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Go to the Next Blank Page and Make a New Table of Contents

Go to the next blank page and make a new Table of Contents.

A. Go to http://www.amnh.org/explore/ology/earth Click on “How Plates Affect Our Planet” Add “How Plates Affect Our Planet” to your table of contents Go to a new page in your spiral and write the title “How Plates Affect Our Planet” and today’s date. 1. Write down the information on the crust, mantle, and core.

Click on Pangaea, copy the questions and answer them 1. What is the name of the supercontinent? 2. How old is the planet? 3. What can make the continents move? 4. What is the evidence that supports the idea of Pangaea (there are 3)?

Click on Volcanoes, copy the questions and answer them 1. What are volcanoes? 2. Where are most of the volcanoes found? 3. How are volcanoes formed on land?

Click on Mountains, copy the question and answer it 1. Where do mountains form? And explain what happens.

Click on Earthquakes, read all the information on Earthquakes. 1. List as much information about Earthquakes that you can find.

Click on Hot Spots, copy the questions and answer them 1. What is a hot spot? 2. How does a hot spot work? 3. What is the youngest chain of volcanic mountains? B. Go to http://activities.macmillanmh.com/science/ca/scienceinmotion/Common/SIM. html?Module=../Grade6/Chapter5-PlateMovement/

Add “Plate Movement” to your table of contents

Go to a new page in your spiral and write the title “Plate Movement” and today’s date. Copy these questions into your spiral and answer them

1. What causes the movement of plates?

2. What is convective flow? How does it work?

3. Play the game. Once game is over use the “Snipping Tool” to copy all the questions with the correct answers. Paste it in a Word document and print it. Glue it with the answers to #1 and #2.

Here is what you Table of Contents should look like now…

Table of Contents A. How Plates Affect Our Planet B. Plate Movement C. Go to http://activities.macmillanmh.com/science/ca/grade6/g6_ch5_ls1_ereview.html Add “Earth’s Moving Plates Review” to your table of contents Go to a new page in your spiral and write the title “Earth’s Moving Plates Review” and today’s date. Copy these questions into your spiral and answer them

1. What is continental drift? 2. What is the name of the supercontinent? 3. What does a geologist do? 4. What evidence is there to show that there might have been a supercontinent? 5. What are plates? 6. How can plates move? 7. What is seafloor spreading? 8. What is an ocean trench? 9. What events occur at plate boundaries? 10. Copy down what you see on the “Lesson Review” page.

11. What evidence supports the hypothesis of continental drift? 12. Do the vocabulary matching. Once you have them all correct, copy the word with the correct definition for all 4 words.

13. What do the coal deposits found in North American and Antarctica indicate about the way these continents may have drifted? 14. Can ocean trenches occur where plates are moving apart? 15. Which of the following is a vast underwater mountain chain? 16. True or False: Continental drift is the theory that a past supercontinent split apart to form separate continents. 17. Explain the significance of finding the same types of rocks and fossils across different continents. D. Go to http://www.amnh.org/explore/ology/earth

Click on “Plates on the Move” Add “Plates on the Move” to your table of contents Go to a new page in your spiral and write the title “Plates on the Move” and today’s date. Copy these questions into your spiral and answer them

1. What are tectonic plates? 2. Plates aren’t stuck in one place, they are floating on the Mantle. What is the Earth’s mantle? 3. What are the four things that can happen when the plates meet and what happens? Click on Explore How Plates Affect Your World Find an event that happened because of subduction. 1. Explain what happens with subduction. 2. Click on “stats.” Where and when did this event take place? What was the magnitude or size? 3. List the plates that are involved. Click back to map

Find an event that happened because of plates that slip. 1. Explain what happens when one plate slides against another. 2. Click on “stats.” Where and when did this event take place? What was the magnitude or size? 3. List the plates that are involved. Click back to map Find an event that happened because of spreading. 1. Explain what happens when two plates move apart. 2. Click on “stats.” Where and when did this event take place? What was the magnitude or size? 3. List the plates that are involved.

Click back to map Find an event that happened because of collision. 1. Explain what happens with collision. 2. Click on “stats.” Where and when did this event take place? What was the magnitude and size? 3. List the plates that are involved. Click back to map Find Hawaii. 1. Explain what is happening with the Hawaiian Islands. 2. Click on “stats.” When did the Hawaiian Islands begin to form? 3. Click on “story.” Read the story. Why are the Hawaiian Islands different than most other volcanoes? 4. What happens over time with the older volcanoes? 5. Which of the Hawaiian Islands is currently over the hot spot? 6. What is the new volcano that is forming? Get a map from Mrs. Barker, click on “Show Plate Boundaries” (still on http://www.amnh.org/explore/ology/earth) and draw them on the map. Use the online map to label the different plates on the paper map.

