosion protection materials by “in-situ” exposure tests (in marine, mountain and urban-industrial environments);  Technical Regulations;  Technical Approvals for corrosion protection products and systems in buildings. The research team of the "Laboratory of research and tests on protection of buildings against corrosion and biochemical attack" is based on one 3rd degree scientific researcher and two scientific researchers, and having a 43 years average age. The team also includes four technicians. In the last four years, the research activity of "Laboratory of research and tests on protection of buildings against corrosion and biochemical attack "team consisted in:  2 core programs contracted with Romanian National Agency for Scientific Research (ANCS) ;  4 pre-regulatory research contracts with Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism (MDRT) ;  1 participation at “Partnership 2011” national competition;

Core Programs Duration

CONSUS, “Constructions – Major guide mark of the national and european strategy for sustainable development”, Contract no.14N/2009, project cod PN 09 – 14 04 05: “Sustainable development of constructions using performant coating products, with 2009-2011 ecological features, exposed to complex (urban-industrial, marine, alpine environment) long-term demands” CONSRO, “European safety and comfort for constructions in Romania”, Contract 2006-2008

38 no.11N/2006, project cod PN 06-11 04 02: “In time behaviour of the component matererials of polymeric and steel closing elements exposed to weather and chemical actions

Pre-regulatory research Contract No. Duration Integrated systems of products and technologies for specific and complex biocidal and anticorrosive protection of 2011-2013 500/2011 wooden and steel construction elements Specific requirements for the design of the anticorrosive protection, in-time behavior and intervention measures for 2011-2013 the reinforced concrete overground structures placed in 503/2011 marine environment Investigation and diagnosis of the state of corrosion 416/2009 2009-2011 damages for the industrial reinforced concrete chimneys Assesment of corrosion effects on chimneys 328/2008 2008-2009

Each of these contracts is made up of 4-6 phases and is structured on theoretical but mainly on experimental research. All these research contracts were initiated/ won in auction by this research team and were/are realised in different multidisciplinary teams, in collaboration with other laboratories of the institute but also in collaborators/in partnership with other institutes (Institute for Studies and Power Engineering Bucharest – ISPE Bucureşti, Research Institute For Equipment And Technologies in Constructions - ICECON). Interdisciplinary initiatives of the team were materialized also by means that the research themes contracted with ANCS in the last four years were realized in collaboration with the research team from the “Test laboratory for polymer products and finishes” and were designed in order to: - obtain actual informations reffering to the aggressiveness of some natural atmospheric environments specific for our country (urban-industrial, marine, alpine environment) towards coating anticorrosive protections, respectively in time behaviour of the component matererials of polymeric and steel closing elements exposed to weather and chemical actions. - integrate an amount of technical informations obtained from the Technical Approvals for corrosion protection and decorating products/systems in buildings into our curent databaze used in research: the products/systems were applied, exposed to the specific aggressive action of three natural Romanian environments (urban-industrial, marine, alpine environment), and surveyed for almost 2 years. The pre-regulatory research themes contracted with the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism (MDRT) in the last four years were focused on: - detailed investigation and several specific aspects concerning Romanian industrial reinforced concrete chimneys (damages generated or accelerated by corrosion, maintenance, investigation and diagnosis); - study of the specific aspects and evolution of damages generated or accelerated by corrosion of the reinforced concrete overground structure elements after a long-term exposure to the Romanian atmospheric marine environment; - “in situ” and laboratory experimental reserches, in order to establish integrated systems of products and technologies for specific and complex biocidal and anticorrosive protection for wooden and steel construction elements, after exposure in various aggressive environments.

39 The results of the research themes, at different stages, were published in the last four years, in B+ rated journals (“Constructions”, Bucharest, ISSN 1221-2709, CNCSIS code 892) and BDI journals („Urbanism. Arhitecture. Construction”, Bucharest, ISSN 2069-0509, BDI-Index Copernicus), or in Proceedings of the First edition of the National Conference on Research in Construction, Economics Building, Architecture, Planning and Territorial Development, having international participation (Bucharest , 29thof April 2011), Proceedings of the second edition of the National Conference on Research in Construction, Economics Building, Architecture, Planning and Territorial Development, having international participation (Bucharest , 23rd of September 2011), the National Conference “Chemical products and construction materials”- The Romanian Association of Contruction Materials Producers –APMCR (Bucharest, 6thof October 2011). We also mention that in this year the team participated, as a partener, at the national competition “Partnership 2011”, with a multidisciplinary research project.


2.3. Activity report by team During the 2007-2011 years, in the Building Acoustics Laboratory of INCERC Bucharest (2007-2009), respectively URBAN-INCERC INCD Branch INCERC Bucharest (2010-2011), were carried out researches and testing (laboratory and in situ ) activities specific to Building Acoustics and Urban Acoustics fields, using modern equipment. Building Acoustics Laboratory is currently done: - Researches on the acoustic comfort in buildings and urban areas, researches in construction and environmental protection, - Studies on the reduction of noise pollution in urban areas - Determination of laboratory experiments, in situ measurements, technical solutions, expertise - Technical regulations and design guidelines conceptually, Acoustic of buildings and urban areas - technical expertises in construction field, - Technical Approvals (Agremente tehnice) for construction products and systems. Laboratory has specialized personnel, two scientific researchers and two engineers, each with experience in research work, between 10 and 34 years. Experience of staff, considering building research, consists in developing solutions for the design principle and the performance of laboratory measurements and in situ measurements, as well as development of technical regulations, standards for Building Acoustic and Acoustics in Urban areas; - Calculations and estimates of the noise pollution due to the traffic on some streets in Bucharest and other urban areas - technical regulations: regulations and design guides for: - Administrative Office Buildings and Hotels - Cultural Building - urban spaces, etc..

In the last four years in the laboratory have been negotiated contracts and research projects with different themes and testing (laboratory and in situ) and were conducted in laboratory quality activities, as follows:

• Participation in national and international projects:

40 1) National projects: 4 national projects, with phases 1 ... 7 of which were obtained through competitive-auction project, 3 national projects in the Nucleu Program, and in the program CEEX and one competitive-auction MDRT. National Projects (NP and CEEX): 1. Advanced research on reducing noise pollution in residential areas, generated by road and rail traffic, considering the location of acoustic barriers", Project CEEX ctr. no. 321/2006- 2008, Stages 1…7, T. Cherecheş _ ATM – coordinator; – INCERC Bucharest – partner, M.C. Zaharia – Project manager – partner INCERC Bucharest. 2. "Modern compositions and cladding for interior partitions with outstanding fire resistance and protection against noise" - beneficiary MEC - National Agency for Scientific Research, PN 06-11.05.01, Phases 1 ... 7, 2006-2008. 3. "Methods to combat urban noise. Analysis and resolution of multi-criterion acoustics of buildings and residential areas in urban and rural areas exposed to noise ", PN 09-14.04.07, Phases 1 ... 6, 2009 .... 2011 - MECT beneficiary - NASR, Coordinator - Project Manager - Acoustics specialized phases. Naţional Project (Normative MDRT): 4. Normative on acoustics in buildings and urban areas. Part III - Measures of protection against noise in residential buildings, social, cultural, technical and administrative (Review and completion P122/1989). Part IV - Protective measures against noise in urban areas (GP Review 001/1996). "Guide for specific performance and composition of construction materials - quality requirement -" Protection from noise, '"

2) International Project: 1 european project - European Project COST Action TU0901 - "Integrating and Harmonizing Sound Insulation Aspects in Sustainable Urban Housing Constructions" (during: 2010-2013) where laboratory manager, Ms. Dr.Sc.dipl.Eng. Marta Cristina Zaharia is the main representative of Romania in the project being MC (Management Committee member) of the project, also is part of the team work of the Working Group WG1.

 Research contracts with economic beneficiaries (main contracts): Project title Call name Name of contracting authority "Theoretical Research on product development S.C. C.C.M. technical (agrement/approval)" sandwich type 5375/2007 IMPORT-EXPORT DAGARD ". S.R.L "Research on Development of technical S. C. KORAM (agrement/approval) nr.001-02/723-2004 extension 5376/2007 CONSTRUCTII RO documentation for" EUROPEAN sandwich panel ". S.R.L. "Experimental Research making of acoustic measurements to determine the "in situ" impact noise insulation made of 13 structures with floors laminate 5379/2008 floors, tiles and screed, the buildings of type A and type S.C. HEBERGER B Residenza Chitila German Headquarters, Highway . CONSTRUCŢII Banat no. 14, Chitila village, Ilfov County. " S.R.L. "Research on technical (agrement/approval) for product S.C. development "Insulated sandwich panels for walls and 5385V/2008 MARCEGAGLIA roofs "BROLLO" '" BUILDTECH S.R.L Experimental Research on Acoustic measurements of Schmitd-Bretten the length of reverberation and noise isolation Hall Technology SRL 5389/2008 objective industrial air - clean production, offices - City Popesti-Leordeni Olteniţei Sos, no. 208, Jud. Ilfov "

41 "Experimental Research on performance measurement in situ determination of acoustic noise produced by air 5382/2008 conditioning equipment mounted outdoors, the property S.C. PALL D’OR of Manu Ghe Street No.3, Bucharest" CON S.A "Experimental Research on Determination of acoustic noise insulation air space at the basement of Hotel Rex 5387/2008 S.C. REX MAMAIA Mamaia building " S.A. Experimental Research on acoustic measurements at S.C. SONOBEL 5388/2008 the National Theatre IL Caragiale Bucharest S.R.L Experimental Research on" Determination of sound insulation between rooms air noise in apartments located in blocks A1, A2, A3, and A4 in the residential 5390/2009 complex "Oaks" of Gendarmerie Street, No. 14, Sector BOUYGUES 1, Baneasa, Bucharest " ROMANIA SRL Experimental Research on" Determination of sound insulation from airborne noise for two types of structure walls: plastered wall of brick 15 inches thick, coated on one side with polyethylene plate (20 mm wall 5392/2009 thickness for the first type of respectively of 60 mm thickness for the second type of wall) and gypsum board and sound absorption coefficient determination S.C. PREGIS for a mattress 60 mm thick polyethylene. " COMPANY S.A. Experimental Research on" Acoustic Measurements to determine the noise impact sound insulation for four types of structures: 1. Sandstone dig + film + 20mm + slab b.a. , 2. Sandstone + dig + 60mm + slab b.a. 5394/2009 multilayer film And 3. Parquet floor b.a. + film + 3mm 4. Solid 3 mm + dig + film + film multilayer army 5cm 20mm + slab BA 5. Solid polystyrene film + 3mm + S.C. PREGIS BA floor. " COMPANY S.A. Experimental Research on" "Determination of airborne noise insulation in the walls made of different structures, partitions, between types of offices, floors 7, 5428/2010 8 and 9 of the building HEADQUARTER, Site Petrom City, Coral Sos, no. 22, sector 1, Bucharest. " S.C. ALPINE S.A. "Research on the evaluation study by calculating the noise insulation index of air for three types of walls Wienerberger 5427/2010 Wienerberger bricks ceramic blocks systems, Sisteme de caramizi Porotherm Porotherm 25 25/30 Hi Light and Light. SRL "Experimental Research on" Determination of airborne noise emitted by technological facilities and warehouse 5429/2010 Sawmill logs Albina Crivaia in residential areas S.C.FORESTAR adjoining the common area Tarcau Tarcău village. " S.A. "Research Studies on the principle technical solutions necessary to reduce the noise level of technological 5430/2011 facilities and warehouse Sawmill logs Crivaia Bee, in S.C.FORESTAR Tarcău village, village pen ' S.A.

În Building Acoustics Laboratory, during the project CEEX ctr. no. 321/2006-2008 it was obtained a Patent registered at OSIM:

42 Patent nr.122864/2010 , Patent title: “Soundproofing and sound-absorbing layer panel” Authors (the inventors) were: Marta Cristina ZAHARIA from Building Acoustics Laboratory – INCERC Bucharest, and Mihai BUGARU, Tudor CHERECHEŞ and Mihai ARSENE, from the other partners in project.

Research conducted in the laboratory during the past four years has led to the participation of laboratory staff scientific researchers in different scientific conferences, symposiums , etc.. where they supported scientific articles were published as follows:

- SCIENTIFIC COMUNICATIONS presented (in the last 4 years) in national conference with program committee: - Communication: "Restoration of the acoustic point of view of Great Concert Hall of the Romanian Athenaeum " at the National Conference of Research in construction, construction economy, architecture, urbanism and territorial development - "Sustainable spatial development - from territorial planning to design buildings "- Bucharest 29.apryl.2011, INCD URBAN-INCERC Bucharest; - Communication: "The influence of variables parameters of arteries of traffic on the level of noise coming from urban road traffic", the National Conference on Research in construction, construction economy, architecture, urbanism and territorial development "Human habitat and quality of life in conditions of natural and technological risk - a multidisciplinary approach" - Bucharest 23.sept.2011, INCD URBAN-INCERC Bucharest;

Laboratory staff scientific researchers also participated as auditors and interlocutors on thematic topics discussed at a series of events and scientific conferences, symposiums and conferences held under the auspices of prestigious national and international professional organizations, eg conferences UTCB, UAUIM, symposium of the Italian Acoustics Association in Florence - Italy (dec.2010), Symposium for the National Cathedral held in 2009-2010 at the Romanian Patriarchate, conferences with different topics on European projects, management, construction, etc. held at the Romanian Academy, Symposia of some construction companies, Chamber of Commerce, European Institute, etc. conducted over the years, the halls of locations as: Marriott Hotel, Hotel Intercontinental, Sphera Complex, Hotel Sofitel, Bucharest etc. Exhibition Hall.

- SCIENTIFIC PAPERS PUBLISHED (the last 4 years): - Articles: Marta Cristina Zaharia: "Improving and upgrading the building design acoustics Methods - Computer Programs acoustic listening rooms used to design", public in the magazine "Urbanism, architecture, construction" Vol.1, no.1/2010, ISSN 2069 - 0509, journals indexed in Index Copernicus database BDI. - Article: Marta Cristina Zaharia, "Restoration of the acoustic point of view of Great Hall of the Romanian Athenaeum concert" in "Urbanism, architecture, construction" vol.2, nr.1/2011, ISSN 2069-0509, indexed journals in Index Copernicus database-BDI. - Article: Marta Cristina Zaharia, "The Influence of parameters of arteries of traffic variables on the level of noise coming from urban traffic" in "Urbanism, architecture, construction" vol.2, nr.3/2011, ISSN 2069-0509, journals indexed in Index Copernicus database BDI.

Professional recognition in the last four years, those two scientific researchers of the laboratory:

43 A) PhD.dipl.Eng. Marta Cristina Zaharia, Chief of Laboratory, CS III degree (management positions INCD URBAN-INCERC, or outside it, including through professional organizations, special commissions, etc.., Including the database of recognized specialists, etc.).

1. Technical Committee Member of MDRT - CTS 11 "Physical functional requirements for construction and construction physical ", 2010 - present (2011); 2. Member of Technical Committee of Standardization ASRO no. 276 "Acoustics in Buildings"; 3. Member of Scientific Council INCD URBAN-INCERC Bucharest, 2010 - present (2011). 4. Member of the Commission for approval and acceptance - URBAN-INCERC INCD Branch INCERC Bucharest (2010 - present) 5. Member - Specialist legal experts - the "Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Protection" - Ministry of Justice; 6. Member of Scientific Council INCERC Bucharest, 2008, 2009. 7. Specialized Rapporteur groups. No. 2, no. 3 and No. 4 for Technical Approval in Construction; 8. Member of Italian Association of Acoustics, 9. Member of working group WG 5 "Urban, Rural Development and Protection against noise" - National Environment Agency - NEPA Bucharest, 2007, 2008, 2009; 10. Member of the Commission for approval and acceptance - INCERC Bucharest (until 2009), 11. Member of database specialists ROST-Romanian Office for Science and Technology, Brussels, Belgium, 12. Member "Who is Who - Encyclopedia personalities in Romania", 2007 - present (2011).

• From 2010-present (2011) is specialized in the publication Referee - Magazine "Urbanism, architecture, construction", indexed in BDI-Index Copernicus database.

• Since 1998 has university teaching experience, working as associate professor at the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest - Faculty CCIA, Urban and Regional Development Engineering, teaching courses and seminars: "Ecology", "Architecture and Urban Planning", "Urban Ecology" "Environmental impact" Architecture - "Architecture and Urban Planning", Engineering Urban and Regional Development - (Master) - "Local Economic Development".

