This table provides information about projects that were awarded funding under the ACT ACE Grants Program for 2017.

Organisation Project title Amount Project overview awarded

Belconnen Arts Centre IGNITE: $20,000.00 IGNITE: Connect has been Incorporated Connect (a and hands on experience course as part an arts practice in visual arts, Ph: (02) 6173 3304 of IGNITE: Connect program model Alternative Arts learning tailored for the individual Email: monika.mcinerney@belconnen. Academy) stand-alone introductory artscentre.com.au courses held at a regular Website: belconnenartscentre.com.au interspersed with a curated cultural site in the ACT. A one-on-one tailored mentoring personalised learning plan admission to the program creative learning pathways. participants with multiple Migrant and Refugee Settlement English for $20,000.00 The English for Employment (EFE) Services of the ACT Inc. Employment language skills of the participants meaningful employment, or Ph: (02) 6248 7655 goals. The program has a Email: [email protected] listening, reading and writing skills that interviews or for engaging Website: http://www.marss.org.au Australia. Students are exposed achieve this goal, such as current affairs and local cultural The program involves two classes per week, ACT school term time. Organisation Project title Amount Project overview awarded

Support Asian Women’s Stepping Up $20,000.00 The project will provide a holistic approach to teaching mature adult learners Friendships – Learning from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Participants will build on Workplace their workplace computer skills and learn to use business technology to Ph: (02) 0422 737 751 Computer and perform a range of routine tasks to communicate with co workers, customers or others. They will also improve their confidence to be able to use English in basic Email: [email protected] English Skills for Work for CALD business and social interactions and develop their interpersonal communication Website: http://www.sawsfriendship.org.au Backgrounds skills in situations for further personal and career development. Adult Learners On completion all students will be encouraged to attend a formal accredited assessment for the units of competency, BSBITU203 Communicate Electronically and –ICTICT205 Design Basic Organisation Documents Using Computer Packages. The project is delivered in 38 sessions with participants attending a 2 hour weekly English language program and a 2 hour weekly computer class.

Belconnen Community Services Inc. Youth $20,000.00 Through this project, Belconnen Community Service (BCS) Youth Engagement Employment will continue to work in partnership with education, training and other service Ph: (02) 62640212 Pathways Hub providers to provide pathways to vocational education, training and employment. The project achieves these aims through providing pathways Email: [email protected] planning and improving life skills, and by connecting vulnerable unemployed Website: http://www.bcsact.com.au young people, aged 18 to 24, to training, volunteering and work experience opportunities. The Hub participants will be able to access a variety of skills development training as well as literacy and language support. The Hub will also provide access to IT and online learning, job ready group programs and mentoring. Participants with complex needs will also have access to case management and mentoring support. The Hub will be open six hours a week from February to November 2017 and participants will be able to access the Hub twice a week for up to 6 hours when the Youth Centre is normally closed. Organisation Project title Amount Project overview awarded

Australian Red Cross Asylum Seeker $20,000.00 The Asylum Seeker and Migrant Mentoring (ASMM) program aims to deliver Employment a tailored and innovative work-ready program to approximately 20 asylum Ph: (02) 62347679 Mentoring seekers in the ACT. The program will also take on a holistic engagement Email: [email protected] Project model that aims to collaborate with local employers to increase their knowledge of the benefits of Website: www.redcross.org.au employing migrants on short-term visas. The ASMM is co-designed with participants to maximise its effectiveness. The program will have a two tiered approach; 1. Effective case support, matching each identified asylum seeker or migrant, who has requested help with becoming job ready, with a suitable trained volunteer who will assist the client during the job seeking process. 2. Workshops to increase access and pathways to employment to leverage participants existing vocational skills and knowledge. Participants will be given an initial induction session over an 8 hour period followed by fortnightly mentoring sessions with a dedicated case worker. PhotoAccess Incorporated My Story, My $18,712.00 The project provides up to 10 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participants Voice: Digital with basic skills in media production resulting in them ultimately making their Ph (02) 62957810 storytelling for own Email: [email protected] Aboriginal and digital story. The project is innovative and flexible and provides professional Torres Strait support for participants to write their own scripts, record their own voice-overs, Website: www.photoaccess.org.au Islander make peoples story boards, create images and work with movie-making software to complete a 3-5 minute film. The project provides a pathway to vocational education through increasing participants’ awareness of opportunities at CIT and meeting key staff. The learning activities include storytelling circles, short tutorials in writing, storyboarding, photo and video editing and time for the participants to work on their own story with professional assistance from the project team The program comprises 30 hours of collaborative workshops run over a period of 2 months including 6 x 4-hour classes at PhotoAccess, a 2-hour script development one-one-one session, a 4 hour workshop at CIT Reid including an information Organisation Project title Amount Project overview awarded

