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Cuyahoga County, Ohio FIELD OFFICE TECHNICAL GUIDE Sec. II SOILS DESCRIPTIONS Nontechnical Soil Descriptions ______
As Allis silt loam
Allis soil makes up 95 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 7 inches thick. This soil is moderately deep and poorly drained. The surface layer has a high content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is impermeable. It has a low available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 6 inches. The land capability classification is 4w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-2. This soil is hydric.
At Allis-Urban land complex
Allis soil makes up 55 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 7 inches thick. This soil is moderately deep and poorly drained. The surface layer has a high content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is impermeable. It has a low available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 6 inches. The land capability classification is 4w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-2. This soil is hydric.
No description available.
BgB Bogart loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes
Bogart soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is loam about 10 inches thick. This soil is very deep and moderately well drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 33 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 10 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 2e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is A-6. This soil is not hydric.
BhB Bogart-Urban land complex, undulating
Bogart soil makes up 50 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is --- about 10 inches thick. This soil is very deep and moderately well drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 33 inches. The land capability classification is 2e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is A-6. This soil is not hydric.
No description available.
BrF Brecksville silt loam 25 to 70 percent slopes
Brecksville soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 14 inches thick. This soil is moderately deep and well drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is slow. It has a low available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The land capability classification is 7e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is H-1. This soil is not hydric.
Ca Canadice silty clay loam
Canadice soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silty clay loam about 8 inches thick. This soil is very deep and poorly drained. The surface layer has a high content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is very slow. It has a high available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 6 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 15 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 4w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-2. This soil is hydric.
CcA Caneadea silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes
Caneadea soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 7 inches thick. This soil is very deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is slow. It has a moderate available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 15 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 3w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-2. This soil is not hydric.
Cg Carlisle silty clay loam
Carlisle soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silty clay loam about 10 inches thick. This soil is very deep and very poorly drained. The surface layer has a high content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a very high available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is frequently flooded and is frequent ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 6 inches. The land capability classification is 5w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-3. This soil is hydric.
Ch Chagrin silt loam, occasionally flooded
Chagrin soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 8 inches thick. This soil is very deep and well drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a high available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is occasionally flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 60 inches. The land capability classification is 2w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is A-5. This soil is not hydric.
CnA Chili loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes
Chili soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is loam about 7 inches thick. This soil is very deep and well drained. The surface layer has a content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The soil contains a maximum amount of 5 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 2s. The pasture and hayland suitability group is A-1. This soil is not hydric.
CnB Chili loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes
Chili soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is loam about 7 inches thick. This soil is very deep and well drained. The surface layer has a content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The soil contains a maximum amount of 5 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 2s. The pasture and hayland suitability group is A-1. This soil is not hydric.
CnC Chili loam, 6 to 12 percent slopes
Chili soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is loam about 7 inches thick. This soil is very deep and well drained. The surface layer has a content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The soil contains a maximum amount of 5 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 2s. The pasture and hayland suitability group is A-1. This soil is not hydric.
CoD Chili gravelly loam, 12 to 18 percent slopes
Chili soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is gravelly loam about 7 inches thick. This soil is very deep and well drained. The surface layer has a content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The soil contains a maximum amount of 5 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 2s. The pasture and hayland suitability group is A-1. This soil is not hydric.
Ct Condit silty clay loam
Condit soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silty clay loam about 7 inches thick. This soil is very deep and poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is slow. It has a moderate available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is frequent ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 6 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 20 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 3w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-1. This soil is hydric.
Cu Condit-Urban land complex
Condit soil makes up 50 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silty clay loam about 7 inches thick. This soil is very deep and poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is slow. It has a moderate available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is frequent ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 6 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 20 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 3w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-1. This soil is hydric.
No description available.
DaA Darien silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes
Darien soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 12 inches thick. This soil is very deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a high content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is slow. It has a moderate available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 12 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 30 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 3w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-1. This soil is not hydric.
DkF Dekalb-Loudonville complex, 25 to 70 percent slopes
Dekalb soil makes up 40 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is channery sandy loam about 9 inches thick. This soil is moderately deep and well drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is rapid. It has a very low available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The land capability classification is 7e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is H-1. This soil is not hydric.