B) Dipl.eng. Ioana Mihaela Alexe, CS III degree (URBAN INC managerial functions-try, or outside it, including through professional organizations, special commissions, etc.., Including the database of recognized specialists, etc.). 1. Secretary of the Technical Committee of Standardization ASRO no. 276 "Acoustics in Buildings"; 2. Member of Technical Committee of Standardization ASRO no. 274 "Safety. Human protection against noise and vibration "; 3. Specialized Rapporteur groups. No. 2, no. 3 and No. 4 for Technical Approval in Construction.

Chief of Building Acoustics Laboratory, PhD.Dipl.eng. Marta Cristina ZAHARIA


2.3. Activity report by team Laboratory research and testing for waterproof protection and roofs is made out of a team of scientists interactive (three engineers, two architects), and four research assistants to that operating in the common spirit of teamwork. Two scientists are experts in categories "E" in construction and energy auditors. The two architects are members of the Order of Architects of Romania. The laboratory has three specialized group president for Technical Approval in Construction and a group presesdinte of specializatra 2 for Technical Approval in Construction, the other three members of the technical report of the group ECHP specialization 3. Team work was carried out on a remarkable number of research papers in the field, as follows:  4 (four) research contracts funded by ANCS in the National Program - PNCDI;  4 (four) research contracts funded by ANCS in the National Program-Core Program;  6 (six) contracts for specific regulatory activities funded by the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism;  3 (three) technical expertise waterproofing works, funded by economic agents;  15 (fifteen) contracts for trials funded by economic agents, waterproofing materials;  93 (ninety-three) works contracts financed technical approvals for the development of businesses. The most important achievements in terms of research activity of HIT Lab team working on these topics can be found:  Assimilation and implementation of laboratory test methods for waterproofing materials provided in the harmonized European standards related to construction products directive - 89/106 EEC.  Sustainability waterproof insulation systems of building elements in normal use. manual for design and implementation details.  Guidance on rehabilitation functional utility of roofs to existing buildings.  Standard on the design, implementation and operation of the building roof sloping roofs (NP Review and completion Standard 069-2002)  Guidance on the design and execution of thermal rehabilitation of collective housing.  Development of the guide: "Designing and implementing green roofs on new and existing buildings" of the work - "detailing the requirements, criteria and performance levels for waterproofing, specific layers of protection including green, insulation and structure," according to the provisions of Law 10 / 1995 on construction quality, as amended, will insert diagrams, drawings, annexes as appropriate.  Standard on the design, implementation and operation of buildings, waterproofing NP Review 040-2002.  Rehabilitation waterproofing basements and underground elements in construction.

45  Hybrid composite materials based on polystyrene foam, for thermal rehabilitation of buildings.  Health surveillance of bee families through complex diagnostic tests haemolymph samples and optimization of diet and metabolic profile correlated with increased immune status of the bee Apis mellifera.  Contract of experimental research and solutions to address the objective of eliminating infiltration in terraces Conference Center Hotel Complex located inside the Palace Snagov Snagov.  Contract of experimental research and solutions to address the elimination of water leakage from the terraces and the objective household distribution panel located inside the guest house complex Scrovistea.  Contract of research on the Approvals "fiberglass mesh and dowels BAUPOR BAUPOR ."  Contract of experimental research on seal products Aquafina 1K, 2K / M, F and Aquafina Aquafina IC. "  Contract of experimental research on the Approvals "metal boxes for construction".  Contract of experimental research on the Approvals "process of applying the insulating ARCO".  Contract of experimental research in gutters and downspouts Approvals. Permanent concern of the team is to participate directly in national research programs through interdisciplinary collaboration partnerships with the Technical University of Civil Engineering, University of Architecture "Ion Mincu", Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Ploiesti and Gas Pertol University, as well as manufacturers specialized materials and manufacturing firms. The research team says a permanent activity of knowledge and technical documentation on national and international news, appearances following articles in publications and by attending national conferences and symposia.


2.3. Activity report by team The Division of Construction Economics is as old as INCERC Bucharest itself. Over the time, the institute played an important role in the development of the construction sector in Romania. The Division has a team of very well prepared specialists who participated in solving the main economic issues of the construction sector, namely:  drawing up estimate norm indexes, work norms, construction time norms, economic efficiency studies, international comparative studies, forecasts and prognoses on the main economic indicators, studies on the construction cost formation and evolution, feasibility studies, analysis of economic output of construction companies, etc. The activity of the department is marked by two moments of reference having long term implication on the whole economy:  coordination of the preparation of estimate norm indexes for construction, 1981 edition;  developing estimate norm indexes, 1999-2000 edition (revision and update of the 1981 edition). After 2000, the scientific activity of the department mainly consisted in the participation in national research programmes: Horizon 2000, RELANSIN, AMTRANS 2002-2006, National Research Program, Core Program.

46 The team of the department includes 4 certified scientific researchers (2nd and 3rd grades), , a technician and a software programmer's assistant. Proof of the concern for enhancing the professional formation stand the graduation, by the members of the team, of many postgraduate and doctorate courses: a researcher obtained a doctor diploma in economic sciences and a research assistant applied for doctorate courses. The scientific performances of the Division are based on a rich documentary base provided by the technical library of the institute, as well as on the use of advanced information software on high quality computers. The department has along cooperation with two renowned high education institutions: the Academy of Economic Studies and the Technical Construction University, participating in both the development of scientific research studies and scientific events (workshops, conferences, symposia). The team of the Division contact, once a term, the producers and suppliers of construction materials and products as well as construction service suppliers in order to obtain the prices and tariffs they need to calculate the price indexes for the construction sector . The research results of the department are published in the "Construction Economics Issues" - INCERC (ISSN 1584-2797), which is published since 1995; the magazine was disseminated annually till 2009 to more than 100 construction firms. We present below apart of the most recent research studies of the department:  The analysis of Romanian and European methodologies on the evolution of the costs of collective. housing buildings built by the State.  The preparation of the framework analysis methodology and the monitoring of the evolution of the costs of collective housing buildings by work categories and total. Forecasting tools and procedures. used at national and international levels.

 Average informative indexes of the technical value of buildings and special construction resulted from the price and tariffs evolution (between 2007 and 2011). (Data bank).  Cost analysis by construction lifecycle in a sustainable development context. A cultural pattern characterizing Romanian SMEs in the context of knowledge management.  Informative consumption norms by estimate items in construction.  The evolution of the estimate price and its structure by construction domains and work categories with a view to completing construction objects.  Integrated unified system of indicators for analyzing and assessing the sustainability the housing policies.  Estimate price calculation by standard objectives under the EUROSTAT European Comparison Programme.  Estimate price calculation by: construction objects and by work categories for NHA housing in various areas of the country, and for gymnasia and sports halls financed under the National Investment Company. The Division of Construction Economics can provide to all participants on the construction market, on request, similar studies to the precedent research; in addition, it can provide the following:  Diagnoses regarding the construction sector evolution.  Research and studies on the construction sector evolution on the national and European levels.  Development of sectoral strategies at national and regional levels, as well as strategies for the companies in the construction sector.  Drawing up business plans for the companies in the construction sector.

47  Drawing up financing applications, cost-benefit analyses, risk and sensitivity analyses for national and/or European financed projects (whether they are reimbursable funds or not).  Other activities and consultancy for the companies in the construction sector.  Estimate price calculation by construction objects and work category.



EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement is a platform for co-operation in the field of major natural and technological disasters between Europe and the South of the Mediterranean. Its field of competence covers the major natural and technological disasters - knowledge, prevention, risk management, post-crisis analysis and rehabilitation (

The main objectives of the EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement are to reinforce and to promote co-operation between Member States in a multi-disciplinary context to ensure better prevention, protection against risks and better preparation in the event of major natural or technological disasters. Set up by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in 1987, The Agreement is "open" because any non-member State of the Council of Europe may apply to become a member. It has to date 26 Member States. The activities are supported by scientific and technical work developed by the 27 specialised Centres integrated in a network.

At the scientific and technical level, the specific role of the Specialised Euro-Mediterranean Centres is to develop projects, both at the national and regional level, who aim to improve the awareness and resilience to major risks within the population.


ECBR is a specialised center included in URBAN-INCERC and is based on a Memorandum of Accession to The European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement (EUR-OPA), adopted by the Romanian Government in 2001. With the present name and objectives, the EUROPEAN CENTER FOR BUILDINGS REHABILITATION - ECBR was agreed by EUR- OPA Major Hazard Agreement at its 10th Ministerial Session in San Marino, December 12, 2003.

Since 2009, according to the Government Decision 1398 / 2009, ECBR is included in the structure of URBAN-INCERC, as a result of merging between INCERC, URBAN-PROIECT and CDCAS. Presently, ECBR is located in the premises of the National Institute for Research and Development in Constructions, Urbanism and Sustainable Territorial Development URBAN-INCERC. The Center benefits of the facilities of existing laboratories in URBAN-INCERC, mainly INCERC Bucharest Branch, as well as from consultancy of other research institutes and universities.

ECBR staff is URBAN-INCERC research staff, all working within existing resources, as co- financing of ECBR from Romanian part, although some expenses of ECBR for operation and specific actions are covered by annual EUR-OPA grant and other are covered by INCERC.

48 The main field of ECBR, as “building rehabilitation” has important relationships with the vulnerability of citizens that live in buildings at risk, with human habitat in urban and rural environment, with technical codes and laws on related aspects, including socio-economic and ethical aspects.

ECBR performs technical and dissemination activities devoted to: (i) Contributing to preparation of appropriate legislation for buildings rehabilitation and risk mitigation by MRDT; (ii) Strengthening of the building structures damaged by earthquakes; (iii)Mitigation of natural disaster risks, including earthquake education; (iv) Rehabilitation of the building comfort and building equipment, associated with the ; (v) Other activities related to the hazard, vulnerability and risk management. The Center promotes partnership with specialized institutions, agencies and authorities related to building design and building rehabilitation from Romania, UE and world-wide.

The management of the Center is made by the Director of the Center and supervised by the Permanent Correspondent of Romania to EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement, i.e. by the representative of MRDT in charge with EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement.

The present structure is as follows: - President: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arch. Vasile MEITA, General Director of URBAN- INCERC - Director: Dr. Eng. Emil-Sever GEORGESCU, Scientific Director for Constructions, INCERC Bucharest Branch - President of Scientific Council: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Iolanda-Gabriela CRAIFALEANU, INCERC Bucharest Branch - General Secretary: Dr. Math. Ioan Sorin BORCIA, Head of Seismic Risk and Actions on Buildings Laboratory, INCERC Bucharest Branch

Members: - Eng. Claudiu Lucian Matei, Director of INCERC Bucharest Branch, Senior Researcher, Ph D Candidate - Dr. Eng. Claudiu Sorin Dragomir, Senior Researcher, INCERC Bucharest Branch - Geologist Eng. Elena Andreea Calarasu, Scientific Researcher, INCERC Bucharest Branch – Ph D Candidate - Dr. Eng. Daniela Dobre, Senior Researcher, INCERC Bucharest Branch - Eng. Nicoleta Florenta Tanase, Assistant Researcher, INCERC Bucharest Branch – Ph D Candidate - Eng. Andreea Dutu, Assistant Researcher, INCERC Bucharest Branch – Ph D.


Activity no. 1 in 2007 was: « Research on identification of compound risks caused on long- term by climat changes and earthquakes to buildings, needs and means of rehabilitation. »

Researchers of ECBR studied the climat changes that are now a harsh reality for zones of Romania where floods, strong winds, tornado-like storms and other natural phenomena endanger safety of buildings. Combination of seismic loading with other extreme loads was nor considered with due extent by previous codes and building practices.

49 Activity no. 2 in 2007 was : « Support and dissemination of knowledge for earthquake rehabilitation of buildings » and included:  activities for citizens in view of new legal measures of Government and MTCT to enforce the antiseismic rehabilitation of first class of risk high-rise buildings by special labelling  presentations of earthquake preparedness rules for school students, using MTCT- INCERC booklets and multimedia.  contribution to the Information website on seismic risk in Romania

In 2007, the Director of ECBR joined NCSRR and JICA experts and participated in : - Seminar held with citizens and officials in City Hall sector 2, Bucharest – 25.04.2007 - Printed matter for citizens under preparation to include last legal changes. - Presentations for school students, using MTCT / MDRT -INCERC booklets in 7 seminars.

Activity no. 3 in 2007 was: Participation to the Regional Capacity and Task Force for Post- disaster Damage Assessment. Cooperation with IZIIS, ECILS, Skopje, FYR of Macedonia.  This activity with IZIIS was cancelled due to the tight time of the participants.  Instead, in the same topic, during 28.11.-30.11.2007 the Director of ECBR attended in Italy at Rome and LAquila, the International Seminar of the STEP Project on post- earthquake investigation. The presentation referred to : „Romanian Methodology for post-earthquake inspection of buildings and provisional measures for safety”, drafted in INCERC.

Activity no. 4 in 2007 was. « Participation to the Symposiums”: - “Thirty Years from the Romania Earthquake of March 4, 1977”, Bucharest, Romania, 1-3 March 2007, UTCB; - International Symposium on Seismic Risk Reduction. The JICA Technical Cooperation Project in Romania, 26-27 April 2007, Romanian Academy, Bucharest. ECBR ensured presentation of papers and posters of ECBR – INCERC researchers - The Director of ECBR Emil-Sever Georgescu presented a PPT presentation on seismic risk and earthquake education in Romania during the Meeting of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents of EUR-OPA Major Hazards Bucharest, September 27 – 28, 2007, at Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing, that was highly appreciated in the minutes of the meeting. - The Director of ECBR participated to the OPA European and Mediterranean Workshop on „Disaster Reduction at School - Building safer schools communities”, Paphos, Cyprus, 29-30 October 2007, organised in close co-operation with the government of Cyprus and EUR-OPA’s thematic group on Disaster Education and Awareness (Be-Safe-Net). Dr. Georgescu presented the paper „Earthquake education of school students, teaching and administrative staff in Romania”, still available on many INTERNET sites.

In 2008, ECBR performed activities for: - development and implementation of risk reduction strategy through structural building rehabilitation as a support of National Program of Romanian Government and MDPWH - Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing, correlated with Eurocode 8 provisions and buildings and regional and European needs, as well as with those of EUR-OPA Agreement requirements;

50 - development and implementation of thermal and energy rehabilitation of buildings in support of National Program of Romanian Government and MDPWH-Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing for thermal and energy rehabilitation of buildings.

Activity no. 1 in 2008 was : « Preparatives for a future ECBR coordinated programme for activities at European scale on seismic risk management, considering the role of developers and house builders as creators of territorial development, the need of sustainable constructions in member countries, especially of those recently becoming members of the European Union ». The Director of ECBR prepared a draft of programme of activities on seismic risk management, enhancing a number of preventive measures that was included on Agenda of UEPC-European Union of Developers and House Builders and the Romanian Federation of Ownership in Construction - PSC, and it was discussed in the meeting be held in Bucharest in October 23, 2008.

Activity no. 2 in 2008 was : « Support and dissemination of knowledge for earthquake rehabilitation of buildings for citizens »:  seminars of dissemination of earthquake preparedness knowledge for students of 6 schools in Bucharest, using 4 types of INCERC booklets and multimedia, using also Japanese didactic seismic simulators of the NCSRR- The National Center for Seismic Risk Reduction – JICA Project in Romania, in collaboration with Romanian Red Cross and Institute for Sciences of Education.  Workshop with participation of university professors and students, aimed to the dissemination of seismic risk reduction projects and activities at INCERC-ECBR, 7 university courses on building vulnerability, seismic risk and population preparedness for earthquakes, for students of the 5-th grade in urban engineering, at Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest.  media coverage and activities for citizens to support new legal measures of Government and MDPWH to enforce the antiseismic rehabilitation of first class of risk high-rise buildings by special labelling;  ECBR contributed to the maintenance of INCERC Information website section on seismic risk in Romania - INFORISX.

Activity no. 3 in 2008 was : “Participation to Conferences”:  presentation of a poster of ECBR – INCERC, with cooperation of UTCB, NCSRR and MDPWH on the new methodology for emergency investigation of post-seismic safety of buildings and framework solutions for intervention, enforced by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing – MDPWH, Romania, for the 14-th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China, October 2008.  ECBR Director presented also 3 conferences for Romanian Civil Protection staff, concerning earthquake vulnerability and disaster prevention;

Activity no. 4 in 2008 was : « Participation to other International, Regional and European Projects »  ECBR Director participated to technical and applicative meetings on buildings inspections after earthquakes in the framework of STEP Project in Slovenia.  ECBR Director Presentation on “Post-earthquake fires in high-rise buildings of Bucharest” at the Conference Fire Safety in High-Rise Buildings - FSHB 2008 Bucharest, May 7-9, 2008

51  The President of the Scientific Council of ECBR and the Secretary General, participated with papers in the following workshops: o International Workshop on Seismic Hazard and Seismic Risk Reduction in the Countries Influenced by Vrancea Earthquakes, NATO SfP 980468, Chisinau, R. Moldova, 19 – 20 mai 2008, o ESC 2008: 31st General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission), Hersonissos, Creta, Grecia, 7-12 September 2008, o SSCR 2008, First International Conference on Seismic Safety Problems of Caucasus Region Population, Cities and Settlements), , Tbilisi, Georgia, September 8-11, 2008. . ECBR Director participated with papers in The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China), with 3 papers.