Tjillari Justice Aboriginal Our Way $15,425.00 This project will provide training and support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Corporation Islander people who have experienced Domestic/Family Violence and/or caring for children who are affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, parents Ph: (02) 62603397 battling addiction/s and parents in prison. The program includes the use of storytelling, art, peer assisted learning and group activities, all of which are [email protected] Email: traditional ways of sharing knowledge. The program also uses a “turnaround Website: http://tjillarijustice.com.au model” which involves inviting participants of former Tjillari workshops to become facilitators, learn new skills and build confidence to either present future workshops or return to the workplace. The sessions cover discrete work skills - communication, working in groups, dealing with difficult people, time management etc and also include the completion of two units of competency offered by LEAD • BSBINM201 - Process and maintain workplace information • BSBWHS201 - Contribute to health and safety of self and others The project is delivered in 21 hours over 3 full days. Ongoing support, depending on individual needs will be offered over a 6 month period. Participants who wish to deliver community workshops may be offered casual employment and will receive 4 hours support (and supervision) per workshop. Organisation Project title Amount Project overview awarded

Community Services #1 Entering the $20,000.00 The objectives of the Project are to work with participants who have Workforce - experienced barriers to gaining employment; assist them with their future career Ph: (02) 61264709 Getting progression; prepare them for the workforce; and inform them on what is Email: [email protected] Informed, expected. The project is delivered over a series of workshops which are Prepared and designed to build participant skills to enable them to feel empowered and Website: http://communityser vices1.org Ready provide them with knowledge, tools and strategies so they can identify and assess employment opportunities and take that next step. One on one mentoring/coaching sessions provided at the conclusion of the workshops will support the participant with enrolment to study or assisting with job seeking. Project workshop topics include: presentation, resume writing, interview tips, communication techniques, team work and organising activities and planning in the workplace. 3 project workshops for 10 participants will be delivered over 2 hours per week for 7 weeks.

Uniting Care Kippax Kippax $20,000.00 Kippax Connections – General Community aims to support 30 members of the Connections community facing multiple disadvantages to make a more successful transition Ph: (02) 6254 1733 - general to VET or employment. The program will support socially disadvantaged Email: [email protected] community adults to transition into VET pathways by assisting them to overcome individual and social barriers to participation. The program will build a Website: http://kippax.org.au customised pathway for each participant based on their needs, connecting them to required supports, including literacy and numeracy training, financial support for enrolment and pre- employment certification and work-like experience in their interest areas. Ongoing support is offered to help sustain their involvement in VET or employment. Participants attend a one hour introductory session that includes assessment of strengths, identification of barriers to participation and design of their personal pathway towards their education and employment goals. Participants are offered a 1-2 hour meeting once a week with their support person for up to 24 Organisation Project title Amount awarded Project overview Uniting Care Kippax Ph: (02) 6254 1733 Email: [email protected] Website: http://kippax.org.au Kippax Connections $20,000.00 Kippax Connections aims to support 20 members of the community, who are part of priority population groups, to make a more successful transition to VET or employment. The goal is to enable participants to be more work-ready through volunteering and work-like experience; improve “soft” work skills (such as presentation, timeliness and strong work ethic); and increase social connection where this is required. In addition, the work-like experience/volunteering opportunities are relevant to upcoming employment opportunities in the local region. Participants work individually with their support person to identify barriers to learning; strengths they already have; and what combination of activities would be required to build their learning and participation capacity. Through the range of supports provided (e.g: literacy/numeracy; pre-employment certification etc.) and volunteering and work-like experience opportunities, the individual tailors the program to suit their own situation. Participants are offered a 2 hour meeting once a week with their support person for up to 24 weeks, depending on the level of support they are seeking. In addition, they will be able to access extra training and support sessions for specific issues such as literacy and numeracy development, licensing, responding to non-education/ employment issues etc.