Loudonville soil makes up 40 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 4 inches thick. This soil is moderately deep and well drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a low available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The land capability classification is 7e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is H-1. This soil is not hydric.
Du Dumps
No description available.
ElB Ellsworth silt loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes
Ellsworth soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 7 inches thick. This soil is very deep and moderately well drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is impermeable. It has a moderate available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 30 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 15 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 3e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is A-1. This soil is not hydric.
ElC Ellsworth silt loam, 6 to 12 percent slopes
Ellsworth soil makes up 90 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 7 inches thick. This soil is very deep and moderately well drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is impermeable. It has a moderate available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 30 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 15 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 4e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is A-1. This soil is not hydric.
ElD Ellsworth silt loam, 12 to 18 percent slopes
Ellsworth soil makes up 90 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is --- about 7 inches thick. This soil is very deep and moderately well drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is impermeable. It has a moderate available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 30 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 15 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 6e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is A-1. This soil is not hydric.
ElF Ellsworth silt loam, 25 to 70 percent slopes
Ellsworth soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 7 inches thick. This soil is very deep and moderately well drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is impermeable. It has a moderate available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 30 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 15 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 7e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is H-1. This soil is not hydric.
EsC Ellsworth-Urban land complex, rolling
Ellsworth soil makes up 55 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 7 inches thick. This soil is very deep and moderately well drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is impermeable. It has a moderate available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 30 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 15 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 6e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is A-1. This soil is not hydric.
No description available.
EuA Euclid silt loam
Euclid soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 12 inches thick. This soil is very deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderately slow. It has a high available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is rarely flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The land capability classification is 2w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-1. This soil is not hydric.
FcA Fitchville silt loam 0 to 2 percent slopes
Fitchville soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 8 inches thick. This soil is very deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderately slow. It has a high available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 5 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 2w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-1. This soil is not hydric.
FcB Fitchville silt loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes
Fitchville soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 8 inches thick. This soil is very deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderately slow. It has a high available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 5 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 2w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-1. This soil is not hydric.
GeF Geeburg-Mentor silt loams, 25 to 70 percent slopes
Geeburg soil makes up 50 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 13 inches thick. This soil is very deep and moderately well drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is very slow. It has a moderate available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 33 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 15 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 7e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is H-1. This soil is not hydric.
Mentor soil makes up 35 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 7 inches thick. This soil is very deep and well drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a high available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 60 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 5 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 7e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is H-1. This soil is not hydric.
GfB Glenford silt loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes
Glenford soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 7 inches thick. This soil is very deep and moderately well drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderately slow. It has a high available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 30 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 5 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 2e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is A-6. This soil is not hydric.
GfC Glenford silt loam, 6 to 12 percent slopes
Glenford soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 7 inches thick. This soil is very deep and moderately well drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderately slow. It has a high available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 30 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 5 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 3e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is A-6. This soil is not hydric.
HaA Haskins loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes
Haskins soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is loam about 9 inches thick. This soil is very deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is impermeable. It has a moderate available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 30 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 2w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-2. This soil is not hydric.
HaB Haskins loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes
Haskins soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is loam about 9 inches thick. This soil is very deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is impermeable. It has a moderate available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 30 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 2e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-2. This soil is not hydric.
HbA Haskins-Urban land complex, nearly level
Haskins soil makes up 50 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is loam about 9 inches thick. This soil is very deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is impermeable. It has a moderate available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 30 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 2w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-2. This soil is not hydric.
No description available.
Ho Holly silt loam, frequently flooded
Holly soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 8 inches thick. This soil is very deep and poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderately slow. It has a high available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is frequently flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 6 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 5 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 3w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-3. This soil is hydric.
HrB Hornell silt loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes
Hornell soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 6 inches thick. This soil is moderately deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a high content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is impermeable. It has a low available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The land capability classification is 3w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-2. This soil is not hydric.
HrC Hornell silt loam, 6 to 12 percent slopes
Hornell soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 6 inches thick. This soil is moderately deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a high content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is impermeable. It has a low available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The land capability classification is 3e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-2. This soil is not hydric.