Since 2009, ECBR started a plan for 3 years, 2009-2011, and activities were on a common type, although their specific content was different. Thus, the proposals for 2009-2011 were corelated to the OPA Medium Term Plan 2011-2015, and especially focussed on: o Activities in support of the enforcement of the strategic Programs for building rehabilitation coordinated by the Romanian Government and concerned ministries o Dissemination activities using earthquake education materials, seminars and demonstrations, concerning earthquake protection o Participation of ECBR members in worksops, seminars, conferences and university courses

For “Activities in support of the enforcement of the strategic Programs for building rehabilitation coordinated by the Romanian Government and concerned ministries» in 2009, the global objectives were: o Facilitation of the application of the new codes and standards by the community of structural design engineers in Romania, taking into account the objectives of the EUROPA Major Hazards Agreement for the period 2009-2011. o Fostering research, regulations and development programs for thermal and energy rehabilitation of buildings, according to EPBD-European Performance of Building Directive.

Results obtained previously were knowledge transfer concerning the impact of past earthquakes and the need to rehabilitate buildings. As specific achievments in 2009, one can mention: o issues related to enforcement of the new Romanian Code for the seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings, correlated with the enforcement, starting with 2010, of Part 3 of Eurocode 8 ; o presentation of a paper on Seismic Zonation of Romania in the Context of European Standards, National Conference of Romanian Association of Structural Design Engineers – AICPS, May 2009.

It must be understood that the enforcement of Eurocode 8 in Romania deserves some specific care, as the patterns of Vrancea intermediate earthquakes and the local geologic conditions at macroseismic scale are not similar to the ones of Western Europe and requires other instrumental data and calibration.

52 Results in 2009 provided an easier transition process to the effective application of the new codes and standards. Associated activities in 2009 were correlated within the national framework of earthquake protection and adoption of EU codes and standards, as well as with other research programs of INCERC.

For “Dissemination activities using earthquake education materials, seminars and demonstrations, concerning earthquake protection (before, during and after an earthquake) by innovative tools (Website INFORISX, Japanese earthquake simulators etc) “, global objectives in 2009 were: o Developing the national and regional capability of Romania within EUR-OPA Agreement on prevention, preparedness and response; o Co-operation with other institutions;

Specific results in 2009 were: o a broader dissemination, including target audience of foreigners that are living in seismic zones of Romania; o Seminars for providing knowledge and informing people, States, Institutions about the means and ways of earthquake preparedness and disaster prevention held in 2 Universities, C. I. Parhon Medical Research Institute in Bucharest and The High School Emil Racovita, Bucharest. o Participation of ECBR with Association of Building Developers - PSC Romania in the UEPC-European Union of Developers and House Builders PROGRAMME ON SEISMIC RISK MANAGEMENT, aimed at the formation of a strategy and a coordinated programme of actions to reduce earthquake risk in Europe, PSC, Bucharest, Romania, introducing an educational tool on PSC INTERNET Site - English section. Thus, the foreign contractors and staff working in Romania, design architects, engineers, engineers, foremen, skilled workers and craftsmen of building sites will be informed by PSC about this initiative. Associated activities in 2009 were correlated with other dissemination programs of INCERC and NCSRR (JICA Project).

For “Participation of ECBR members in workshops, seminars, conferences and university courses” achievments in 2009 were: o Presentation on Sichuan-Wenchuan Earthquake, China 2008. Lessons on public strategies for disaster management, February 25, 2009, Workshop of General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, at Snagov, Romania o Presentation on Post-Earthquake Buildings Investigation Needs in view of Requirements and Trends of the European Union, Workshop for Day of Civil Protection, February 26 2009, Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, Bucharest, Romania o Participation to the drafting of the Romanian Government Decision for National Platform on Reducing the Disaster Risk, with IGSU - Romanian Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, i.e. Civil Protection,. o Presentation on « Reducing Disaster Potentials in case of earthquakes in Romania, in the framework of requirements of EU and UN-ISDR Platform », The International Day of Natural Disasters Risk Reduction, IGSU, Calimanesti, Valcea, 14-15 October 2009.

Associated activities in 2009 were correlated with other activities of INCERC and professional associations, in Romania and EU, with activities of UNO agencies as UNESCO, OCHA, ISDR etc.

53 In 2010, for the 3 year topic of “Activities in support of the enforcement of the strategic Programs for building rehabilitation coordinated by the Romanian Government and concerned ministries”, specific achievments in 2010 were: o members of ECBR ensured consulting for design engineers related to enforcement of the new Romanian Code for the seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings, correlated with the enforcement, starting with 2010, of Part 3 of Eurocode 8 o participation of ECBR Director in TV Antena 3 technical debate on earthquake strengthening of buildings (March 2010); o presentation of a paper and key-lecture on „Building Damage in Chile Earthquake of February 27, 2010 and Lessons for Romania”, National Conference of Romanian Association of Structural Design Engineers – AICPS, May 28, 2010. o a broader dissemination, for citizens that are living in seismic zones of Romania by members of ECBR; o Seminars for providing knowledge to students of Interior Design Department in University of Architecture and Urbanism „Ion Mincu” Bucharest: o A number of 3 seminars on „Hazard, vulnerability and seismic risk in Romania”, „Learning from Earthquake Disasters”, „Earthquake of LAquila, Italy of April 6, 2009, damage on buildings and nonstructural members”. (October 21, 28 and November 4, 2010) For the 3 year topic of “Participation of ECBR members in worksops, seminars, conferences and university courses “, global objectives in 2010 were: o Enhancing knowledge transfer for seismic disaster prevention o Increasing the visibility of ECBR activities

Specific achievments in 2010 were: o presentations in University of Architecture and Urbanism „Ion Mincu” Bucharest, Master course „Sustainable development – the integrated concept of built space”, on topics as: „Evaluation of natural and man-made risks. Strategies for risk reduction in exposed zones”. (A number of 5 conferences - October-December 2010). o presentation on LAquila 2009, Italy and Maule-Chile 2010 earthquakes. Lessons on public strategies for disaster management, February 25, 2010, PROTCIV 2010 Workshop of General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, at Snagov, Romania o members of ECBR made presentations on Maule-Chile 2010 Earthquake Buildings Damage, CNCISC Conference September 24, 2010, Bucharest. o Director of ECBR presented 3 conferences with the subject: “Seismic hazard and vulnerability of buildings in Romania. Implications on application of the Law on compulsory insurance system for earthquakes, landslides and floods for dwellings.” o Paper and presentation on «The Vrancea Earthquake of November 10, 1940 : Recovery of some historical data on impact on buildings and people », Commemorative Simposium 70 years since the November 10, 1940 Earthquake, E.S. Georgescu and A. Pomonis (Greece), University of Civil Engineering - UTCB, November 10, 2010, Bucharest. o Paper and presentation on « Human casualties due to the Vrancea, Romania earthquakes of 1940 and 1977: learning from past to prepare for future events », E.S. Georgescu and A. Pomonis (Greece), Mizunami International Symposium on Earthquake Casualties and Health Consequences, 15-16 November 2010, Mizunami, Gifu, JAPAN.

54 Concerning the activities of 2011 in support of the enforcement of the strategic Programs for building rehabilitation coordinated by the Romanian Government and concerned ministries, global objectives are: o Facilitation of the application of the new codes and standards by the community of structural design engineers in Romania, taking into account the objectives of the EUROPA Major Hazards Agreement for the year 2011. o Fostering research, regulations and development programs for thermal and energy rehabilitation of buildings, according to EPBD-European Performance of Building Directive.

Specific objectives for 2011 were initially the issues related to enforcement of the new Romanian Code for the seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings, correlated with the enforcement of Part 3 of Eurocode. Concerning the dissemination activities using earthquake education materials, seminars and demonstrations, concerning earthquake protection (before, during and after an earthquake) by innovative tools (Website INFORISX, didactic earthquake simulators etc), global objectives in 2011 are: o Developing the national and regional capability of Romania within EUR-OPA Agreement on prevention, preparedness and response; o Co-operation with other institutions;

Specific objectives for 2011 are: o Seminars for providing knowledge and informing people, States, Institutions about the means and ways of earthquake preparedness and disaster prevention o Development of the English version of INFORISX WEB Site hosted by INCERC Branch of URBAN-INCERC;


The main field of ECBR, as “building rehabilitation” must be considered in correlation with its important relationships with the vulnerability of persons that live in buildings at risk, with human habitat in urban and rural environment, with technical codes and laws on related aspects, including socio-economic and ethical aspects. The researchers of URBAN-INCERC / ECBR contributed to very important codes for evaluation and rehabilitation of buildings, as well as manuals for earthquake education during last years. It is important that the present field of research of URBAN-INCERC can provide for a more interdisciplinary approach of disaster risk reduction, at building and urban fabric scale, in correlation with sustainable development.

„CONSTRUCTII” JOURNAL: ISSN: 1221 - 2709 (PRINT), 2247-0328 (ONLINE)

The journal was first published in 1949 under the name of "Journal of Buildings and Construction Materials" ("Revista Constructiilor si Materialelor de Constructii"), as a publication of the Ministry of Industrial Construction.

Since 1971 until today, the journal is published under the name of "Constructii" ("Civil Engineering").

55 Since 1992, INCERC, the National Institute for Building Research, is the exclusive editor of the journal CONSTRUCTII. During the same year, the journal was registered and received the ISSN code, which is owned by the journal until the present day.

In the above structure, the journal “Constructii” was published together with specialized supplements, as follows: - between 1979 and 1981 – “Instalatii” ("Building Services") - edited by INCERC (4 issues per year); - in 1984, 1987 and 1988 - “Mecanizarea Constructiilor” ("Building Mechanisation")- edited by the Ministry of Industrial Construction

Since 2006, the journal “Constructii” is issued under its acknowledged name, with the mention New Series, (year LIV). In its new form, the journal is issued twice a year. The papers are published in a bilingual system (Romanian, English), compliant to the layout of international indexed scientific journals.

Starting with No. 1 / 2009, year LVII, the journal is edited in partnership by the National Institute for Research and Development in Construction, Urban Planning and Sustainable Spatial Development URBAN-INCERC, INCERC Bucharest Branch and the General Association of Engineers in Romania, AGIR, based on a collaboration protocol established between the partners. The journal has an eminently scientific content, with papers and reviews of high scientific quality.

Starting from 2010, all published papers are available in full text on the journal website. For the previous issues, most of the papers are available in full text, while abstracts are available for all papers. The entire online content of "Constructii" Journal is freely downloadable.

The journal "Constructii" is classified by the National Council of Scientific Research in Universities (CNCSIS) in the B+ Category (CNCSIS Code: 892/CNCSIS classification table) (2011). The journal is presented on SCIPIO - Romanian Editorial Platform.

The editorial board, formed of high-rank Romanian and international specialists in the field, reviews the papers which are to be published in the journal. The paper publishes papers submitted both by Romanian and foreign specialists, according to the instructions published on the site.

As a technical and scientific journal, issued regularly for 62 years, "Constructii" can be considered one of the prestigious scientific journals which are both nationally and internationally recognized. It is the only Romanian journal with a contents dedicated exclusively to the civil engineering specialists, both from scientific research and from universities. Nonetheless, the value of the published papers recommends the journal CONSTRUCTII to graduate students enrolled in doctoral programs.

“Constructii” Journal is indexed in the following international databases and catalogues: Academic Keys,, Bern Dibner Library of Science and Technology, DOAJ, EBSCO, EconPapers, Electronic Journals Library, Genamics JournalSeek, getCITED, Google Scholar, Ideas-RePEc, IndexCopernicusTM, Intute, Israel Institute of Technology - Technion, Lupton Library, Munich Personal RePEc Archive, National Library of Australia, OPACPlus, Open J-Gate, ProQuest/Illustrata, ResearchGATE, Structurae, TIB/UB Hannover, UlrichswebTM, WorldCat®,


Among the most recent evidence of international recognition of the research activities carried out by NRDI URBAN-INCERC there are to be mentioned the prizes awarded at the 18th Annual Conference „Natural and Technological Risk Reduction through Global Cooperation” of the International Emergency Management Society (TIEMS) Bucharest, Romania, June 7- 10, 2011, as follows:  Best Student Paper Award for the paper: Seismic risk management of civil buildings in Romania based on the incremental seismic rehabilitation concept, by Duţu, A., Gomes Ferreira J., Sandu C., TIEMS – The International Emergency Management Society, 655 pag., ISBN 978-9-49-029704-6, pag. 173-182  Best Practice Paper Award for the paper: Citizens earthquake preparedness in Romania: towards a new conceptual approach for a training platform and facility in URBAN-INCERC by Meita, V., Dobre, D., Georgescu, E.S., Stamatiade, C.P., Vilceanu, L. Proceedings of TIEMS - The International Emergency Management Society, 18th Annual Conference 2011  Best Romanian Paper Award for the paper: “A GIS-Based Software Platform for the Seismic Risk Assessment of Buildings in Romania: Current State and Planned Development of the ROSERIS Platform”, by Craifaleanu, I.-G., Lungu, D., Văcăreanu, R., Anicăi, O., Aldea, A., Arion, C. (2011).

2.4. Representative project (maximum 5 pages) for INCERC Bucharest Branch


The project was conceived, developed and implemented within the Division of Energy and Environmental Performances of Sustainable Buildings (SPEMCD), which has a prolific activity in the areas of thermal processes engineering, building thermal energy analysis, district heating, simulation and testing of building systems and insulating materials, energy performances of new and existing buildings, training and certification of energy auditors for buildings, national database of energy performance certificates of buildings, renewable energy integration in buildings, intelligent building envelopes.

Conception The idea of the project was raised in the context of European strategies and policies in the field of energy efficiency in buildings. The targets of the ANVINTEX research project are subordinated to the European and national concern related to the reducing of the energy consumption in buildings and implicitly to the reducing of noxious substances with greenhouse effect, according to the European Directives 2002/91/EEC on the Energy Performance of Buildings (updated later by the European Directive 2010/31/UE – Recast EPBD) and 2006/32/EC on energy end-use efficiency and energy services. Both of the documents underline the important impact of buildings on the high energy consumption, of which the buildings represent about 40%. In this context, the national research project concerning the reducing of the energy consumption in buildings was exclusively focused on the increased thermal protection of the new and existing buildings. Research studies on intelligent buildings referring especially to

57 the reducing of the energy consumption are already traditional in the USA and Canada, but they are not frequently seen in Europe. The Documents of the European Technological Platform of Europe for Constructions (ECTP), stating the targets of the research sector on medium and long term, emphasized the issues of the buildings and envelopes intelligence as a fundamental issue. The project was structured within the target of Programme 4, “Partnerships in priority sectors”, by involving three main actors in the innovative research in the sector of the efficient use of energy in buildings: INCERC Bucharest, UAUIM (“Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning), and UTCB (Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest), together with a trade company, S.C. Prosys-PC, with an important experience in the information/computer technology sector. The ANVINTEX Project was intended to accomplish the following targets derived from Programme 4: (1) the development of the knowledge within the Environment research division through the research themes concerning the “Intelligent envelope systems”, (2) the “Systems of conceiving and design of new buildings with a very reduced heat consumption” and the (3) “Materials which improve the inside microclimate with a reduced heat consumption through the use of nano-sensors and of the information/computer technology”.