Here is what you Table of Contents should look like now…

Table of Contents A. How Plates Affect Our Planet B. Plate Movement C.Earth’s Moving Plates Review D.Plates on the Move E. Go to http://activities.macmillanmh.com/science/ca/grade6/g6_ch5_ls2_ereview.html Add “Plate Tectonics: A Unifying Theory Review” to your table of contents Go to a new page in your spiral and write the title “Plate Tectonics: A Unifying Theory Review” and today’s date. Copy these questions into your spiral and answer them

1. What does a seismograph do? 2. What is one way scientists learned about Earth’s interior and its structure? 3. What causes seismic waves? 4. What are the three main layers of Earth? 5. What is the difference between continental crust and oceanic crust? 6. What is the lithosphere? 7. What is the asthenosphere? 8. Why does magma form? 9. What happens to magma on the surface of the Earth? What kind of rock does it become? 10. How do convection currents work? 11. What does the movement of along plate boundaries cause on the surface of Earth? 12. What are divergent boundaries? 13. What is seafloor spreading? 14. What are convergent boundaries? 15. What are transform boundaries? 16. Copy down what you see on the “Lesson Review” page. 17. What is plate tectonics? 18. Do the vocabulary matching. Once you have them all correct, copy the word with the correct definition for all 5 words. 19. In what part of Earth does convective flow take place? 20. Why does convective flow happen more slowly in the mantle than it does in a pot of boiling water? 21. A ______is a place where Earth’s plates move towards each other. 22. True or False: Both continental crust and oceanic crust form the asthenosphere. 23. How might the rate of plate movement affect events on Earth’s surface? F. Go to http://activities.macmillanmh.com/science/ca/grade6/g6_ch5_ls4_ereview.html Add “Volcanoes Review” to your table of contents Go to a new page in your spiral and write the title “Volcanoes Review” and today’s date. Copy these questions into your spiral and answer them

1. Where do most volcanoes happen? 2. What is magma? 3. Why does magma rise? 4. What are the three types of rocks? 5. What properties does an igneous rock have? 6. How is a sedimentary rock formed? 7. What is metamorphous rock? 8. What is the rock cycle? 9. What are the three kinds land forms created by volcanic eruptions? How are they formed? 10. What are the four kinds of volcanoes? Explain each one. 11. What is a volcanic island arc? Give an example. 12. What is the Ring of Fire? 13. How is Hawaii different? 14. Copy down what you see on the “Lesson Review” page.

15. A ______is a region of volcanic activity in the middle of a tectonic plate. 16. How do hot spots form volcanic island arc? 17. Do you think that a quick lava flow is more dangerous or less dangerous than a slow one? 18. What type of volcano forms when ejected debris piles up around the vent? 19. True or False: A hot spring is a fountain of hot water and steam that shoots into the air at regular intervals. 20. In your own words, explain how subduction causes volcanoes to form. G. Go to http://www.mhschool.com/sciejournal/ejournal/rc_base.php? reportID=105&vGrade=0022812164&vUnit=C&vChapter=5

Add “Pacific Volcanoes” to your table of contents

Go to a new page in your spiral and write the title “Pacific Volcanoes” and today’s date.

Follow directions on the website. Understand that you can open the website and have the box for notes open at the same time. In step 4 there is a button to get a printable report. Click that link and print it, make two copies. One copy you cut and paste into your Science journal and the other copy you turn in.


Here is what you Table of Contents should look like now…

Table of Contents A. How Plates Affect Our Planet B. Plate Movement C.Earth’s Moving Plates Review D.Plates on the Move E. Plate Tectonics: A Unifying Theory Review F. Volcanoes Review Pacific Volcanoes

H. Go to http://www.amnh.org/explore/ology/earth Click on “About Earth” Add “About Earth” to your table of contents Go to a new page in your spiral and write the title “About Earth” and today’s date. Copy these questions into your spiral and answer them

1. Give two examples of ways the Earth can change very quickly. 2. Give two examples of ways the Earth changes slowly over a long time. 3. Copy the diagram of the Earth layers. 4. Which layer do we live on? 5. Name and explain what each of the four layers are. 6. It gives you one way the layers work together. Write down the 5 steps. 7. How can rocks help Scientists look back in time? 8. What can the minerals in a rock tell us? 9. What are the three types of rocks? Explain each one. 10. Where do some Scientists do fieldwork? What might they do in a lab?

