Preliminary Class Schedule for Freshman Clinic II Classic Engineering Experiments Week Monday Lecture Tuesday Laboratory Assignments 1. 19 January 20 January No-Class: Martin Luther Introduction to Course, Process 1 Page Biography due Jan 26 King Day Introductions, Team Selection Scavenger Hunt due Jan 26 2. 26 January 27 January Industrial Competitive Lab 1: Reverse Engineering of Report of Maglite due Feb 2 Assessment: Maglite Flashlight 3. 2 February 3 February Technical Report Writing Technical Writing Exercise Revised Report Due February 9 4. 9 February 10 February Library Databases Lab2: Solar Car Trials Preliminary reference list and draft report due February 24 Draft Research Report Due March 24 Individual Research Report Due April 14th Lab Report due February 16 5. 16 February 17 February Economics Lab 3: Da Vinci’s Tension Economics HW due Monday, Experiments February 23 Lab report due February 23 6. 23 February 24 February Material Property Basics - Lab 4: Modern Tensile Testing Lab Report Due March 3 Tension 7. 2 March 3 March Statistics Using Excel and Statistics Homework due March 9 8. 9 March 10 March Instrumentation Lab 5: Galileo’s Bending Experiments Lab report due March 23 9. 16 March 17 March Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break 10. 23 March 24 March Discussion of Galileo’s Lab 6: Instrumented Flexure Tests Lab Report Due March 31 Results and Bending Basics Preliminary Class Schedule for Freshman Clinic II Classic Engineering Experiments Week Monday Lecture Tuesday Laboratory Assignments 11. 30 March 31 March Ethics and Patents? Movie Day TBD 12. 6 April 7 April Lab 7: Volta and other Lab report due April 13 early batteries

13. 13 April 14 April Electricity Fundamentals Lab 8: Modern Lab report due April 20 batteries/fuel cells

14. 20 April 21 April Ethics debates 15. 27 April 28 April Lab 9: Demonstration of Lab Report Due May 5 team designed experiments 16. 4 May 5 May (Tuesday) Final Poster Presentation FINAL EXAM 8:00 – 10:00 AM FINAL REPORT DUE