Development The research project focused on emphasizing the exergy of the natural and built environment, with a view to build residential and public buildings with a reduced consumption of conventional energy. The project analysed the implementation in the buildings structure of intelligent envelopes, of systems of monitoring and managing systems based on the duplex prediction – correction as well as on the systems which ensure thermal and physiological comfort based on the reasonable use of the heat transfer vectors through radiation and convection in the occupied spaces. Three systems equipped with energy efficient envelopes were planned to be studied, as follows: 1. System S1 represented by the ventilated solar space attached to an individual house (as part of the structure of an experimental building located within INCERC Bucharest). 2. The innovative system S2 represented by the building envelope with variable thermal resistance with a parietal-dynamic effect on the exhaustion of the polluted air from the occupied spaces, as well as the endo-thermal envelope for the efficient use of the solar energy and of the outdoor air exergy. The experiments were performed on the support of a natural scale physical model which operates within INCERC Bucharest together with a witness model. The experimental platform will be used as a permanent research laboratory for the exergetic envelopes, useful for the technological applications as well as training. 3. The fully glazed envelope system S3 in the form of the curtain wall, and the complementary system of the Double Skin type. The research plan was developed for the implementation of the project during three years, including five phases, as follows: Phase 1 (2007) – The presentation and the quality analysis of the “exergetic envelopes” solutions as well as of the estimated comfort and energy consumption parameters. During Phase 1, the dynamic mathematical model of S1 was drawn up, the measurement chain specific to the experiment concerning S1 was ensured and the project website was created. Phase 2 (2008) – The mathematical model of the physical processes specific to the subsystems included in the innovative system S2 as well as of systems S3.1 and S3.2 (numerical and analytical modelling). Based on the mathematical models, the components of system S2 were dimensioned, the project design of the INCERC Experimental Platform was

58 issued and the measurement chains of the above-mentioned systems were conceived. Simultaneously, the design of predictive-reactive control of system S2 was carried out. Phase 3 (2008) – The carrying out of the Experimental Platform within INCERC and its equipping with the intelligent adjustment computer system. The measurement chains of systems S2 and S3.1 were put into operation and measurements were performed in the cold season. The experiments schedule concerning system S1 was completed. The virtual models CVR and CVP were drawn up. Phase 4 (2009) – The phase of Validation of the mathematical models of systems S1 and S3.1 based on the measurements performed in the cold and hot seasons. The remote control system specific to the INCERC Platform Computing Centre is implemented. Measurements are performed in the hot season on the system S2 support. Phase 5 (2009) – Validation of the mathematical model of system S2. The corresponding patent is submitted. The analysis of COP is performed following the including of PC in a system equipped with an exergetic envelope. The report on the operation of the informational computer system is submitted. Activities of dissemination to PTCE and ENBRI, Workshop and issuing of the Good Practice Guide concerning the systems studied in the view of implementation in the design and construction activity.

Execution The project was implemented taking into account the planned work and initial schedule. However, due to the repeatedly budget cuts, some of the activities were excluded from the initial plan, with a very high effort to maintain the initial objectives. The main results obtained within the project are:  Procedures of quantifying the PECM of the buildings equipped with exergetic envelopes (system S1 and S2),  Performance of the predictor - corrector intelligent management systems by the information system,  Experimental Platform within INCERC, useful both for the potential beneficiaries and for the training of future experts (PhD candidates and students),  Submission of a patent request for two new systems: (1) parieto-dynamic effect wall and controllable thermal resistance, and (2) system of endothermic façade, ceiling with radiant-convective effect, ventilated solar space and the monitoring and predictive- corrective computer system. The ANVINTEX experimental building located at INCERC Bucharest (Experimental Platform) is an individual ground floor + 1st floor building, with a sloped roof, having two rooms for each floor. The structure is on frames with prefabricated external walls. The two systems consisting in two types of building “intelligent” envelopes, which have been developed within the research project, have been studied and the proof of concept was demonstrated: (1) Building envelope with variable thermal resistance with a parietal-dynamic effect on the exhaustion of the polluted air from the occupied spaces (special ventilated element), and (2) Endo-thermal envelope for the efficient use of the solar energy and of the outdoor air exergy (solar panel connected to a heat pump and a storage tank). The experimental facility consist in one experimental room with the two mentioned technologies (facades) installed and operated, and a witness room (with current energy performance for new buildings). The endothermic envelope system (solar façade) is coupled to a heat pump and a thermal storage, and the space heating or cooling is ensured by two ceiling mounted panels with radiant-convective effect, while the mechanical ventilation is provided with high efficiency heat recovery.

59 The building and the thermal / cooling systems are equipped with sensors for taking over the intensive and extensive parameters as well as with data primary storage and processing equipment. The indoor thermal conditions are regulated and the different operation conditions (winter / summer / transition periods) are controlled by a complex system which can be remotely operated and monitored. The ANVINTEX building supports further experimental activity in order to demonstrate and asses the energy performance over a full year and to optimize control strategy of studied systems. The experimental platform can be used as a permanent research laboratory for the exergetic envelopes, useful for the technological applications as well as training.

Conclusion and exploitation The innovative solutions specific to system S2 are the object of invention patents and the conclusions of the research concerning all the systems are the rationale for a Good Practice Guide. The newly implemented components (parieto-dynamic effect wall and controllable thermal resistance, endothermic façade, ceiling with radiant-convective effect, ventilated solar space and the monitoring and predictive-corrective computer system) will represent the object of further activities related to the technological transfer to the specialized producers. The results of the research project would make possible the enlargement of the partnership as well as the setting up of a research coordination national network, with a view to training experts in the field of the “Exergetic Architecture” and of the promotion of innovative technologies in the sector of the buildings energy-related issues. The results of the project will be used in drawing up post-university courses which will be organized by INCERC and UAUIM in view of attesting energy auditors for building. The potential beneficiaries of the research are the large-scale producers of envelopes, the future producers of endothermic facades, the economic operators in the IT system, the producers of thermal heat-insulating glazing and the design offices. Equally, the beneficiaries will also be the entities which will produce buildings according to the exergetic systems proposed following the significant reducing of the energy consumption and of the increased comfort. Moreover, the experimental facility developed in ANVINTEX Platform as well as the existing INCERC individual experimental building (with solar space attached) are intended to be intensively used in the technological development activities foreseen in the proposal “Energy, Cost, and Comfort Optimisation” (ecco) which has been submitted under the call for proposal FP7-2012-NMP-ENV-ENERGY-ICT-EeB (deadline 10.12.2011) and in which INCD URBAN-INCERC is partner.





The activity of The LABORATORY FOR RESEARCH AND HYGROTHERMAL- CLIMATIC (ENVIRONMENTAL) TESTING OF BUILDING MATERIALS, ELEMENTS AND EQUIPMENT (HT) is focused on the following three main fields: - D1. the field of building and installation physics – thermal transfer – hygrothermal comfort; - D2. the field of energy performance of buildings, energy efficiency and saving, and use of renewable energy; - D3. the field of climatic and environmental actions on buildings and industrial equipment, machines, installations and products. During the period of over 39 years since its creation and in the past 4 years, the HT Laboratory has maintained activity in the following three directions:

I. RESEARCH: 1 - fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of building and installation physics, thermal performance and efficiency; 2 - research on the action of climatic factors on buildings, on the functional capacity of technological machines and industrial equipment; 3 - extensive research projects within the National Research Programmes AMTRANS – CEEX – PNCD II; 4 - scientific research and tests within programmes of building modernization and rehabilitation, optimization of the energy consumption, and new energy; 5 - scientific research and laboratory experiments in borderline fields such as the safety and hygrothermal comfort ensured by the safety and reliability of electrical energy equipment under climatic action (electro technical industry); 6 - applied research in the field of technical methods and means of experimental research on hygrothermics and climatic action.

Among the total of research studies in the specialization fields of the HT Laboratory carried out over the past 4 years, we may distinguish the following types of projects: - PNCD 2 NATIONAL PROGRAMME - Project CNMP 21-066 “RENERGHOME”/(2007–2010) - “Development of the concept of renewable energy generator-converter building, with high energy autonomy and accumulation in the infrastructure and soil”; - CEEX Excellency Research Programme - Project M4 CEEX – C2 – 306 „HIGROMED” (2006 - 2008) – “Extension of the laboratory’s accreditation with environmental tests for equipment, machines and construction products, according to the requirements of the directives 73/23/CEE, 98/37/CE and 89/106/CEE”; - Research and experimental testing contract through tests for the disconnectors and

61 earthing switches on theirs functional behavior when they are subjected to severe climatic conditions (under severe ice conditions and an extreme negative – 400C and positive +450C) according en 62271-102, clause 6.103, 6.104 (over fifteen contract between 2008-2011); - NUCLEUS PROGRAMME – CONSRO – Contract no. 11N/(2006-2008) – “Rehabilitation of civilian and socio-cultural buildings and historical monuments using protection procedures by hydrophobisation against dampness and mould formation”; - NUCLEUS PROGRAMME – CONSUS - Contract no. 14-09/(2009-2011) - „Experimental studies and research to assess the durability of thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) used in the thermal and energetic rehabilitation of buildings, by means of laboratory testing against complex climatic actions, on natural scale models, coupled with an analysis of their economical efficiency”; We also mention that the Project M4 CEEX – C2 – 306 „HIGROMED”, has resulted in the development of the research infrastructure destined for investigating the field of climatic actions exerted upon buildings, installations and industrial equipment as well as energy management. The HT Laboratory possesses the biggest and most advances climatic station of environmental research in Central and Eastern Europe, and the third one in the world in terms of its size and operation capacity (comparable to CSTT`s Climatic Engineering and Testing Division Canada, Climate test chamber – Research Institute of Sweden, ABB High Power Laboratory, Sweden). The laboratory possesses an experimental research infrastructure, consisting of more than 350 equipment items, machines, devices, instruments and stands, which are, for the most part (more than 90%), of latest generation, and benefit from the technology of years 2005 - 2010. During the last year, the HT Laboratory has carried out 5 studies concerning specific activities of technical regulations, under the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism coordination: - Contract No. 484/2011 - Occupational Standard for Home and Community Energy Advisers; - Contract No. 493 / 2011 - Hygrothermal and Energetic Behaviour of Ventilated Façades, Applicable to Public Buildings, in the Romanian Climate (in progress); - Contract No. 513/2011- Practical Guide for Designing of Ventilation and Air- Conditioning Systems (in progress); - Contract No. 511/- Practical Guide for Designing of Lighting and Protection Systems (in progress); - Contract No. 512/2011 - Practical Guide for Designing of Meteoric Water Installations (in progress).

II. TECHNICAL APPROVAL for construction and installation products (thermal – hydro-insulation, thermal insulation systems, glazed and light-tight elements, finishes, installation elements, pre-insulated pipes, complex equipments): - technical approval in four (4) Specialized groups (no. 2, 3, 4, and 5), with the drafting between 2007 and 2011 of 58 technical approvals;

Specialized groups no. 2 no. 3 no. 4 no. 5 Number of TECHNICAL APPROVAL issued 22 7 6 23 between 2007- 2011

62 - thermophysical, climatic and thermoenergetical homologation of new solutions of materials, elements and subassemblies for constructions, installations and equipment.

III. LABORATORY TESTS: - laboratory tests concerning the quality of construction products, supervision of the maintenance of their quality; - tests concerning the thermoenergetical and hygrothermal performance; - research works, tests, expert appraisals, surveys of the service behavior etc, concerning new construction products, and products for conservation and hygrothermal rehabilitation; - climatic tests under proper conditions conforming to the European and international standards (EN, ISO, CEI, CENELEC, ATP) pertaining to electrical and energy equipment, air conditioners and means of transportation; - tests for the determination of the resistance to the long-term action of climatic factors.

All types of test are performed according to the European and international standards, or to the national standards harmonised with their European and international equivalents (EN, ISO, CEI-CENELEC, ASTM, SR EN ISO, etc.).

The EXPERIMENTAL TESTING AND RESEARCH LABORATORY FOR CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND ELEMENTS – HT has developed the following specializations in its three fields of activity, namely experimental research, approval- certification-homologation and testing: • Complex hygrothermal tests in steady-state and dynamic regimes on full-scale construction materials, elements and assemblies, in interaction with their adjoining installations; • Research concerning the study of the mass (vapor) transfer through closing elements and materials; • Laboratory research for determining the thermophysical properties of construction materials; • Research concerning the waterproof ness, airproof ness and wind resistance of windows, doors, and curtain walls, and the influence of these climatic factors on the respective closing element; • On site measurements concerning the behaviour of buildings in time; • Studies and research work concerning the thermo technical calculus of closing elements, as well as a thorough experimental examination of the mass and energy transfer phenomena specific to the hygrothermal steady-state and dynamic (variable) regimes; • Research on the heat and mass transfer phenomena correlated with an aeraulic regime of extremely low speeds, in order to determine the αi, αe thermal transfer coefficients at the level of surfaces; • The study of the natural convection correlated with several types of heating installations, and the comparative measurement of the efficiency of various closing elements in connection with the studied installations; • Homologation of new solutions for closing elements with large scale applicability; • Applied research on the technical methods and means of experimental research in the field of hygrothermics and climatic stress;

63 • Verification of the quality of closing elements, aiming to ensure their mandatory conformity to the existing quality standards; • Homologation and verification of new thermo insulating and hygroinsulating materials; • Promotion of new and efficient solutions of insulating materials and elements; • Research and Climatic tests on technological tools and equipment according to international standards such as EN, ISO, CEI, CENELEC, ASTM, ATP etc.; • Drafting of standards and participation in the developing of norms concerning building thermotechnics.

The personnel of the HT Laboratory consists of 5 scientifically attested researchers (2 scientific researchers of the 2nd degree holding a Doctor of Engineering title, 1 scientific researcher of the 3rd degree holding a Doctor of Engineering title, 2 scientific researchers of the 3rd degree), with specializations corresponding with the profile of the laboratory, and with a working experience of 10 up to 30 years in this laboratory, as well as a computer operator and a group of 4 workers (with secondary education) responsible for the maintenance and operation of the lab’s testing machinery and equipment. The basic specializations in which the lab’s experts have trained and received certificates cover the entire domain of building physics, management of the basic forms of energy, namely heat, electricity and mechanics, installations, electrotechnics and energy, electronics, physics and chemistry, mathematics, automation and computers. In the last 4 years the activity of the HT LABORATORY has materialized into the drafting and capitalization of more than 40 relevant publications: 5 books (published at national publishers) and over 35 articles (in BDI journals, national and international journals, papers published at International and National Conferences). Over the past 4 years, the HT Laboratory has been presented and represented at the profile events – conferences, workshops, forums and seminars, such as ENBRI Nearly Zero Energy Buildings Workshop - Borås, Sweden (2011). Over the last 4 years, we mention the cooperation with universities, national and international research institutes and bodies:  Technical Universities of Civil Engineering in Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj – Napoca, Brasov, POLYTECH Iasi Research Centre, Romanian Academy – P. Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Mitropolitan TABOR Iasi Research Centre, IPA, Bucharest and University Champagne - Ardenne of Reims, France, Faculty of Sciences, GRESPI- Thermomechanical Laboratory, Institute of Scientific Research in Construction INCERCOM - Chisinau;  TEIAS (Turkish Electricity Transmission Company) Ankara – Turkey.

Head of the HT Laboratory 21.11.2011 PhD. Eng. Livia MIRON



2.3 Activity report by team

2.3.1 Staff team

First name Last name Grade (1) Function Full time Year first employed in equivalent the research unit Adrian CS2 Research Eng. 1.0 Constantin Diaconu 16.10.1989 Leon Agavriloaie CS3 Research Eng. 0.5 01.01.1981 Corina-Oana Diaconu CS Research Eng. 1.0 01.05.1996 IMMS Lab. Florin-Radu Hariga CS1 Head 1.0 30.04.1986 Florentina Luca CS3 Research Eng. 1.0 15.04.2005 Vasile-Tudor Simionescu CS Research Eng. 1.0 01.11.1980 Ioan Maftei TS Driver 1.0 18.02.1981 Ioan Mînzat TS Locksmiths 1.0 05.05.1979 Dumitru Niculai TS Electrician 1.0 16.04.1990 Costel Tudosă PNCD Economic 0.5 17.07.1978 Operator Constantin Droahna IDT Engineer 0.5 15.08.1978

(1) TS, TIII, TII, TI, IDT; IDTIII, IDTII, IDTI, AS, CS, CS3, CS2, CS1, IDT, PNCD (Non C-D Personal).

The Laboratory staff team consists in 6 research engineers, from C.S. to C. S. I and 6 laboratory assistants, tasks each service provided; to note is that the six laboratory assistants work not only as research operators, but also in other different fields as maintenance, surveillance, equipment repairs or logistics supply. The main Laboratory activities and responsibilities fields are: - Fundamental research in the earthquake engineering domain; - Applied research in the earthquake engineering domain; - Laboratory research for different types of new construction products; - Laboratory research for Technical Approvals development; - Building design; - Technical expertise; - Technical consultancy in Building, and others.

To note is that the research team must to accomplish different other specific duties, as: - Permanent documentation and permanent increase of knowledge in the field of activity; - Participation in conferences, symposia, national and international scientific meetings, workshops and technical exhibitions; - Development and publication of books and technical articles; - The dynamic of the research domains and directions;

65 - Proposals and background themes and scientific cooperation; - Interdisciplinary relationships with institutes in the country and abroad.

