Genetic Disorder Infographic Directions

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Genetic Disorder Infographic Directions

Genetic Disorder Infographic Directions Armstrong (Adapted from Mr. AK Sedun with permission) NAME: ______OUT OF PD. __ DATE: ______50 TEST POINTS

Create an infographic about a Genetic Disorder! INFOGRAPHICS are a fun way to present information, facts, text, and pictures about a topic. *THE BEST INFOGRAPHICS TELL A “STORY” WITH THE INFORMATION PRESENTED.

There are over 3000 genetic disorders that humans may have. Choose one you PICK any 1 topic from this unit to feature on heard about and would like your infographic. to know more about it, or choose one you know runs through a family to learn as WRITE it here: 1. How to directions much as you can. Visit 2. Skeleton Flowchart search Genetic Disorders 1. ______3. Sample Flowchart 4. Tips for Infographics 5. Sample Infographic 6. Grading Guidelines CREATE a skeleton flowchart (this will be your initial draft). *USE the attached sheet “SKELETON FLOWCHART” for this. *INCLUDE your topic, definitions, examples.

CHOOSE your materials.

Paper. Size? *Think BIG! Color? Media. Markers? Colored Pencils? Pens? Adhesive. Tape? Glue? *Contrasting colors make things POP! *Dark paper? Use light colored paper cut- outs. *Light paper? Use dark, bold colors.

CREATE your infographic!

*See Grading Guidelines on last page of this packet.

Armstrong Genetic Disorder Infographic Project Genetic Disorder Infographic Directions Armstrong (Adapted from Mr. AK Sedun with permission) NAME: ______

PD. __ DATE: ______

DIRECTIONS: Create a skeleton flowchart for your infographic using the space below. *Remember: The best infographics tell a story of the information. *TIP: Don't just add information; make sense of your genetic disorder.  Answer the question: “How does knowing more about this topics help a student understand genetic disorders and write about it to share with others?”  Let your answer guide the story you will tell about your topic.

Armstrong Genetic Disorder Infographic Project Genetic Disorder Infographic Directions Armstrong (Adapted from Mr. AK Sedun with permission) NAME: ______

PD. __ DATE: ______

Opening statements. Thesis ARMSTRONG (Answer to Question: “How can me and my family or Infographic Project friends benefit from learning more about this Disorder? Adapted from Mr. Sedun disorder?”

Genetic Disorder

History: Who discovered the disorder, When, How and the frequency of pop affected?

Brief description of the disorder. Gene Affected and Mutation Type (tell what the normal gene does.

Prognosis What is the outcome of someone with this disorder? Ex: Life span? With treatment or not? Conclusion Descriptions (5 facts) &Sources Give at least 5 details for What did you description or symptoms of learn from this the disorder. project that you Treatment/Cures did not know Is there a cure? If not, what before. can help the person to live MLA citations may as normal a life as possible? be attached

Armstrong Genetic Disorder Infographic Project Genetic Disorder Infographic Directions Armstrong (Adapted from Mr. AK Sedun with permission) NAME: ______

PD. __ DATE: ______

*These tips will help you create a successful infographic. *Adapted from “Crafting an Infographic Narrative” by Visual News Blog on Huffington Post online.

ENGAGE readers with interesting title and subtitles.  May use a catchy or punchy title is key (Be sensitive to the disorder). Alliteration, puns, and modifying well-known phrases are often a good place to start. Make sure the title makes sense for your genetic topic. *Your title may change as you create your infographic; that's OK. For subtitles, be clear so readers aren't confused.

TELL a story with the information.  This may be the toughest part. Answer the question: “How does knowing more about this topic help understand disorders?” Your answer becomes the thesis for your topic and infographic. This thesis is really your “story” about why your topic matters to you. Tie together pieces of information about your topic and make these connections clear.