Here is what you Table of Contents should look like now… Table of Contents A. How Plates Affect Our Planet B. Plate Movement C.Earth’s Moving Plates Review D.Plates on the Move E. Plate Tectonics: A Unifying Theory Review F. Volcanoes Review G.Pacific Volcanoes H.About Earth

I. Go to http://activities.macmillanmh.com/science/ca/grade6/g6_ch5_ls3_ereview.html Click on “Earthquakes” Add “Earthquakes” to your table of contents Go to a new page in your spiral and write the title “Earthquakes” and today’s date. Copy these questions into your spiral and answer them

1. What is an earthquake? 2. Where have some of the most devastating earthquakes occurred? 3. What are faults? 4. What are fault zones? 5. Where do most faults and fault zones occur? 6. What is the focus? 7. What is the epicenter? 8. How are earthquakes measured? 9. What is magnitude? 10. What is intensity? 11. How are cities and towns trying to limit the damage caused by earthquakes? 12. Copy down what you see on the “Lesson Review” page.

13. Before an earthquake occurs, what events have to take place? 14. Do the vocabulary matching. Once you have them all correct, copy the word with the correct definition for all 4 words.

15. How can scientists locate the epicenter of an earthquake? 16. What is the difference between magnitude and intensity? 17. True or False: the epicenter is the point below the surface of Earth where the earthquake begins. 18. ______are areas where there are many interconnected faults. 19. What should you do if you are in school during an earthquake? At home? Outside? What should you do after an earthquake? J. Go to http://www.mhschool.com/mmh_games/content/science_CA/grade06/unit_c/ch05/index.html

Add “Plate Tectonics and Earth’s Structure Crossword Puzzle” to your table of contents. Go to a new page in your spiral and write the title “Plate Tectonics and Earth’s Structure” and today’s date. Fill out the crossword puzzle.

Use the snipping tool to copy the crossword puzzle when you are done. Paste it into a Word document, print it, cut it, and glue it into your Science spiral.

Here is what you Table of Contents should look like now…

Table of Contents A. How Plates Affect Our Planet B. Plate Movement C.Earth’s Moving Plates Review D.Plates on the Move E. Plate Tectonics: A Unifying Theory Review F. Volcanoes Review G.Pacific Volcanoes H.About Earth I. Earthquakes J. Plate Tectonics and Earth’s Structure Crossword K. Go to http://www.phschool.com/webcodes10/index.cfm? wcprefix=cud&wcsuffix=3081&area=view Add “Web Quest: Where Do You Feel Safer?” to your table of contents Go to a new page in your spiral and write the title “Web Quest: Where Do You Feel Safer?” and today’s date. Read the activity and do as it says. Write at least a paragraph explain which place you would move to and give specific evidence found when doing the research it tells you to do.

Here is what you Table of Contents should look like now…

Table of Contents A. How Plates Affect Our Planet B. Plate Movement C.Earth’s Moving Plates Review D.Plates on the Move E. Plate Tectonics: A Unifying Theory Review F. Volcanoes Review G.Pacific Volcanoes H.About Earth I. Earthquakes J. Plate Tectonics and Earth’s Structure Crossword K. Web Quest: Where Do You Feel Safer?

L. Go to http://www.mhschool.com/sciejournal/ejournal/rc_base.php? reportID=101&vGrade=0022812164&vUnit=C&vChapter=5 Add “Earthquake Safety” to your table of contents Go to a new page in your spiral and write the title “Earthquake Safety” and today’s date. 99and have the box for notes open at the same time. In step 4 there is a button to get a printable report. Click that link and print it, make two copies. One copy you cut and paste into your Science journal and the other copy you turn in. DON’T FORGET YOUR NAME!

Here is what you Table of Contents should look like now…

Table of Contents A. How Plates Affect Our Planet B. Plate Movement C.Earth’s Moving Plates Review D.Plates on the Move E. Plate Tectonics: A Unifying Theory Review F. Volcanoes Review G.Pacific Volcanoes H.About Earth I. Earthquakes J. Plate Tectonics and Earth’s Structure Crossword K. Web Quest: Where Do You Feel Safer? L. Earthquake Safety

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