Thus, the research team fulfilled 4 National research projects, published 1 book and 1 book chapter, 4 scientific articles at National or International Conference, participated at 2 National Conferences and fulfilled over 29 Technical Approvals, as fallows:

2.3.2 Main Research Projects during last four years

1. Program: PN II - Partnerships in priority areas Project title: “Diagnosis urban infrastructure to natural disasters. Vulnerability and risk management. Integrated application for Iasi” Time: 2007-2010 2. Program: PN II – Partnerships in priority areas Project title: “Emergency building post seism rehabilitation, using new injection materials, produced in Romania” Time: 2007-2010 3. Program: CONSTRUCTION - major milestone of the National Strategy and European Sustainable Development Project title: PN 09 – 14.01.06: “Buried pipeline routes in different types of soils. Study the behavior under seismic action and solutions to reduce the destructive effects.” Time: 2009 – 2011 4. Program: CONSTRUCTION - major milestone of the National Strategy and European Sustainable Development Project title: PN 09 – 14.02.03: “Building advanced polymeric composites, using concrete” Time: 2009-2011

2.3.3 Books or books chapters published at national publishers 1. Constantin - Adrian Diaconu, Energy Balance During Seismic Action, Academic Publishing Company "MATEI-Teiu Botez", ISBN 978-973-8955-15-8, Iasi, 2007; 2. Constantin - Adrian Diaconu, Diana Ancas, Ana Maria Toma, Seismic Performance Evaluation of the Buildings and Installations, POLITEHNIUM Publishing, ISBN 978-973- 621-279-6, Iasi, 2009.

2.3.4 Scientific articles 1. Hariga F. R., Diaconu A. C. (2009), Analysis of historical constructions buried behavior (galleries, tunnels), under the influence of the seismic actions. Principles of experimental modeling, in: Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest (Editor), 4- Th - National Conference of Earthquake Engineering, CONSPRES Publisher, Bucureşti, 468 pag, ISBN 978-973-100-096-1, pag. 283 – 288. 2. Hariga F., Diaconu A., (2010), Composite slab behavior and strength analysis under static and dynamic loads, 14-TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2010, Ohrid Macedonia (30.08-03.09.2010) ISBN 978-608-65185-1-6. 3. Diaconu A., Groll L., (2010) Shock and vibration testing on materials – experimental features, International Scientific Conference CIB 2010, Brasov 12-13 November, ISSN183-6617.

66 4. Diaconu A., (2011), Energy methods applied to analysis of data obtained experimentally (the concept of balance point), The first edition of the National Conference on Research in construction, construction economy, architecture, planning and development.

2.3.5 National Conferences 1. The first edition of the National Conference on Research in construction, construction economy, architecture, urbanism and territorial development with the theme: Sustainable spatial development - Planning FROM THE DESIGN CONSTRUCTION - April 29, 2011. 2. The second edition of the National Conference on Research in construction, construction economy, architecture, urbanism and territorial development with international participation with the theme: the human habitat and quality of life in conditions of risk nature and technology - a multidisciplinary approach - September 23, 2011.

2.3.6 Members in professional associations:

1. Romanian Association of Earthquake Engineering; 2. Association of Civil Engineers Structural Design

Field was diverse topics, from the diagnosis of the urban infrastructure to post seism buildings rehabilitation, buried pipelines and polymer concrete composites. In the future, research directions are expected in the field of historical heritage rehabilitation using new techniques, the concrete behavior under extreme temperatures, the concrete behavior under salt corrosion, behavior of the reinforced concrete structural elements on shocks and even protecting the public from floods using modular dams. The interdisciplinary cooperation is ensured by the scientific relations with, primarily The Technical University “Gh. Asachi” Iasi, and secondary with The Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry “Petru Poni” also in Iasi. Maintained good relations of cooperation are with The Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, INCD URBAN – INCERC Bucharest and territorial branches, as well as with a large number of specialized institutes.


- 1400 kN Shaking table upgrade; - 150 KN Shaking table upgrade; - Acquisition of a modern and efficient command shareholders, for the two seismic simulators; - Acquisition of modern and efficient laboratory equipment; - Rehabilitation and improvement the work spaces. It is envisaged to attract young engineers interested in building research, in order to strengthen the research team, and to organize training and refresher courses. Great interest is given in preparation of articles for The 15 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15WCEE) – Lisbon 2012, where we expect to participate.

Head of the IMMS Laboratory 21.11.2011 Florin – Radu Hariga, PhD

67 2.4. Representative project (maximum 5 pages)



Between 2006-2008 The LABORATORY FOR RESEARCH AND HYGROTHERMAL- CLIMATIC (ENVIRONMENTAL) TESTING OF BUILDING MATERIALS, ELEMENTS AND EQUIPMENT (HT) of INCERC - Iasi Branch has proposed and received financing as part of the National research programme – Excellency Research – Module IV – EECX – Development of an Infrastructure for the Assessment and Certification of Conformity for the project entitled “Extension of the laboratory's certification with environmental testing for constructions-related equipment, machines and products according to the 73/23/EEC, 98/37/EC and 89/106/EEC Directives – HIGROMED”.

The objective of this research project consisted in the technological development and modernisation of the laboratory (with a unique profile in Romania and in South-Eastern / Central Europe) for research and hygro-thermal testing in construction physics, in order to meet the requirements of Directive 89/106/EEC – Construction products, as well as the extension of the accreditation field for research and testing in the domains regulated by EEC Directives, of major interest for the national and European development. The main extension areas are: equipment (high power, high, medium and low voltage – regulated domain no. 1 according to Annex 1 to Law 608/2001), industrial machines (regulated domain no. 6) and means of transportation. The achievement of this project has enabled the laboratory to be notifiable in the European Union.

The objective of this project comprises the following three directions: 1. – extension of the research and climate testing range to degrees of severity that have previously been impossible to achieve in Romania, stipulated by the harmonised European standards, associated to directives 98/37/EC and 73/23/EC concerning industrial machines and electrical equipment, including those of great dimensions and power, applicable to all domains which require the functional verification under climatic stress (tests for cold, dry and humid heat, temperature variations, ice formation, etc.). 2. – assimilation and implementation of new methods for research and testing under the single or combined action of climatic factors, stipulated by the harmonised European standards, associated to Directive 89/106/EEC for building products (curtain walls, glazed elements, closure elements, envelopes, materials, etc.) and for research in the domain of energy performance, energy management in buildings and technologies for reducing carbon dioxide polluting emissions. 3. – improvement of the performance and quality of the equipment and installations specific to the research and tests defined in this project proposal.

This project has been designed to unfold over several phases and activities that are coherent and logical in relation to the objective of the theme. Thus, we have covered the following phases of conception, technological design, documentation, execution, validation and accreditation, sampling and capitalisation:

68 1. The achievement of the study concerning the capitalisation of the lab’s initial resources (human, material, technical, scientific and applied resources); the efficient organisation and restructuring of the initial resources. 2. Creating the documentation for the adaptation, extension, assimilation, method development and substantiation of the necessary infrastructure of the laboratory, namely:  Development of the laboratory’s capacity for hygro-thermal research and testing in the domain of construction physics in order to meet the requirements of Directive 89/106/EEC  Extension of the accreditation domain for research and testing in the domains regulated by the EEC Directives, according to series. SR EN 60068 – Environmental tests.  Analysis of the laboratory’s specific activity and involvement in the research, evaluation, certification, climatic and energy qualification of all products.

3. Assimilation of new methods of performing research and hygro-thermal/environmental tests, adapted to the requirements of European directives and national transposition laws; the achievement of the new technical procedures associated and conforming to the methods stipulated by the harmonised standards SR EN 1934, SR EN 12114, SR EN 1946, SR EN 12412, SR EN ISO 8497 and series SR EN 60068. 4. Designing the elements for the development of the lab’s infrastructure in order to extend its research and testing scope, and to assimilate the methods required by the European directives and the national transposition laws. 5. The development of the lab’s infrastructure in order to extend its research and testing scope, and to assimilate the methods required by the European directives and the national transposition laws. The project had the following objectives: - conception and design of the infrastructure for experimental and applied research - acquisition of the equipment, devices, installations, (raw) materials necessary for the actual development of the lab’s capacity and scope, the improvement of its performances and of its technical complex. - rehabilitation of the infrastructure of the climatic chambers by increasing the closures’ degree of thermal efficiency - installation, commissioning and performance tests of the entire complex of equipment - new stands and installations. 6. Study and documentation for the confirmation - exploitation of the results. Validation of the newly assimilated testing methods. Development of the documentation and accreditation file for the extension of the domain, testing methods and infrastructure. Submission of the accreditation file to the competent national authority. 7. Dissemination of the results towards all potential beneficiaries in Romania and elsewhere. 8. Obtaining the certificate for the extension of the lab’s accreditation domain

The completion of the project has ensured the full rehabilitation and technological modernisation of the hygro-thermal research and testing laboratory, which is unique in Romania and in South-Eastern and Central Europe. It also enabled our laboratory to be notified by the European Union. The performance degree attained by completing this project meets the present technological level specific to modern infrastructures of experimental and applied research worldwide, in the activity domain of the HT Laboratory, and is relevant through the following structure:

69 IH Climatic and hygro-thermal testing- A 13 Gh. Asachi Street 700481 Tel / Fax. 00.40.232/ 25 44 71 IH Climatic and hygro-thermal testing - B Ob. 101 , 37 Prof. Anton Sesan Street - 700048 Tel / Fax. 00.40.232/ 236 335

The climatic and hygrothermal testing - Station A and B of , IH Laboratory have the next functional units:

F1 – The climatic chamber of large dimensions, with a maximum volume of 500 m3 destined for tests under exterior environment hygro- thermal regime with excessive climate of -45 °C ... +70 °C, ice, solar radiation F2 – The climatic chamber of medium dimensions, with a maximum volume of 140 m3, with double atmosphere for exterior environment hygro-thermal regimes specific to the climatic areas I, II, III, IV and to excessive climate of -40 °C ... +70 °C and for interior environment regimes, operated by means of a command, adjustment, data acquisition and measurement room.

F3 - The Laboratory for physical and chemical determinations

70 F4 - The Laboratory for material thermophysical determinations

F5 –The Laboratory for durability, thermophysical and mechanical tests F6 – The Laboratory for complex climatic actions tests (tests of the influence of precipitation, air pressure, wind, excessive humidity and temperature, long-term ageing tests under the action of temperature, humidity and solar radiation)

The system of equipment necessary for simulating the climatic regimes specific to environmental tests comprises the following components: 1. Cold-generating equipment: - BITZER two-stage refrigeration compressor group with an environmentally friendly refrigerant that provides the cooling of the air down to - 45 0C - with under-cooling device, min 11 kW - GUNTNER large surface evaporator with a large heat exchange surface for evaporator efficient cooling processes. Telemecamique command panel - temperature-measuring probe for the domain -50 0C ...... + 20 0C  0.1 0C - temperature controllers for the domain -50 0C..+ 80 0C with control precision of  0,50C

Photo 10 - Bitzer compressor group type LH 135/S6G Photo 11 – GUNTNER evaporator

71 Photo 12 - Telemecanique Electric panel for power and automation and Monitoring system

The refrigeration equipment is managed and supervised by a DIXELL monitoring system for climatic, humidity and pressure parameters, which ensures the full supervision of the refrigeration equipment and climatic chamber with a minimal capacity of 250 points of measurement, recording, control, diagnosis, warning and data transmission by means of PC modem, fax, mobile phone and software settings. 2. The installation that supplies the climatic chamber with hot air: - Hot air turbo blower +20…+80 0C made up of the following components: - Condensing boiler with a maximum output of 65 kW running on natural gas - fans (a minimum of 5000 mc/h - 2 items) and registers - heat exchangers (4 items) - Probe and temperature controller in the domain (20…80 0C) with control precision of  0.1 0C. 3. Controlled humidification plant that controls the humidity in the climatic chambers - Presettable humidification domain between 30…..99%  2% - Probe and humidification controller in the domain 20 ...99% RH with control precision of  2%, with display for data presentation and humidity presetting The HT laboratory has been modernised with the following state-of-the-art equipment:  Precision thermovision equipment;  High performance meteorological station;  Equipment for laboratory and on-site thermometry;  Equipment for laboratory and on-site hygrometry;  Apparatus for determining the mass and density;  Devices for durability testing (frost - thaw, aging in sunlight, temperature, humidity) ;  Equipment for climatic and environmental testing (extreme negative and positive temperatures, cyclic and permanent temperature - humidity, ice deposits, wind, etc) ;  Equipment for the exposure to solar radiation and specific measuring devices;  Automatic monitoring systems for climatic and laboratory parameters;  Data acquisition systems specific to hygrothermics and to the climatic environment;  Systems of thermal transducers, heat flux, humidity, measuring in 1000 points;  Special conditioning equipment, ovens, vacuum chamber, programmable cooling chambers, etc;  Temperature-humidity climatic chamber of 1000dm3, with automatic regime and cyclic programming possibility.

In the context of current demands concerning the quality of products, technologies and conceived solutions, the quality of energy management, etc., with are major impact factors in the quality of the natural and built environment and in the quality of life, the Laboratory of Research and Hygro-thermal Testing on Building Materials, Elements and Subassemblies – INECRC Iaşi is ready to meet the severe accreditation requirements of European norms and to ensure the scientific and technical support specific to this domain, the lab being notified by the European Union. The completion of the project has provided us with the ability to approach experimental and scientific laboratory research in border domains such as the hygro-thermal safety and comfort ensured by transportation means (automotive industry), the safety and reliability of power equipment under climatic stress (electrical industry).

72 From its very completion and up to the present day, this project has had a major economical, technical and scientific impact on the international activity and visibility of the HT laboratory, since, due to its attained level of performance, the lab has been able to participate in experimental and applied research projects at the request of many European beneficiaries ( Germany - Siemens, Turkey, Spain, etc). Thus, between 2008-2011, using the new technologies of its modernised infrastructure, the lab has carried out 15 experimental research projects concerning the behaviour and verification of the energy equipment of medium and high power/voltage, under extreme climatic conditions (ice layer, extreme negative and positive temperatures, solar radiation, etc), amounting to a total of 227 000 Euros. The project has covered the entire chain of conception, technological design, documentation, execution, validation, accreditation, sampling, calibration and actual achievement of the applied research contracts of major international impact, as it serves the great urban areas of the world.

Head of the HT Laboratory 21.11.2011 PhD. Eng. Livia MIRON


2.3 Activity report by team

Major Achievements - Winning one of two research projects carried out in five stages, respectively nine stages - Acquisition of advanced equipment, especially concerning : tests on doors and windows, tests to establish conductivity and tests regarding the reaction to different climatic conditions, amounting to 105 000 EU Establishing of a cooperation protocol - Obtaining from State Construction Inspection, based on cooperation protocol, equipment worth around 79500 EU, including equipment for testing on roads totaling about 18000 EU - Publication of books 4 - Publicated ISI papers 9 - Publicated BDI papers 13 - Publicated B and B +papers 4 - Participation in international conferences held abroad 18 - Participation in international conferences held in the country 9 - Participation in national conferences 8 - RENAR reaccreditation in 2008 and expanding the laboratory accreditation in 2010 - Recruitment of two graduates, one of the speciality of roads and bridges, to extend the research directions - Increasing the number of doctors by 30% - Increasing the number of doctoral students by 100% - Increasing the territorial area where we receive requests for applied research - Increasing the number of clients with 30% compared to 2007

Dynamics research directions addressed - Research on sustainable solutions for earthquake safety of structures in reinforced concrete frames - Pre-normative research on lightweight aggregate concrete and C155- 89 normative review - Research on structural elements and assemblies subjected to different types of loads

73 - In situ research regarding the behaviour of building structures and bridges subjected to different loads - Experimental research on building materials and products in order to issue of technical approvals - Experimental research on building materials and products for CE certification - Pre-normative research in order to develop technical regulations - Development of technical regulations - Nondestructive testing and construction monitoring

Interdisciplinary and entrepreneurial initiatives - Establishing of a cooperation protocol with the State Construction Inspection (CSI), by which our institution take over the CSIs equipment involved in monitoring the quality of construction materials and products - Establishing of three protocols of cooperation in the research proposals in partnership with research institutions, universities and producers - Establishing of a protocol with the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Engineering, to support mutual PhD (to be completed) - Establishing of a protocol with the Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Cluj- Napoca, in order to access the various types of competition (to be completed) - Establishing of a protocol with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (to be completed)

The dynamics of human resources - Two young graduates attended a contest to fill the post of ACS - A researcher attended a contest to fill the post of CS III - CS III two researchers participated in the contest to fill the post of CS II - One CS II researcher participated in the contest to fill the post of CS I - From a research staff of 10 people, six people participated in competitions for promotion in rank - From a research staff of 10 people, 50% are doctors or PhD (four are doctors and one is a PhD) - an average age of the research staff decreased from 48 in 2007 to 45 in 2011 - a 21-person staff of the branch, 16 are graduate - an economist employed at branch is also PhD

Any other matters considered relevant to the development and scientific development team - Affiliation to a staff professional and scientific associations: American Concrete Institute, In Situ Construction Behavior Commission, Structural Design Engineers Association (AICPS), National Network of Laboratories in Construction (RNLC), Zinc Coating Providers Association, Capability Testing Scheme Providers Association (AFSIC) - Participation in a doctoral committees as reviewer 1 - Participation in a journal editorial board of INCD 4 - Participation in committees an ASRO 1 - A participation in the expert assessment bodies EACI and NASR 1 - Energy auditor 2 - Responsible for technical project execution; 1 - Quality auditor (SR EN ISO 9001) 8 - Environmental auditor (SR EN ISO 14001) 1 - Auditor for laboratories (SR EN ISO/CEI 17025) 4

74 Cluj-Napoca Branch

2.4 Representative major project Sustainable Solutions For Earthquake Safe Precast Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures 2009-2011

Major objectives of research - A new solution of prestressed reinforced concrete beam-column joints, based on seismic safety criteria and sustainability of the structure safety - A new technology for prestressed reinforced concrete joints, based on prestressing with non adherent strands associated with ductile special reinforcement; - Providing the scientific community of experimental data on the tests on joints of prefabricated models of the new types of joints - development of calculation methods and definition of design parameters for sustainable prestressed reinforced concrete structures.