HrD Hornell silt loam, 12 to 18 percent slopes
Hornell soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 6 inches thick. This soil is moderately deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a high content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is impermeable. It has a low available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The land capability classification is 4e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is Not rated. This soil is not hydric.
HsC Hornell-Urban land complex, rolling
Hornell soil makes up 55 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 6 inches thick. This soil is moderately deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a high content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is impermeable. It has a low available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The land capability classification is 3e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-2. This soil is not hydric.
No description available.
JtA Jimtown loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes
Jimtown soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is loam about 9 inches thick. This soil is very deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 10 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 2w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-1. This soil is not hydric.
JuA Jimtown-Urban land complex, nearly level
Jimtown soil makes up 40 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is --- about 9 inches thick. This soil is very deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 10 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 2w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-1. This soil is not hydric.
No description available.
LoB Loudonville silt loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes
Loudonville soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 6 inches thick. This soil is moderately deep and well drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a low available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The land capability classification is 2e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is F-1. This soil is not hydric.
LoC Loudonville silt loam, 6 to 12 percent slopes
Loudonville soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 6 inches thick. This soil is moderately deep and well drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a low available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The land capability classification is 3e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is F-1. This soil is not hydric.
LoD Loudonville silt loam, 12 to 18 percent slopes
Loudonville soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 6 inches thick. This soil is moderately deep and well drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a low available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The land capability classification is 4e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is F-1. This soil is not hydric.
LuC Loudonville-Urban land complex, rolling
Loudonville soil makes up 50 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 6 inches thick. This soil is moderately deep and well drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a low available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The land capability classification is 4e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is F-1. This soil is not hydric.
No description available.
MgA Mahoning silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes
Mahoning soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 7 inches thick. This soil is very deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is impermeable. It has a moderate available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 15 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 3w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-2. This soil is not hydric.
MgB Mahoning silt loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes
Mahoning soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 7 inches thick. This soil is very deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is impermeable. It has a moderate available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 15 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 3e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-2. This soil is not hydric.
MmB Mahoning-Urban land complex, undulating
Mahoning soil makes up 55 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 7 inches thick. This soil is very deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is impermeable. It has a moderate available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 15 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 3e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-2. This soil is not hydric.
No description available.
Mo Mermill loam
Mermill soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is loam about 8 inches thick. This soil is very deep and very poorly drained. The surface layer has a high content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is impermeable. It has a moderate available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is frequent ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 6 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 30 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 2w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-2. This soil is hydric.
Mr Miner silty clay loam
Miner soil makes up 100 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silty clay loam about 7 inches thick. This soil is very deep and very poorly drained. The surface layer has a high content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is slow. It has a moderate available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is frequent ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 6 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 10 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 3w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-2. This soil is hydric.
MtA Mitiwanga silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes
Mitiwanga soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 10 inches thick. This soil is moderately deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a low available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The land capability classification is 2w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-1. This soil is not hydric.
MtB Mitiwanga silt loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes
Mitiwanga soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 12 inches thick. This soil is moderately deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a low available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The land capability classification is 2e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-1. This soil is not hydric.
MxB Mitiwanga-Urban land compex, undulating
Mitiwanga soil makes up 45 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 10 inches thick. This soil is moderately deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a low available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The land capability classification is 2e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-1. This soil is not hydric.
No description available.
Or Orrville silt loam, frequently flooded
Orrville soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 9 inches thick. This soil is very deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a high available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is frequently flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The land capability classification is 2w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-3. This soil is not hydric.
OsA Oshtemo sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes
Oshtemo soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is sandy loam about 8 inches thick. This soil is very deep and well drained. The surface layer has a moderately low content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderately rapid. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The soil contains a maximum amount of 25 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 3s. The pasture and hayland suitability group is A-1. This soil is not hydric.
OsB Oshtemo sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes
Oshtemo soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is sandy loam about 8 inches thick. This soil is very deep and well drained. The surface layer has a moderately low content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderately rapid. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The soil contains a maximum amount of 25 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 3s. The pasture and hayland suitability group is A-1. This soil is not hydric.
OsF Oshtemo sandy loam, 25 to 55 percent slopes
Oshtemo soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is sandy loam about 8 inches thick. This soil is very deep and well drained. The surface layer has a moderately low content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderately rapid. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The soil contains a maximum amount of 25 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 7e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is H-1. This soil is not hydric.
