Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Project

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Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Project

Class Melody Project 

Objective: You will create an arrangement of your original melody in an ABA form. You will also include an intro, outro and transitions between sections.

Step 1: Opening Garageband: Open garageband on your desktop by clicking the “guitar” icon  Choose FILE>NEW>NEW PROJECT>LOOPS>CHOOSE>  Save the project as SAMPLE, then click CREATE Note: This is just a sample for you to find loops, not your final project

Step 2: Audition Loops: Using Garageband’s Loop Browser, find loops that fit your song.  In the bottom toolbar, click the Loop Browser button. ______ Find loops in the following categories that would work with your song and write down ON A SEPARATE PIECE OF PAPER o ALL DRUMS (4 loops) o WORLD (2 loops) o FX (2 loops ) o BASS (2 Loops) o STRINGS (2 Loops) o PERCUSSION (2 Loops) o SYNTHS (2 loops)  Once you have found and written down all your loops, quit garageband by pressing ⌘Q, DO NOT SAVE

Step 3: Opening your customized file and Laying out the ABA form.  Make sure you’ve clicked on your desktop in a blank space and log onto the network by pressing: ⌘K  Choose smb://kv-res/users  Click “connect”  You must type in YOUR network name and password.  Navigate to my outbox (Teachers>MRubinli>Outbox)  Find the file with your name on it and double click. (ex. Rubinlicht,

Step 4: Setting Up The ABA Format.  Copy the melody from Track 1 and paste it starting at Measure 9 into Track 2  Go back to Track 1 and paste it into Track 1 starting at Measure 15 --If you have done this correctly, your project will look like this-----

Step 5: Creating the contrast for the B Section  Double click the melody loop (green area) in the B section to reveal the Region Pitch Adjuster /Note changer  Click the icon that says “______SCORE”  You may change notes and/or the pitch of the B section (you may also change the region pitch for the A section, but it cannot be the same as the B section)  Change the individual notes by clicking on the notes and moving your mouse  Change the pitch by finding the pitch slider and slide

Step 6: Inserting loops into your project (A Section Loops)  Open the loop browser ______ Choose the loops you wish to insert Click and drag that loop under the A section area. This will set up a new track.  You may have up to 4 loops for each section. You may use any loop that gives a number of beats in the loop browser, not ones that give time (ex. 12 beats NOT 00:33)  Lengthen loops by placing the mouse in the upper right corner of the loop until you see ______ Crop loops by placing the mouse in the lower right corner of the loop until you see ______ In order to assure that each A section is identical, copy and paste the loops you have chosen to the 2nd A section (starting at Measure 15)

Step 7: Inserting loops into your project (B Section Loops)  Choose the loop(s) you wish to insert (remember the loops must be different from the A section loops). You may use any loop that gives a number of beats in the loop browser, not ones that give time (ex. 12 beats NOT 00:33)  Click and drag that loop into the B section area  You may have up to 4 loops for each section ---If you have done step 6 and 7 correctly, your project will look like this------

Step 8: Creating Intro, Outro and Transitions using various loops.  You should have some space before and after each section Open your Loop Browser and choose from the loops you have written down, that will work for your intro/transition/outro section.  To insert a loop, just click and drag into your project, where it needs to be.

Step 9: Change the instruments for Track 1 and Track 2  Double click the instrument icon in Track 1  Change the instrument from Keyboard to your desired instrument  Repeat process for Track 2 Step 10: Inserting a Master Volume Track and fade out  From the Garageband Menu, select TRACK>SHOW MASTER TRACK  This option allows you to adjust the volume of your whole piece.  You will see a purple line on the bottom of your screen  Click on the line to plot points where you want the fade out to start, you will see a marker placed on the line.  Click another point on the timeline, where you want the fade out to stop, then drag it down.  HINT: DON’T FORGET TO ADJUST THE VOLUME OF YOUR PIECE SO IT SOUNDS BALANCED. I SHOULD ALWAYS HEAR YOUR MELODY!!!

Step 11: ALL THE EXTRAS—Adding Vocals, End Tempo Fade-Out, Sound FX  To change the end tempo: use the same technique that you used to create a master volume, except click master tempo, and create a fade-out the same way you did the volume  To add vocals: (Track>New Track>Real Instrument)  To record vocals: Make sure the vocal track is highlighted, and your headphones are on, then click the record button and sing/speak.  To change vocals effects: double click on the voice track and change the voice.  To use Sound FX: Sound FX should ONLY be used during transitions or outro. Use the Sound FX loops in garageband and insert into project.

---If you have done your project correctly, it will probably look something like this---

Step 12: DOUBLE CHECKING AND Saving Your Work  Use the RUBRIC/CHECKLIST below to make sure you have everything done!  File>Save AS  Save project to your DESKTOP  Save your file as “7th,Your Names, original” ex. 7th,Rubinlicht,Original  Save and Exit out of Garageband  Give Ms. Rubinlicht your computer so she can transfer your project.

RUBRIC/CHECKLISTI EVALUATION POINTS WORTH POINTS EARNED FORM: 25 points o Your project is in ABA form (15 points) o You have an INTRO and OUTRO (5 points) o You have transitions between sections (5 points) LOOPS: 15 points o You have written down the 16 loops you listened to on a separate piece of paper and attached to rubric (5 points) o You have inserted loops (up to 4) for each section (5 points) o The loops for the A and B section are different (5 points) Master Volume Track: 5 points o You have created a fade out in your piece Adjusting your B section: 5 points o You have properly made changes to the melodic material for your B section by using the Region Pitch feature. Volume/Balance: 5 points. o You have adjusted the volume for each track so the entire piece sounds balanced. o You should be able to hear the melodic material of the A and B sections clearly. Saving: 5 points o You have saved your project onto the flash drive correctly

Creativity/Extras: o You have added extra features such as Sound FX, Voice recording, Tempo-Fade-Outs and key changes.

TOTAL: 60 Points

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