Research development Phase 1. State of the art report about the sustainability of reinforced concrete structures and prestressed Phase 2. Critical analysis of current joints of prefabricated elements; new conception of linear elements joints and design of the experimental models. Phase 3 Models realization of new types of joints and experimental research on large scale models under seismic type loadings Phase 4 Processing, analysis and validation of experimental data obtained in the previous stage. Development and validation of numerical and analytical methods of calculation. Phase 5 New concept of prefabricated elements joints and calculation methods and design parameters sustenability

Execution Phase 1. State of the art report of the current level of sustainability assurance of precast concrete structures, with proposed directions for future research and quantifying methods of the parameters of sustainability for precast concrete structures reinforced and prestressed. Phase 2 Report on the joint system of prefabricated elements of reinforced concrete frame, with emphasis on their compatibility with the mechanisms of earthquake-induced energy dissipation in plastic zones and highlighting the potential of future research directions; A new conception of reinforced concrete frame joints and realised by prestressed non aderent strands compatible with seismic safety criteria and superior facilities to ensure the structural sustainability Projects are designed for specific classes in experimental models of medium and high ductility, specific design spectra corresponding to Romania Phase 3 - Development of experimental models of prefabricated joints, optimized for specific design spectra Romania; - Verification of new technology for prefabricated frames new types of joints - Recording the basic experimental results of the experimental research conducted on prefabricated joints under inelastic cyclic loadings. Phase 4

75 - Attestation of execution technologies of the hybrid joints and the new hibrid joints - Removlable features of damaged hybrid joints and damaged new hibrid joints ; - Validation of favorable response of prefabricated frame hybrid joints under the cyclic alternating seismic type loading , (strength, deformation, cracking, ductility, ability to dissipate energy) ; - Establishing the principles of calculation, development of calculation relationships for the of beam-column joints, of the hybrid joint frame systems Phase 5 Emphasing that the new proposed joint solution for hybrid nodes of reinforced concrete frame structures are sustainable within the specific performance criteria regarding: ● strategy and research directions, European and national, to achieve a sustainable construction sector; ● requirements (economical, social and environmental) to ensure sustainability of technical solutions; ● definition and principles of composition of hybrid joints and new hybrid joints; ● specific requirements: materials, structure frame components of the joints, frame nodes, and beam-column interface; ● implementation of hybrid and new hybrid joining technology, providing removability and / or restoring structural integrity in case of an accidental loading. Proposition of appropriate methods for computing for hybrid frames and new hybrid joints calculation method based on structural seismic displacements "DDBD" sectional calculation methods for the two types of nodes Sectional calculation rules set out in U.S. for hybrid nodes, still unused in Europe Sectional calculation for new hybrid nodes, having the character of novelty - Justification for further research to deeping the research field

Sustainability New concept of combining sustainability of prefabricated elements Technical and economic aspects In the light of technical - economic, the main advantages of new solutions to achieve hybrid structures that hybrid frames with loose knots are: - Simplicity of execution elements (columns without brackets), reflected in reduced costs for printing; - Cost of materials and workmanship on site to classic joints, making joints due to temporary facility and thus reduce the amount of mortar to be poured in situ; - Accidental actions favorable structural behavior (degradation focuses in confined areas and structures back to its original position after termination request by prestressing effect); - Quickly, easily and cost-effective interventions and post-earthquake repair (located only in areas of interfaces ruler-poles) to classical structures interventions that require extensive repairs in areas with high costs and long construction and in many cases and termination activities of those buildings housed. - From traditional structures, they have rehabilitation facilities post event structural integrity, particularly in hybrid joints loose frames, where you can make timely repairs of restoration mortar interfaces ruler-poles where necessary special fittings can be replaced and loose and some strands that have yielded, since the reinforcement and prestressing are loose special. - Monitoring (follow current) in use can be made much easier than traditional structures, the observation points on which focus should be clearly defined professional staff and a lot less, you can take simple measures to intervene after the event, depending on the remaining elongations of special fittings loose - Postutilizarea frame structures with hybrid node and

76 hybrid node can be done by dismantling loose, with the possibility of reusing the beams and columns Should be taken into account matters involving additional costs such as prestressing, which involves specific features in addition to skilled personnel and use higher than normal structures.

Social aspects Social aspects favorable to the new concept of realization of prefabricated structural nodes in reinforced concrete frames (hybrid nodes and new hybrid nodes) makes an important contribution are: - Reduce the social costs involved in repairs and reinforcements especially classic knotted structures (in addition to allocations involving repairs, tenants moving in space during interim work performance) than punctual interventions necessary structures to which new concept of structural - Visual impact beneficial to users as a result of accidental events from earthquakes of moderate and high, as almost back to its original structure after the earthquake; - Recovery of most of the structural elements to the abolition of these types of structures, which contribute to reducing social effort to replace the built space; - Providing jobs with highly specialized, well-paid, thus the necessity of using a skilled workforce to achieve structures with hybrid nodes or hybrid nodes loose, in particular for achieving prestressing.

Environmental issues Favorable aspects in terms of ensuring a cleaner environment, new concepts to the realization of prefabricated structural nodes in hybrid nodes including loose shots, considering virtually all life stages of construction, and are as follows: - The execution of the site are reduced more processes involving the generation of particulate emissions; - During the service as a result of earthquakes is limited activities and interventions involving repair clean technologies without air emissions; - Dismantling of structures can be done by dismantling, excluding procedures using explosives or mechanical shocks, which produce large amounts of dust and waste emitting particles in the atmosphere, also the loading and unloading debris resulted from demolition by destructive methods still produce dust; - Abolition of the removal of structural elements allows the use of other buildings, the capacities of resistance to other uses, without having recycled through energy intensive processes (with consequences in terms of resource depletion or production of undesirable gases).

Final assessment and directions deepening of the field Innovative aspects of the study are included in the proposal of new compositions constructive frame structures with hybrid nodes ieand new nodes hybrid structures loose shots that have been proposed for computing novel relations. These contributions add important theoretical aspect of the modeling and testing of a lateral actions such joints. It is important to note that the proposed relationships are temporary and should be checked based on subsequent attempts, as it is based on a novel mechanism of transmission of effort and energy dissipation in a new way of composition and validation of hybrid nodes is limited to a single test results. Emerges as the direction for further applied research by performing several tests on

77 connections with different characteristics, including repaired models were first tested to breaking special fittings. Other issues to be finalized are related and optimal location areas minimum area to be studied further to exploit the advantage of being located in section rough interfaces. This takeover has made increasing shear capacity in two ways, namely: small area is not in the bar area at the interface and the interface area was not required in the post-elastic, and could count on the initial shear strength , verification of the shear transfer capacity per node requested and other construction details, such as the special reinforcement fixing loose.


2.3 Team balance - on the activity 2008-2011


Activity in developing technical approvals, 2008-2011

We developed a total of 61 technical agreements at Timisoara Branch, with a completion rate of 100%.

Technical Agreements developed in the MES Laboratory

2008 2009 2010 2011 Nb of 20 24 8 9 Technical Approvals

The quality of works was analyzed according to the favorable agreement reached at the internal approval meetings and approval from the meetings organized by Bucharest CTPC. From a total of 61 technical agreements submitted to the secretariat CTPC obtained a total of 61 technical opinion. It follows a rate of 100% quality.

Dynamic development of technical approvals

A relevant aspect in the dynamic development of technical approvals is highly complex technical approvals and is characterized by the testing of innovative products such as:

- Structural elements: load-bearing walls with mixed structure, rigid node for precast conctrete structures

- Items embedded in structures: metal parts /elements, reinforcement systems

- New materials in construction: bearing and non-loadbearing elements made of a mixture of polypropylene and polyethylene

Initial type testing activity within product certification process, under the supervision of accredited institutions by RENAR 2008-2011

Nb.Tests/year 2008 2009 2010 2011 Lab.MES 153 253 302 202 Lab. GF 39 25 10 10

79 Research and Development 2008-2011

Research 2008 2009 2010 2011 (period 1 January 2008-31 November 2011) Number of national research programs 1 1 1 1 The total value of national research contracts (Lei) 220000 16000 252800 322400 The total value of international research contracts - - - - Number of articles published in Romanian journals 1 3 1 - recognized CNCSIS, the volumes of conference papers published in international conferences and papers published in journals abroad with reviewers

Number of articles published in ISI - - - - Chapters in collective volumes published in foreign - - 1 - publishers

II. DYNAMICS OF THE APPROACHED RESEARCH DIRECTIONS - Recycling of construction materials in order to achieve structural and nonstructural elements - Structural elements with high energy performance: construction systems that are based on energy savings - Rehabilitation of structures: composite floor systems wood / concrete - New technologies in construction: making elements of B and BA for urban networks - Prefabricated structural components for warehouses and bridges - Study of difficult and low bearing capacity foundations improved by using geosynthetic materials - Research to identify and define the requirements design / major renovation of buildings for development of buildings whose energy consumption is almost zero " - The behavior of structures and land to seismic actions by determining their theoretical and experimental periods of vibration. - Research on the use of ash from thermal plants to stabilize the soils and improve foundation soil - Research on structural elements made of poorly reinforced concrete panels of expanded polystyrene core

80 Some research directions addressed in the Timisoara branch have resulted in articles published in magazines, participation in national and international conferences, proposals for research topics as follows:

2008 2009 2010 2011 Proposed research topics ? 5 5 9 Research Contracts ? 2 - - Rezutale articles from research other than those 1 2 1 1 resulting research programs Presentations at national and international 1 1 1 2 conferences

III Interdisciplinary and entrepreneurial initiatives Interdisciplinary initiatives are the result of collaborative work / consultation with specialists from functional departments of the University Politehnica Timisoara in projects as follows: - Timisoara Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: Study on stud welding on metal plates

- Faculty of Engineering Department of Construction Equipment - Timişoara: Test pumping stations for sewage disposal

- Faculty of Engineering Department of steel structures: participation in research trials in the aperture effect of sandwich panels

- Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering: Testing concrete frame and bearing masonry panels

IV HR DYNAMICS 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 staff 22 20 21 18 17 resignation 1 - 1 - 1 retirement 1 - 1 1 - employments - 1 1 - - Total 20 21 18 17 16 Compared to 2008, the number of researchers corresponding to 100% (12 employees) 2011 brings a drop in the number of research personnel employed by 25%.

The average age applied to 16 employees > 50 years 75% of the total of 16 employees <50 years 25% of the total of 16 employees

The level of staff training 2 employees - research degree CS 1 1 employees - research degree CS2 3 employees - research degree CS 3 3 employees - research degree CS 7 employees – with no research degree

81 Staff within the URBAN-INCERC INCD Timisoara Branch is 56% research and 44% TESA from a total of 16 employees at present time.


1. Presentations in national and international Conferences (1) 11th WSEAS International Conference on Sustainability in Science Engineering (SSE’09), Timişoara, 27-29 mai, 2009. (2) International Conference Engineering Mechanics, Structures & Engineering Geology (EMESEG 08), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008 (3) International Conference on Research in construction, construction economy, architecture, urbanism and territorial development, Bucureşti, 23 septembrie 2011 (4) Architecture and urban development conference “Construct Week”, Timişoara, 30 septembrie – 1 octombrie 2010 (5) Timişoara Academic Days “Effective infrastructure for land transport” Timişoara 2011 Purchase of equipment performance, especially for: geotechnical field and laboratory tests and for tests on building materials and construction elements.

Acquisitions were made with funds from the MDRT and had the following dynamic: year / 2007-2008 2009 2010 2011 acquisition 89830 - value of 555425 equipment (lei) During the period under review total value of purchases was 645,255 lei. It is in the process of obtaining, on fixed-equipment (inventory and fixed assets) of around 354,800 lei from the State Construction Inspection, based on protocol


2.4 REPRESENTATIVE RESEARCH PROJECT Name of program: Construction - major milestone of the National Strategy and European Sustainable Development – Consus Program Code: PN 09 14 Project Title: Research on geodynamic characterization of land. Banat earthquake monitoring. Study and design of new constructive foundation systems Program Code: PN 09 – 14 01 04

1. Scientific and technical content of the project

 Study of design spectra and methods of construction, located in areas affected by surface earthquakes, with customization for Timişoara and the Banat.

 Monitoring of seismic movements of Timisoara and Banat area, through seismic sensor network deployed in deep drilling carried out in areas with different bedding

 Studies to improve the spectrum, and design methods for seismic Banat area. Criteria for overall evaluation of the performance at seismic action of the buildings located in the area of crustal earthquake.

82  Studies and research regarding conception, calculation and design of new foundation systems, with the role of seismic energy dissipation.

2. Scheme of project realization Nb. Year Denumire fază Deadline 1 2009 Phase 1. Studies on the geodynamic characteristics of land, 15.09.2009 with the customization on two locations in Timisoara, equipped to record earthquakes from Banat. Geotechnical and geophysical studies of areas with seismic potential from Banat area. 2 2009 Phase 2. Studies on the spectra and design methods for 15.11.2009 buildings located in the epicenter area of Banat type crustal earthquakes, (impulse-type earthquakes) 3 2010 Phase 3. Tests on models, on some foundation solutions 30.11.2010 studied at static and dynamic loads. 4 2011 Phase 4. Theoretical studies on the composition and method 15.06.2011 of calculation of new foundation systems, which have the role of seismic energy dissipation. 5 2011 Phase 5. Design elements for new foundation systems studied. 30.10.2011 Research synthesis. Proposals for improving the code P100, for crustal earthquakes, of impulse type.

3. Results: Phase 1  Studies concerning seismicity Banat area with the analysis of: a) history of Banat earthquakes, b) the characteristics of earthquakes Banat c) attenuation law, c) design spectra

 Studies on the influence of local conditions of the site, on Banat earthquakes action, with the analysis of: the local site conditions in Timisoara geotechnical map of Timisoara, factors affecting seismic activity; geodynamic features customised for Timisoara.

 Geotechnical study of two sites by sampling and laboratory tests to determine stratificaţiilor and determining physical and mechanical characteristics of the bedding. Location: a) in the south of the city, within INCERC Timisoara, where bedding is composed predominant by sandy soils; b) in the north of the city where bedding is composed mainly of clay soils

 geophysical tests to determine the velocity of propagation of seismic waves in the layers that make up the two bedding and their other dynamic features.

 Obtaining data trough geotechnical and geophysical testing on seismogenic sites in Banat area: a) seismogenic zone Banloc-Padureni-Voiteg-Deta, b) Arad-Curtici seismogenic zone, c) the seismogenic Moldova New - Oravita.

83 Tracking seismic drilling - equipped INCERC Seismic station

Phase 2. • Study of seismic motion recordings from the area Banat (Timişoara and Banloc) • Comparison of response spectra resulting from the processing of records response spectra for acceleration and displacements provided in P100-1/2006 • Studies on how seismic design codes reflect local conditions influence of the site. • Studies concerning seismic design based on performance criteria. • Studies on how seismic design codes reflect local conditions influence of the site. • Studies concerning seismic design based on performance criteria. • Comparison of seismic design provisions of building codes, with analyzing the following aspects: a) purpose of procedures; b) methods of analysis; c) equivalent seismic forces.