OtB Oshtemo-Urban land complex, undulating Oshtemo soil makes up 45 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is sandy loam about 8 inches thick. This soil is very deep and well drained. The surface layer has a moderately low content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderately rapid. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The soil contains a maximum amount of 25 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 3s. The pasture and hayland suitability group is A-1. This soil is not hydric.
No description available.
Pg Pits, gravel
No description available.
Pt Pits, quarry
No description available.
RsB Rittman silt loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes
Rittman soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 7 inches thick. This soil is very deep and moderately well drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is slow. It has a moderate available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 33 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 8 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 2e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is F-3. This soil is not hydric.
RsC Rittman silt loam, 6 to 12 percent slopes
Rittman soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 7 inches thick. This soil is very deep and moderately well drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is slow. It has a moderate available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 33 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 8 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 3e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is F-3. This soil is not hydric.
Sb Sebring silt loam
Sebring soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 13 inches thick. This soil is very deep and poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderately slow. It has a high available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is frequent ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 6 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 5 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 3w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-1. This soil is hydric.
St Stafford variant sandy loam
Stafford Variant soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is sandy loam about 4 inches thick. This soil is very deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderately rapid. It has a low available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The land capability classification is 2w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-1. This soil is not hydric.
Tg Tioga loam, frequently flooded
Tioga soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is loam about 8 inches thick. This soil is very deep and well drained. The surface layer has a high content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is frequently flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 54 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 5 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 2w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is A-5. This soil is not hydric.
Th Tioga variant loam
Tioga Variant soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is loam about 8 inches thick. This soil is very deep and well drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a high available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is rarely flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 54 inches. The land capability classification is 1. The pasture and hayland suitability group is A-1. This soil is not hydric.
Ua Udorthents, loamy
No description available.
Ub Urban land
No description available.
Uc Urban land-Allis complex
No description available.
Allis soil makes up 20 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 6 inches thick. This soil is moderately deep and poorly drained. The surface layer has a high content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is impermeable. It has a low available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 6 inches. The land capability classification is 4w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-2. This soil is hydric.
UeA Urban land-Elnora complex, nearly level
No description available.
Elnora soil makes up 20 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Erie Fruit and Truck Area Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is loamy fine sand about 9 inches thick. This soil is very deep and moderately well drained. The surface layer has a high content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderately rapid. It has a low available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The land capability classification is 2w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is B-1. This soil is not hydric.
UmB Urban land-Mahoning complex, undulating
No description available.
Mahoning soil makes up 20 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 7 inches thick. This soil is very deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is impermeable. It has a moderate available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 15 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 3e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-2. This soil is not hydric.
UnB Urban land-Mitiwanga complex, undulating
No description available.
Mitiwanga soil makes up 20 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 11 inches thick. This soil is moderately deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderate. It has a low available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The land capability classification is 2e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-1. This soil is not hydric.
UoB Urban land-Oshtemo complex, undulating
No description available.
Oshtemo soil makes up 20 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is sandy loam about 14 inches thick. This soil is very deep and well drained. The surface layer has a moderately low content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is moderately rapid. It has a moderate available water capacity and a low shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. The soil contains a maximum amount of 25 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 3s. The pasture and hayland suitability group is A-1. This soil is not hydric.
W Water
No description available.
WaA Wadsworth silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes
Wadsworth soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 8 inches thick. This soil is very deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is impermeable. It has a moderate available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 10 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 3w. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-1. This soil is not hydric.
WaB Wadsworth silt loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes
Wadsworth soil makes up 85 percent of the map unit. This map unit is in the Eastern Ohio Till Plain Major Land Resource Area. Typically the surface layer is silt loam about 8 inches thick. This soil is very deep and somewhat poorly drained. The surface layer has a moderate content of organic matter. The slowest permeability is impermeable. It has a moderate available water capacity and a moderate shrink swell potential. This soil is not flooded and is not ponded. The top of the seasonal high water table is at 21 inches. The soil contains a maximum amount of 10 percent calcium carbonate. The land capability classification is 3e. The pasture and hayland suitability group is C-1. This soil is not hydric.