SET the tone. Pyruvate carboxylase deficiency is  It's OK to use a conversational tone in youran writing inherited on the disorder inforgraphic. that causes Write 2-3 sentence introduction for the wholelactic infographic acid and (placeother potentiallynear the toxic top). Then write 1 sentence for each subtitlecompounds or heading to you accumulate include. in the blood. 4 GUIDE readers through graphic in a logical flow.  It's so important readers can clearly follow your information easily. Start with broad, general statements about how writers benefit from knowing more about grammar. Then move to more specific information about your topic. *Build your information toward a logical conclusion about how students benefit from knowing more about your specific genetic disorder .

4 Highlight insights about the information.  Don't assume readers will make connections and understand key insights about your topic. Instead, call out these key takeaways and insights about your genetic disorder. Use bubbles, boxes, stars—anything to draw readers' attention to these insights about the information.

6 Provide a clear conclusion. *Build your information toward a logical conclusion about what genetic disorders are and how knowing more about it benefits you or other families.

Armstrong Genetic Disorder Infographic Project Genetic Disorder Infographic Directions Armstrong (Adapted from Mr. AK Sedun with permission) NAME: ______

PD. __ DATE: ______

Type A, which has been identified mostly in people from North America, has moderately severe symptoms that begin in infancy. 1

1 in 250,000 births worldwide. This condition is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern, which means both copies of the gene in each cell have mutations. The parents of an individual with an autosomal recessive condition each carry one copy of the mutated gene, but they typically do not show signs and symptoms of the condition. is a rare condition, with an estimated incidence of This disorder appears to be much more common in some Algonkian Indian tribes in eastern Canada. GENE AND MUTATION Type A characteristics features include: developmental delay and a buildup of lactic acid in the blood (lactic acidosis). deficiency type A Increased acidity in the blood can lead to vomiting, typically survive only abdominal pain, No cures into early childhood. extreme tiredness (fatigue), muscle weakness, and difficulty breathing I learned that this is a painful condition and usually children don’t survive past early childhood. (Sources on back)

Armstrong Genetic Disorder Infographic Project Genetic Disorder Infographic Directions Armstrong (Adapted from Mr. AK Sedun with permission) NAME: ______

PD. __ DATE: ______*Check the following as you complete your Genetics Infographics Project. RESEARCH ___ 5pts Research from 5 or more reliable school resources, such as Student Resource Center (Gale database), Power Library Resources (Dauphin County Library System), Genetics Home Reference, Human Genome Resources (, University of Utah (or another edu or .org) MAY use General Internet search for history only. All sources are properly cited using MLA formatting. (Available online from LMS Library webpage. Includes Genetic Disorders factfinding worksheet filled out completely handwritten and then typed and uploaded to Moodle

___4 pts Includes 4 resources and most items listed on factfinding worksheet but missing others. Handwritten copy turned in and typed copy Uploaded to Moodle ___ 3pts Includes 3 resources and Missing most or significant items from list above. ___ 2pts Includes 2 resources and missing major facts from factfinding worksheet ____ 1 pt Includes 1resource and missing most major facts from factfinding worksheet Research Subtotal = ______pts X 5 = _____ / 20 pts

SKELETON FLOWCHART ___ 3 pts Includes all of the following: 1 grammar topic from unit list, introductory statements, thesis (single sentence answer to question “How does knowing more about this topic benefit writers?”), definition, accurate examples, insights about topic, and conclusion.

___2pts Include most items listed above but missing others.

___ 1pt Missing most or significant items from list above.

Skeleton Flowchart Subtotal = ___ pts X 5= ___ / 15 pts possible for Skeleton Flowchart

INFOGRAPHIC ___ 3 pts Includes all items listed in Skeleton Flowchart. Size of infographic is large enough to be easily seen from across the room. All text, information, examples, and facts are accurate and clear. Pictures and graphics are relevant to infographic and contribute to overall effect of project.

___2 pts Includes most items listed above but missing others.

___ 1pt Missing most or significant items from list above.

Infographic Subtotal = ___ pts X 5 = ___ / 15 pts possible for Script

*All scores above added = ___ / 50 test pts for total score

Armstrong Genetic Disorder Infographic Project

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