84 Comparison of spectra based on the records of P100/92 and P100/2006 Phase 3. • Studies concerning constructive solutions and new technologies to achieve the foundations

• Solutions do micropilot foundation by using the technique vibrations (vibration, vibro- percussion) alone or in the battery of 4-5 cylindrical elements, tronconical or truncated pyramid.

• Micropilot type items may be elements of consolidation of land elements unloading, cast or prefabricated foundations, made the classical solution, or may be used for making an insulating screens and reduce the seismic energy at the foundations level

• foundation solutions using thin plates and polyhedral cone made by stamping.

• experimental tests on foundations, which downloads to micropilot, make single or 4- cell battery.

• Experimental tests of conical thin plates and polyhedral foundations, which allowed the study of bearing capacity of such foundations and determining the nature and distribution efforts in thin plate, important elements in the calculation and design of foundations.


Phase 4. • Elements of calculation of the physical - mechanical propertyes of consolidated soil with cylindrical micropilot made singularly with vibrations technique

• take-off technique vibrations

• Elements of calculation of the physical - mechanical propertyes of consolidated soil with a battery of four elements (cylindrical or tronconical) micropilots made singularly with vibrations technique

• Elements of calculation, for the distribution plan, of the elements for soil consolidation

• Elements of calculation for the legth of consolidation elements

• Elements calculation of foundations made of and polyhedral conical thin plates, based on the distribution and nature of efforts that develope in thin plate, under the loads transmitted by the construction

Phase 5. - Finish

86 • Elements of foundations design which unloads on elements, micropilot type, produced singularly or in batteries of 4-5 items.

• • Elements for design of tronconical top up thin plates foundations type (foundations block boundary) and solicited to vertical loads and bending moments (composition, designsection of concrete section, reinforcement)

• • Elemente de proiectare a fundaţiilor din plăci subţiri tronconice cu vârful în jos cu încărcare uniform distribuită pe inelul de rigidizare (alcătuire,calculul secţiunii de beton,armare)

• Elements for design of tronconical top down thin plates foundations type loaded with uniformly distributed loads on thestiffening ring (composition, designsection of concrete section, reinforcement)

• • Elemente de proiectare a fundaţiilor din plăci subţiri trunchi de piramidă(alcătuire,calculul secţiunii de beton,armare)

• Elements for design thin plates pyramid trunk foundations type (composition, calculation section of concrete, reinforcement)

• A design proposal spectrum for Banat area characterized by pulse like crustal earthquake




2.2. General activity report

During the past four years, the activity of NR&DI URBAN-INCERC with respect to urban and spatial planning can be summarized as following: A. Dissemination of the results of research, by publication in journals, books etc. or presentation in conferences  1 book published by international publishers  17 books published by national publishers  4 chapters in books published by national publishers  6 scientific papers published in journals with non-zero relative Article Influence Score (cumulated relative Article Influence Score: 1.123)  4 scientific papers published in ISI journals with 0/no relative Article Influence Score  56 scientific papers published in journals indexed in relevant international databases or indexed B+ by CNCSIS  4 scientific papers published in journals indexed B, C or D by CNCSIS  1 scientific paper published in international journals, other than ISI or indexed in relevant international databases  23 scientific papers published in conference proceedings or volumes of abstracts  17 scientific papers published in national journals with ISSN not indexed by CNCSIS  4 unpublished research reports  98 participations in national and international conferences, not indexed by the Australian Research Council, with a poster or oral presentation B. Research projects  6 international research projects 1. The Spatial Development Concept of Interregional Co-operation in the Danube Space – DONAUREGIONEN+ (SEE, 2009 – 2012) 2. Transnational Strategy for the Sustainable of the Danube Area with special regard to Tourism – DATOURWAY (SEE, 2009 – 2012) 3. Climate change and territorial effects on regions and local economies in Europe – ESPON Climate (ESPON, 2009 – 2012) 4. Tisa Catchement Area Development – TICAD (SEE, 2009 – 2012) 5. From Army To Entrepreuneurship – FATE (SEE, 2009 – 2012) 6. Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians in Transnational Framework – Carpathians Project (INTERREG III B CADSES Program, 2007 – 2009)  2 national projects under the framework of National Program II as Lead Partner 1. GIS for the Valorization of Hardly Accessible Alpine Areas with Complex Potentials for Tourism, with a View to Their Inclusion in Tourist Routes. Development of the Valleys of Lotru and Olteţ – VALOT 2. OpenGIS system informational for monitoring the impact of spatial planning policies – GISTEREG  2 national projects under the framework of National Program II as Lead Partner

88 1. Integrated Geospatial System for the Localization and Protection of Archeological Sites. Pilot Project: Tulcea County – PATRIMON 2. Valorization and management of the built heritage in an intercultural context – PATRIVAL  The ‘Nucleu’ Program 1. Social and economic changes in the metropolitan areas of big cities 2. Social and economic impacts of the expansion of urban settlement network.

In addition to these activities, others were developed to increase the visibility of research. 1. The Institute organized, starting in 2011, the research conference on constructions, economy of constructions, architecture, urbanism and territorial development. The event is designed to have two issues per year, and the first two had the following topics:  “Sustainable spatial development: from territorial planning to building design” – 29 April 2011. The first edition was a national conference with international participation from the Slovak Republic and authors from Spain, and gathered over 100 participants.  “Human habitat and quality of life in conditions of natural and technological risks – a multidisciplinary approach” – 23 September 2011. The second edition was international (including participants from Korea, Japan, Croatia, Moldova and authors from Germany) and gathered over 130 people. 2. Starting of a new journal dedicated to the research in the fields covered by the Institute. The journal, titled “Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions” (e-ISSN 2069-6469, p-ISSN 2069-0509) started in the second part of 2010. The journal appears quarterly and 6 issues were already produced. Starting with the 6th, the journal in indexed by Index Copernicus International Master Journal List and applied for indexation by the Directory of Open Access Journals.

In addition, the Institute renewed its affiliation with RED (Ruralité – Environnement – Développement) and affiliated to IAFOR (The International Academic Forum).

2.3. Activity Reports by Teams

2.3.1. Urban Planning and Settlement Management Division

Introduction The Division of Urban Planning and Settlement Management is a group of specialists who have carried out an uninterrupted work since the establishment of the “URBANPROIECT Institute” in 1990. In its turn, the afore-mentioned institution carries on the specific work of the Systematization Centre of ISLGC (The Institute of Design for Systematization, Housing and Communal Management), a provider of the most important territorial support of Romania’s social and economic development in the post-World War II period until the end of 1989.

The complexity of the work carried out by the Division of Urban Planning, the symbolic bearer of the name of the field of reference, amplified in time in close relation with the attestation in 1996 of the National Institute for Research and Development in Urban and Spatial Planning – URBANPROIECT Bucharest. In pursuit of enlarging the approach to the urbanized territories, the team of the Urban Planning Division has centered its efforts on the research, understanding, forecasting and precise planning of the dynamic urban phenomena in Romania, in close connection with the international framework, mainly the European one.

89 The adjustment and diversification were made by good moral conduct professionals who protected and enhanced the scientific heritage and permanently increased the attractiveness for generations of specialists.

Research work for the interval 2007-2011 In the preparation for accreditation and then after re-accreditation in 2008 of INCD URBANPROIECT as national institute for research and development by the National Authority for Scientific Research, the work of the Division of Urban Planning was mainly aimed at strengthening the scientific capability of the institute.

In this respect, the direct and / or indirect contribution of the Division in the interval 2007- 2010 included:  Support of the research related to the contracts awarded after winning the competition on the Partnership program;  Carrying into effect the work implied by the ‘Nucleu’ Program;  Participation by applications to the competitions initiated under the National Research, Development and Innovation Plan;  Dissemination of the results obtained;  Specialized contribution as a partner to projects in progress of implementation and by applications to European cooperation and research programs;  Drafting of studies and regulations initiated by the coordinating ministry  Preparation of urban planning documents, laying the stress on the innovatory character of their conception and appropriateness.

In providing support to such work, the Division of Urban Planning has contributed to:  The extension of the inter-institutional relations at national and international levels;  Professional development of the personnel making best use of the local training resources and the international training opportunities (training programs, courses, international fellowships, doctoral programs, etc.)  Initiatives aimed at enhancing the “visibility” of the field through improved dissemination of the results and the offer of specialized products and services (up-grading the website of the Institute in order to improve the access to the information related to the works completed by the Institute by program, work stage and by division).

Actually, the scientific contribution of the Division included:  Studies for substantiation of the sections of the Spatial Planning of the National Territory – e.g. Section VI – Tourist Areas (analysis of the defining aspects of the influence of the built-up heritage on the actual delimitation of the areas with tourism potential), initiation of new sections related to rural areas (urban-rural co-operation, rural environment changes generated by complex urbanization processes);  Specific studies for defining the Strategic concept of spatial development of Romania 2030 – e.g. multi-criterion analysis of the evolution of the development and / or growth poles, urban poles hierarchy, the outlines of the development of the urban settlement network, the operational dimension of the urban planning documents in relation to the dynamics of the settlement network development;  Methodological and regulatory studies in urban planning – e.g. approach to the methodology for setting the boundaries of the tourism potential areas at local urban and

90 rural levels, approach to the principles of setting the landscape units in the territories of the administrative-territorial units;  Applied research of the spatial organization of settlements, development trends, constraints, opportunities – e.g. ways to stop the uncontrolled development of settlements, effective management of the urban built-up heritage, development of the functional areas through urban-rural partnerships;  Applied research on the human settlements sustainable development – e.g. investigation of the expression of multiculturalism through the built-up heritage of settlements, sustainable valorization of the tourism potential as a development alternative in the disadvantaged areas;  Studies and research on urban mobility, endowment of the urban territory (transport and utility infrastructures) – e.g. efficient management of the water resources for meeting the population needs – a promise for sustainable development of towns and communes with a view to access to the European Union;  Social and economic studies of the land and housing policies – e.g. analysis of the social and economic changes in the metropolitan areas of the big cities, the impact of the extension of the urban settlement network, investigation of the trends on the land and housing markets;  Applied research-type approach / case study of all substantiation studies needed for drafting General and Zonal Urban Plans – e.g. studies on the general physical framework and the functional profile of towns and municipalities, the historical evolution of urban settlements, the social and economic state of settlements, mobility, accessibility, communications, landscapes and cultural heritage elements, etc.;  Preparation of study and research elements for a number of projects of European programs (INTERREG IIIB, CADSES – Carpathians Project, Donauregionen – sectoral applications to built-up environment, heritage elements, drafting the strategic documents of the projects)

The actual benefits of the work can be classified as follows:  The projects of the Partnership program: Work experience within multi-disciplinary teams, set up as inter-institutional partnerships, whose result was adjustment of methods, scientific complementarity, establishment of joint aims centered on applicability in different areas (spatial planning, investment environment, sustainable development, etc.)  The projects of the ‘Nucleu’ Program: Assimilation of new concepts and deepening through own experience certain national characteristics of the economic, social and spatial development; supporting the efforts to define more accurately the objectives of the Spatial Development Strategy of Romania – 2030, in relation to the political objectives of the Romanian Government.  Participation in the tenders generated by the National Research and Development Plan: Practical exercise of a high performance labor in order to acquire skills in multi- disciplinary framework.  Participation in international research and co-operation programs / projects: Assimilation of new and good international practices, harmonization of certain work procedures and tools in order to obtain results with cross-border significance as against the frontiers of each participating entity (“strategic thinking at regional or continental scale”); initiation of partnership agreement with various higher-education / research and development / documentation entities and integration into European research networks such as ESPON, SPACE-NET, EUKN, etc.;  The actual preparation of the urban planning documents: the conceptual revision of the document role, content and approach in order to make them suitable as both strategic

91 and operational tools; strengthening the importance of the multi-disciplinary research / study in substantiating urban planning documents in order to clearly define the importance of spatial planning and reiterate the complex role of urban planners in society.

The beginning of the year 2010 meant the merger of INCD URBANPROIECT (‘URBANPROIECT’ National R&D Institute), Bucharest with INCD INCERC (National Institute for Building Research), Bucharest and organization of the National Institute for R&D in Construction, Urban Planning and Sustainable Spatial Development – ‘URBAN-INCERC’. The implicit reorganization implied a new organizational chart within which the two entities have become branches, and in their turn, they have been divided into sections, laboratories and divisions. Consequently, the following data on urban planning research and work refer particularly to the Division of Urban Planning and Management of Settlements.

The interval 2010-2011 was marked by severe cut-downs of the research budget appropriated to the afore-mentioned programs. In that framework, the projects initiated and contracted within the Partnership Program have been completed at the stage of partial coherent conclusions, where the contribution of the Division decreased proportionally.

As regards the ‘Nucleu’ Program, a number of the program components were selected, taking account of the anticipated importance of their outcomes. The general order of the problems approached took into account:  the necessity for initial conceptual clarifications, a fact that conferred a documentary character to the first phases  the need to improve in the next phases the research tools for improvement of the databases adequate for spatial planning at different scales;  the necessity to complete the research work with defining the performance parameters of territories (from the national territory scale to the territory scale of towns and communes), as fostering competitiveness.

At present, the restart of the research competitions within national programs, under increased exigency and restrictive conditions, faces us with the need to optimize own association patterns and consolidation of potential offers and, last but not least, with the need for a lucid and rigorous self-assessment. The European research and co-operation programs are undergoing evaluations, which suggest the necessity to optimize project management and the ratio between effort and performance and to improve the capacity to attract structural funds. The contributions of the Division to the completion of the projects are reflected in the methodological conclusions and specific databases.

The interval 2010-2011 marked a turning point in the preparation of urban planning documents in the sense that Division of Urban Planning and Settlement Management intensified the process. General Urban Plans and Zonal Urban Plans, including related Local By-Laws for municipalities, towns and communes have been completed or are in progress (Municipalities of Alexandria, Campina, Satu Mare, Targu Jiu, the Towns of Turceni and Sulina, the Communes of Secaria (Prahova County), Silistea Gumesti (Teleorman County), Ibanesti (Botosani County), Peris, Ciorogarla, Moara Vlasiei (Ilfov County), etc.)

The importance of the research work centered on this type of papers was reflected in the fact that the General Urban Plans, although in their second / third versions, need to meet the increased requirements of a well-grounded strategic vision and reinforced by

92 public consultation and local administration involvement. In their turn, Zonal Urban Plans were centered on territories of exceptional importance (the coastal area of the Black Sea, areas including monuments classified among UNESCO world heritage (Prejmer site), protected historical areas – historical urban centers (Municipalities of Braila, Galati, Brasov)). Each of these documents needed evidencing through research work of the small differences, catching all visible or invisible particularities of the studied areas.

Sectoral analyses have been made in the urban and rural environments centered on the demography and social and economic aspects of zonal groups (settlements in the Carpathian Mountains, settlements in the Danube Floodplain, settlements in the Danube Delta, settlements in the Apuseni Mountains), housing, mapping, conservation and valorization of the built-up heritage in the urban and rural areas, the relation between the built-up environment – natural environment (the Nature Biosphere Reserve of the Danube Delta), specific territorial strategies influenced by local particularities (the Carpathian area, associated territory of the Lower Danube, if appropriate, the Black Sea coast, the areal of the Apuseni Mountains).

Preparation of urban planning documents The re-assessment of the importance of the thorough study / research applied to substantiating the urban planning documents indicates a simple, non-intermediated transfer from research – design – implementation – to implementation monitoring. This is capable to support an efficient management of settlements. The explanations contained in the previous chapter of self-assessment report of the Division reflects the important step made in the methodology which tends to self-adjust, through increased flexibility, and self-optimize in the process, in direct relation with the dynamics of the specific phenomena of urban development.

From the above we consider that for the areas of reference of the Division of Urban Planning and Settlement Management, the research work was effectively assimilated in the preparation of the specific documents, a fact which indicates the full integration of the areas. Even if the severe cut of the research funds at national level has a negative impact on the coherent implementation of the programs initiated by the National Authority of Scientific Research, the area of urban planning has assimilated without any difficulties the outcomes of the set-up methodological requirements, accepted the complex character of the databases and has become aware of the need of support generated by applied research.

2.3.2. Territorial Development and Cohesion Division

The main strategic objective of the scientific work carried out in a twofold approach in the fields of geography and spatial planning policies and procedures, which converge in the spatial development area, is conceiving a clear, scientifically grounded image of the organizational and efficient structuring potential of the zonal territories and national territory aimed at formulating and applying the development policies as a way to achieve economic and social cohesion and to create a solid and stable base at territorial level for the exercise of public policies and conferring efficiency to fundamental research.

The research work is focused on:  the assessment and application of the national and international experience regarding the bases and scientific methods and the legal, institutional and regulatory environment of spatial and economic and social development for outlining the correlations between the

93 spatial planning policies and tools, on the one hand, and regional development, on the other hand, in relation to the administrative territorial organization;  analysis of the physical, geographical, economic, legal and administrative components, of the structuring processes at territorial level in order to set up the criteria for configuration and organization of spatial entities;  identification of the prerequisites and spatial models of international and transnational co-operation in the area of economic, social and territorial development;  setting up the organization pattern of spatial structures and determination of their efficiency through identification of a number of efficiency criteria in the organization and operation of territorial entities in relation to the social and economic disparities such as formulation of new concepts and methods for the use by central and local public authorities;  design and testing the organization models of territorial entities within the development processes with a view to defining efficient spatial administrative organizational methods form the point of view of regional policies, as a development, implementation and testing process of the newly developed models for the use by central and local public authorities;  creation of the prerequisites for the development and application of regional policies through defining the actual potential for structuring the national territory from the point of view of the objectives of territorial, social and economic cohesion implementation as a presentation and demonstration of the operability of the proposed models for the use by central and local public authorities.

Research priorities are as follows:  Identification, testing and adoption of efficient methods for defining and spatial organization of territorial entities aimed at facilitating the sustainable development processes in relation to the social and economic disparities  Laying the groundwork for an integrated approach to the procedures for formulation of public spatial policies and defining a set of methodological tools for application of the spatial perspective to the administrative and institutional decision-making  Determination of the spatial grounding of the regional policies as factor of spatial development and strengthening the cohesion of the national territory  Outlining and assessment of the correlations between the spatial planning policy and regional development in relation to the administrative-territorial organizational levels  Systems for the formulation and application of spatial and regional development policies identified through political and administrative territorial organization structures, specific to a number of relevant constitutional models for European countries  Outlining the types of regulatory and financial tools aimed at promoting development through spatial planning processes and fostering economic development in the national territory  Spatial planning approached as a general category describing the actions initiated by the authorities in order to influence the future spatial distribution of activities  Processes of structuring the administrative – territorial units  Analysis of the economic and institutional –administrative components at the national territory level and the disparities among counties and regions  Identification of a set of objective criteria for defining regions and the significance of natural boundaries for regional definition  Criteria for creation of groups or associations of administrative-territorial units as a result of a process, including the problem of inter-territorial externalities

94  Analytical study of the operation of spatial systems and setting a methodology for modeling territorial structures  Theoretical and practical landmarks regarding regionalization and decentralization, on which a number of conceptual, discursive and analogical models of the efficient organization of administrative-territorial units are based  The relation between territorial cohesion and polycentricity of a network of settlements as a implicit connection between polycentricity and regional policy instruments  The influence of a territory size on its economic success and competitiveness policy, the size of the administrative-territorial units and the appropriateness of resources  Optimal sizes of the administrative-territorial units, population, resources and administration bodies  Governance as an efficient solution for territorial processes management, assessment of the governance capacity, governance of territorial economies, governance models and the local production systems, multi-level governance, governance as a form of territorial co-ordination  Determination of spatial criteria for implementation of territorial, social and economic cohesion of the national territory  Identification of the spatial determinants of the regional policies as a factor of spatial development and strengthening the national territory cohesion  Territorial structures – network of settlements and their specific features, their extension and configuration of the urban influence areas  Networking of territorial entities through transport, telecommunication and social and cultural infrastructures  Supra-territorial frameworks: inter-county co-operation relations, including the association capacity of administrative-territorial units, situation of zonal territories within the national territory framework, situation the national territory within continental and inter-continental framework

The main results of the scientific research approach in the activity of the Division  Creation of work tools to support the decision-making processes as regards the management of public territorial affairs through setting a practical development framework for structuring and rational and sustainable exercise of the administrative- institutional jurisdiction and co-operation among the territorial communities for spatial and social and economic development within public policies  Defining spatial models of existence and functioning of social and economic systems of a territory in relation to the formulation and exercise of the political and administrative decision-making on the programming and application of measures aimed at development under conditions of economic efficiency and social efficacy.  Defining the intra-territorial and inter-territorial relation systems in connection with the legal and administrative status under the terms of efficiency between the administrative exercise, mobilizing and appropriation of endogenous and exogenous resources aimed at social and economic development;  Development of a method for application of an objective criteria system for valorization of the physical and geographic, and social and economic conditions as prerequisites for development policies applied to territorial entities of ‘mezzo’-spatial level.

95 The above are verifiable in practice considering the adoption and putting into practice of our plans by the beneficiary public authorities.

2.3.3. Databases, GIS Division

Background The activity of the Territory Monitoring and Database Division started in 1990, when the URBANPROIECT Institute has been established. Initially an IT Team, the division has changed its structure and staff before 2009, when it began to operate as “Databases, GIS Division”. During almost 20 years of activity, the division staff – diverse as education and specialties – has contributed to the field of urban and spatial planning by:  Research on methodologies for the organization of national and transnational databases needed for spatial planning  Studies on spatial development concepts in various geographical areas (The Danube area, etc.)  Research on the use of spatial databases in support of regional development policies at European level  Research on information systems for monitoring the impact of spatial planning policies  Research on the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in urban and spatial planning activities  Studies on the implementation of uniform GIS systems to develop national databases  Studies on geospatial integrated systems of GIS and GPS types for locating items of cultural heritage  Studies on the use of global positioning systems (GPS) for accurate positioning of roads  Making maps and cartograms required for the development of National / County / Zonal Plans  Making drawings to be included in General Urban Plans (PUG), Zonal Urban Plans (PUZ) Detailed Urban Plans (PUD) and other urban plans  Processing images and graphics (land surveys databases, satellite images, aerial-survey photographs), scanning, plotting  Developing Web pages, posters, exhibition presentations, PPS (Power Point) presentations, leaflets

The main achievements of the team are:  Participation in the development of substantiation studies and sections of the National Spatial Plan  Making drawings for urban and spatial planning by means of graphics software (Corel Draw, AutoCAD) or GIS (ARCVIEW 3.2, 8. X-9.X)  Developing graphics related to urban and spatial planning  Processing images (satellite images, aerial-survey photographs), scanning, plotting, designing Web pages  Using geographic information systems (GIS) and global positioning systems (GPS)  Creating, managing and updating national or transnational databases (including spatial databases)  Creating, using and updating specific databases of urban and spatial planning news  Developing research projects in the field of urban and spatial planning  Participation in national research and development programs  Use of GIS and GPS to accurately locating and positioning targets of national interest (roads, heritage objects etc.)

96  Participating in projects on cross-border and European cooperation  Participating in national and international partnerships involved in research projects on concepts of spatial development, sustainable development and tourism

2.4. Representative project (maximum 5 pages) for URBANPROIECT Branch

A recent successful participation in a European project: ESPON CLIMATE - Climate change and territorial effects on regions and local economies in Europe Based on the success of its former activities in the frame of ESPON and other European projects, URBANPROIECT was invited to participate as Project Partner PP9 in the ESPON project 2013/1/4 “Climate change and territorial effects on regions and local economies” about the impacts of climate change on European regions and their economies as well as the consequences for spatial planning. URBANPROIECT was assigned one Case study - the assessment of the social-economic dimension of climate change impacts, sensitivity, adaptive capacity and planning responsiveness in the Tisza River Basin – in cooperation with VATI in Budapest (Romania and Hungary share the ESPON project 2013/1/4 “Climate change and territorial effects on regions and local economies”) deals with the impacts of climate change on the European regions and their economies as well as the consequences for spatial planning of the Tisza). In order to implement the ESPON Climate project a Partnership Agreement was signed between 13 partners from 10 countries (Finland, Norway, Holland, Switzerland, England, Spain, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania) and the Lead Partner – TU Dortmund University (Germany). The project is active between 8/12/2008 and 23/01/2012.

Main objective Main objective of the study is the identification of the territorial effects of climate change on regional and local economies.

Basic principles of the project approach The research approach of the ESPON Climate project follows the rationale of the common research framework often used by the climate change and impact research community. The project recognizes the need to go beyond a physical / environmental perspective on climate change, and the need to address potential implications that climate change can have on territorial development. It also recognizes the importance of addressing both adaptation and mitigation needs. Processes related to spatial development, namely traffic planning, housing, construction and choices over energy provision substantially influence regional greenhouse gas emissions, making spatial planning a key sector in terms of climate change mitigation. Due to its long term perspective, spatial planning also holds a key to successful adaptation initiatives. . Impacts of climate change and related adaptation efforts, along with greenhouse gas emissions and their reduction through mitigation efforts, are seen as the changing context of territorial development, including local and regional economic development, and planning.

Conceptual and methodological framework The ESPON Climate project has been using a conceptual framework that is widely used in the climate change and impact research community. Therefore, it has been adopted as such by Urbanproiect for the development and execution of the case study. According to this framework rising anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions contribute to global warming and thus to climate change. This anthropogenic contribution runs parallel to natural climate variability. The resulting climate changes differ between regions, i.e. each region has a

97 different exposure to climate change. In addition, each region has distinct physical, environmental, social, cultural and economic characteristics that result in different sensitivities to climate change. Together exposure and sensitivity determine the possible impact that climatic changes may have on a region. However, a region might in the long run be able to adjust, e.g. by increasing its dikes. This adaptive capacity enhances or counteracts the climate change impacts and thus leads to a region’s overall vulnerability to climate change.

The ESPON Climate project developed a new comprehensive vulnerability assessment methodology and applied it to all regions across Europe in order to create the evidence base needed for a climate change responsive European territorial development policy. Any vulnerability assessment is confronted with uncertainty which is based in the models (the project made use of CCLM), the emission scenario and the future trends in socio-economic development. Thus, the results of ESPON Climate have to be seen as a possible vulnerability scenario which shows what Europe future in the wake of climate change may looks like and not as a clear-cut forecast. On the other hand, it gives some evidence based hints as to what adaptation should be about in view of the identified regional typologies of climate change.

ESPON Climate change research framework

Tisza River Case Study Seven case studies were identified which cover all five types of climate change regions identified in the exposure cluster analysis. Finally, a brief estimation of climate change impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptation/mitigation capacities was done for the case studies selection in order to show their different characters in this respect.

Special attention has been given to assessing the economic dimension of climate change in the case study area. In order to quantify the economic aspects, the natural capital of a limited spatial domain in the case study area has been estimated. The primary methodology used was a specially designed contingent valuation method. The method is based on a representative survey among the society and stakeholders in the limited spatial domain. The survey was also intended to monitor the possible change in local competitiveness, as well as the socio- economic classification of certain adaptation options.

98 Effects of climate change The Case study area is a river basin in a highly sensitive location from the point of view of climatic aspects. The area - affecting the territory of five countries - covers 157,186 km² and it is home to approx. 14 million people. It is along the border of three climate zones, the dry continental zone, the humid, oceanic zone and the Mediterranean zone with dry summers and humid winters. Therefore even slight shifts of climate zones may exert fundamental impact on the climate of this region.

The river Tisza has the largest catchment area among the tributaries of the river Danube. It covers nearly 160 thousand km2 and has about 14 million inhabitants. Extreme weather phenomena are already a serious problem in the region. According to the forecasts, the frequency of extreme weather events in the context of droughts and excess waters (floods) is expected to increase as a result of climate change. A vulnerability study was carried out in the field of agriculture, using a uniform methodology. As there were no consistent data for the exposure index, no vulnerability calculations could be made regarding the impacts of floods, only a partial sensitivity analysis could be made. The impact of climate change on discharges and the uncertainties of forecasts are described in a special chapter of the case study report. In the vulnerability analysis of the region’s agriculture the quantitative change of summer and winter precipitation and the increasing number of summer days were taken as exposure indicators form the CCLM study.

Sensitivity was analyzed by means of six indices in three dimensions (environmental, social and economic).

The relevant dimensions of vulnerability in the Case study area are:  the conditions and predisposition of different social groups to suffer harm and damage due to a hazardous event or long-term processes, in relation to the demographic, ethnic, cultural or physical composition of the groups;  different vulnerabilities and likelihoods that economic activities will be harmed or disrupted due to a specific hazard;  the fragility of ecosystems under the duress of changing climate conditions;  The dependency of the areas’ societies and specific economic activities on environmental services; assess the economic impact of climate change;  Major natural hazards and their changing values and significance for individuals and communities.

Main findings Indicators of adaptive capacity characterize the social and economic as well as infrastructure conditions, showing how they are capable of coping with unfavorable changes. Vulnerability was calculated on the basis of potential impact and aggregated adaptive capacity. The ultimate result of the vulnerability analysis proved the results obtained in the three partial analyses (exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity), namely, that in the water catchment area of the Tisza the most vulnerable are the counties in the plains and hills in Romania. As regards the impact of climate change on floods the sensitivity assessment was made using three indexes. Although the most sensitive areas were found to be on the downstream section of the Tisza, according to the analysis on the European scale and the literature available, the most negative impacts are to be felt on the upstream section of the Tisza and its tributaries. The adaptability to the unfavorable impacts of the more and more extreme weather (warming and drying climate, excess water and flood) can be enhanced in the region by means of adapting land use structures; more effective possibilities of water retention and discharge

99 regulation; promoting the policies in support of the above, with special regard to the distribution of domestic and EU resources of sustainable agriculture, forest and environmental management as well as water management and flood control; joint elaboration of transnational plans of water and land management.

Outputs (Deliverables) 1. Petrişor AI, Meiţă V, Chicoş A, Peleanu I, Simion-Melinte C-P (2011), Assessing the vulnerability to climate change in the Romanian part of Tisza river basin, Romanian Review of Regional Studies (CNCSIS classification in 2010: B+, code 854, ISSN 1841- 1576), in press 2. Petrişor AI, Meiţă V, Chicoş A, Peleanu I, Simion-Melinte C-P (2011), Assessing the vulnerability to climate change in the Romanian part of Tisza river basin, Research Journal of Agricultural Science 43(3):429-436 (CNCSIS classification in 2010: B+, code 267, ISSN 2066- 1843) 3. Petrişor AI, Meiţă V (2011), Geostatistical analysis of the spatial distribution of areas affected by clime change in Romania based on 2100 predictions, Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Ştiinţele naturii 27(1):143-147 (CNCSIS classification in 2010: indexed by ISI - category B+, code 703, ISSN 1454-6914) 4. Csete M, Dzurdzenik J, Göncz A, Király D, Pálvölgyi T, Peleanu I, Petrişor AI, Schneller K, Staub F, Tesliar J, Visy E (2011), ESPON Climate: Climate Change and Territorial Effects on Regions and Local Economies. Applied Research Project 2013/1/4. Final Report. Annex 2. Case Study Tisza River, Version 31/05/2011, ESPON & TU Dortmund University, 103 pp. 5. Petrişor AI, Meiţă V, Peleanu I, Chicoş A (2011), ESPON Climate - Schimbări climatice şi efecte teritoriale asupra economiilor locale şi regionale în Europa, seminary Noi oportunităţi de finanţare ESPON pentru proiecte de cercetare a teritoriului, Bucharest, 3 February 2011 6. Petrişor AI (2010), 2.1.3 ESPON CLIMATE - Climate Change and Territorial Effects on Regions and Local Economies in Europe (Schimbările climatice şi efectele teritoriale asupra economiilor regionale şi locale din Europa), in: Cercetarea teritorială în sprijinul obiectivelor europene de coeziune şi competitivitate, Editors: Ministerul Dezvoltării Regionale şi Turismului şi Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi, Punctul de Contact ESPON din România CUGUAT- TIGRIS, tipografia Universităţii Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi, pp. 14-16 7. Petrişor AI, Peleanu I, Chicoş A (2010), ESPON Climate - Schimbări climatice şi efecte teritoriale asupra economiilor locale şi regionale în Europa, conferinţa naţională Cercetarea teritorială europeană în sprijinul formulării politicilor publice, Academia Română, Bucharest, 25 November 2010 8. Petrişor AI, Peleanu I, Chicoş A (2010), ESPON Climate - Schimbări climatice şi efecte teritoriale asupra economiilor locale şi regionale în Europa, seminarul naţional Proiecte ESPON 2013 în sprijinul formulării politicilor şi strategiilor de dezvoltare teritorială integrată, Iaşi, România, 14 October 2010 9. Chicoş A (2008), Schimbări climatice şi efecte teritoriale asupra economiilor locale şi regionale în Europa – experienţa participării într-un proiect tip ESPON, Seminarul naţional Finanţare europeană pentru proiecte de cercetare teritorială – Sprijin pentru potenţialii participanţi la a doua a licitaţie a Programului ESPON 2013, Ministerul Dezvoltării Regionale şi Turismului, Bucharest, 3 October 2008


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